C 3 1S1
Vol 9, pp. 1-423, plates 1-7, September, 1921
Introduction 1
Limits of the Sierran region 3
Petrology 4
Topography 8
Climatology 17
Life-zones of the Sierra Nevada 44
Statistical abstract from the Annotated List 60
Key to the families of the Annotated List 66
Annotated List of the species of vascular plants growing within the Boreal
Eegion of the Sierra Nevada — 72
Pteridophyta (Families 1-5) - 72
Spermatophyta (Families 6-51) 81
Gymnospermae (Family 6) 81
Angiospermae (Families 7-57) 88
Monocotyledones (Families 7-15) 88
Dicotyledones (Families 16-57) 148
Choripetalae (Families 16-43) 148
Sympetalae (Families 44-57) 282
List of new names and combinations 408
Literature cited 409
Index .. 417
The present paper constitutes a working flora for the high Sierra
Nevada of California. It has been the intent of the author to present
a list of all the plants now found within the higher portions of the
Sierra with suitable keys for their determination. The reference to
each species or variety includes the authority for the accepted name
and reference to the place of publication together with a synonomy.
There has been no effort to make the synonomy exhaustively inclusive,
only those synonyms being listed which, in the writer's opinion, are
apt to be met in the usually available literature and confused with
the accepted name. Each specific or varietal reference in the list
also includes the "type locality" where the plant was collected from
which the original description was drawn; a statement as to the
geographical range of the plant and one concerning its zonal position
in the Sierra. The citation of all specimens examined by the writer
has not been thought necessary; only those specimens are included
which are believed to have some significance in showing the range of
the plant within the limits of the Sierran region or to which attention
is directed in the notes subjoined to many of the references. Prefixed
to the Annotated List will be found sections descriptive of the geology,
topography, and climatology of the range.
A few words should be added concerning the inception of the study
now in part completed and acknowledgment made of assistance
received from numerous friends. My interest in the plants of the
Sierran region goes back to the time when, for a number of years, I
lived the greater part of each year near the line separating the great
forest belt from the higher mountains and found opportunity from
time to time to make excursions into the summit region. Subsequently
while a student at Stanford University and Assistant in the Dudley
Herbarium, it fell to me to work over the collections made by the late
Professor W. R. Dudley preparatory to their incorporation into the
Herbarium. Dr. L. R. Abrams suggested the possibility of using these
collections as a basis for an extended study of the high mountain floras
of the state. The work then begun required the examination of other
2 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
material than that in the Dudley Herbarium or preserved in the
Herbarium of the University of California. Through the aid of the
Harvard Club of San Francisco, I was enabled to spend a year and
a half in Cambridge, working principally at the Gray Herbarium,
where the types of many Californian and other western species are
preserved. While at Cambridge, I had constant aid from Professor
M. L. Fernald both in the critical examination of material and con-
cerning questions of nomenclature ; to his unfailing readiness to help
much of whatever merit this paper may possess is due. At the same
time, Dr. B. L. Robinson and Miss M. A. Day generously aided me
in every way possible, besides affording me free access to the collec-
tions in their charge. While in the east, I was also enabled to visit
the collections at the New York Botanic Garden and at the National
Herbarium, in Washington. After returning to the Pacific Coast,
residence at the University of California has permitted more detailed
examination of the material in the Herbarium of the University,
especially of the collections made by Dr. H. M. Hall and by Mr. and
Mrs. Brandegee, and has afforded opportunity as well for conferences
with them concerning localities, ranges, and special phases of the prob-
lems connected with the Sierran flora. While at Berkeley, I have also
had the advantage of consultation with Professor W. A. Setchell and
Professor W. L. Jepson, the latter loaning me material from his
private collection. To all of the above named persons, and to Drs.
D. H. Campbell and G. J. Peirce, of Stanford University, my warmest
thanks are due and extended, as well as to a number of other botanists,
and to friends living near the region the plant life of which is here
The field work carried out in connection with the present report
has involved visits of varying duration to several sections of the range,
both for collecting material for herbarium study and for making'' field
examination of the vegetation of selected parts of the range. The
first of this series of visits was made in the summer of 1911 and the
last in 1917. All sections of the Sierra Nevada have been visited
except the extreme north in Plumas County, the Kern River region
of Tulare County, and the eastern flank of the southern Sierra west
of Owens Valley.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California
California may be divided into six major provinces of which the
Sierra Nevada region is the second in size. The boundaries of these
divisions are not sharply defined, even the most clearly marked and
largest division, the Great Central Valley, rising gently to the north
and passing into the rolling foothills of the Klamath and Cascade
mountain systems. Of the other provinces, the Sierran region is the
best defined, being clearly limited on the west by the central valley
and on the east by the fault lines which are the chief structural
features of the range. The north and south limits are more or less
arbitrary: at the north the metamorphosed sediments of the Sierra
are seen to pass beneath the lavas of Lassen Peak just beyond the
North Fork of Feather River and this stream may be adopted as the
northern limit of the region-.1 At the south the normally horizontal
Tertiary strata of the Sierra meet the folded sediments of like age
belonging to the Coast Range at Tejon Pass, and this line of contact,
which has been regarded as a fault, is generally accepted as the
southern boundary.2
The distance between these limits is about 370 miles in a northwest-
southeast line extending from the fortieth to the thirty-fifth parallel.
In width the Sierran region is quite unif onn : the distance from the
Sacramento Valley on the west to Honey Lake, lying at the foot of
the east slope in Lassen County, is about 80 miles, while near the
southern end, the distance across the range, through the High Sierra,
from the foothills bordering the valley of the San Joaquin east of
Tulare Lake to Owens Valley, is nearly 70 miles. The rectangular
region so defined has a base area of about 28,000 square miles.
The heights of the several crests of the range vary from 6,000 to
8,000 feet at the north and south limits to over 13,000 feet in the
High Sierra, the average height of the watershed being approximately
9,500 feet. The ratio of the superficial area to the base area appears
never to have been estimated and varies considerably in different parts
of the range; in the mountains to the south of Yosemite Valley, a
region of bold relief, the surface is comparable in ruggedness to that
of the Alps and may exceed the base area by 60 to 100 per cent.
Nearly all of the area covered by the present report lies above the
6,500-foot contour line, with which, in the north, the lower limit of th«-
4 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Canadian element in the boreal flora of the Sierra roughly coincides.
All of the region lies within the State of California save the Carson
Range just east of Lake Tahoe.
Both sedimentary and igneous rocks are included in that part of
the Sierra Nevada which is inhabited by the boreal flora.
The sedimentaries are now reduced to isolated fragments of what
was once probably a continuous terrane beneath which the intrusive
magmas were irrupted. Most of the sediments date from paleozoic
and early mesozoic time and are now for the most part metamorphosed
to slates and schists. They are most abundant in the north, decreasing
in amount southward as the general height of the range rises, and
becoming restricted, in the high mountains, to the crests and summits
save at a few exceptional stations where they appear to have formed
massive blocks which sank in the still unconsolidated magma and have
so been preserved from the extreme disintegration to which similar
rocks at higher and more exposed situations have been subjected.
Included in the sedimentary rocks are shales, sandstones, lime-
stones, and extensive areas of altered clastic rocks : schists, slates, and
quartzites. The strike of the beds conforms to the trend of the range,
that is, from northwest to southeast, but the dip varies. While in the
Sierra as a whole the beds dip to the east, and generally at angles
between 40 and 90 degrees,3 in particular districts the dip is in
the opposite direction, as at Mineral King in the mountains west of
Mt. Whitney, where the beds dip to the southwest at an angle of
85 degrees.4 The angle of dip has an important bearing on rock
The shales and their metamorphic products, slates and schists,
contain pyrite which stains the outcrops in tones of red and yellow
brown, causing them to stand out in contrast with the prevailing rock
tint given to the higher mountains by the light colored granitic rock.
In some places the slates are highly silicious, becoming converted to
cherty rocks. In the valley of Fallen Leaf Creek, west of Lake Tahoe,
there are exposures of dark colored banded silicious slates dipping
nearly vertically. On the east face of Mt. Tallac and farther west on
Jacks Peak, these same rocks appear. To the west and northwest of
Lake Tahoe similar rocks are exposed, changed in places to schists
Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada, of California 5
carrying abundant mica, as on the northeast side of Ward Peak. In
the region between the upper Tuolumne and the headwaters of Kings
River, slate forms the summits of many of the higher peaks, as Mt.
Lyell, and covers a considerable area west of the Sierra crest in the
high mountains of Fresno County. Mt. Goddard and peaks to the
west are of slate.5 In the southern Sierra, slates and phyllites
occur about Mineral King, Tulare County, in a belt some two miles
wide and fourteen long. Kaweah Peaks, the highest summits west
of the main crest in Tulare County, include the largest group of meta-
morphic sediments in the southern section of the range.6
Sandstones and quartzites are often found interbedded with the
shales and slates but sometimes form isolated patches; the summit
of Mt. Dana is a sandstone though the bulk of the mountain is slate
and altered lava.7 Quartzitic rocks occur in the Tahoe region near
Suzy Lake and on the headwaters of Rubicon River in Rockbound
Valley.8 Quartz porphyry is exposed in the Mineral King region at
8500 feet elevation.4
Limestone is a rare rock in that part of the Sierra the plant
population of which is considered in this report, but is found in lenses
of varying size both in the northern and southern sections of the
The magmatic rocks of the Sierra Nevada include both intrusives
and extrusives, the former being vastly in excess both in area exposed
and in absolute amount. The intrusive rocks constitute the batho-
lithic core of the range and were probably once completely overlain
by the sedimentaries. The stratified rocks have now been reduced
by erosion to a relatively small amount, exposing the granitic rocks
which form far the larger part of the surface of the higher mountains,
the region inhabited by the boreal flora,
The Sierran batholith contains several well defined rock species
of granitoid type varying from normal granite to gabbro, its largest
constituent being a rock of intermediate character between granite
and diorite, known as granodiorite. This is the prevailing rock in a
broad belt from Genessee Valley, in Plumas County, southward to
the headwaters of Kings and Kern rivers. Granodiorite, as stated
by Lindgren," is distinguished mineralogically by having its soda-
lime feldspar at least equal to twice the alkali feldspar. Analyses10
of samples from different parts of the range indicate that this preva-
lent rock species maintains a fairly constant character throughout
the Sierra. The analyses show the relation to granite and diorite,
6 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
the two most nearly allied rock types; though less silicious than true
granite, with respect to the silica content, it is distinctly nearer to
granite than to diorite and, of course, still less resembles gabbro. The
lime (CaO) content is high for a granitoid rock though here again
granodiorite more nearly approaches true granite than the more basic
plutonics. In color granodiorite is of a light gray tone varying accord-
ing to the changing per cent of hornblende and biotite. The structure
is medium to coarse-grained and crumbles easily to a coarse light
yellowish-gray sand.
Associated locally in the north with the granodiorite is a rock
approaching normal granite, granitite or biotite granite. In the north-
ern section of the range, this rock is confined to the higher ridges
and summits ; in the southern Sierra it becomes more widely developed,
and granodiorite is reduced in amount. The structure of the rock
is coarse on account of the usually large alkali feldspar crystals. A
large part of the Pyramid Peak Range, west of Lake Tahoe, is com-
posed of this coarse granite. The immense sand slopes on the east
side of Angora Peak, in the same district, have been formed by its
decay. A large part of the crest about the headwaters of the
Tuolumne and northward from Mt. Conness to the ridges about High-
land Lakes and the Blue Lakes, in Alpine County, is composed of
this coarse granite.11 The same variety is found on the slopes of
Mt. Whitney, the orthoclase prisms becoming 8 to 9 cm. long12; else-
where in the country between Kern Caiion and the crest there is
found a similar porphyritic granitite with pale flesh-colored crystals
of orthoclase averaging 4 cm. in length over wide areas.0 The fresh
rock is harder and firmer in texture than the granodiorite, and the
outcrops are more highly colored with iron stain.
Other granitic rocks of the high mountains include diorite, a dark
green, medium to coarse-grained rock composed of green hornblende,
a little black mica, and white soda-lime feldspar. Dioritic areas are
not extensive but by no means uncommon, especially in the northern
half of the range. The most basic of the intrusive rocks of the Sierra
occurring in any quantity is gabbro ; it is found in small patches, the
total area of the gabbro exposures being vani shingly small as compared
with the diorite, the least abundant of the rock types so far mentioned.
Rocks derived from extruded magmas still cover large areas in
the north and on the western flank of the Sierra; in the southern
mountains such rocks are less abundant within the high mountain
region though present in certain districts. As is well known there
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 1
appears to be a definite succession for the lavas which produced these
volcanics. Ehyolitic flows preceded the more abundant andesitic
extrusions, with basaltic lavas as the last member of the series.
Residual portions of these consolidated lavas are to be found in the
higher mountains capping the granite and sedimentaries. As a result
of the sequence of the extrusions, the older lava rocks were buried
beneath later products of eruption and become exposed as erosion
removes the younger rocks. The soils derived from the weathering
of these volcanics appear in bands along the sides of the valleys or
encircle the summits in bands of irregular width.
Rhyolite, as it appears in the Sierra, is a light colored gray or
pinkish rock, usually of fine grain but occasionally becoming vesicular ;
it is most abundant as a surface soil-forming rock in the central part
of the range, as in northern Placer County about Soda Springs and
Summit Valley, where it forms the country-rock over considerable
areas. Andesite and andesitic breccias are present in greater amount
than the rhyolite, which they overlie ; they are present throughout
the range and form the country-rock west and southwest of Lake
Tahoe and also in the southern Sierra on the east slope of the range
near the headwaters of Owens River. Andesite is reported12 to be
the surface rock of the crest between Owens River and the head of
the North Fork of the San Joaquin. Near Mineral King large bodies
of sheared andesite occur on Crystal Creek at 10,000 feet elevation.4
In color andesite varies from dark gray to reddish. Like rhyolite, the
andesite may be vesicular and in this condition weathers more readily
than when fine grained; the breccias naturally weather more rapidly
than the massive rock. Basalt is widespread in the Sierra and ex-
posures are known in all sections of the range from Plumas County
(Mt. Ingalls) to Tulare County, where the most recent extrusions
appear to have taken place.13 Basalt is generally darker and more
compact than either rhyolite or andesite but in places becomes vesicu-
lar or scoriaceous.
In many places within the higher mountains there are surface rocks
derived from lava rocks or tuffs through changes subsequent to solidi-
fication or deposition. Turner2 believed that "it is now plain that
the chief part of the rocks laid down on the geologic map as porphyrite
and amphibolite schist are altered forms of original surface lavas and
tuffs corresponding to modern basalts and andesites." Other alter-
ation products of igneous rocks present in the Sierras include some
serpentine, which is found on the crest of the Grizzly Mountains in
Plumas County, and also on the Dardenelles in Alpine County.3' 15
8 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
A feature of high mountain rocks which has a most important
bearing on their disintegration, and also on the vegetation growing
on them, is the jointage. Over wide areas all the rocks will be found
jointed, the slates and schists more minutely than the granites. In
other places the granite appears perfectly massive. The joint planes
sometimes appear to be in systems, coinciding in direction and angle
over several square miles; in other places no such regularity can be
made out. On the high summits and on the walls of cirques the rock
is apt to be jointed in three planes, the whole being divided up into
more or less cubical blocks, which are often freely movable on the
exposed peaks and aretes. Becker15 noted in the region north of
Yosemite, where horizontal jointage predominates, that the granite
mountains appeared somewhat terraced ; in his opinion the fissures are
really minute faults. In the Yosemite region Matthes10 finds distinct
areas of massive and jointed granites. On the south slope of Mt.
Raymond, Madera County, the coarse-grained granodiorite is so regu-
larly jointed that the blocks appear as if squared for rough masonry.
On Kuna Crest, above Tuolumne Meadows, in the Yosemite district,
the granodiorite is also regularly jointed. (See plates 1 and 3, show-
ing jointage.)
While the present surface of the boreal region of the Sierra is
highly diversified, in this complexity of topographic form are certain
indications of a general symmetry. Viewed from a distance the in-
equalities appear to blend into fairly regular contours ; plate 1 shows
the summit region of the southern Sierra. This feature of jthe high
Sierran topography has been studied in detail by Lawson6 for the
southern Sierra of Tulare County, and by Lindgren17 and Reid18 for
the Tahoe district; the results of their investigations indicate an old
erosion surface. Above this surface the highest summits of the exist-
ing range projected as a range of low mountains. With the pro-
gressive elevation of the region along the eastern margin, the result
of movement along the fault lines differentiating the Sierra from the
* The following maps ("quadrangles"), issued by the United States Geo-
logical Survey, cover the region considered in this paper. The sequence is from
north to south. 1, Lassen Peak; 2, Honey Lake; 3, Bidwell Bar; 4, Downieville;
5, Sierraville; 6, Coif ax; 7, Truckee; 8, Pyramid Peak; 9, Carson; 10, Marklee-
ville; 11, Dardanelles; 12, Bridgeport; 13, Yosemite; 14, Mt. Lyell; 15, Mariposa;
16, Mt. Morrison; 17, Kaiser; 18, Mt. Goddard; 19, Tehipite; 20, Bishop; 21,
Mt. Whitney; 22, Kaweah; 23, Olancha.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 9
Great Basin, the rivers were rejuvenated and deep canons trenched
in the old plateau. The period of alpine glaciation in the Pleistocene
widened many of these valleys in the higher mountains, giving to them
the characteristic U-shape of glaciated valleys, and deepened the
heads of these valleys by cirque cutting into the divides. The details
of the surface now seen in the high Sierra Nevada are the results of
this process of weathering and erosion upon the several terranes
constituting the surface. The rock species weather differentially.
The small areas yet remaining in the high mountains of the early
Mesozoic sedimentaries offer the most bizarre topographic forms,
their minutely jointed and faulted condition making them peculiarly
subject to the alpine erosional factors. Since, for the most part, they
lie along or near the higher crests, many of the sharpest pinnacles and
thinnest aretes are formed of these vestigial metamorphosed sedi-
ments; Mt, Ritter (13,096 feet), Red-and- white Peak (12,840 feet),
the Palisades (14,000 feet), are conspicuous examples of many true
dents along the crest. About their bases are slopes of scarcely altered
rock debris of fairly uniform size, 2 to 3 inches in diameter.
Vastly more important in the topography are the granodiorite and
granite areas. The latter rock disintegrates more abruptly than the
granodiorite because of the usually coarse macrocrystalline texture.
The rock becomes friable, crumbling to sand in which nearly fresh
crystals of quartz and feldspar may be found. The resulting sand-
slopes are a constant feature in the granite localities about Lake Tahoe
and above Yosemite Valley, and Knopf and Thelen report the same
thing for the Mineral King district in the southern Sierra. In cross-
ing these slopes one sinks deeply. Since the fragments often lie at
the angle of repose for such material, it is easy to start small slides
which carry downward many of the plants found growing in such
places. The upper reaches of these slopes are excessively dry and
sterile, the large size of the constituent particles causing the pore space
to be too great for capillarity to overcome. "Water falling on the
surface immediately sinks; there is no run-off in even the hardest
showers. This absorptive quality of the upper reaches, with the
attendant leaching effect, causes the lower levels to support a rich
and varied flora of distinctly mesophytic shrubs and herbs, while at
the bases marsh conditions may prevail
The principal rock species of the range, granodiorite, is differ-
entially affected by the forces of weathering accordingly as it is jointed
or massive. The jointed rock is easily attacked by the erosional agents
10 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
along the lines of fracture, becoming divided to a varying depth into
more or less cubical masses. If the rise is abrupt, these in time fall
from place and become aggregated into talus slopes at the foot of the
cliff. In many places such talus slopes rise nearly to the summits and
support a characteristic vegetation. Where the granodiorite is massive
weathering is mainly a process of exfoliation producing rounded sum-
mits;19 this is the origin of the many dome-like summits found in
the higher mountains. Lambert's Dome, on the upper Tuolumne,
Fresno Dome near Mt. Raymond, and Ralston Dome near Lake Tahoe
(plates 6, 7), with surfaces bare of all vegetation except crustose
lichens, are typical of many Sierraii summits. Though theoretically
the granodiorite should disintegrate faster than the granite because
of its larger content of mica and soda-lime feldspar, the coarser texture
of the granite makes this rock the weaker. This relationship of
texture to weathering depends upon one important character of alpine
rock decay : the dominance of mechanical over chemical forces at high
altitudes. Solution plays a subordinate part because of the relative
deficiency of water and carbon dioxide and of the lower temperature.
On the other hand, temperature changes in the higher mountains are
both of considerable range and frequent in time; the consequent
expansion and contraction quickly shatters a macrocrystalline rock.
Where water can penetrate the rock, as between mica foils, the dis-
ruptive freezing becomes especially effective.
The rocks derived from extrusive magmas — rhyolites, andesites,
basalts — show the effect of these stresses; areas of andesite are char-
acterized by heaps of conchoidal sharply angular stones riven by freez-
ing from the parent rock and often cast for a distance of two or three
feet.20 Such debris frequently form a true shingle, the fragments
overlapping each other and excluding all vegetation formed of higher
plants, as on the east slope of Mt. Tallac.
Topographic form depends upon three factors: the character of
the rocks, their position or structure, arid the subsequent changes
induced by weathering and erosion. The characters of the high moun-
tain rock species in the Sierra have been indicated; since the mass
of the sedimentaries as compared to that of the magmatic rocks is so
small, the Sierra Nevada is properly considered as a range composed
of igneous rock. This description is all the more true when reference
is made to the region considered in this report. As a consequence
the high mountain region is practically devoid of that type of struc-
ture produced by bedded rocks; nevertheless its structure is one of
the most interesting features of the geology of the Sierra.
Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California, 11
Sierran structure is determined by faulting and a number of well
denned fault lines have been detected and traced for many miles, while
other lines of displacement are suspected to exist. The fault lines
trend northwest to southeast with displacement of varying amount.
"West of Owens Valley the total movement is thought to be not less than
10 — 11,000 feet ;21 the displacement is less in the north, amounting to
some 3,000 feet in Plumas County.22 In the Tahoe region there are
three main lines of faulting, the two east and west of the Carson Range
and the one on the west side of Lake Tahoe.17 In addition to the great
fault lines, there are within the range topographic details interpreted
as the result of minor displacements.15 Sierran faulting is of normal
type, with small hade, large throw, and bold escarpments. Since, in
addition to faulting, the region has also been revolved slightly on its
long axis, the areas west of the fault plane are now tipped to the west
and we find, almost without exception, that the west and southwest
sides of elevations are of easy ascent compared to the more pre-
cipitous east and northeast sides. This structure and accompanying
topography affect the vegetation, particularly that of the highest
mountains, for this tilting of the range brings the surfaces near the
crest line into the position most favorable for insolation, with its
accompanying higher temperatures of both air and soil, and also for
rainfall (compare rainfall of Fordyce and Tahoe on opposite sides
of the Tahoe fault). It is true that not faulting only is responsible
for the relatively low gradients of west and southwest as compared
to east and northeast sides of elevations. These steeper sides unques-
tionably owe something of their greater abruptness to the fact that,
as the leeward sides, the snow of winter drifts more deeply there while
the opposite sides may be swept nearly bare. This deeper accumula-
tion of snow, coupled with less melting because of lessened insolation,
produced larger glaciers which cut their cirques deeper into the lee
side of the ridges and summits. Today the only Sierran glaciers are
on these protected slopes.
All the high mountain region has been more or less profoundly
modified by the Pleistocene glaciation. Within that region the evi-
dences of ice action are everywhere present. In the early period of
the study of Sierran geology it was generally believed that this
glaciation was much more severe than later investigations have shown
to be the case. In the extreme north Diller23 and Turner24 found but
slight evidences of glacial ice, as might be inferred from the relatively
low altitude of the Sierra in Plumas County. Widespread evidences
12 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
of glacial action are not found till the region of Gold Lake is reached
in Sierra County. From this point southward to the Middle Kern,
glacial phenomena give the tone to the high mountains.
The Sierran glaciers were, as a rule, controlled by the topography.
In the Grizzly Mountains of Plumas County, Turner found evidences
of the former existence of glaciers on eastern slopes but none on west-
ern or southern slopes. In the high Sierra of Tulare County, Lawson6
noted that all evidence pointed to an ice control "entirely of an
Alpine type." In the district between Yosemite Valley and Lake
Tahoe there was some approach to the continental type of glaciation
with a summit neve-field sending glaciers down both flanks, but even
here the highest summits remained above the ice. In the central Sierra
both altitude and rainfall were sufficient to send tongues of ice down
the valleys on the western slope to about 4,000 feet, and on the eastern
to 6,000 feet. In the southern section the lower level reached by the
ice at Mineral King was about 7,000 feet.4 In Kern Canon the trunk
glacier ended just below the mouth of Coyote Creek at 6,450 feet.6 It
should be noted that these tongues of ice within the valleys reached far
lower levels than the general glaciation and were able to reach such low
altitudes only because of the great extent of the high mountain catch-
ment areas; where such areas did not exist, the lower limit reached
by the ice is less distant from the summits ; in Plumas County Turner24
found on the northeast slope of Grizzly Hill glacial debris somewhat
below 6,000 feet, though the summit of Grizzly Hill, the highest point
nearby, is but 6,424 feet. With the exception of some debris in Bucks
Valley not recognized as certainly glacial, this Grizzly Hill glacier
had the least elevation of any glacier known to Turner to have existed
in the Sierra during glacial time. In other words, at the northern
limit of the Sierra the ice failed to reach as low as in the central part
of the range and but little lower than in the extreme south. On the
main Sierran crest, Cirque Peak, ten miles south of Mt. Whitney, is
the most southern point showing signs of glaciation.6* On the eastern
flank glacial phenomena are of much less magnitude.
The topographic forms produced in the Sierra in this period of
alpine glaciation are similar to those seen in other regions which have
been subject to the same type of ice control. The upland surfaces
were denuded of their soil and reduced in extent by cirque cutting
* This for a long time was thought to be the most southern point showing
glacial traces on the Pacific Coast. Recently certain obscure topographic forms
on the north slope of the San Bernardino Mountains above 8500 feet have been
referred to glacial ice,26 a conclusion not concurred in by others who have examined
the same region.2?
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra, Nevada of California 13
at their periphery. In many places along the crests two cirques at
the heads of glaciers moving normal to the divide have intersected
and produced a col. The debris thus removed was deposited in the
great moraines lying at from 5,000 to 7,000 feet, on the lower edge of
the boreal region. These moraines are generally sharp-crested, of very
regular contour, and often of huge size. The moraines of the Fallen
Leaf Glacier southwest of Lake Tahoe are 1,500 feet high and three
miles long. Morainal deposits also occur in the higher regions, fre-
quently as ground moraine filling the bottoms of the high lying valleys,
as in the valley of the Tuolumne at Tuolumne Meadows. The morainal
matter is composed of coarse sand, cobblestones, and angular rock
fragments loosely compacted to porous soil. Much of the surface from
which this debris was taken now lies absolutely bare of soil, forming
true rock deserts. "Above this (morainal zone) extend vast stretches
of bare rock surfaces, dazzling white smooth outcrops of granodiorite
and reddish-brown slate areas."25 These denuded rock surfaces un-
doubtedly explain in part the relative poverty of the Sierra in the
true ' ' alps, ' ' such as distinguish the Swiss mountains or may be found
in the mountains of Washington and British Columbia. Plate 4 shows
a typical glaciated valley in the central Sierra west of Lake Tahoe.
Glacial phenomena in the higher Sierra Nevada are characterized
by their fresh, scarcely altered appearance ; the rock surfaces preserve
their striae sharp and distinct and even so superficial a character as
glacial polish is only beginning to disappear. Many years ago Rus-
sell28 observed that the balance between the conditions favoring the
formation of glaciers and those causing them to disappear is, in the
region about Lake Mono, in nice adjustment. A slight alteration in
the present climate would again cause the valleys to become filled with
glacial ice, for to him it appeared probable that at no time in the
glacial epoch could the climate of the Sierra have been of really arctic
type. The glaciers were always controlled by the topography and
the difference between the temperatures of the sun and shade sides
of the ridges was, in his opinion, too small to cause such a control
had the climate been truly arctic. A few years later G. F. Becker15
called attention to the probable shortness of the time which has elapsed
in California since the end of the Sierran glacial age : ' ' The period
which has elapsed in California since the glaciers disappeared is a
very brief one and the canon erosion has no doubt been correspond-
ingly small." Professor A. C. Lawson6 says that very late in Quater-
nary +ime an epoch of alpine glaciation occurred in the Sierras and
14 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
he considered 1,000 years to be a reasonable estimate of the time which
passed since the ice left the basin of the Upper Kern. 0. H. Hershey29
has stated that in his opinion Sierran glaciation must have been
short and comparatively recent, interesting for its alpine features
but insignificant in the matter of geological time: "In the Klamath
region, I have not seen a trace of any glacial action older than the
Wisconsin epoch and I have not heard of anything in the Sierra
Nevada region which can be referred to the lowan or any older glacial
epoch." More recently, F. E. Matthes30 has described the fresh
appearance of the glacial evidences in the Yosemite district : ' ' It seems
as if it were only yesterday that the ice had left them. Fresh and
unweathered, like new quarries, are the cirque walls, while smooth,
glassy 'glacier polish,' the result of long-continued grinding and
'sand-papering' by the debris-laden ice, still shines upon their bare
rock floors." Matthes considers Sierran glaciation to have been
recurrent, the last phase but recently ended: "Indeed, in one sense
it has not ended yet, for on the Sierra crest a few small ice bodies
still hold their own. The uppermost cirques, there is good reason for
believing, have only just been released from the dominion of the ice,
but the lower canyons have been free for a considerable lapse of time
and subject to normal weathering and stream erosion. ' '
Glacial scour and deposition produced such profound changes in
the drainage that today the boreal region is preeminently a lake dis-
trict. These bodies of water are of all sizes from mere pools but a
few yards across to lakes several miles in length. They were long
ago28 divided into two classes : (a ) those retained by moraines, and,
(&) those occupying rock basins. The morainal lakes, for the most
part, lie in and below the Canadian life-zone. The smaller rock
basins are characteristic of the higher levels. The morainal lakes
are being rapidly invaded by vegetation and changed into meadows
onto which the forest advances, while the rock basins are nearly barren
of plant life and are being very slowly filled. Around the lakelets
of the higher region are usually found narrow beaches of white sand
and just beyond the characteristic ' ' rock-ramparts" formed of boulders
of all sizes and walling in the basin. The relative immunity of the
rock basins from plant invasion seems to depend in part upon the
forces which form the rampart. The high mountain lakes freeze and
thaw repeatedly during the year. After an ice cover has formed over
the water, a sharp drop in temperature will cause the ice to contract
and split, the cracks become filled with water from below and this
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 15
water on freezing expands, causing lateral thrust upon the shores.
The result of many such temperature changes is to drag the rocks
upon the bottom or sides of the basin and ultimately shove them upon
the beach.31 This process impedes the development of higher plant
life within the zone of drag. There is reason to think that the moun-
tain lakes affect the local climates, a subject considered later.
The high mountain lakes are the catchment basins from which
issue the brooks that unite to form the many rivers draining the boreal
region. The drainage of the High Sierra may be divided into the
channel drainage, which prevails below tree-line, and the surface
drainage characteristic of the true alpine zone. In that zone the
surface of the ground during spring and early summer is, as a rule,
wet. The water derived from the snow-cover spreads out in the
shallow soil or trickles over the rocks and this condition of saturation
persists till the drifts are melted. Very gradually this percolating
water is gathered into small rills that feed the lakes and form the
sources of the great rivers of lower levels. With the disappearance
of the snow-cover a complete change is effected ; the shallow soil soon
dries out, the small vernal pools disappear, and a period of aridity
ensues only slightly ameliorated by the frequent light summer showers.
The vegetation in this alpine zone is then subject to a wet and cold
vernal period followed by a dry aestival phase. Near tree-line are
the beginnings of definite water channels. The high gradient of the
boreal region reduces all streams to typical mountain torrents broken
by cascades and rapids.
Though mention has been made of a long axis of the Sierran region
about which the whole range has been slightly revolved, there is no
single crest-line throughout the summit region. In the north in
Plumas County the range has three crests. The western crest runs
from Bucks Mountain (7,231 feet) and Mt. Pleasant (7,111 feet)
through Spanish Peak (7,047 feet) with a crest continuously above
6,500 feet ; southeast from Spanish Peak the ridge line lowers, being
below 5,000 feet for ten miles before reaching Clermont Hill (7,014
feet). Here the Middle Fork of Feather River cuts through this axis,
which has its prolongation southward in the ridge, continuously rising
to or above the 6,500-foot contour line that runs from the head of
Camp Creek through Eureka Peak (7,490 feet) and Mt. Elwell (7,846
feet) to Sierra Buttes (8,615 feet). Between Clermont Hill and the
northwest end of this Camp Creek-Sierra Buttes crest, the gap below
the .6,500-foot contour is approximately nine miles wide. To the
16 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
southwest of this interrupted height of land stretching from Bucks
Mountain to Sierra Buttes there are a number of distinct summits and
ridges rising to or above 6,500 feet — the very irregular crest north
and east of Onion Valley and curving southeast to include Pilot Peak
(7,505 feet) and Blue Nose Mountain (7,300 feet) ; the high ridges
about Mt. Fillmore (7,816 feet) and Rattlesnake Peak (7,000 feet)—
but they are separated by gaps of varying width and depression.
The second of these north Sierran crests begins with Houghs Peak
(7,254 feet) and continues south through the Grizzly Mountains to
Grizzly Peak (7,578 feet) with westerly offshoots to Mt. Jackson
(6,625 feet) and Penman Peak (7,280 feet), south of which the
upper Middle Fork of Feather River cuts through to its head in
Sierra Valley. The third of the crest-lines is that which curves from
Mountain Meadows through the summit of Diamond Mountain (7,000
feet) and Thompson Peak (7,752 feet), running southeast past Honey
Lake and including McKesick Peak (7,083 feet) and Adams Peak
(8,200 feet). This third crest has a higher crest-line than either of
the other two but breaks down to below the 5,000-foot contour at Beck-
with Pass, where a gap of ten miles separates the 6,500-foot contours
on the north and south sides of the pass.
Of these crest-lines only the first may be said to be continuous
with the high mountain region west of Lake Tahoe and this is inter-
sected by the deep but narrow canon of the North Fork of North Fork
Yuba River. It has some significance for the study of the route by
which the " Glazialpflanzen " invaded the Sierras that only on the
northeast flank of this ridge are there well defined and extensive
glacial deposits comparable to those found in the mountains of Nevada
County and to the southward.
The discontinuity in the high level surface at the north of the
range may have a bearing upon the colonization of the Sierra by rep-
resentatives of the boreal flora; within the range itself, once the
elevated region west of Lake Tahoe had been reached, these elements
were less hindered in their gradual occupation of the country yet the
progressive falling off in the number of species with high northern
affinities seen in going from north to south suggests that within the
range other gaps may occur across which the advance southward has
been difficult. These gaps, in addition to whatever significance may
attach to them in the study of plant distribution, are of interest to
all who traverse the higher mountains, since advantage is taken of
them to pass the divides and on the maps of the region they appear
1921] Smiley: Flora, of the Sierra Nevada of California 17
as passes, as Dormer Pass, Tioga Pass. These places where the con-
tinuity of the summit region is interrupted are numerous but to only
a few can much significance be reasonably ascribed as barriers to plant
invasion from the north. The first depression which seems significant
is that through which the railroad passes from Sacramento to Truckee
(Donner Pass, 7,000 feet) ; a number of forms present in the northern
Sierra do not appear to the southward. The second of these possibly
significant depressions occurs about 120 miles to the southeast, inter-
secting the summit east of Yosemite Valley; Tioga Pass, 9,941 feet,
breaks the continuity of the arctic-alpine life-zone for a distance
of about three miles. The last gap reasonably to be considered as
effective in this connection is some 25 miles southeast of Tioga Pass.
This last pass has not been visited by me but Professor J. N. Le Conte
describes32 the High Sierra breaking down completely at Mammoth
Pass (9,350 feet), where the crest consists of rolling hills and the
forest belt crosses the range for a space of 20 miles.
The data bearing upon the climate of the higher Sierra, and
especially of the region included within the limits of this report, are
still so fragmentary that only general statements are warranted. The
section across the range, through which the Central Pacific Eailroad
passes, has been longest studied and its central position permits cer-
tain general conclusions to be drawn concerning the climate of the
Sierra as a whole. In very recent years there has been an increasing
interest in the climate of the California mountains and numerous
stations of record have been established.
The climate of the Sierra is conditioned by its northwest-southeast
trend across the track of the winds blowing from the Pacific. All
elements of its climate are effected by this geographic position.
The area whose vegetation is here considered is surrounded on all
sides by districts of much lower altitude and quite different tempera-
tures. Within the high mountain region of the Sierra the similarities
and contrasts in temperature follow as a consequence of its position
18 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
paralleling the Pacific. The recorded temperatures of La Porte, in
Plumas County, near the northern limit of the region, and of Sum-
merdale, Mariposa County, in the southern half, are in close agree-
ment (table 1). These stations are both well up in the Transition
Zone. In the central Sierra, Cisco and Truckee are stations twenty
miles apart but on opposite sides of the divide (table 2). An inspec-
tion of these curves indicates that north and south distance has but
little influence on the local temperature; the northern station has a
slightly lower mean monthly temperature throughout the year and
monthly extremes a little below those of Summerdale. On the other
hand, location on opposite flanks of the range shows a marked differ-
ence in the monthly extremes and a significant difference in the yearly
means; Truckee is subject to winter minima far below the minima
at Cisco, and to summer maxima exceeding those at the western
station. The same relation is seen to exist between the temperatures
at Tamarack and Bodie (table 3).
While very low minima or high maxima are not common in the
Sierra Nevada, they are by no means unknown. Above the transition
zone, minimum temperatures comparable to winter temperatures in
the eastern United States are recorded from some district of the Sierra
every season. The tables show the recorded extremes for a period
sufficiently long to give some conception of the probable range. Data
about winter minima from the very high mountain region are avail-
able from only three points. On Mt. Rose,33 10,800 feet, the highest
but one of the peaks in the Carson Range, during the years 1905-06,
1906-07, instruments recorded a minimum for the first year of
-5°F.; for the second, --10°F. On Mt. Lyell, 13,090 feet, a
minimum thermometer was left for two years — July 1897 to July
1899.34 The lowest temperature for the first winter was — 13.6°, and
for the next, — 17.6° F. On the summit of Mt. Whitney,35 maximum
and minimum thermometers left in September, 1909, showed a record
of 55° and — 23°, respectively, when read on May 24, 1910. They
were reset on September 26, 1912 and by the following spring, a
maximum of 65° and a minimum of -- 35° had been recorded. The
data given in the temperature tables show that minima, comparable
to these from the highest peaks, are annual or nearly so, at Tamarack
and Bodie, some four to six thousand feet nearer sea level.
The daily range of temperature in the High Sierra appears, from
the data at hand, to be considerably less than has been reported from
other similar regions in different parts of the world. A comparison
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of Calif orma 19
of the local climates of Summit (7,017 feet) and of Tamarack (8,000
feet), made for the purpose of determining what effect a difference
of 1,000 feet might have on temperature, disclosed that for the period
of record, eight years, the greatest daily range of temperature observed
in each month was as follows (data arranged in the order of months
from the first of the year) :
Summit 35 46 31 30 39 43 47 48 48 50 45 42
Tamarack 64 64 54 58 46 50 47 48 58 54 48 52
There are a few observations which tend to show that the daily
range of temperature in the alpine region of the Sierra follows the
general rule for alpine climates with a maximum near noon and low
night temperatures. At Mountain Camp, 11,600 feet, near Mt. Whit-
ney, during the twelve days between August 22 and September 2,
1881, inclusive, Langley36 found the temperature averaging at
8:15 A.M., 41.0° F.
12:35 P.M., 56.7
8:15 P.M., 30.6
On the summit of Mt. Whitney at the beginning of September he
found day maxima of 62.5° and morning minima of 22.5° F. ; the
coldest period of the day was between 3 and 6 A.M. On the same
summit on July 8, 1903 the temperature rose from 51° at 9:30 A.M.
to a maximum of 55° one hour later.37 The daily range of tempera-
ture suggested by these meager data is far less than the daily ranges
reported from other alpine heights, nor does this small range appear
to be too exceptional. From a study of conditions on the summit of
Mt. Rose, Church38 concludes that "The most notable characteristic
of the temperature on the summit is the smallness of the mean daily
range. ' '
The summer summit temperatures recorded from Mt. Whitney
are supplemented by data from Mt. Kose ; on this peak from June 29
to August 4, 1905, the extremes were 24° and 72° F. ; between August
4 and September 4, the maximum was 70.8°. The following year
similar periods showed minima of 22° and 29.5° and maxima of 71°
and 68. 8 °.38 These summit data appear to show that as far as tem-
perature extremes go the Sierran alpine heights are subject to about
the same winter extremes and summer minima as stations thousands
of feet below but that their summer maxima fall far short of the
maxima of lower levels.
Inspection of the graphs (table 3) of the monthly extremes for
the, three stations — Summit, Tamarack, and Bodie — shows that even
20 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
in the Canadian, the lowest of the boreal life-zones, all months are
subject to frost; little significance is to be attached, however, to the
rubric "killing frosts," when referring to high mountain stations,
for the sufficient reason that though the plants may be frozen they
may still survive.39
Though the Sierra Nevada lies to the south of the majority of the
storms entering the continental atmosphere from the North Pacific area,
the position of the range, athwart the track of the moisture-bearing
winds blowing landwards, ensures to the western side of the mountains
sufficient rain not to exclude tree growth away from the water courses,
even at the base of the mountains except near the southern end of
the region. The Blue Oak (Quercus Douglasii H. & A.), the Interior
Live Oak (Q. Wislizenii A. DC.), and the Digger Pine (Pinus Sabim-
ana Dougl.) grow on the foothills east of the central valley but little
above the valley floor. On the eastern flank no such lowering of the
"dry tree-line" exists; west of Honey Lake, Lassen County (3,849
feet), this line runs at about 2,500 feet above the lake, rising south-
ward to near 8,500 feet west of Owens Valley. The rainfall on both
flanks constantly diminishes to the southward:
Western slope stations:
La Porte, Plumas County, 5,000 feet 89.2 inches
Bowmans Dam, Nevada County, 5,500 feet 75.6 "
Blue Canon, Placer County, 4,695 feet 74.2 "
Crockers, Tuolumne County, 4,452 feet 55.0 "
Summerdale, Mariposa County, 5,270 feet 55.1 "
Tehachapi, Kern County 10.62 "
Eastern slope stations:
Truekee, Nevada County, 5,819 feet 27.1 "
Taboose, Inyo County, 6,200 feet 14.0 "
Bairs, Inyo County, 6,100 feet 8.7 " *o
This difference in the mean annual precipitation between the wind-
ward and leeward sides of the range is even more clearly seen by com-
paring nearby stations :
West side: Bowmans Dam, 5,500 feet 75.6 inches
East side: Boca, 5,535 feet 20.14 "
The altitude of greatest rainfall in the Sierra is between 5,000 and
6,500 feet on the western flank. The line for a time rises to the south-
ward, the higher mountains of the southern half of the region appear-
ing to cause an increased rainfall at a constant level. The rainfall
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 21
of the summit region varies from about 70 inches in Plumas County
to 47 inches at Summit and probably 40 to 30 inches west of Owens
Valley. Above the zone of maximum rainfall on the western slope
there appears to be a fairly constant decline with increasing altitude,
amounting to 0.40 inches per 100-foot rise. On the eastern slope the
crest is the altitude of greatest rainfall and there is a constant decline
to the floor of the Great Basin and of Owens Valley. Between Sum-
mit and Boca the rate of decrease is approximately 1.85 inches per
100 feet of descent. In the southern Sierra, Lee40 found the rate to
be about .40 inches per 100 feet.
The rainfall of the Sierra is markedly seasonal; winter has the
maximum amount and summer the minimum. In this strict seasonal
distribution of precipitation the Sierra is peculiar among the high
mountains of western America. Table 4 shows the graphs for repre-
sentative Transition and Boreal stations. There appear to be two
winter maxima: a major in January and a minor in March. Aside
from the small amount of rain falling on the eastern side there is the
further difference that this amount is more evenly distributed through-
out the year; the graph for Bodie is flatter than that of any other
station. A feature of the high mountain rainfall, contrasted with that
of the Transition life-zone, is the more copious summer showers; at
LaPorte and Summerdale, July and August are practically rainless,
while Bodie has over half an inch and Tamarack nearly an inch in
Kecords of snowfall in the Sierra from the central division cover
a period of over forty years ; at Summit there is a continuous record
since 1870. At that station 86 per cent of the total precipitation falls
as snow.41 The total seasonal fall varies within wide limits about a
mean of 443.5 inches. During the period of record at Summit the
extremes in five seasons were :
1879-80 783.0 inches
1889-90 776.0 "
1894-95 685.0 "
153.5 inches
202.0 "
261.0 "
262.0 "
299.0 "
These maxima are among the largest, if not the largest, ever reached
in the United States.42 •
22 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
At Summit, during a period of thirty-five years, July was the only
month with no snow. August showed only a trace in one year. The
snow season begins in September but, throughout that month and the
next, snow melts as fast as it falls, the snow-cover not appearing till
the first week in November. This appearance of the ground-cover
normally marks the beginning of winter and the complete cessation
of the vegetative period — at least for herbs and low shrubs, as its dis-
appearance marks the beginning of the local "spring" for these
plants. The cover increases to a maximum in March when melting
becomes dominant and thereafter the snow-cover diminishes steadily
to zero in the first ten days in July (table 5).
The snow-cover plays such an important part in the biology of
the high mountain region that its fluctuations are of considerable
moment. The graph presented in table 5 shows the normal accumu-
lation and dissipation of the snow-cover at Summit. The data given
below show the average condition of the surface, at the first, middle,
and end of each month, from the beginning of the snow season to the
snow maximum in March, and, at the right, the varying condition of
the surface observed once or oftener on the same dates (data in
inches). Period, 1906-07 to 1917-18 inclusive.
Nov. 189 06 032 034
Fordyce Dam Dec. 9 28 39 0 35 0 60 0 74
Nevada County Jan. 40 75 85 0 69 15 100 8 161
6,500 feet Feb. 86 91 103 9 158 27 157 44 154
Mar. Ill 108 103 45 165 58 154 67 154
0 47 0 32
0 70 0 32
26 178 2 218
27 240 23 215
38 276 50 262
0 55 0 29
0 101 8 125
25 178 20 274
45 407 42 434
79 440 62 338
Summarizing the data for this element of the high mountain
habitat, we note that on the first of November, at all three stations, the
ground may either be bare of snow or may already have received the
beginning of the snow-cover. At all three places in the majority of
years, the ground has not yet received its winter blanket by November
first. By the middle of November, in the m'ajority of years, a light
Placer County
7.017 feet
Alpine County
8,000 feet
1921 ] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 23
covering of snow has appeared though, in exceptional seasons the
ground may still be bare (in the twelve years, this occurred five times
at Fordyce Dam, four times at Summit, three times at Tamarack).
By the end of November, at all three stations, the ground has become
covered except in very exceptional years (in the period under con-
sideration, the ground was bare of snow at the end of November in
two seasons at Fordyce and Summit, and once at Tamarack). The
beginning of December found the ground bare of snow once in the
period at all three stations and in the same season, that of 1907-08.
An extraordinary condition occurred in December, 1907, at Fordyce
and Summit, where, at the end of the month, no snow lay upon the
ground and but eight inches was present at Tamarack, 1,000 feet
higher. Even January first has found the ground at Fordyce free of
snow (season of 1910-11) and Summit with but four inches, though
Tamarack reported two feet. The winter of 1917-18 was unprece-
dented in the failure of precipitation; January first saw no snow at
Fordyce and Summit and but eight inches at the highest station. Even
as late as the first of February in this winter there were but two inches
of snow at Summit, a snowfall of over two feet which had occurred
about the middle of January having been almost completely melted
or evaporated.
The conditions at Summit appear to be fairly typical for the
Canadian zone throughout the Sierra. Melting of the snow-cover
proceeds at the rate of four inches per day at the middle of May. At
the beginning of June, 1911, there was about 38 inches of snow at
6-7,000 feet; by the twelfth, bare ground was visible in spots, and
within a week all snow was gone except in north-facing ravines and
on the higher peaks.41 Here snow may linger till late in summer or,
after years of exceptional snowfall or in unusually cold summers,
persist in drifts throughout one season. Very rarely does such a drift
survive a second summer. On the summit of Mt. Whitney, snow
drifts among the summit rocks last till the first of September.37
Unfortunately there is no Hudsonian station, but the record at
Tamarack throws some light on conditions in the higher zone. The
snow-cover appears at Tamarack in the latter half of October ; by the
last of that month, on the average, 30 inches of snow has fallen and
winter has begun. "Spring" comes in the first or second week of
July ; by the middle of the month, the ground at 10,000 feet is com-
monly free from snow; the first of August finds only patches and
drifts in sheltered places.
24 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL, 9
From the studies of J. E. Church43 it appears that the density
of the snow-cover increases with altitude and method of deposition,
i.e., whether wind-laid or in sheltered drifts. At 8,000 feet in Jones
Pass on Mt. Hose, Church found a protected drift with a density of
26.6; at the summit (10,800 feet) a wind-laid deposit showed a density
of 39.5. The weight of the snow-cover mechanically influences the
growth-forms of high mountain plants. This weight increases as the
season advances and is greatest near the end of March, when melting
has begun to raise the water content of the snow. At Summit in
January, 1916, weighings made on the twenty-fourth and twenty-
seventh of different levels in a cover of 168 inches showed increasing
weights per cubic foot as follows :
First cubic foot (surface) 10 Ibs.
Three feet from surface, cubic foot 14 ' '
Six feet from surface, cubic foot 18 ' '
Ten feet from surface, cubic foot 22 "
Bottom of cover, cubic foot 28 " 4*
In March the water content of the snow has greatly increased and
the bottom of the cover is a slush that weighs heavily upon the vege-
tation beneath ; in March, 1916, the cover was ten feet thick, the first
foot contained 56 per cent of water ; at the depth of five feet the snow
was 63 per cent water, and at the bottom, 66 per cent.
In the boreal region snow conditions are complicated by several
factors: the diminished precipitation decreases the total snow; the
usually bold relief favors the accumulation of drifts on lee sides of
peaks and crests but increases the power of wind to sweep large areas
bare; the increased direct insolation plus the large amount of heat
reflected from the snow-fields below often causes the high peaks and
ridges to exhibit spring phenomena before the lower levels.
The relative effect of protection from wind and sun is indicated
by certain measurements taken at Tahoe City (6,225 feet) in the
winter and spring of 1910 :43
Treeless Meadow Pine-Fir Forest Fir Forest
Jan. 7 snow 24.6 inches 23.8 inches 25.0 inches
Jan. 19 41.6 " 40.4 "
Mar. 11 29.8 " 31.4 " 30.4 "
Mar. 21 20.0 " 24.0 " 24.5 "
Apr. 10-13 0.0 " Apr. 20 1.3 " Apr. 20 7.1 "
At the beginning of the period the three types of surface had approxi-
mately equal amounts of snow ; at the end the meadow had been bare
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 25
a week, the mixed forest retained about 3 per cent of its maximum,
and the denser fir forest 25 per cent. Still more indicative of the com-
parative aridity of open slopes, this time for the alpine zone, are the
comparative measurements made on a talus slope and on a forested
slope on Mt. Eose:
Talus slope (unforested) :
Slightly protected slope below observatory 52.5 inches
Wind-swept slope 8.1 "
Protected slope 78.1 "
Average of talus slope 40.8 "
Forested slope 88.6 "
The influence of the snow-cover on the seasonal temperature is well
brought out in the curves for stations on the opposite flanks of the
range. The eastern side, deficient in rainfall, has winter temperatures
below the western slope; with the return of spring there is required
less heat to melt the accumulated snow on the eastern side and the
monthly means for spring are higher than on the Pacific side. That
this milder spring temperature on the leeward side is due to the
lessened amount of heat required for melting is borne out by the fact
that, as soon as the snow-cover is melted from the western flank, its
mean temperature immediately rises above that of the desert side.
It will also be noted that in winter, when no melting occurs, the west-
ern side is the warmer (tables 2 and 3).
Data concerning relative humidity in the higher Sierra Nevada
are extremely meager and somewhat contradictory. McAdie45 observed
that on Mt. Whitney, ' ' During the mid-day hours the humidity would
rise as a rule to above 80 per cent, while between 2 P.M. and 5 P.M.
extremely low humidities were recorded, ranging from 3 to 11 per
cent. ' ' This diurnal change in the content of atmospheric vapor with
a maximum about noon followed by cloud formation and rain in the
afternoon is normal for all high mountain climates.46 McAdie also
noted that there were ' ' marked changes in short intervals in the amount
of water vapor present," a characteristic of the alpine climate.* In
August, 1913, the condition of atmospheric humidity in the high
mountains west of Lake Tahoe was comparable to that observed by
McAdie. At Glen Alpine Springs, Eldorado County, the humidity
*L'humidite relative est sujette en montagne aux variations les plus brusques
et, en apparence, les plus capricieuses. Ces variations augmentent avee 1 'altitude.
A des periodes de seeheresse, ou, la perce gerce et les ongles cassent eomme dans
un desert, succedent, avee une bouffee de vent ascendent, des brouillardes pene-
26 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
would increase hourly to a maximum about 2 P.M., a heavy shower of
rain or hail would sweep across the country and, thereafter, the water
vapor in the atmosphere rapidly diminish. It is somewhat surprising
to find Langley 's observations, made also in the high mountain district
of Tulare County, at considerable variance with the later report :
during his twelve-day stay at Mountain Camp, near Mt. Whitney,
he noted mean humidities as follows :
8 :15 A.M. 27.6 per cent
12:36 P.M. 20.6 per cent
8:15 P.M. 40.9 per cent
In this period the absolute maximum was 67.5 per cent at 8 :15 P.M.
and the minimum at 8 :15 A.M. was 4.4 per cent. The evening maxi-
mum decreased as a rule during the night, though some of the morn-
ings showed high humidities ; he found no evidence of a regular mid-
day maximum. "That no such law was observed on Mt. Whitney is
again to be attributed to the extraordinary dryness of the climate. ' '36
In the Sierran boreal region the sky is distinctly more cloudy than
at lower levels :
Emigrant Gap, 5,230 feet, clear days 241.8; part cloudy 24.0; cloudy 96.5
Cisco 5,939 feet, clear days 273.2; part cloudy 5.0; cloudy 86.5
Summit 7,017 feet, clear days 226.2; part cloudy 11.1; cloudy 122.7
Tamarack 8,000 feet, clear days 189.2; part cloudy 78.8; cloudy 99.5
This increase in cloudiness in the higher mountains is a sequel of the
rapid change in atmospheric humidity noted above and is character-
istic of alpine climates.
Wind in the higher mountains is a major element in the climate.
It affects the plant population both indirectly as modifying the soil
and directly by its importance as an agent in the distribution of
propagative bodies and through its formative influence upon the grow-
ing plant. In the Sierra the prevailing winds blow from the west or
southwest, the storm winds, particularly, blowing from that direction.
There is some difference between the two slopes of the range with
regard to the constancy of wind direction; on the western slope the
air movement will be constant for days or even weeks at a time (dis-
regarding those minor air movements determined by topography noted
below) ; on the eastern slope there is less uniformity of direction,
though the prevailing wind is still the west wind, yet occasionally
winds of considerable velocity blow from the desert. In the boreal
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 27
region the force and direction of the wind are the controlling factors
in giving shape to the vegetation. The velocity of the winds increases
with altitude. On the summit of Mt. Rose the velocities of 40 to 50
miles per hour have been recorded.33 In the spring perpendicular
winds (Chinook winds) may occur which rapidly melt the snow from
the higher altitudes. In addition to these general winds there are
"mountain and valley winds," day and night currents, induced by
diurnal and nocturnal temperature changes on the higher peaks and
ridges, which flow up and down the gorges, at times attaining con-
siderable force if the topography favors convergence of several minor
currents into a general movement. The valley or night wind flowing
down the slope undoubtedly plays a part in plant distribution; just
what, if any, importance in this connection is to be attached to the
feebler ascending day current is obscure.
An account of the climate of a region with so diversified a topo-
graphy as that of the Sierra Nevada must take cognizance of the fact
that in only a very general sense is there a climate of the region as a
whole ; rather, there exists a number of local climates determined by
position. In the case of the Sierra, with its contrasted flanks, the
complexity becomes all the greater. It is apparent to even the casual
visitor that the vegetation is unlike in different parts of the range;
on either flank there is a change with altitude and a significant differ-
ence exists between the flanks in the aspect of the vegetation. The
general characters of the high mountain climate have now been given
but it has also seemed possible to arrive at some more definite under-
standing with regard to the unlikenesses in the plant life of the range
by making a study of the climates of certain stations known to possess
distinct assemblages of plants.
The data are supplied by publications of the Weather Bureau in
which information is given concerning the mean monthly tempera-
tures, the monthly extreme temperatures, amount of precipitation,
amount of snow upon the ground at the end of each month, number
of rainy, clear, part clear, and cloudy days, and the prevailing direc-
tion of the wind. In order that the effect of the climatic elements,
as modified by position and topography, should be comparable and
serve as the basis for deduction about the vegetation, it is obvious that
the data should meet certain conditions: the stations should be as
close together as possible and still possess those contrasts in position
and topography which may be presumed to influence the local climate ;
the data should cover the same years.
28 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
The five stations selected, their geographical position with respect
to each other, and the distinctive character of the local topography,
(1) Summit, Nevada County, 7,017 feet elevation, lies at the top of the divide,
about 300 feet above Summit Valley and nearly 1,100 feet above Donner Lake
(5,939 feet), a glacial lakelet three miles long, draining into Truckee River.
Lower Canadian life-zone (Pinus Jeffreyi the characteristic tree).
(2) Fordyce Dam, Nevada County, 6,500 feet elevation, and about nine miles
northwest of Summit. The station lies just below Fordyce Lake, a small glacial
lakelet receiving drainage from the northwest side of Castle Peak and the south-
west slopes of Mt. Lola. The lake lies 1,500 feet below the divide, on the western
slope of the range, and drains into the South Fork of the Yuba through Fordyce
Creek. The zonal position is middle Canadian (Abies magnified and some Pinus
Murray ana on the slopes above the lake.)
(3) Tamarack, Alpine County, 8,000 feet elevation, lies on the headwaters of
the Mokelumne River in a glaciated region with many small lakes, the largest
being the Blue Lakes, two glacial basins, each about one-half mile long. The
station is distant from Summit about 50 miles to the southeast and is in the
upper part of the Canadian life-zone (Pinus Murray ana dominant tree).
(4) Tahoe, Placer County, 6,230 feet elevation, lies on the northwest shore of
Lake Tahoe, the largest lake of the Sierran region, some 21 miles long and 12
wide and very deep; it never freezes over in winter. The main divide of the
Sierra lies six or seven miles west of the station and the crest is 2,500 to 3,000
feet above the lake. Transition life-zone (Libocedrus decurrens, Abies concolor,
some Pinus ponderosa).
(5) Bridgeport, Mono County, 6,500 feet elevation, lies on the east side of
Bridgeport Valley, a large mountain valley nine miles long and four wide at the
widest part, drained by the East Walker River and receiving the drainage from
the east slope of the Sierra through Big Buckeye and Robinson creeks as well as
some small amount from the arid mountains north of Mono Lake. About 95
miles southeast of Summit and in the upper Sonoran life-zone near the boundary
of the Transition.
The data studied cover the years 1914-1917 inclusive. This quad-
rennium has been chosen for study since data from all five stations
exist for this period only. Inspection of temperature data shows that
the means of the quadrennium differ but slightly from the means of
much longer periods at three of the stations and that the maximum
variation, a December excess of 6.4° over the mean of the 12 years'
record, occurred at Tamarack. In no other monthly mean throughout
the year is the variation half as large. It is believed that deductions
made from the data of this period concerning the local climates of the
several stations are not invalidated by the brevity of the record.
The diagram summarizes the relative temperatures of the several
stations and shows that in the coldest part of the year Summit is the
warmest station though the highest in altitude of any except Tamarack.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Neiwda of California
30 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
The data given in the temperature table (table 7) shows that little
difference exists in the first month of the year between the mean
temperatures of Summit and Fordyce, the slightly higher mean tem-
peratures of Summit being due to the fact that, though the monthly
maxima are never as high at this season as at Fordyce, the monthly
minima are always higher than at the lower station. That this rela-
tively mild late winter at Fordyce is not due to its comparatively low
altitude is shown by comparison with Bridgeport which, at the same
altitude, is the coldest of the five stations. Indeed, this contrast be-
tween localities of equal altitude but on opposite sides of the range
is observed within much shorter distances than that separating For-
dyce and Bridgeport. In the quadrennium here considered, Tahoe,
though 270 feet lower than Fordyce, has a lower mean temperature
through January, February, and March, and practically the same
mean temperature in April; not until May is there much difference
between the monthly means of Fordyce and Tahoe in favor of the
latter place.
Study of the diagram indicates that, as the year advances, Fordyce
becomes relatively colder until in late summer and early fall it is
the coldest station of the series. On the other hand, Bridgeport, the
coldest station through all the winter months (November to March)
becomes the warmest station immediately after the end of the winter
precipitation season. The vegetation at Bridgeport passes from a
mean monthly temperature in March, 7.3° below freezing, to a mean
temperature 7.8° above the zero point, in April. The diagram shows
that at no other point is the transition to the vernal season so abrupt.
Plant physiologists are agreed that vegetation may endure consider-
able absolute range of temperature with less injury if the change be
graduated over a period of some length than an abrupt change of less
absolute amount. The gradual change in the position of Fordyce in
spring and summer has been referred to; in the fall this locality again
shows a relative rise. The temperature element in the local climate
of Fordyce has a yearly range the most moderate of any of the
stations; it is the only locality where minima less than freezing are
not recorded while its summer maxima are no higher than those of
Tahoe. The ratio of the mean of the coldest month to the mean of
the warmest month at Fordyce is less than at any other station —
100 :184.5.
A study of the temperature conditions at Tahoe shows, as indicated
in the diagram, that this station is also for one month in the year the
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 31
warmest locality but this time the advantage comes at the height of
the growing season (August). All through the first half of the year
Tahoe is cold or cool: in January, February, and March, this lake
station is colder than Fordyce or even Summit, though the latter
place is 800 feet higher ; in early spring Tahoe becomes warmer than
these two stations, being, after Bridgeport, the warmest station, but
as soon as the snow-cover melts from about Summit its monthly mean
temperature rises and becomes greater than that of Tahoe till August,
when, as stated above, the vegetation at Tahoe is the most favorably
situated as respects heat of any of the plant populations resident at
this series of mountain stations. In the fall and early winter Tahoe
is warmer than the high station of Tamarack and warmer than
Fordyce and Bridgeport.
If the diagram be considered with regard to the relative climate
of Summit, it will be noted that at the beginning of the year and in
the fall and early winter Summit is the warmest station; for seven
months in the twelve its mean temperature is the highest and, in the
most favorable part of the year for growth, Summit is next to the most
favorable place. Its spring temperature clearly shows the chilling
effect produced by melting; in March when the snow-cover attains
its maximum thickness (table 5) and before melting begins, Summit
is relatively warm but, with diminution in the snowfall combined with
the higher mean temperature of April and the resulting thawing,
Summit becomes, next to the high mountain station at Tamarack, the
coldest locality. As the spring advances and the accumulated snow
becomes less, the mean temperature rises and causes Summit to become
relatively warmer than the other stations till by the end of summer
it is the warmest of the series, a position of advantage maintained for
the rest of the year.
The highest station whose climate is to be considered is Tamarack.
Its altitude prevents Tamarack from ever becoming warm for very
long; unlike the other stations, at no time in the year is its climate
the warmest of the series. At the beginning of the year, the coldest
station except Bridgeport, it becomes the coldest in April as a result
of the relative rise of Bridgeport and remains the station with the
lowest mean temperature till August, when it becomes warmer than
Fordyce and in late fall and early winter (October-November),
warmer than both Fordyce and Bridgeport, but it closes the year the
next coldest station.
32 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
The local climates so far considered have but one major variable,
temperature. At all four stations, Tahoe, Fordyce, Summit, and
Tamarack, the total precipitation is abundant though varying within
rather wide limits. This large annual rainfall (or snowfall) with
accompanying cloudiness reacts upon temperature, reducing the
extremes. When, however, we study the local climate of Bridgeport,
the always deficient and irregular rainfall is attended by the greatest
temperature ranges, both daily and monthly, found within the series.
When the rainfall (snowfall) at Bridgeport sharply declines by the
end of February, the thin snow-cover is entirely melted in March and
relatively high temperature immediately follows in this mountain
valley of the eastern slope (to a less degree, the same thing occurs in
the valley of the Truckee at Tahoe, also on the east slope). Bridge-
port during the next four months (April- July) is the warmest station
but it will be observed by study of the temperature data throughout
this period when its mean is the highest, low temperatures are con-
stantly recorded (6 to 20 degrees of frost). The vegetation at Bridge-
port and on the east slope generally must adjust itself to two sets of
extremes: temperature and precipitation. It is this necessity for a
twofold accommodation which explains the poverty of the east slope
flora at an elevation which, on the more favored western side, supports
a plant population both floristically and ecologically more highly
We have so far mainly considered the mean temperatures of this
series of stations, but localized plant populations are believed to be
more directly influenced by temperature extremes ; at least it has been
known for a long time that the several functions of the single plant
have different temperature ranges and that a station may be subject
to such a temperature range that a given species may be excluded,
or, if admitted, one or more of its functions impeded or prevented.
Unfortunately, within our region little has yet been done to exactly
determine the effects upon the plants of the temperature extremes
known to occur but a study of the possible temperatures at a given
station with a definite plant population may be suggestive. In this
connection it should be remembered that temperature ranges have
very unequal effects upon plant life accordingly as they include or
exclude the freezing point. While many boreal plants at the height
of the growing season can withstand freezing and thawing, other
kinds are not so tolerant and may not survive such change.
1921 ] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 33
Considering that part of the year within which the mean monthly
temperature is above freezing, we see that it is of unequal length :
Tahoe, March to November inclusive.
Fordyce, April to November inclusive.
Bridgeport, April to November inclusive.
Summit, April to November inclusive.
Tamarack, April to October inclusive.
But the vegetative season is more limited, especially for low shrubs
and herbs ; in spring, limited by the disappearance of the snow-cover ;
in fall, by the general fall in temperature combined with the scant
water supply that, as a rule, then exists in the Sierra. "With regard to
the disappearance of the snow-cover, the data show that at Tahoe, in
two years of the quadrennium, the ground was already bare by the
end of May and in the other two years (1915, 1917) seven inches and
one inch lay on the ground; by the first week in June "spring" is
well advanced at Tahoe and vegetation has resumed active growth.
In this same period (1914-17), the end of May found on the average
12.75 and 10.25 inches of snow on the ground at Fordyce and Summit,
respectively; a month later the ground is practically bare.41 At
Tamarack also the end of June finds the winter's snow about to dis-
appear and active growth initiated. It appears that the station at
Tahoe, near the upper edge of the Transition life-zone, enjoys a
vegetative period approximately a month longer and that this exten-
sion comes when the conditions for plant growth are best: abundant
moisture and most daylight. In the higher mountains, the brevity of
the period of growth is, in part, made up by the higher temperature
which prevails when growth is resumed — in June, the mean tempera-
ture of Tahoe is 50.6° ; in July, at Tamarack the mean temperature
is 55.5° — resulting in an acceleration of the life processes in the higher
mountains. It is this acceleration which causes the boreal vegetation
to pass from a dormant condition to the state of active growth so
rapidly, changing the aspect of the high mountain region with abrupt-
ness often astonishing to the visitor. Just as it is necessary to bear in
mind that the climate of the Sierra is a composite, made up of many
local varieties of the general climate of the range, so upon smaller
areas defined by topographic details, the resident plant populations
are subject to more or less peculiar very local climates determined by
inequalities of slope and exposure, the distribution of the plant com-
munities being correspondingly diversified.
34 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
The end of the vegetative season in autumn is less easy to define
since not only at that time of the year is temperature falling but, in
the Sierra, the water available to plants is less, due to several causes
— seasonal distribution of the rainfall, drainage from the slopes, and
lowered soil temperature with increasing difficulty of root absorption
(physiological dryness).48 Little has yet been done to satisfactorily
determine when the vegetative season may be considered to close ; the
appearance of the snow-cover marks the appearance of winter but
before this, the vigor of plant life, as interpreted by growth, has
lessened. At present the most satisfactory date to regard as closing
the vegetative season is in October for, just as the spring resumption
of growth in the higher mountains follows a large increase in the
monthly mean temperature (Tahoe, May, 42.6°, June, 50.6° ; Tama-
rack, May, 36.4°, June, 46°, July, 57.2°), so in the autumn, the marked
fall in temperature in October to November (Tahoe, 45.0°-36.5° ;
Tamarack, 43.6°-34.8°) indicates the time of change from active
metabolism to the nearly static plant life of winter. In this connec-
tion it is interesting to note the concentration of effective tempera-
tures at the higher stations; at Tahoe, considering the vegetative
season to last from June to October and that the effective temperatures
may be gauged by the sum of the monthly mean temperatures with
sufficient accuracy for comparison, we find that July and August have
44.3 per cent of the total heat, but that in the shorter season of the
upper Canadian life-zone, as represented by the climate of Tamarack,
in the same two months is concentrated 55.3 per cent of the total.
Within the vegetative season the temperature extremes vary con-
siderably; at all stations and in all months frost occurs. Tahoe, in
the period 1914-17, was subject to minima in July of 35, 30, 31, and 35
degrees, and in August of 33, 37, 30 and 35 degrees. Fordyce, though
the next coldest station in July and the coldest in August, has^ mini-
mum temperatures little lower than Tahoe : in the quadrennium the
low for July and August were 38, 34, 28 and 32, and 35, 38, 28 and 32
respectively. The data show that the higher stations Summit and
Tamarack had in these warmest months of the vegetative season dur-
ing these four years, minimum temperatures as follows : Summit, July,
35, 27, 34, 41; August, 30, 29, 33, 33; Tamarack, July, 32 (1915 not
given) , 37, 34 ; August, 32, 30, 40, 36. The east slope station of Bridge-
port in the same two months had lows of 35, 27, 34, 41, and 30, 29, 33,
33. Maximum temperatures vary through wider limits than minimum
temperatures; at Tahoe, the maximum recorded in the four years,
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 35
92°, occurred on July 11, 1917 ; the day after the same temperature
was recorded at Fordyce and 86° at Summit, these temperatures not
being exceeded at these places again in the quadrennium. The same
date (July 11) was the year's warmest day at Bridgeport with 85°.
Bridgeport attains to higher maxima earlier in the year than the other
stations : in May, day temperatures of 82, 80, 74 and 60 are recorded
and in the same month lows of 26, 18, 16 and 18. The highest station
of the series, Tamarack, has its highest recorded temperature on
October 5, 1915, 92°, with a low of 22° a week later.
The data presented in the temperature table concerning the climate
of Tamarack show that the local climate of high altitude valleys in
the Sierra conforms to the rule:46 the diurnal range of temperature
at Tamarack is higher than that of any other station except Bridge-
port, whose exceptional climate has been referred to. The average
daily range at Tamarack for the year is 51.8°, which is 19.6 per cent
greater than the daily range at Fordyce and 38 per cent greater than
the range at Summit.
In the general discussion of the rainfall of the Sierra, attention
was directed to the great contrast which exists between the two flanks
of the range. This contrast is seen within the mountains and because
of it the east side of the major crest-lines receives less rainfall than
the west slopes; Tahoe, though less than twenty-five miles from
Fordyce, receives less than one-half as much rain. Bridgeport
receives less than one-fourth as much as Tahoe and only about one-
tenth as much as Fordyce, though the altitude of all three stations
is similar and of Fordyce and Bridgeport equal. The seasonal distri-
bution of rainfall has been referred to and the variation seen in the
distribution on the eastern slope where a larger proportion of the
scant total falls in the summer months; at Bridgeport 26.5 per cent
of the total mean annual rainfall for the years 1914-17 fell in the
six months from May to October inclusive ; at Fordyce in the similar
half-year 14.7 per cent. Though the summer months have a greater
percentage of the total rainfall on the east slope, yet the west slope
receives even in summer a larger amount ; in the six months from May
to October Fordyce received, in the years 1914-17, on the average 9.77
inches and Bridgeport 1.95 inches. This inequality with respect to
summer rain is seen within the range; the east slope of the Great
Western Divide, west of Lake Tahoe, receives at the station of Tahoe
2.76 inches; Fordyce, on the west slope of the same divide, has the
amount mentioned above. Generally then the west slopes of the
University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
mountain divides receive more rain than the eastern slopes since the
storm winds come prevailingly from the west ; it is a common experi-
ence in the higher mountains to find shelter from driving rain by
descending some steep eastern slope. As regards soil moisture, how-
ever, the west slopes are, as a rule, less favored in the higher moun-
tains, partly because they are the insolated slopes in the warmer part
of the day and also because the winter winds sweep the snow over
the ridges and cause the deepest drifts to form on the east and north-
east facing slopes, where they persist longest in the summer and yield
moisture to the ground below.
Summerdale, Mariposa County, 5,270 feet.
-LaPorte, Plumas County, 5,000 feet.
Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California
*uckee, Nevada County, 5,818 feet (east).
• — —
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x •
Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
— IK
imarack, Alpine County, 8,000 feet,
die, Mono County, 8,248 feet.
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mit, Placer County, 7,017 feet (record of 41 years).
araek, Alpine County, 8,000 feet (record of 12 years).
LC, Mono County, 8,248 feet (record of 9 years).
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University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
7017 FEET.
(Derived from data covering five years, during which time the mean annual
snow-fall was 90.3% of the normal of 44 years. Data in inches.)
Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug.
1921 1 Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 41
(Data in inches.)
-v — v — v — LaPorte, Plumas County, 5,000 feet.
Summerdale, Mariposa County, 5,270 feet.
Summit, Placer County, 7,017 feet.
Tamarack, Alpine County, 8,000 feet.
3 — Bodie, Mono County, 8,248 feet.
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University of California, Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
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1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 43
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Greatest monthly
44 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Though it is not proposed in this paper to consider the different
aspects or types of vegetation present in the high mountain region,
it seems desirable to define the several life-zones to which plants are
assigned in the following annotated list.*
Perhaps no single phase of his problem is more perplexing to the
student of plant distribution than that of attempting to delimit accu-
rately the life-zones of the region the flora of which he would describe
and compare with the floras of other regions that have contributed
elements to and received immigrants from his own. No single student
possesses the minute knowledge of the whole field roughly designated
the Cordilleran section of North America, which would make him com-
petent to survey this immense extent of territory. Even within much
narrower limits, when attempt is made to particularize and precisely
define zonal boundaries, the investigator is compelled to rely in no
small part upon the results achieved by workers outside his own field
of observation. By very general agreement among western students of
both animal and plant distribution, the basis for current work starts
with the system of life-zones formulated some twenty-five years ago
by Merriam49 and corrected in the subsequent period by its author
and his co-workers on the Biological Survey.
The fundamental postulate of Merriam 's system of life-zones is
the assumption that for each species there exists certain fixed tem-
perature limits, which inhibit the spread of the species into other
regions where those temperature summations do not obtain. In the
Cordilleran section, with its diversified topography and profound
differences of altitude and therefore of climate, the limits of the life-
zones are subject to many controlling factors whose importance and
significance must be understood before assignment of particular plants
to definite life-zones may be undertaken. The data underlying the
* The ecologic types present in the higher Sierra were investigated and the
results in part published in a preliminary paper on the Tahoe region, which may
be regarded as a typical cross-section of the range, and to that paper reference
is here made concerning the general features of the high mountain vegetation^9
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 45
scheme of life-zones are still inadequate and their interpretation dis-
puted ; it may well be that conclusions deduced from present evidence
will, when the bases for deduction have broadened, become profoundly
modified if not abandoned. Nevertheless it now seems improbable that
the system of life-zones, elaborated by the investigations of so many
zoo- and phytogeographers, will be actually displaced even if in the
future other factors than those of temperature will be accorded greater
In California there exist all the life-zones defined by Merriam
except the Tropical. The life-zones present vary greatly in extent:
the Lower Sonoran life-zone embracing the deserts of the southeast,
a small section of the southern coast, and the middle of the Great
Valley of California; the Upper Sonoran including most of the South
Coast Ranges, the inner slopes of the North Coast Ranges, and the
lower slopes of the Sierra on both its flanks ; the Transition extending
southward from a nearly state-wide belt at the north, along the sea-
ward slopes of the Coast Range as far south as San Luis Obispo
County and along the Sierra on both its flanks nearly to the Tehachapi
Mountains, with some outlying areas in the mountains of the southern
part of the state. In Plumas County this Transition flora is deeply
invaded by narrow east-west tongues of the Upper Sonoran flora and
in places becomes almost intersected, as at Beckwith Pass, where the
flora of the Great Basin sends a deep embayment into the northern
Sierra Nevada. The upper limit of the Transition life-zone marks
a real boundary; below it are found most of the plants generally
recognized as peculiarly Californian; above it there is a constant
increase in the proportion of northern and widely ranging genera and
The region, the plant population of which is here considered, lies
on both flanks of the range above a line of varying altitude, rising
to the south and higher on the eastern flank. This line, which marks
the boundary between the rich temperate forest of the Transition
life-zone and the more varied, if less magnificent, vegetation of the
higher mountains, rises on the west flank from an elevation of about
6,000 feet in Plumas County to near 9,000 feet at the southern end
of the range; in the central Sierra (from the Blue Canon-Cisco line
south to Madera County) the boundary of the boreal region conforms
roughly to the 7,000-foot contour line. On the eastern slope of the
chain, the line rises from 6,500 feet west of Honey Lake to 9,500 feet
west of Owens Valley. Above this boundary, where the general aspect
46 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
changes sufficiently to cause common recognition, lie the ' ' high moun-
tains" or "high Sierra" of Calif ornian geography, a region full of
interest to the visitor whatever his primary motive for journeying into
it may be. To the geologist, the high mountain country offers a vast
tract wherein all the forces of dynamical geology have operated upon
a complex of diversely derived rocks to produce every conceivable
modification of topographic detail; to the zoologist, the "high
Sierra" is inviting because it is one of the few areas yet remaining
in the west where animals are really wild and not "protected" to
tameness; to the botanist its appeal lies not merely in the study of
the individual plants, but also in the investigation and attempted
solution of the problems presented by their distribution.
It is generally agreed that the presence of certain plants and
animals shall be taken as indicating the existence in any particular
place of a certain life-zone, these plants being styled "zone indica-
tors. ' ' Coville50 has pointed out how unsatisfactory herbaceous plants
are in this respect and particularly annuals (i.e., species of Gayophy-
tum, Gilia, etc. ) , which occur throughout the series of zones, blooming
in the lower mountains in spring and found in flower till the end of
August or early September at higher and higher altitudes; such
plants cannot be disregarded in a complete survey of the vegetation
of the higher mountain region but their presence indicates that the
scheme of life-zones is at best an inadequate expression of the life
conditions, which, for annuals at least, change with the advancing
season. As a result of their great altitudinal range, we find in the
meadows and forests of the higher mountains plants which have their
zones of greatest frequency hundreds or thousands of feet nearer sea
level. This is in fact the criterion by which to judge the zonal position
of a plant : in what zone is it most frequently seen, or where can it be
most reasonably expected ? When this measure of pertinence is^kept
in mind, zone indicators serve a useful purpose and give to the
expressions "Canadian flora of the Sierra" or "Arctic-alpine flora of
the Cascades" meanings readily understood by students of western
plants. With this understanding of the term, it is believed that the
plants named in the following lists best serve in the higher Sierra
Nevada as zone indicators. Plants queried are included in the lists
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California
Pellaea Bridges!!
Pinus monticola
Pinua Murrayana
Pinus flexilis
Pinus ponderosa var. Jeffrey!
Abies magnifica
Trisetum Brandegei
Poa Bolanderi
Bromus Suksdorfii
Eriophorum gracile var. caurinum
Carex nervina
Carex athrostachya
Luzula parviflora
Juneus nevadensis
Brodiaea gracilis
Allium platycaule
Allium validum
Quercus vaccinifolia
Eriogonum Lobbii
Eriogonum marifolium
Polygonum minimum
Polygonum alpinum
Stellaria umbellata
Lewisia triphylla
Trautvetteria grandis
Delphinium glaucum
Aconitum columbianum
Dicentra formosa
Draba stenoloba
Arabis Drummondii
Sedum obtusatum
Bolandra californica
Saxifraga Mertensiana
Spiraea densiflora?
Ivesia unguiculata
Trifolium Bolanderi
Lupinus sellulus '
Oenothera xylocarpa
Epilobium brevistylum
Angelica lineariloba
Peucedanum Torreyi
Ledum glandulosum
Vaccinium occidentale
Dodecatheon alpinum?
Gentiana holopetala
Polemonium pulcherrimum (typica)
Phacelia racemosa
Phaeelia hydrophylloides
Lappula nervosa?
Pentstemon azureus
Veronica humifusa
Veronica alpina var. unalaschensis
Mimulus moniliformis
Pedieularis racemosa
Castilleja Culbertsonii
Lonicera involuerata var. flavescens
Lonicera conjugialis
Aster Andersonii (typica)
Erigeron Coulteri
Erigeron miser
Senecio scorzonella
Antennaria corymbosa
Phalacroseris Bolanderi
Agoseris aurantiaca
Hieracium graeile var. detonsum
Pellaea Breweri
Pinus albicaulis
Pinus Balfouriana
Tsuga Mertensiana
Calamagrostis purpurascens
Poa gracillima
Scirpus criniger
Carex nigricans
Carex Goodenovii
Carex luzulaef olia
Carex filifolia var. erostrata
Anemone Drummondii
Arabis Lyallii
Arabis platysperma
Eibes lasianthum
Eibes montigenum
Kalmia polifolia var. microphylla
Astragalus Bolanderi
Phyllodoce Breweri
Cassiope Mertensiana
Haplopappus suffruticosus
Arnica mollis var. scaberrima
Chaenaetis Douglasii var. alpina
Artemisia norvegica
Helenium Hoopesii
University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Athyrium alpestre
Agropyron Scribnerii
Trisetum Congdoni?
Poa Pringlei var. Hanseni
Festuca ovina var. brachyphylla
Carex Breweri
Carex nova
Luzula spicata var. nova
Juncus Parryi
Salix tenera
Eriogonum Kingii
Oxyria digyna
Polygonum shastense
Silene Watsonii
Aquilegia pubescens
Ranunculus oxynotus?
Draba oligosperma
Draba glacialis
Draba Lemmonii
Draba Breweri
Arabis Lemmonii
Sedum integrifolium
Ivesia lycopodioides
Ivesia pygmaea
Ivesia Muirii
Lupinus danaus
Astragalus tegetarius
Epilobium anagallidifolium
Podistera nevadensis
Primula suffrutescens
Phlox caespitosa var. muscoides
Polemonium eximium
Polemonium pulcherrimum var. parvi-
Pentstemon Menziesii var. Davidsonii
Hulsea algida
Erigeron nevadensis?
Erigeron ursinus
Erigeron compositus var. trifidus
Raillardella argentea
Antennaria medial
Crepis nana*
The scheme of life-zones depends upon effective temperatures dur-
ing the vegetative season and the rule holds that temperature decreases
with altitude. Hence in mountainous regions like the Sierra, having
some elevations rising to or above snow-line, the sequence of zones will
be in general altitudinal, the arctic-alpine zone including the summit
region. But it by no means follows that, at a given altitude in the
Sierra on the same cross-section, one may find the same life-zone.
The data presented in the section on the climatology of the Sierra and
especially that portion dealing with the local climates of five r^pre-
sentative high mountain stations, show that two stations (Fordyce and
Bridgeport) may have the same altitude yet their geographic position
gives to the one a climate quite unlike that of the other. Fordyce has
* Hall and Grinnell^i have recently published lists of zone indicators for all
life-zones and including the entire state. Through the courtesy of Dr. Hall I was
enabled to compare their lists for the boreal zones with my own before the publi-
cation of their paper. There are some differences in the two lists but it has seemed
best to publish the lists given here as originally prepared for the Sierra Nevada
only and let field comparison determine what correction should be made. It should
be said, too, that Hall and Grinnell's lists are prepared from a somewhat different
viewpoint than that adopted in this report. In their paper, plants have been
chosen as zone indicators which are believed to occur outside the assigned zone
very rarely or not at all, while in the lists appearing above frequency (dominance)
has been taken as the basis for zonal assignment.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 49
a distinctly boreal flora, the genera and species identical with or allied
to high mountain or northern types; Bridgeport's flora, on the other
hand, is allied to the flora of the Great Basin and to the desert flora
of southern California. Again, the data show that two stations (For-
dyce and Summit) may have nearly similar floras and so be assigned
to the same life-zone, yet one (Summit) be referred to the warmer
division of that zone (Jeffrey Pine division), while the vegetation of
the other (Fordyce) be dominated by plants able to thrive with
slightly lower temperature ; and this in spite of the fact that the
station with the microthermic plants (Abies magnified, Finite Murray-
ana and associated species) is actually some 500 feet nearer sea level
than the place having less tolerant vegetation. These facts of distri-
bution indicate that life-zones are not to be thought of as continuous
belts of vegetation reached everywhere at successive levels within the
mountains. Life-zones are rather to be considered as areas of greater
or less extent with definite plant populations, which are able to grow
where we find them because the local climate admits the species present
and may exclude others. We are here considering only climate and
therefore, for the present, no mention is made of other factors which
also play a part in the distribution of plants. In mountainous regions,
like the northern Sierra Nevada, where the general elevation is mod-
erate, not all the boreal life-zones will be represented, or, if present,
they will be distributed irregularly and in conformity with topo-
graphy. The factors controlling the limits of life-zones have recently
been listed by Hall and Grinnell.51 A consideration of the effects of
these factors will explain some of the peculiarities of the local climates
of the five stations studied in the preceding section.
The effect of exposure, i.e., the location of a place with reference
to that sector of the environment from which the major effect of the
climatic factor under consideration (wind, storm track, sunlight)
bears upon the place, has long been known. On open plains, a place
can scarcely be said to have exposure since the climatic factors exert
their effect from all quarters with nearly equal intensity. In moun-
tainous regions, exposure becomes of fundamental importance. Since
exposure is conditioned by topography, the bolder the relief, the
greater will be the effect of exposure (or its reciprocal "protection").
A given station may be positively exposed to one factor and negatively
related to another: a southwest slope in the northern hemisphere
receives a maximum insolation (in mountains this may not be quite
true because of afternoon cloudiness) and is the warmer and drier
50 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
in so far as maximum insolation can control the local temperature and
soil moisture;52 on the other hand, such a slope might be protected
from the effect of the prevailing wind if it blew from the northeast.
In the Sierra a further complication follows from the relation of the
position of the range across the storm tracks. In the Sierra, the south-
west slope is the best insolated but also receives the full effect of the
prevailing winds, including storm winds which accompany precipita-
tion. Topography reacts upon climate to promote air movements ; an
important consequence is the settling of cold air into valleys; this
so-called ' ' air-drainage ' ' operates to cause valleys to show lower tem-
peratures than the surrounding ridges. Summit throughout the year
is warmer than Fordyce, owing, in part, to the fact that the cold air
drains down the valley of Fordyce Creek from the flanks of Mt. Lola
and Castle Peak, while from the higher station the cold air drains
away. This has been recognized as a condition modifying vegetative
limits.46' 53
Inspection of the temperature table shows that Summit has an
average daily range of temperature less than that of any other station ;
this small daily range is in accordance with the law of Woeikoff:54
"die Luft iiber einer konvexen Oberflache warmer ist in der Nacht
und im Winter und kalter am Tage und im Sommer, dass also die
jahrliche wie die tagliche Amplitude kleiner ist, als iiber einer kon-
kaven Oberflache. ' ' From this law we see that vegetation growing in
montane valleys has an advantage in the matter of receiving new
immigrants over a plant population growing on a ridge of equal
elevation ; the range of temperature is greater in the valleys and the
sum total of temperature is larger in valleys than on crest-lines, per-
mitting stenothermic plants, with temperature controls near the limits,
to gain a foothold in the valleys when they would be excluded from
the ridges. Brockmann-Jerosch55 has called attention to the impor-
tance of possible extremes of temperature in permitting the spread
of plants: "Der Temperaturverlauf und nicht eine Durchschnitts-
temperatur bedingt, soweit Warme in Betracht kommt, die klimatische
Grenze einer Art."
Attention has been called to the fact that the high mountain region
of the Sierra is a lake region with bodies of water of all sizes from a
large lake like Tahoe, many square miles in area, to mere pools. The
influence of these bodies of water in modifying zonal limits is recog-
nized by the plant collector, who commonly finds near their shores
species which have their zones of greatest frequency at higher levels
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 51
than the actual elevation of the place of collection. This influence of
small bodies of water on local climates has been considered by Bart-
lett56 and Abbe.57 Bartlett's conclusions were deduced from obser-
vations made about Madison, Wisconsin, and perhaps have no other
significance for our subject than to give evidence that even small lakes
exert an appreciable control. Abbe's studies on mountain lakes led
him to think that they caused an amelioration of temperature about
them, especially when the adjacent slopes are at such an angle as to
catch the reflection from the water surface, and he was also of the
opinion that evaporation tends to produce fogs which may prevent
or minimize frost damage. My own observations about the high
mountain lakes of the Sierra tend to a different conclusion, for the
facts of plant distribution about their borders seem to indicate that
the influence of the lakes is always toward a lowering of the tempera-
ture of the surrounding terrane and this inference from the results
of plant collecting appears to be made more probable by a comparison
of the data available concerning the climate of Tahoe and Summit.
If we compare the mean summer temperature of Tahoe with that of
Summit, we find that the two places have practically the same amount
of heat (Tahoe, mean monthly temperature, May-October, 51.4° ;
Summit, 51.6°, data of 1914-17) ; though Tahoe is 800 feet less in alti-
tude than Summit, its summer temperature is no higher than that of
the more elevated station. According to Woeikoff's law, Tahoe, as a
high mountain valley station, should have warmer summers than a
ridge station such as Summit, yet we find the temperature of summer
the same. The only reason for this depression at Tahoe, which is
apparent, is the lake. Evaporation from a water surface must pro-
duce a cooling effect; unfortunately no data are at hand to gauge
how far the smaller high mountain lakes may affect their local climates,
but for Tahoe we possess some information. Measurements made at
Tahoe indicate that evaporation from the lake surface may reach
several inches in the summer months : June, 3.80 ; July, 4.0 ; August,
6.5; September, 4.12; October, 2.65.58 It appears extremely doubtful
that the high mountain lakes can ever modify the local climate by rais-
ing the temperature, as lakes in lowlands are known to do, since the
water of the boreal lakes is always cold. There never accumulates a
reserve of heat in the water of these lakes such as lowland lakes acquire
in the course of a summer.
A certain effect upon zonal limits is exerted by topography in the
protection afforded by bold relief to snow banks and snowdrifts against
52 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
melting in summer till the season is well advanced, with consequent
local cooling of air and soil in their neighborhood. In the Sierra this
effect is much less significant than in mountains having perennial
snow fields of large extent, such as the Cascades or the Rockies of
British Columbia. Such residual drifts in the Sierra do, however,
cause a characteristic assemblage of plants to grow about their
margins comparable to the "Schneefleckflora" of European plant
Summarizing what has been stated with regard to the factors
modifying zonal limits, we note :
(1) That life-zones are not to be considered as vegetative belts
bounded above and below by planes passed through the range.
(2) That zone boundaries are extremely sinuous or even disrupted
and are determined by topography.
(3) That at the same altitude on opposite flanks unlike zones will
be found in the lower mountains, the degree of unlikeness diminishing
as approach is made to the summit region
(4) That within small areas in the higher mountains the vegeta-
tion will show, on the average, greater commingling of distinct forms
in the valleys, with purer types of plant communities upon the ridges
and summits.
(5) That the temperature difference existing between localities
with distinct assemblages of plants are often so small that the only
conclusion possible, if temperature difference be admitted as the
controlling factor, is that plants are subject to temperature control
within much narrower limits than ordinarily supposed.
The lower boundary of the Canadian life-zone has been stated to
conform in the central Sierra approximately to the 6,500-foot contour
for the west slope, descending at the north end of the range and higher
in the mountains of Tulare County; also that it is uniformly higher
on the east slope of the range, where subject to the influence of the
desert, than on the seaward flank. At the north end of the range in
Plumas County on the western crest (Bucks Mountain to Sierra
Buttes), the elevation of the line separating the Transition and the
Canadian zones may not exceed 6,000 feet and in places may become
depressed by as much as 300 to 400 feet below that altitude. The
boundary rises to the southward attaining an average altitude of
approximately 6,300 feet in the country about Sierra Buttes. On the
middle and eastern north Sierran ridges, the line is higher, owing to the
diminished rainfall ; east of Mohawk Valley only the highest summits,
1921J Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 53
such as Grizzly Peak, Penman Peak, Mt. Jackson, show Canadian
elements.60 Eastward of Sierra Buttes in Lincoln Valley (about
6,800 feet) the Canadian forest is well developed, the Murray Pines
being of large size.61 To the south of the Sierra-Nevada County line,
as the general altitude of the country rises, the Canadian life-zone
becomes of greater extent and forms a continuous belt on both sides
of the main divide with extensions westward to Snow Mountain and
to the numerous high peaks and ridges in the vicinity of English
Mountain. In this section the line separating the Transition and
Canadian floras runs at about the elevation of the surface of Lake
Tahoe (6,225 feet), Jeffrey Pine being the dominant tree at the south
end of the lake and on the Nevada side. The variation in this district
in the elevation of the Transition-Canadian boundary amounts to
some 300 feet. In the Yosemite district, nearly all the country
lying above the valley rim is Canadian; the line marking the lower
boundary of the boreal region, north of the valley, running at about
6,700 feet on Snow Creek Trail above Mirror Lake and slightly higher
on the Eagle Peak Trail. On the eastern flank, above Mono Lake, the
same break occurs at approximately 7,500 feet or about 1,000 feet
above the lake itself. South of the Yosemite district, the dividing line
rises to 7,000 feet in Madera and Fresno counties and, in the extreme
south of the high Sierra, about Mineral King, one meets the typical
high mountain flora at nearly 8,000 feet, while to the east along the
Sierran main crest, the Transition flora maintains itself at elevations
of 9,000 or 9,500 feet on western slopes.* On the eastern flank in
Mono County, the boreal region extends down the flank to about the
level of Lake Sebrina (9,170 feet) where Yellow and Murray pines
grow together62 and on the west side of Owens Valley, opposite Lone
Pine, to the 10,000-foot contour.63 The upper limit of the zone, which
corresponds to the lower boundary of the Hudsonian, similarly rises
from an altitude of about 6,500 feet in the mountains of northern
Plumas County and to 7,500 feet in the region of the Sierra Buttes.
West of Lake Tahoe, the Canadian-Hudsonian boundary varies be-
tween 8,000 and 8,500 feet in altitude; east of the Lake, in the Carson
Range, the upper limit of the Canadian is higher, on Mt. Rose64 at
about 9,000 feet. This last elevation is in agreement with the average
•* For many details concerning plant distribution in the Sierra of eastern
Tulare County, a region not yet visited by me, I am indebted to the excellent
field notes made by the late Professor W. R. Dudley, of Stanford University, who
made a number of collecting trips into the region from 1895 to 1904, and also to
Dr. H. M. Hall, whose collecting trips have covered all the region considered in
this Deport.
54 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
altitude of the upper limit of the Canadian in the Yosemite district,
though here in places Hudsonian elements are found at lower eleva-
tion, as at Snow Flat on the Tioga Road (8,700 feet). In the moun-
tains of Tulare County, the Canadian rises to elevations of 9,500 to
10,000 feet. The area between these altitudinal limits comprises the
greater part of all the high mountain country, within which certain
peaks and ridges north of Sonora Pass and a fairly continuous area
to the southward rise into the higher zones. But this Canadian area
is itself not uniform, at least two subzonal divisions being easily recog-
nized : the Jeffrey Pine belt and the true Canadian flora above.
The Jeffrey Pine belt, which, besides the tree designating this
division, includes the bulk of the Abies nwgnifica forest, constitutes
an intermediate phase between the Transition flora and that of the
true Canadian. Many of the plants often seen in the Transition are
also present here and not a few of the species, common in the true
Canadian, send stragglers down into this lowest section of the high
mountain flora. There are, however, a number of plants which are
distinctive of this lower Canadian belt :
Habenaria sparsiflora Selinum capitellatum
Habenaria unalaschcensis Barcodes sanguinea
Populus trichocarpa Gilia aggregata (typica)
Eriogonum spergulinum Apocynum androsamaefolium var.
Prunus emarginata
Pedicularis semibarbata
Ceanothus cordulatus
Hemizonella minima var. parvula
Ceanothus velutinus Chrysopsis Breweri
Oenothera xylocarpa (only southern Orochaenactis thysanocarpa (only
Sierra) southern Sierra)
The Jeffrey Pine belt is dominated by the forest type of vegeta-
tion; therein being allied to Transition flora; with the true Canadian
begins that recession of the forest and increasing importance" of the
meadow characteristic of high mountain floras.
The Hudsonian zone to the north of Mariposa County is found only
on the upper slopes of the peaks and ridges and nowhere in the north-
ern portion of the range forms connected areas of considerable size.
At the north end of the range, the Hudsonian is present only on the
very summits of the high peaks of western Plumas County (Spanish
Peak, Bucks Mountain, Mt. Pleasant60) and is not again found till
the region of Long Lake is reached near the Plumas-Sierra county line.
From the Gold Lake region southward, the islets of the Hudsonian
flora occur more frequently and begin to spread out along the summits
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 55
of the ridges between the peaks of the main Sierran divide, rising
some five miles west of Lake Tahoe. Southwest of the lake, this zone
is found on Mt. Tallac, Angora Peak, and to the west on Lucile Crest,
Ralston Peak, and at various points on the intervening ridges. East
of Lake Tahoe in the Carson Range, only Mt. Rose and Freels Peak
rise above the Canadian zone. Southward of the Tahoe region, the
general altitude quickly rises and the highest of the boreal forest zones
spreads out over the high country but is still intersected by tongues of
the Canadian flora through the valleys. At Sonora Pass, near the com-
mon point of Alpine, Mono and Tuolumne counties, the northern limit
of the high southern Sierra is reached, and from there on to the south-
ward the Hudsonian life-zone is practically continuous except where
intersected by the Canadian flora at Tioga Pass and, more widely, at
Mammoth Pass. The zone is developed on all the high summits and
ridges to the west of the main divide in the Yosemite district, appearing
on Mt. Hoffman and perhaps on the very summit of Clouds Rest and
spreading on all the flanks of the crests that center about Mt. Lyell.
South of the gap at Mammoth Pass, this zone is continuous to beyond
Cirque Peak and reappears on Mt. Olancha in a narrow band at above
10,000 feet. Hudsonian plants are also found to the westward on Kaiser
Crest in Fresno County and on most of the higher ridges between that
divide and the high mountains west of Kern River as far south as
Sheep Mountain, the southern termination of the Great Western
Divide in Tulare County. Though the lower limit of the Hudsonian
is difficult of definition since subject to conditions of slope exposure,
the upper limit of this zone should be, at least in theory, easy of
determination since the accepted boundary is at that altitude where
the forest finally succumbs to the alpine climate. Practically, the
exclusion of tree growth depends upon so many factors, climatic,
edaphic, perhaps also biologic, that its delimitation is by no means an
easy matter.
In the mountains of western North America timber line is still
a purely natural phenomenon; artificial deforestation, which renders
its accurate determination so difficult in Europe has not affected it,
and its gradual rise from north to south attests the gradual increase
with lower latitudes in the sum of effective temperatures during the
season of growth. It appears that at the northern end of the Rockies,
in the Athabasca-Mackenzie region, timber line is found at about
2,000 feet ;65 farther south in the mountains about the head of Stewart
River, the forest yields to the alpine meadow at between 3,700-4,700
56 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
feet;66 on the west side of the Rockies, in about the same latitude,
in the Atlin District of British Columbia, timber line runs at 3,700-
4,200 ;67 in southern British Columbia, the better watered Selkirks
have a forest cover to approximately 6,000 feet08 or a little higher,
while the drier Rocky Mountains to the east are forested about 1,000
feet higher, tree-line appearing at 7-8,000 feet.69 The Purcell Range,
near the international boundary, has the forest limited at 7,200 feet.70
Along the coast in southeastern Alaska, the alpine meadows begin
much lower down, at approximately 3,500 feet in the Sitka region.71
The mountains of British Columbia lie at the vertex of the great angle
formed by the south-trending mountains along the Pacific coast of
the United States and the southeastward extension of the Rockies.
The difference between the ranges of British Columbia in respect to
elevation of tree-line is maintained in the mountains of the western
United States. In Washington, Piper reports72 tree-line at 6-7,000
feet; in the corresponding latitude in Montana, Rydberg73 considers
71-8,100 feet the upper limit of the forest ; this estimate for the height
of timber-line in Montana differs considerably from the figures given
by Gannett,74 who found the upper forest limit in the mountains about
Bozeman to be about 9,500 feet, with a line at 8,800 feet in the Absa-
roka Mountains, and in the Flathead district, 9,000 feet as the begin-
ning of the alpine zone. Corroboration for Piper's estimate for Wash-
ington is afforded by Tansley's survey of Mt. Rainier, where the actual
tree-line was found to be 6,800 feet.75 Russell76 states that timber line
on the high mountains of central Idaho is near 10,000 feet. In the
Cascades of Oregon, Leiberg77 reports Mts. Thielson, Pitt, and Scott
to have true timber lines at 93-9,400 feet. On Mt. Shasta, timber line
is said by Merriam63 to average considerably under 95-9,800 feet,
which is the elevation of the line on the southwest slopes. In nearly
the same latitude, the Uintas of Utah have an alpine zone afoove a
timber line at about 11,000 feet and eastward in Wyoming and Colo-
rado, the same boundary between the alps and the highest of the
forest zones rises from 9,900 feet in the Yellowstone Park to 10,000
feet in the Wind River Mountains,74 10,500 feet in the Big Horn
Mountains, and 11,100 feet in the Rockies of northern Colorado
(Longs Peak). The climatic tree-line on Lassen Peak (10,437 feet)
in northeastern California, is especially hard to define owing to the
excessively rocky nature of the slopes, which afford a soil suitable for
tree growth in only a few places; the line is approximately near the
9,200-foot contour. In the Coast Ranges of California no peaks rise
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 57
above timber line. In the Sierra north of Lake Tahoe no summits
rise to timber line except Mt. Rose, which is said by Heller78 to have
a true alpine summit above the 10,000-foot contour. To the west of
Lake Tahoe, Pyramid Peak and Dick's Peak have treeless summits
with an ill-defined tree-line at about 9,900 feet. The summits of Castle
Peak and Mt. Tallac are devoid of trees because of lack of soil and
force of the wind. In the high mountains to the southward of the
Tahoe district as far as Mt. Olancha in Tulare County, many of the
summits are truly alpine; in the Yosemite district, the line marking
the forest limit runs at approximately 10,200 feet on Ragged Peak;
10,300 feet on Mt. Dana; 10,700 feet on Mt. Lyell; 10,400 feet in
Farewell Gap; 10,700 feet on Mt. Kaweah; 10,600 feet on Sawtooth
Peak ; and 11,000 feet on Mt. Olancha ; south of the last no Californian
summits rise into the alpine zone except Mt. San Bernardino (11,485
feet) and possibly Mt. San Jacinto (10,805 feet).79 The Southern
Rockies of Colorado and New Mexico have approximately the same
latitude as the Sierra Nevada ; tree-line in Colorado rises from about
11,000 feet on Longs Peak to 11,500 feet on Pikes Peak80 and 12,000
feet on the mountains in the southwestern part of the state.81 In New
Mexico, Truchas Peak has a tree-line at about 13,000 feet,82 the highest
elevation for timber line known from the United States. Mt. San
Francisco, in northern Arizona, has a timber line to which Mearns
assigns an altitude of 11,468 feet.83*
The data presented above at considerable length are of interest in
attempting to arrive at some conclusion with regard to the migration
and colonization of mountain ranges by arctic or circumboreal plants.
The gradual rise of timber line and therefore the rise of the minimum
altitude at which the typical arctic-alpine flora finds life conditions
most favorable for occupation, is seen to be essentially similar in both
the Rocky Mountains and the Cascade-Sierra system, though the actual
altitudes differ by approximately 1,000 feet at the same latitude. This
difference is owing to two reasons at least: greater aridity of the
Rockies coupled with their continental type of climate causes the
extremes of temperature to be greater than in the coast mountains;
the Rockies are colder in winter and warmer in summer, but nowhere
does the degree of winter cold exclude the forest; its limit is rather
determined by the sum of the effective temperatures during the growth
* South of the mountains of northern Arizona and New Mexico, no peaks in
North America rise to above timber line till the great volcanoes in central Mexico
are reached, about sixteen degrees of latitude further south, yet their tree-line is
scarcely a thousand feet higher.s*
58 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
period and this sum is greater in the Rockies than in the western
mountains at the same altitude. In other words, the elevation, where
the total of effective heat received is insufficient for tree growth, is as
much higher in the Rockies than in the parallel Pacific system as the
difference between their tree-lines. The other reason believed to
explain in part the higher timber-line of the Rockies is the fact that
in the Cordillera the mass of land raised to equal elevations is far
greater than in the Cascade-Sierra system; the latter is a long but
relatively narrow mountain axis, while the Cordillera is rather an
enormous plateau from which the several mountain chains rise to yet
greater heights. It is well known that isotherms rise over plateaus.
These reasons then seem competent to explain the increased height of
tree-line along the same parallels in western North America.
The data presented above take no account of the difference between
timber-line and tree-line, the latter referring to the elevation above
which no trees are found, the former denoting the limit of the forest.
Between these two limits is the area in which the forest and meadow
formations are in unstable equilibrium, other factors than those termed
climatic determining the issue as to which formation shall occupy a
given terrane. In the Sierra it is very difficult indeed to distinguish
the forest line from the tree-line, due to the fact that so much of the
high mountain country is at present incapable of supporting the
forest, not because trees are excluded by climatic factors, but because
of the absence of soil, which again is a consequence of the extreme
recency of Sierran glaciation. (See plate 4, Desolation Valley.)
One result of this brevity of post-glacial time is that over much
of the boreal region within and above the Hudsonian zone, soil is
nearly non-existent and the forest is now absent where perhaps it at
one time existed and where it may reappear. R. S. Marshall, in his
survey of the Mt. Lyell region, found nearly one half of the area
of the quadrangle to be above timber line, devoid of timber, grass, or
A further consequence of the recency of glaciation has been to
exclude from the Sierra, till soil shall form again, the alpine meadows,
which are so characteristic of the mountains of Washington and
British Columbia and of the Rockies of Colorado. The "alps" with
their brilliant flowers and dense turf of grasses, sedges, and rushes,
which lend so much of charm to the other high mountain regions of
the west, are present in the Sierra in pocket-edition size, being repre-
sented by small patches among the roches moutennees or among the
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra, Nevada of California 59
boulders strewn over the rock-fields. Only rarely are good-sized
meadows seen in the higher mountains.*
Though the precise location of timber-line in a given place may be
a matter of difficulty and involve a consideration of many factors,
some of them at present too obscure for satisfactory review, yet
ultimately the last vestige of arborescent growth has been passed
(compare plates 1 and 2) and the alpine region definitely entered
which finds its superior limit at snow-line, where such a line exists,
as in the Cascades. But in the Sierra the existence of snow-line is
only to be inferred from the presence of vestigial glaciers at certain
points in the Yosemite district and in the mountains to the southward.
There is no place in the Sierra today where snowfall exceeds melting.
There are therefore no "eternal snows" in the Sierra and no restric-
tion upon the area open to occupation by suitable plants because of
the existence of a niveal region.
But this alpine region is by no means a continuous area; rather it
is everywhere broken up and only found on isolated summits in the
Sierran region adjacent to and southward of Lake Tahoe. At the
present day there is no truly alpine habitat between Lassen Peak and
Mt. Rose. In the Tahoe region, the summits of Pyramid Peak, Dicks
Peak, Freels Peak, and possibly the summit of Mt. Tallac are of alpine
character. South of the Tahoe district, islets of arctic-alpine plants
become increasingly numerous and in the high mountains above the
Yosemite Valley the total area occupied or open to colonization by
arctic-alpines becomes considerable, and the same is true for the south-
ern Sierra. This fragmental character of the arctic-alpine terrane
unquestionably reacts upon the flora in preventing the spread of its
component species ; many of them must be dependent upon more or less
fortuitous agencies for their dispersal. Yet the alpine region of the
Sierra in its present state offers certain possibilities for plant invasion
by appropriate types perhaps superior to those of the majority of the
western high mountain ranges. The very recency of its glaciation has
removed much of the competition to which an immigrant plant is,
as a rule, subjected and to which it usually succumbs; the high
gradient of the alpine region generally promotes landslips whereby a
former plant population is removed and free ground exposed for
colonization. The sporadic distribution of many of the distinctive
alpine plants lends some support to the view that they are in fact
* J. N. LeConte writes of a camping place in the alpine region south of
Yosemite: "This was one of those rare spots in the Sierra above the timber-line
where the grass covers the hills and valleys, like the Coast Eange in spring. ' ' Bull.
Sierra Club, vol. 7, pp. 1-22. 1909.
60 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
passively transported from station to station, but by what agency is
at present obscure. In spite, however, of the fact that the Sierra
would seem to offer as suitable a habitat for the arctic-alpine .flora,
or for the "Glazialpflanzen" of Engler86 as the Cascades or the
Rockies, we find its flora, as exhibited in the following list, to be
singular among the boreal floras of the west in its paucity of high
arctic types. Of the plants found at high altitudes in the Rockies
and in the mountains of Washington and British Columbia and rang-
ing north to the Arctic, a significant number have failed to reach the
Sierra, though not a few have entered the mountains of northern
That part of the high mountain flora of the Sierra Nevada com-
posed of vascular plants, is made up of 57 families divided into 243
genera and 633 species.* Five of the families belong to the pterido-
phytes. The spermatophyte families include the single gymnosperm
family of Pinaceae, leaving the flowering-plants to be divided among
51 families. None of the plant families are peculiar to the region
covered by this report.
The 5 families of pteridophytes include 14 genera; the Poly-
podiaceae with 10 genera and the other 4 families with 1 genus
each. Although the Polypodiaceae include the majority of the species
(13 out of a total of 20), the genus-species ratio is less in this family
* It is freely admitted that the basis for this report is a concept of the species
(and of the subordinate categories) which is frankly conservative; I have not
intentionally rejected any new definition merely because of its newness but have
sought to examine it carefully and determine, as best I could, its value. Many
species recently proposed have seemed to me of no merit whatever, to be in fact
mischievous, since their definition interferes with what, in my opinion, is the
natural relationship. Most of the species here admitted as components of the
high mountain flora of the Sierra were defined in a period when the concept of
the species was more comprehensive than that held by many botanists of today,
and it is probably true that many of the species recognized in the Annotated List
will seem to some too inclusive, just as many of the varieties and forms included
will appear to have good claims to be considered as deserving of higher taxo-
nomic rank. It is believed, however, that this attitude strengthens, rather than
weakens, any conclusions which now may be drawn with regard to floristic rela-
tionships. Certainly if one were seeking to establish the thesis that the flora
of every mountain range of the west is a thing apart, he could find abundant
verbal justification in the numerous descriptions of local races or even of indi-
vidual abnormalities which have been issued as specific diagnoses. It is hoped
that the judgments concerning these matters expressed in the List will not be
found wanting in a significant number of cases.
Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 61
than in any other pteridophyte family except Selaginellaceae, where
the single genus Selaginella is monotypic. A notable fact connected
with the pteridophyte element in the Sierran high mountain flora is
the exclusion of the genus Lycopodium, which has 5 boreal species in
Washington,72 one of which (L. annotinum L.) ranges southward in
the Rockies to Colorado in the same latitude as the Sierra. The
Pinaceae include 4 genera: Abies and Tsuga, monotypic; Juniperus
with 2 species, and Pinus with 6 species. Here again there is a sig-
nificant difference between the flora of the mountains of the Pacific
Northwest and of the Rockies and of that of the higher Sierra. All
of the genera and all of the species, except Pinus Balfouriana, P,
flexilis, and Abies magnifica, present in our region, are also boreal
elements in Washington, but of the 20 species of gymnosperms present
in the northern Cascades, 10 attain their southern limit on the
Cascade-Sierran axis at some point to the north of our region, though
some of them continue down the Rocky Mountains to our latitude or
even attain lower latitudes in New Mexico and Arizona. The char-
acteristic northern gymnosperm genera Pic&a and Larix have no
representatives in the Sierra Nevada though both are found in the
Cascades, Larix coming south to Mt. Hood and northwest Montana,
and Picea to northern California along the Cascades, and in the
Rockies to New Mexico and Arizona.
Of the 51 families of Angiosperms, the largest, both in number
of genera and species, is Compositae. This great family, of world-wide
distribution, has within our limits 32 genera and 91 species. Of its
genera Erigeron is the largest, having 12 species in the Canadian life-
zone or above, followed by Senecio with 9 species, Aster and Arnica
each with 7, and Artemisia with 6. All the other genera of Compo-
sitae, resident in the higher Sierra, have 5 or fewer species (Haplo-
pappus 5; Chrysothamnu-s, Antennaria, Hieracium, each 4; Hulsea,
3 ; Helenium, Eriophyllum, Chaenactis, Raillardella, Achillea, Cir-
sium, Agos'eris, and Crepis, each 2 ; the remaining 14 genera, or nearly
one-half of the total, are monotypic).
The family having the next largest number of genera is Gramineae,
with 18 genera, Poa and Agrostis, each with 5 species, being the two
largest. The remaining 28 species of grasses in the high mountains
include 4 in Calamagrostis, and 3 each in Trisetum and Agropyron;
the other genera have 2 or 1 each, there being 8 monotypic genera,
or again nearly one-half of the total number of genera of grasses.
After Compositae, the family with the largest number of species
is Cyperaceae, the 4 genera of which are divided into 52 species, the
62 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
vast majority being in Carex (44 species), the largest genus of the
boreal flora.
Of the 5 largest boreal plant families of the Sierra, counting
number of species, Scrophulariaveae has the largest genus-species ratio
with 41 species divided among 8 genera, or slightly more than 5 species
per genus. Mimulus (13 species) is the largest genus with Pentstemon
(9 species) and Castilleja (8 species) next in order, the other 5 genera
present within our region dividing the remaining 11 species, 2 of the 5
being monotypic.
Rosac&ae in its 14 genera includes the same number of species
as Gramineae, i.e., 38. Potentilla is the largest genus, having 13
species; the nearly allied genus Ivesia takes 7 species, leaving 12
genera to include the remaining 18 species, though of this dozen genera
7 (more than half) are monotypic.
These five families — Compositae, Cyperaceae, Scrophulariaceae,
Gramlneae, and Rosaceae — include 66 genera and 260 species, or 28.4
per cent of the genera of Angiosperms within our limits, and 43.1
per cent of the species. The reasons for this predominance of com-
posites, sedges, figworts, grasses, and rosaceous plants in the high
mountain region are still obscure, but the character of their repro-
ductive bodies may, in part, explain their successful occupation of
the alpine and subalpine country. Excluding Scrophulariaceae, the
typical fruit of these groups of plants is the achene, small, of light
weight, and well protected against injury by the hardened ovary wall
which encloses an embryo provided with stored food. The achene
is the exclusive type of fruit in Composite, Cyperac&ae, and Gram-
ineae (here slightly modified as the caryopsis or grain), while in
Rosaceae, it is the fruit of those genera, like Potentilla, Ivesia, and
Horkelia, which, if number of species be interpreted as a criterion of
generic success, have been most successful. In Scrophulariaee^ae
achenes are replaced by many-seeded ovaries, the seeds themselves
being small and enclosing an embryo in copious albumen, the whole
seed analogous to an achene from the point of view of ease of distri-
bution and provision for germination. When one recalls the rigorous
features of the high mountain habitat, the temperature extremes, the
force of the wind, and the uneven nature of the terrane, the advan-
tages which the achene or some similar type of propagule may be
presumed to have seem significant.
The other 57 per cent of the boreal angiosperm flora is made up
of the remaining 46 families of flowering plants having representation
in our region. These families are unequally represented.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California
(a) 5 families have more than 20 species:
(1) Cruciferae, 11 genera, 26 species.
(2) Polygonaceae, 4 genera, 25 species.
(3) Saxifragaceae, 9 genera, 24 species.
(4) Leguminosae, 4 genera, 23 species.
(5) Liliaceae, 13 genera, 21 species.
(&) 9 families have from 10 to 19 species inclusive:
(1) Ranunculaceae, 10 genera, 19 species.
(2) Ericaceae,
(3) Umbelliferae,
(4) Caryophyllaceae,
(5) Hydrophyllaceae,
(6) Polemoniaceae,
(7) Juncaceae,
(8) Salicaceae,
(9) Onagraceae,
(c) 6 families have from 5 to 9 species inclusive:
(1) Borraginaceae, 5 genera, 9 species.
12 genera, 17 species.
12 genera, 16 species.
5 genera, 14 species.
5 genera, 14 species.
3 genera, 13 species.
2 genera, 13 species.
2 genera, 11 species.
4 genera, 11 species.
(2) Gentianaceae,
(3) Portulacaceae,
(4) Caprifoliaceae,
(5) Primulaceae,
(6) Orchidaceae,
4 genera, 9 species.
4 genera, 8 species.
3 genera,
3 genera,
7 species.
5 species.
3 genera, 5 species.
(d) The remaining 26 families have 4 or fewer species, those starred being
represented by a single species: Sparganiaceae, Najadaceae, *Junca-
ginaceae, Iridaceae, Betulaceae, Fagaceae, Loranthaceae, *Nymphe-
aceae, Fumariaceae, Droseraceae, Crassulaceae, *Geraniaceae, *Linaceae,
*Callitrichaceae, *Aceraceae, Rhamnaceae, Malvaceae, *JHypericaceae,
Viol-aceae, *Halorrhagidaceae, *Cornaceae, Apocynaceae, Labiatae, Eubi-
aceae, *Lentibulariaceae, *Valerianaoeae.
The relative importance of the several genera of angiosperms whose
species make up the greater part of the vegetation of the high Sierra,
is unequal. The genera with large representation are comparatively
few and may be ranked as follows on the basis of the number of their
species :
44 species
i 13 species
( 12 species
V 9 species
L 8 species
7 species
6 species
5 species
64 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
These 30 genera account for 275 species, leaving 195 genera of
minor importance among which to divide the 328 species of flowering
plants not included within the great genera above listed. Of these
195 genera, 112 are monotypic, each having but a single species. The
remaining 83 genera divide 216 species and have a genus-species ratio
of 2.6. Perhaps a better idea of the significance of a comparatively
few leading genera may be gained if percentages are compared. When
this is done, it appears that :
13.3 per cent of the genera include 45.6 per cent of the species;
36.9 per cent of the genera include 35.8 per cent of the species;
49.7 per cent of the genera include 18.5 per cent of the species.
Summarizing the data here reviewed we find that the 633 vascular
plant species of the boreal region of the Sierra are segregated into
(a) 5 families of pteridophytes with 14 genera and 20 species;
(6) 1 family of gymnosperms with 4 genera and 10 species;
(c) 51 families of angiosperms with 225 genera and 603 species, which are
grouped in
(1) 30 genera of major importance, each with 5 or more species and
totaling 275 species;
(2) 83 genera of minor importance with 216 species;
(3) 112 monotypic genera.
Besides those plant groups which, in the writer's opinion, are suf-
ficiently marked to deserve recognition as species, there are in the
flora of the higher Sierra Nevada certain less well defined congeries
variously called subspecies, varieties, and forms, which in the aggre-
gate raise the total number of plant groups requiring nomenclatural
differentiation to 682.
These 682 more or less well marked floristic units, which in the
aggregate make up the plant population of the higher Sierra, have
unequal ranges. Some are endemic within the Sierra ; some have their
presumable point of origin within our limits but are now more or less
widely spread beyond its borders as emigrants; others are certainly
immigrants from adjacent or more remote areas. Comparing the
known ranges of these high mountain species, varieties, and forms,
we find
Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 65
(a) 205 with this distribution: present in the Sierra Nevada, Southern Cas-
cades, Northern Cascades, mountains of British Columbia, Northern
Rockies, Southern Rockies at least as far south as Colorado, many of
them also in the mountains of New Mexico.*
(fe) 154 peculiar to the Sierran region, as defined in this paper.
(c) 81 common to the Sierra, Southern Cascades, Northern Cascades, and
mountains of British Columbia.
(d) 57 distributed as follows: present in the Sierra Nevada, ranging north-
ward through the Cascades to the mountains of British Columbia (a
few extending farther north) and present in the Northern Rockies but
not reaching the Southern. Rockies.
(e~) 47 to be present in the Sierra and extending northward to Mt. Shasta
and the mountains of Siskiyou County (a few of the plants included
here are also found in the mountains of southern California).
(/) 40 inhabiting the Sierra and the Southern Cascades, also the mountains
of eastern Oregon and southwest Idaho. A few plants of this group
are known from the Warner Mountains of Modoe County.
(g) 32 with this distribution: present in the Sierra and in the Rockies, mainly
the Southern Rockies, though a few here included are known to range
north to Alberta. The essential fact with regard to this class is that
they are not present in the Cascades and mountains of British Columbia.
(7i) 24 growing in the Sierra, mainly on the eastern flank, and on the ranges
of the Great Basin and western side of the Cordillera from southwest
Montana to western Colorado.
(i) 24 common to the Sierra and mountains of southern California. A few
plants of this group are also found on the desert ranges of southeastern
California (White Mountains, Panamint Mountains).
(j) 18 present in the Sierra and ranging northward through the Cascades to
Alaska but not known from the Rocky Mountains (plants mainly of
the Alaskan coastal strip).
It appears that of the total number of kinds of plants now found
in the high Sierra, 225 (6 plus e plus i) are peculiar to the Calif ornian
region, which conforms to the political state except that it includes
the outlying spurs of the Sierra Nevada, just east of Lake Tahoe, and
a small area in southwest Oregon, which, geologically and, it is
believed, biologically, has a closer relationship with the mountains
of Siskiyou County than with the balance of the State of Oregon.
We find then nearly one-third of the boreal flora of the Sierra
essentially Calif ornian ; a nearly equal fraction of the total number
composed of species of very wide distribution in the Cordilleran and
Pacific sections of North America ; and the remainder including plants
present in extra-Californian mountain floras but of less extended
ranges than the plants of the second group.
* Southern Cascades: Cascades of Oregon south of and not including Mt. Hood.
Northern Cascades: Mt. Hood and Cascades of Washington and British
Northern Rockies: Rocky Mountains north of the Laramie Plains.
•** Southern Rockies: Rocky Mountains south of the Laramie Plains.
66 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
In western North America there are recognized, by very general
agreement, at least three fairly distinct divisions: the Rocky Moun-
tains, the Pacific Northwest (Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and British
Columbia), and the Californian region. Dr. Rydberg has shown that
the Rocky Mountains should not be considered as a unit floristically,
but should be divided into the Northern Rockies and Southern Rockies
with the subalpine plains of southern Wyoming intervening.* It is of
some interest to note the relative numbers of plant forms possessed in
common by the Sierra Nevada and by each of these subdivisions of the
Rocky Mountains. The geographic analysis of the Sierran high moun-
tain flora presented above indicates that of the 682 plants distin-
guished in this report :
261 (a plus g plus Ji\) are common to the Sierra Nevada and the
Southern Rockies.
286 (a plus d plus Ji) are common to the Sierra Nevada and the
Northern Rockies.
361 (a plus c plus d plus j) are common to the Sierra Nevada and
the Pacific Northwest.
Expressing these similarities in familiar terms, we find that over
one-half of the plants distinguished in the Sierra Nevada are also
present in the Northwest; more than one-third are common to the
Sierra and to the Southern Rockies ; an intermediate fraction expresses
the degree of similarity with respect to the Northern Rockies.
Sporophylls free or, if aggregated, never forming true flowers; plants with
spores and without seeds. PTERIDOPHYTA (Ferns and Fern Allies)
Leaves usually ample or, if small, never reduced to scales forming sheaths
about the solid stems; sporophylls not aggregated into terminal cones
(strobili) formed of peltate scales.
Terrestrial plants; leaves never grass-like.
Leaves (fronds) not closely overlapping or imbricated, of medium to
large size, each with a stalk or stipe; sporangia numerous on each
* Torreya, vol. 12, pp. 73-85.
t h includes a number of plants, some of which are common to the Sierra and
both Northern and Southern Eockies, and some common to the Sierra and only
one of these subdivisions, but at present the details of plant distribution for
eastern Idaho, southwest Wyoming, and western Colorado, are too imperfectly
known, at least to me, to warrant an attempt to distinguish the exact ranges of
the plants included in this group. Accordingly h is added to both of the totals
assigned to the divisions of the Eocky Mountains, a procedure not affecting the
degree of similarity with the Sierran flora of these two divisions as compared to
each other, though it may affect the value of comparing either of these totals
with that assigned to the Pacific Northwest.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 67
Leaf solitary but divided into a sterile and a fertile part; sporangium
sessile, without an annulus. Family 2. Ophioglossaceae
Leaves few to many, not divided into sterile and fertile parts; sporan-
gium stalked and having an annulus. Family 1. Polypodiaceae
Leaves closely imbricated, very small attached to the stem by broad
bases; sporangium solitary in the leaf axils.
Family 4. Selaginellaceae
Aquatic plants, submerged or merely emergent, with tufted grass-like
leaves having enlarged bases which enclose the sporangia.
Family 5. Isoetaceae
Leaves reduced to scales and united by their bases to form sheaths about
the hollow jointed stems; sporophylls aggregated into terminal cones
(strobili) formed of peltate scales. Family 3. Equisetaceae
Sporophylls aggregated into true flowers; plants producing seeds.
SPERMATOPHYTA (Conifers and Flowering Plants)
*Plants with ovules exposed upon the sporophylls and not enclosed within an
ovary; woody plants with (in ours) always evergreen needle-like or
scale-like leaves. GYMNOSPERMAE: in our region with but a single
family. Family 6. Pinaceae
**Plants with ovules enclosed within ovaries; woody or herbaceous plants
with evergreen or deciduous foliage.
ANGIOSPERMAE, or True Flowering Plants
I. Flowers composed of parts arranged in 3's or 6's, never in 4's or 5's (i.e.,
3 petals, 6 stamens, etc., never 4 petals, 5 stamens, etc., except Pota-
mogeton with 4-merous flowers) ; ours all herbaceous plants with the
leaves having their prominent veins parallel: stems without central
pith and ringlike layers. MONOCOTYLEDONS
Ovary or ovaries distinct (in Juncaginaoeae united at first but separating
at maturity) and simple; perianth (= sepals and petals taken together)
none or calyx-like.
Perianth none, or calyx-like with scalelike divisions.
Flowers not in the axils of dry chaffy bracts.
Flowers monoecious, grouped into globose heads along the upper part
of the stem, the upper heads staminate, the lower pistillate.
Family 7. Sparganiaceae
Flowers perfect, not in globose heads.
Immersed plants with flowers composed of 4 sepals, 4 stamens, and
4 ovaries, the latter always distinct. Family 8. Najadaceae
Terrestrial plants with grasslike, somewhat fleshy leaves and flowers
composed of 6 sepals, 6 stamens, and usually 6 ovaries, the latter
at first united but distinct at maturity.
Family 9. Juncaginaceae
Flowers in the axils of dry chaffy bracts, aggregated into spikes or
Stems mostly terete (round) and hollow, sheathed by the bases of
the leaves, the sheaths mostly open opposite the blades; anthers
versatile and stigmas plumose; fruit a grain.
Family 10. Gramineae
Stems mostly triangular and solid; leaf -sheaths closed; anthers basi-
fixed, stigmas not plumose; fruit an achene.
Family 11. Cyperaceae
68 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Ovary compound (= formed of more than a single carpel) ; perianth always
present, its segments in 2 series.
Ovary superior (i.e., free from the calyx).
Plant rush-like; perianth segments similar, chaffy, none petaloid.
Family 12. Juncaceae
Plant not rush-like; at least the inner whorl of perianth segments
petaloid. Family 13. Liliaceae
Ovary inferior (i.e., its wall united with the calyx).
Flowers in umbels, regular; stamens 3. Family 14. Iridaceae
Flowers in spikes or racemes, irregular; stamen 1.
Family 15. Orchidaceae
II. Flowers composed of parts arranged in 4's or 5's, rarely otherwise; leaves
with the veins forming a network; stems with central pith and, if per-
ennial, showing annual rings. DICOTYLEDONS
*Corolla none: calyx absent or present: if present, then herbaceous or petaloid
(in Caryophyllaeeae, the corolla commonly present).
Trees and shrubs.
Flowers in catkins (aments).
Both staminate and pistillate flowers in catkins.
Flowers 1 to each scale or bract of the catkin, the ovary developing
to a many-seeded, 1-celled pod with comose seeds.
Family 16. Salicaceae
Flowers 2 or 3 to each scale of the catkin; ovary becoming a winged
nutlet. Family 17. Betulaceae
Staminate flowers only in catkins; pistillate flowers in an involucre
becoming an acorn cup or spiny bur. Family 18. Fagaceae
Flowers not in catkins.
Leaves alternate, functional; fruit an achene with persistent long
plumose style. Family (30). Cercooarpus
Leaves opposite, scale-like; parasitic dwarf shrubs, growing on conifers
(in ours). Family 19. Lcranthaceae
Herbs, sometimes suffrutescent at base.
Ovary superior.
Calyx present.
Pistil 1, its ovary 5-celled; reddish or whitish saprophyte.
Family (44). Mlotropa
Pistil 1, its ovary 1-celled.
Stipules present and forming sheaths about the nodes.
Family 20. Polygonaceae
Stipules absent.
Flowers involucrate; calyx 6-parted. Family (20). Eriogorwm
Flowers not surrounded by an involucre; calyx and corolla 5-
parted, or the latter wanting. Family 21. Caryophyllaeeae
Pistils more than 1 and distinct (i.e., each an ovary), forming
achenes or follicles. Family 24. Ranunculaceae
Calyx absent (i.e., flowers naked) ; aquatic plant with opposite leaves.
Family 34. Callitrichaceae
Ovary inferior; aquatic plant with whorled leaves.
Family 40. Haloragidaceae
Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 69
Calyx and corolla both present, the latter of distinct petals.
Calyx entirely free and separate from the pistil or pistils.
Flowers with stamens distinct.
Stamens hypogynous, more than 10.
Pistils several to many, simple and distinct, becoming achenes or
follicles. Family 24. Ranunculaceae
Pistil 1.
Ovary 1-celled.
Leaves entire, fleshy; petals 8-16, sepals 4-8, style divided into
filiform divisions. Family (22). "Lewisia
Leaves compound, thin or membranous; petals reduced or some-
times wanting, sepals 4; style obsolete and stigma broad,
obscurely lobed. Family (24). Actaea
Ovary more than 1-celled.
Aquatic herb with peltate leaves, petals 10-20, sepals 5-12,
anthers dark red. , Family 23. Nympheaceae
Terrestrial creeping dwarf plants; petals 5, sepals 5, stamens
in 3-5 bunches, anthers yellow. Family 38. Hypericaceae
Stamens hypogynous, 10 or fewer.
Pistils more than 1, distinct.
Pistils more numerous than sepals or petals.
Family 24. Ranunculaceae
Pistils as many as the sepals or petals. Family 28. Crassulaceae
Pistils 5, more or less united at first but separating as 1-seeded
carpels when mature. Family 32. Geraniaceae
Pistil 1.
Ovary becoming 2-celled by a false partition; flowers cruciferous
(4 sepals, 4 petals, 6 stamens — 4 long, 2 short — or rarely
fewer; fruit a silique or silicle). Family 26. Cruciferae
Ovary 1-celled; stamens equal.
Corolla irregular (= petals not uniform)
Stamens 5, connivent over the ovary; petals 5, lower petals
spurred; sepals 5, unequal. Family 39. Violaceae
Stamens 6; petals 4; sepals 2; flowers somewhat cordate at
base. Family 25. Fumariaceae
Corolla regular.
Leaves strictly basal with circinnate vernation, bearing viscid
glandular hairs; flowers in secund racemes on leafless
peduncles; insectivorous bog-plants.
Family 27. Droseraceae
Leaves not strictly basal, usually more or less scattered on
the stems; no insectivorous bog-plants.
Leaves reduced to functionless scales; white or brownish
saprophyte of coniferous forest floors.
Family (44). Pleuricospora
Leaves not reduced to scales; autotrophic plants.
Calyx of 4 or 5 distinct or united sepals.
Family 21. Caryophyllaceae
Calyx of 2 distinct sepals. Family 22. Portulacaceae
Ovary more than 2-celled.
Anthers opening by terminal pores. Family 44. Ericaceae
Anthers opening by longitudinal slits. Family 33. Linaceae
70 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Stamens perigynous.
Stamens inserted on the edge of a hypogynous disk within the calyx;
ovary 2-celled, becoming a 2-winged samara.
Family 35. Aceraceae
Stamens borne on the calyx.
Leaves simple, exstipulate; stamens 5 or 10; pistil always solitary.
Family 29. Saxifragaceae
Leaves simple or compound, stipulate; stamens 10 to numerous;
pistils 1 to several. Family 30. Rosaceae
Flowers with stamens united by their filaments, monadelphous or dia-
Stamens 10 or fewer; flowers irregular; ovary 1-celled; leaves com-
Stamens 6, diadelphous, in two sets of 3 each; sepals 2 and petals 4;
flowers somewhat cordate at base. Family 25. Fumariaceae
Stamens 10, diadelphous (9 united and 1 free) or monadelphous;
sepals and petals 5; flowers papilionaceous.
Family 31. Leguminosae
Stamens numerous united by their filaments into a tube about the
several-celled ovary; leaves simple. Family 37. Malvaceae
Calyx united with the pistil or pistils (ovary inferior).
Herbaceous plants.
Flowers not in umbels.
Flowers apetalous; stamen solitary. Family (40). Hippuris
. Flowers with petals; stamens more than 1.
Style 1; sepals and petals 4 (rarely 5 or 2).
Family 41. Onagraceae
Styles 2 to 5; sepals and petals always 5.
Family 29. Saxifragaceae
Flowers in umbels (the rays of the umbel sometimes short and the
flowers appearing in capitate clusters). Family 43. Umbelliferae
Petals 5.
Fruit a pome. Family 30. Rosaceae
Fruit a capsule.
Stamens 10, anthers basi-fixed; petals plane or merely curving,
not hooded. Family (29). Jamesia
Stamens 5, anthers versatile; petals hooded. Family (36). Qeanotlius
Fruit a berry. Family (29). Eibes
Petals 4; fruit a drupe. Family 42. Cornaceae
***Calyx and corolla both present, the latter of more or less united petals.
Stamens free from the corolla; anthers opening by terminal pores (except
in Pleuricospora the anthers dehisce by longitudinal slits to the base,
and in Allotropa to the middle, of each cell). Family 44. Ericaceae
Stamens inserted on the corolla; anthers opening by longitudinal slits.
Ovary superior.
Stamens more than 5.
Petals 5, sepals 5.
Pistil 1.
Stamens 10, monadelphous or diadelphous; ovary 1-celled.
Family 31. Leguminosae
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 71
Stamens numerous, monadelphous; ovary several-celled.
Family 37. Malvaceae
Pistils 4 or 5, distinct; stamens 10. Family 28. Crassulaceae
Petals 4, in pairs; sepals 2; stamens 6, diadelphous.
Family 25. Fumariaceae
Stamens 5 or fewer.
Corolla regular.
Pistil 1.
Stamens as many as the lobes of the corolla and opposite to
the lobes. Family 45. Primulaceae
Stamens as many as or fewer than the lobes of the corolla and
alternate with the lobes.
Ovary 1 or 2-celled; styles or stigmas 2 or 1.
Fruit with septicidal dehiscence; herbage smooth; style 1,
entire or slightly lobed at tip; ovary 1-celled.
Family 46. Gentianaceae
Fruit with loculicidal dehiscence; herbage more or less
hairy; styles 2, or 1 and 2-cleft; ovary 1 or 2-celled.
Family 49. Hydrophyllaceae
Ovary 3-celled; style 3-cleft or 3-lobed.
Family 48. Polemoniaceae
Ovary 4-celled and usually 4-lobed, the lobes maturing into
4 nutlets; leaves and stems harsh to the touch or densely
^covered with prickles.
Family 50. Borraginaceae
Pistils 2, becoming follicles with seeds (in ours) long comose.
Family 47. Apocynaceae
Corolla irregular, more or less conspicuously 2-lipped.
Ovary 4-lobed, splitting into as many nutlets; foliage aromatic.
Family 51. Labiatae
Ovary entire, developing into a capsule.
Ovary 1-celled; aquatic plant with finely dissected leaves.
Family 54. Lentibulariaceae
Ovary 2-celled; terrestrial plants. Family 52. Scrophulariaceae
Ovary inferior.
Stamens distinct; flowers not in involucrate heads.
Calyx persistent upon the achene-like fruit, its free limb divided
into about 15 filiform divisions and forming a kind of pappus;
stamens 3; herbs only. Family 56. Valerianaceae
Calyx not pappose; herbs and woody plants.
Leaves small, verticillate in whorls of 3 or more; stems delicate,
herbaceous or slightly woody; annuals and perennials.
Family 53. Rubiaceae
Leaves opposite, medium to large in size; all woody plants.
Family 55. Caprifoliaceae
Stamens united by their anthers to form a tube about the divided
style; stamens always 5; flowers in involucrate heads.
Family 57. Compositae
72 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Indusia present, covering the sori at least when young.
Sori marginal, Avith a false indusium formed by the reflexed and altered margin
of the frond.
Stalks of the fronds light colored; fronds evidently of two sorts, sterile
and fertile 1. Cryptogramma
Stalks of the fronds dark; fronds not evidently of two sorts.
False indusium continuous at edge of segment; fronds small.
Stalks of the fronds chaffy or hirsute 2. Cheilanthes
Stalks of the fronds naked 3. Pellaea
False indusium not continuous; fronds large 4. Adiantum
Sori not marginal; each sorus with its own true indusium.
Indusium peltate or laterally attached, superior and entire.
Sori oblong, parallel to the oblique lateral veins 5. Asplenium
Sori orbicular or reniform.
Indusium centrally attached.
Indusium round, without a sinus 6. Polystichum
Indusium reniform 7. Dryopteris
Indusium laterally attached 8. Cystopteris
Indusium inferior and fimbriate 9. Woodsia
Indusia never present 10. Athyrium
1. Cryptogramma acrostichoides, R. Br. App. Frankl. Jour., p.
767. 1823.
Type locality. — "In shady rocky woods, between lat. 56° and 60°
Range. — Alaska to Quebec, south to California, Colorado, and the
Great Lakes.
Zone. — Hudsonian and Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Plumas County, Mrs. Austin in 1877 ; cliffs
of granite ledges above Donner Lake, Sonne 323 ; high mountain near
Donner Pass, Torrey 597; Long Lake, Plumas County, 6,700 feet,
Hall 9,342 ; near Summit, Heller 7,027 ; Pyramid Peak, W. S. Atkin-
son in 1900 ; Lake Lucile Ridge, Tahoe, Dudley, June 26, 1900 ; Suzy
Lake, McGregor 108; Heather Lake, 8,100 feet, Smiley 161; Tahoe
region, 6-8,000 feet, G. B. Grant in 1906; Angora Lake, 7,600 feet,
Smiley 12; Mt. Tallac trail, 8,000 feet, Abrams 4825; Mono Pass,
9-10,000 feet, Bolander 6241; Old Tioga Road, dry ledges, R. A.
Ware 560 ; near Lake Tenaya, Yosemite, 8,300 feet, Smiley 699 ; Tioga
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 73
Road near Dark Hole, 7,700 feet, Smiley 882; Old Baldy, Fresno
County, A. A. Eaton; Mineral King, Coville and Funston 1502; Mt.
Silliman, Tulare County, Mrs. Brandegee in 1905.
1. Cheilanthes gracillima D. C. Eaton, Bot. Mex. Bound. Surv.,
vol. 2, p. 234. 1859.
Type locality. — "Cascade Mountains of Oregon at 7,000 feet alti-
tude, lat. 44°."
Range. — British Columbia to southern California ; east to Idaho.
Zone. — Arid Transition to Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Butterfly Valley, Plumas County, Mrs.
Austin; mountains around Webber Lake and Sierra Valley, J. G.
Lemmon; crevices in granite ledges above Donner Lake, Sonne 319;
Glen Alpine trail to Mt. Tallac, 9,000 feet, Abrams 4,847 ; Yosemite
Valley, Canby, October, 1869; Kern-Kaweah Falls, Tulare County,
10,000 feet, Dudley 2374.
Christ87 extends the range of this fern to Central Mexico and
Costa Rica and eastward to Missouri. I have seen no representatives
outside of the range indicated above.
Cheilanthes Fendleri Hook, is reported by Parish88 from Mt. Stan-
ford (now called Castle Peak), but I have seen no evidence that the
species enters the high mountains of the Sierra.
Lanceolate fronds once pinnate and all alike.
Pinnae entire or rarely a few divided; stalk not brittle 1. P. Bridges!!
Pinnae divided into two unequal lobes; stalk very brittle 2. P. Brewer!
Triangular fronds thrice pinnate and of two sorts, fertile and sterile..3. P. densa
1. Pellaea Bridgesii Hook., Sp. Fil., vol. 2, p. 238. 1858.
Type locality. — "Mountains, interior of California."
Range. — Sierra Nevada,
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Summit Valley, 8,000 feet, Pringle, Sep-
tember 21, 1882 ; above Meadow Lake, Lemmon 1229 ; Bierstadt Peak,
7,300 feet, Davy 3200; above Donner Lake toward Donner Pass,
Heller 7015 ; ridge below Lake Lucile, Dudley, June 26, 1900 ; Deso-
lation Valley, Tahoe, 8,400 feet, Smiley 99 ; rocks above Glen Alpine
road, Tahoe, Miss Lathrop, July 12, 1909; Silver Lake, 8,000 feet,
Hansen 648 ; granite ledge above Donner Lake, Sonne 322 ; Mariposa
74 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
County, crevices of dry ledges at 5,400 feet, R. A. Ware 525; Glen
Alpine, Setchell and Dobie, July, 1901 ; trail from Snow Creek to
Lake Tenaya, Yosemite, 8,000 feet, Smiley 675; Mineral King, south
slope at 2,750 m., Coville and Funston 1418.
2. Pellaea Breweri D. C. Eaton, in Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 6,
p. 555. 1866.
Type locality. — "Rupestris inter rnontes Sierra Nevada Calif orniae
altitudine 7,800-9,000 ped. super mare." Brewer.
Range. — Sierra Nevada east to Colorado and north to Oregon.
Zone. — Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Summit of the Sierra Nevada, Brandegee;
base of Castle Peak, 9,500 feet, Pringle, September 27, 1882; east
slope of the Sierra five miles west of Tnickee, 8,300 feet, Sonne 320 ;
trail to Angora Lake over moraine south of Fallen Leaf Lake, 7,300
feet, Smiley 6; Yosemite, Lemmon, August, 1872; Amador Pass,
among rocks at 9,000 feet, Brewer 2102; Sonora Pass, 7,000 feet,
Brewer 1919; Mono Pass, 9-10,000 feet, Bolander 6243; side of Mt.
Dana, 12,000 feet, Lemmon, August, 1878.
Miss Eastwood reports89 this fern as very common at Bullfrog Lake
and East Lake in the high mountains of Tulare County.
3. Pellaea densa Hook., Sp. Fil., vol. 2, p. 150., pi. 125. 1852. .
Onychium densum Brack., in Wilkes' Exped., vol. 16, p. 120. 1854.
Type locality. — "Oregon, on the banks of Rogue's Rover."
Range. — British Columbia east to Montana and south to Kings
River in the Sierra and in the Rockies to Wyoming;- also in eastern
Canada (Ontario and Gaspe).
Zone. — Upper Sonoran to Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Above Donner Lake toward Donner Pass,
Heller 7168 ; Tahoe, G. B. Grant in 1906 ; among rocks near Fallen
Leaf Lake, Miss Lathrop, July 12, 1909 ; Pyramid Peak, W. S. Atkin-
son in 1900; Silver Lake, 8,000 feet, Hansen 648; cliffs of granite
ledges above Donner Lake, Sonne 321; Yosemite, Torrey 590; near
Mineral King, Coville and Funston 1454.
Pellaea brachyptera (Moore) Baker, reported by Parish88 to grow
"at high altitudes in the Sierra Nevada," is not known to me as
occurring above the Transition life-zone and is common only on dry
rocks in the Upper Sonoran.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 75
1. Adiantum pedatum var. aleuticum Ruprecht, Distrib. Crypt.
Vase, in Imp. Ross., p. 49. 1845.
Type locality. — Unalaska and Kadiak,
Range. — Alaska to California, east in the north to the Gaspe
Peninsula, Quebec.
Zone. — Transition to Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Cliffs at Glen Alpine, 7,000 feet, McGregor
138; Yosemite Valley and mountains, Torrey 597; rocks north of
Farewell Gap, Tulare County, 11,300 feet, Purpus 5674.
This variety is a rare fern in the Sierra : besides the above reported
stations, it is said by Jones90 to grow at Summit, Nevada County.
1. Asplenium filix-foemina var. cyclosorum Ruprecht ; D. C. Eaton
in U. S. Geog. Surv. W. 100th Merid., vol. 6, p. 331. 1879.
Athyrium cyclosorum Buprecht, Beitr. Pflanzenk. Euss. Eeich., vol. 3, p. 41.
Type locality. — ' ' Petropawlowski ! et Unalaschka ! Kadiak ! ' '
Range. — Alaska to California and Arizona, east to Nebraska.
Zone. — The few specimens seen of this fern do not warrant zonal
Specimens examined. — Glen Alpine, McGregor 172; ravine near
Fallen Leaf Lake, Tahoe, 6,300 feet, Smiley 364.
The typical Lady Fern (A. filix-foemina Bernh.) is abundant in
moist shady places in the Transition zone of both the Sierra and the
Coast Range, but does not rise above that level.
The form noted by Miss Eastwood at East Lake and other places
in the mountains of Tulare County and referred by her89 to Athyrium
cyclosorum strictum Gilbert (List N. M. Pterid., p. 32, 1901) has
not been seen by me.
Pinnae linear-lanceolate; stipe long 1. P. munitum
Pinnae broader, triangular in outline; stipe short 2. P. Lonchitis
1. Polystichum munitum Presl., Tent. Pterid., p. 83. 1836.
Aspidium munitum Kaulf., Enum. Fil., p. 236. 1824.
Dryopteris munita Kuntze, Eev. Gen., vol. 2, p. 813. 1891.
76 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Type locality. — "Habitat in California." Chamisso.
Range. — Alaska to California, east to Idaho.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Plumas County, Mrs. Austin; Sierra Val-
ley, Lemmon in 1873 ; Shuteye Mountain, Madera County, 7,000 feet,
J. Murdoch 2566.
These specimens are referred to the type by the average small size
of the fronds; the larger-fronded variety — var. imbricans (Eaton)
Maxon (Fern Bull., vol. 8, p. 30. 1900) — occurs on our northern
2. Polystichum Lonchitis Both., Tent. Fl. Germ., vol. 3, p. 71.
Polypodium Lonchitis L., Sp. PI., p. 1088. 1753.
Dryopteris lonchitis Kuntze, Rev. Gen., vol. 2, p. 813. 1891.
Type locality. — "Habitat in alpinus Helvetiae, Baldi, Arvoniae,
Monspelii, Virginiae. ' '
Range. — Circumpolar in the northern hemisphere: south in Amer-
ica to California, Colorado, New York, and Gulf of St. Lawrence.
Zone. — Hudsonian and Arctic-alpine.
Specimen examined. — Long Lake, Plumas County, 6,800 feet, Mrs.
C. C. Hall 9347.
Polystichum Lemmonii Underw. (Our Native Ferns, ed. 6, p. 116.
1900), a species of alpine habitat in northern .California and ranging
north to Alaska, has as yet not been collected in the Sierra Nevada.
1. Dryopteris nevadense Underw., Our Native Ferns, ed. 4, p. 113.
Aspidium nevadense D. C. Eaton, Ferns N. Am., vol. 1, p. 73, pi. 10. 1878.
Nephrodium nevadense Baker, Ann. Bot., vol. 5, p. 321. 1891.
Type locality. — "In moist meadows and along creeks in Sierra
Nevada of North California, especially in meadow containing also
Darlingtonia near Quincy, Plumas Co. ';
Range. — Sierra Nevada and north in the Cascades of Oregon.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Mill Creek, Plumas County, Mrs. Austin in
1877; Lake Chiquito, Madera County, J. W. Congdon, August 16,
1895; Devil's Gulch, Mariposa County, J. W. Congdon, August, 1892.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 11
1. Cystopteris fragilis Bernh., in Schrad. Neues Jour. Bot., vol. 1,
p. 27. 1806.
Polypodium fragilis L., Sp. PL, p. 1091. 1753.
Filix fragilis Underw., Our Native Ferns, ed. 6, p. 119. 1900.
Type locality. — ''Habitat in collibus Europae f rigidioris. "
Range. — In America from Newfoundland to Alaska, south to
Georgia, New Mexico, and southern California. Europe. Asia.
Zone. — Transition to Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Plumas County, Mrs. Austin, August, 1882 ;
Webber Lake, Lemmon ; ridge south of Donner Pass, 8,500 feet, Heller
7179; Pyramid Peak, W. S. Atkinson in 1900; high mountain south
of Donner Pass, Torrey in 1865 ; Lake of the Woods meadow, Tahoe,
under a large boulder, 8,400 feet, Smiley 53; Angora Lake, cliffs at
7,600 feet, Smiley 10 ; Glen Alpine, 7,000 feet, Smiley 200 ; Yosemite
Valley, Torrey 599; Crabtree meadows, Tulare County, 11,000 feet,
Culbertson (B4352).*
1. Woodsia scopulina D. C. Eaton, Can. Nat., vol. 2, p. 90. 1865.
Type locality. — "Rocky Mountains near 40° north latitude, Parry,
Hall and Harbour."
Range. — Alaska and British Columbia, east to the Great Lakes
and south to California, Arizona, and Colorado. Also Gaspe Penin-
sula, Quebec.
Zone. — Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Sierra County, Lemmon in 1874; Sierra
Nevada (without locality), 10,000 feet, J. Muir; rock crevices on
Tamarack trail, Tahoe, 8,000 feet, Smiley 255; Mono Pass, J. Cong-
don, August 26, 1895.
Reported as common about Bullfrog Lake, Tulare County, 10,600
* In this list specimens cited as "Culbertson (B4352)" refer to plants col-
lected by Culbertson but distributed to the various larger herbaria as a part of
C. F. Baker 's general distribution.
78 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
1. Athyrium alpestre (Hoppe) Kylands, in Moore, Ferns Gr. Br.
Nat. Pr., vol. 1, t. 7. 1857.
Polypodium alpestre Hoppe, Tasehenb., p. 216. 1805.
Type locality. — European.
Range. — Holaretic and alpine ; in the mountains of North America
south to California and Montana. Also on Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec.
Zone. — Hudsonian and Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Near Tahoe, Brandegee, August, 1884;
Long Lake, Plumas County, 6,700 feet, Mrs. C. C. Hall 9341 ; ridge
south of Donner Pass, 7,500 feet, Heller 7186; Pyramid Peak, east
slope, 9,600 feet, Smiley 101; Devil's Gulch, Mariposa County, J. W.
Congdon, August, 1892; Heather Lake, Tahoe, Hall, July 28, 1910;
Sawtooth Peak, Tulare County, 11,500 feet, Culbertson (B4538).
Plant small (2-5 inches) ; vernation straight 1. B. simplex
Plant large (1-2 feet); vernation inclined 2. B. calif ornicum
1. Botrychium simplex var. compositum (Lasch) Milde, Fil.
Europae et Atlantidis, p. 197. 1867.
B. Kanneribergii forma compositum Lasch., Bot. Ztg., vol. 14, p. 608. 1856.
Type locality. — Not given.
Range. — In North America from Nova Scotia to Alaska and south
to Maryland, Minnesota, Wyoming and California. Northern Europe.
Zone. — Hudsonian meadows.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Lyell, J. Muir in 1872 (said in Bot.
Calif., vol. 2, p. 331 to be from foot of Lyell Glacier) ; Cathedral Trail,
Tuolumne County, J. W. Congdon, August 7, 1898; Dana Fork
meadows, Yosemite, along the creek, 9,700 feet, Smiley 851; Kaweah
meadows, Tulare County, 9,300 feet, purpus 5046.
Coville and Funston 1632 from Whitney meadows, Tulare County,
growing in granite sand, and also their number 1704 from North
Fork of the Kern River, have not been seen but are probably referable
to this variety. What I suspect to be the same plant was noted by
Miss Eastwood on Bubb's Creek.89
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 79
2. Botrychium californicum Underw., Torreya, vol. 5, p. 107.
B. Coulteri Underw., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 25, p. 537. 1898.
B. ternatum var. aiistrale D. C. Eaton, Ferns N. Am.., voL 1, pi. 20a, lower-
most figure only.
Type locality. — "Quincy, Plumas County." Mrs. Austin.
Range. — Northern Sierra south to the Kings River region.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Sierra County, Lemmon in 1874 ; Lily Lake,
Tahoe, at water's edge, 6,600 feet, Smiley 386; Mt. Silliman, Tulare
County, 9,000 feet, Mrs. Brandegee, August 24, 1905.
This plant is very close to B. silaifolium Presl. (Rel. Haenk., vol. 1,
p. 76. 1830) and further study may show it to be only a form of
that species which ranges from British Columbia to California.
Sterile stem profusely branched; annual 1. E. arvense
Sterile stem normally unbranched; perennial 2. E. hyemale
1. Equisetum arvense L., Sp. PL, p. 1061. 1753. •
Type locality. — "Habitat in Europae agris, pratis. "
Range. — Holarctic; south in America to Virginia, Colorado, and
Zone. — Transition and above.
Specimens examined. — Trail to Pyramid Peak below a snow bank,
8,600, Smiley 108; Mineral King, Culbertson (B4558).
2. Equisetum hyemale L., Sp. PL, p. 1062. 1753.
Type locality. — "Habitat in Europae sylvis, asperis, uliginosis."
Range. — North temperate zone.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Ravine near Fallen Leaf Lake, Tahoe,
Smiley 360.
S. H. Burnham (Plant World, vol. 1, p. 10) reports finding on
Eagle Peak, above Yosemite Valley, at 8,000 feet, a plant probably
referable to this species.
Equisetum laevigatum A. Br. (Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 46, p. 87.
1844) grows in the Sierra along streams below our border.
80 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
1. Selaginella Watsoni Underw., Bull. Tor. Bot, Club, vol. 25,
p. 127. 1898.
Type locality. — Not given but the type (Watson 1370) was col-
lected in the East Humboldt Mountains, Nevada, at 8,000 feet, as
appears from the label.
Range. — "Apparently confined to high altitudes of the Sierra
Nevada and neighboring mountains."
Zone. — Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Cloud's Rest, Yosemite, 9,500 feet, in gran-
ite sand, Smiley 515 (does not completely agree with the type as the
leaves are stouter than in "Watson's plant) ; above Donner Lake
toward Donner Pass, Heller 7167.
Coville and Funston 2071, from 1,700 feet above timber line on
Mt. Whitney, is cited in the description, as is Hansen from Alpine
County at 8,000 feet.
Stomata present; leaves soft, long attenuate 1. I. Bolanderi
Stomata absent; leaves firm, abruptly acuminate 2. I. pygmaea
1. Isoetes Bolanderi Engelm., Am. Nat., vol. 8, p. 214. 1874.
Type locality. — ' ' In ponds and shallow lakes on the Sierra Nevada
of California, at an altitude of 5,000-10,000 feet," and "Yellowstone
Lake, 7,400 feet altitude." Bolander and Parry.
Range. — California to Washington, east to Colorado and Montana.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Lakes in Summit Valley, 7,500 feet, Pringle,
September 22, 1882; Glacier Point Meadows, Yosemite, Smiley 492;
near Whitney meadows, in ponds at 3,000 m., Coville and Funston
1643; Tuolumne meadows, in ponds back of Muir Lodge, 8,500 feet,
Smiley 747.
2. Isoetes pygmaea Engelm., Am. Nat., vol. 8, p. 214. 1874.
I. Bolanderi Sonnei Henderson, Bull Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 27, p. 358. 1900.
Type locality. — "In large patches in mud, covering gravel, deeply
submerged in running water, on the Mono trail, eastern declivity of
the Sierra Nevada, 7,000 feet alt." Bolander.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 81
Range. — Central Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimen examined. — Webber Lake, Lemmon, September, 1886,
referred doubtfully as the velum appears to be complete.
The basis for 7. Bolanderi Sonnei is a plant found by C. F. Sonne,
October, 1887, in Donner Lake. It has not been seen but the char-
acters relied upon to separate it are precisely those distinguishing
7. Bolanderi and 7. pygmasa.
Strobili woody and dry; leaves diverging from the branches spirally.
Strobili pendant and falling intact, the scales persistent.
Leaves borne on short shoots, in ours in fascicles of two or more; strobilus
of hard woody bracts 1. Pinus
Leaves not borne on short shoots, single, with decurrent woody bases, these
persistent on the branches; bracts of strobilus thin 2. Tsuga
Strobili erect, their scales deciduous from the persisting axis 3. Abies
Strobili fleshy and berry -like; leaves opposite and appressed, or in whorls and
diverging 4. Juniperus
Needles with a single fibro-vascular bundle; the umbo terminal on the apophysis;
needles 5 in a fascicle. Soft Pines.
Cones slender, long peduncled, 6-8 inches long 1. P. monticola
Cones short and thick, short peduncled or nearly sessile, 2-5 inches long.
Cone scales with thinner rounded ends, the umbos not forming protuberant
beaked tips; cones larger 2. P. flexilis
Cone scales with thicker ends, the umbos beak-like; cones smaller.
3. P. albicaulis
Needles with 2 fibro-vascular bundles; the umbo central on the apophysis;
needles in 5 's or less than 5. Hard Pines.
Needles in 5's; umbos of cone scales with a minute prickle or unarmed;
needles %-l inch long; bark smooth 4. P. Balfouriana
Needles in 3's; umbos of cone scales with a long prickle; needles 5-10 inches
long; bark rough and thick 5. P. ponderosa var. Jeffrey!
Needles in 2's; umbos of cone scales with a short prickle; needles 1-3 inches
long; bark very smooth and thin 6. P. Murrayana
1. Pinus monticola Don, in Lambert, Pinus, ed. 2, vol. 3, p. 27,
t. 87. 1837.
Type locality. — Not ascertained.
Range. — British Columbia to northwest Montana, south in the
Cascades through Oregon and northern California, continuing in the
Sierras to the Kings River region.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Sierra Valley, Lemmon; Summit Valley,
Pringle, September 26, 1882 ; Angora Peak, Tahoe, 8,625 feet, Smiley,
37; caiion above Glen Alpine, 7,500 feet, Smiley, 357; near Glen
Alpine, W. A. Setchell, July, 1901; Lambert's Dome, Tuolumne
82 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
meadows, Yosemite, Dudley, July 20, 1901; Cloud's Rest, Dudley,
June 13, 1894 ; same at 8,700 feet, Smiley 513 ; Mt. Raymond, 8-9,000
feet, Bolander ; Bald Mountain, Dinkey Creek, Fresno County, 10,000
feet, Hall and Chandler, 372; Kaiser Crest, 9,600 feet, Smiley 647;
near Mineral King, Coville and Funston, 1416; summit above Moun-
tain Lake, Tulare County, Dudley 934.
P. monticola in the northern Sierra habitually occurs between
7,000 and 8,000 feet, with a lower limit of 6,000 on north slopes and
rising in a few places to 9,000. It is often found growing with Abies
magnified near the upper limit of the fir, and commonly with Pinus
Murrayana. In a few places it forms pure stands, as on the ridge
between Donner and Webber lakes. In the southern Sierra, it is
most abundant on the windward (west) sides of the ranges. At its
southern limit in Tulare County it rises to over 10,000 feet (Mountain
2. Pinus flexilis James, in- Rep. Long's Exped., vol. 2, p. 35. 1823.
Apinus flexilis Eydb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 32, p. 598. 1905.
Type locality. — '"Arid plains subjacent to the Rocky Mountains,
and extends up their sides to the region of perpetual frost."
Range. — Southern Sierra Nevada and mountains of southern Cali-
fornia, east to New Mexico and western Texas and north to Alberta;
ranges of the Great Basin.
Zone. — Canadian, rising to the lower edge of the Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Sedge Meadow near Mt. Whitney, Dudley
2468; Olancha Mountain, 10,400 feet, Rothrock 350; summit of Mt.
Pinos, Dudley and Lamb 4593 ; same, Abrams and McGregor 243.
P. flexili'S is usually stated to range southward from Mono Pass
on the eastern slope; this station seems to rest on a single collection
by Bolander (no. 6045 of the State Survey), and not since repeated.
In the Gray Herbarium is a sheet of this number without the cones
to supply the crucial evidence whether this is the "limber pine" or
the nearly related P. albicaulis. A specimen collected by Lemmon
on Mt. Tallac and referred to P. flexilis is certainly the other species.
3. Pinus albicaulis Engelm., Trans. St. Louis Acad., vol. 2, p. 209.
P. flexilis var. albicaulis Engelm., Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 124. 1880.
P. cembroides Newberry, Pac. E.E. Eept., vol. 6, Bot., p. 44. 1857.
Apinus flexilis Eydb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 32, p. 598. 1905.
Type locality. — "Passes of the Cascade mountains, about latitude
44° north."
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Newtda of California 83
Range. — Selkirks of British Columbia south in Cascades to high
peaks of the Klamath Mountains and in the Sierra to Mt. Whitney;
southeast in the northern Rockies to northwest Wyoming.
Zone. — Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Sierra Nevada, Pringle, September 25,
1882 ; Mt. Tallac at timber line, 9,750 feet, Smiley 367 ; same, Lemmon
1153 ; Mt. Rose, 9,000 feet, Heller 10,656 ; ridge above Gilmore Lake,
Tahoe, 9,600 feet, Smiley 375 ; Mt. Goddard, 10,200 feet, trees 30-40
feet high, Hall and Chandler 683 ; same at 11,000 feet, trees 3-6 feet,
Hall and Chandler 683a; Bullfrog Lake, Tulare County, 11,000 feet,
Culbertson (B4814).
P. albicaulis is the tree-line tree par excellence of the Sierra ; while
it is not infrequently found associated with other trees in the Hud-
sonian zone, as the climatic tree-line is approached, all its companions
drop away, leaving the Whitebark Pine to mark tree-line. In such
situations it often becomes so depressed as to form mats spreading
over the rocks.
4. Pinus Balfouriana Jeffrey, Rep. Oreg. Exped., vol. 1, t. 3, f. 1.
Type locality. — Scott Mountains, northwestern California.
Range. — High Klamath Mountains and southern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Head of Little Kern River, 9,000 feet,
Dudley and Lamb, August 4, 1895; Marble Canon, Upper Kaweah
River, Dudley 1319 ; north of Farewell Gap, Tulare County, Dudley
2603 ; south slope of Toowa Range, Hall and Babcock 5306 ; Olancha
Mountain, on west side rises to 11,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 5246.
The Foxtail Pine is confined to the high mountains of California
and is remarkable for its curiously disrupted distribution; the two
areas where it is found are quite 400 miles apart by the shortest dis-
tance. No trace of the species has ever been found in the intervening
country. In the southern Sierra the altitudinal range of P. Balfour-
iana is about 3,000 feet. Merriam91 reports that on the east slope west
of Owen 's Valley, P. Balfourmna and P. Murrayana descend to about
the 9,500-foot contour.
5. Pinus ponderosa var. Jeffrey! Vasey, Rep. U. S. Com. Agr.,
p. 179. 1875.
P. Jeffreyi Balfour, Eep. Oreg. Exped., voL 2, t. 1. 1853.
Type locality. — Shasta Valley, northern California.
84 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Range. — Southern Oregon south in the Coast Ranges to Lake
County and in the Sierra to the mountains of southern California
and San Pedro Martir in Lower California.
Zone. — Border of Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Glen Alpine, 6,800 feet, McGregor 207;
near Fallen Leaf Lodge, Tahoe, 6,600 feet, Smiley 138a.
The Jeffrey Pine is often found growing with typical P. ponderosa
near the upper limit of the Yellow Pine, but is easily distinguished
by its much larger cones.
6. Pinus Murrayana Balfour, Rep. Oreg. Exped., vol. 2, t. 3, f. 2.
P. contorta var. Murrayana Engelm., Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 125. 1880.
Type locality. — ' ' On the Siskiyou Mountains. ' '
Range. — Alaska south in the Cascades, Coast Ranges, and Sierra
Nevada to Lower California ; in the Rocky Mountains through British
Columbia to Colorado and Utah.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Plumas County, Mrs. Austin in 1877;
Sierra County, Lemmon in 1874; Donner Lake, Torrey 499; same,
Dudley, June 14, 1900; Caple's Lakes, 8,500 feet, Hansen 243;
plateau of Mt. Tallac, 9,200 feet, Smiley 367a ; Mt. Tallac, west side
at 9,500 feet, Smiley 369 ; Lake of the Woods, Tahoe, Dudley, Sep-
tember 1, 1894; Heather Lake, McGregor 174; Desolation Valley,
8,200 feet, Smiley 104; South Fork San Joaquin, 6,900 feet, Hall and.
Chandler 730 ; top of Kettle Mountain ridge, Fresno County, Dudley,
August 23, 1904; Kaiser Crest, Fresno County, 9,500 feet, Smiley
632 ; Mt. Silliman, northwest peak, Dudley, June 29, 1896 ; South Fork
of Kern River, 9,800 feet, Rothrock 383.
P. Murrayana has the widest range of any conifer on the western
mountains. Being a prolific seeder, it is one of the first trees to
pioneer upon the meadows of the Canadian and lower Hudsonian
zones and, as a result, many of the finest meadows in the mountains
are being blocked by a dense growth of the young tamaracks. This is
especially well seen along the south side of Tuolumne meadows in the
Yosemite region; at this place all stages in such an invasion and
occupation of new territory by a vigorous species can be studied.
P. Murrayana is a close ally of the North Coast Pinus contorta Dougl.
and has been considered a form of that species, but the very different
habit, distinct area, and character of the bark, seem to sufficiently
differentiate it.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 85
Pinus aristata Engelm. is a subalpine tree of the Panamint Moun-
tains in southeastern California but has not yet been found within
our area.
1. Tsuga Mertensiana Sarg., Silva N. Am., p. 1277, t. 606. 1898.
Pinus Mertqnsiana Bong., Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. VI, vol. 2, p. 45. 1832.
Abies Williamsomi Newberry, Pac. E.R. Rep., vol. 6, pt. 3, p. 53. 1857.
Tsuga Pattoniana Engelm., Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 121. 1880.
Type locality. — Sitka.
Range. — Southeast Alaska to California (Kings River) and east
to Montana.
Zone. — Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Sierra County, Lemmon in 1874; Indepen-
dence Lake, Dudley, June 19, 1900 ; Lake Lucile ridge, Tahoe, Dudley,
June 27, 1900; Heather Lake, McGregor 145; summit Angora Peak,
Tahoe, 8,625 feet, Smiley 38; Carson Spur, 8,500 feet, Hansen 242;
Mono trail, 10,000 feet, Bolander in 1867 ; Cathedral Pass trail,
Yosemite, Dudley, July 21, 1901 ; same near Tuolumne meadows, 9,400
feet, Smiley 525.
The Alpine Hemlock, the most beautiful tree of the higher moun-
tains, occurs in small groves on most of the high ridges south and
west of Mohawk Valley and most abundantly on the windward slopes
for this tree requires abundant moisture for typical development.
Wherever it forms pure stands the forest is dark and damp, with a
floor absolutely free of any underbrush. In the Tahoe region it is
frequently found at the bottom of talus slopes along the line of
emergence of the seepage water.
1. Abies magnifica Murray, Proc. Hort. Soc. Lond., vol. 3, p. 318,
figs. 25-33. 1863.
A. nobilis var. magnifica Kellogg, For. Trees Calif., p. 29. 1882.
Type locality. — ' ' The high unexplored part of the Sierra Nevada,
to the eastward of San Francisco. ' '
Range. — Siskiyou Mountains and Mt. Shasta south in the Sierra
to the South Fork of Kern River.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Sierra County, Lemmon in 1874; Summit,
A". Eastwood, June 16, 1898 ; near Lake of the Woods, Tahoe, Dudley,
86 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
September 1, 1894; Slide Mountain, Washoe County, Nevada, 7,500
feet, Heller 10666 ; Onion Valley, Plumas County, Rutter and Atkin-
son, September 1, 1899; Sentinel Dome Trail, Yosemite, Dudley,
June 11, 1894 ; Glacier Point, J. W. Congdon, May, 1888 ; Mt. Ray-
mond, 7,600 feet, Smiley 527; Fresno Dome meadows, 8,000 feet,
Smiley 550 ; top of Kettle Mountain ridge, Dudley, August 23, 1904.
The Red Fir forms large, nearly pure stands on the western flank
of the Sierra ; on the eastern side it occurs locally in the Tahoe region.
Besides the typical form, there is a variety with exserted bracts — var.
shastensis Lemmon (3rd Rep. Calif. Board Forestry, p. 145. 1890) —
described from the Shasta district but found sporadically throughout
the range of the species. Lemmon also described (I.e.) a yellow coned
variety, var. xanthocarpa, as distinct from the common form with
purplish-brown cones.
Abies coneolor Lindl. and Gorden (Jour. Hort. Soc. Lond., vol. 5,
p. 2,10. 1850), the common White Fir, growing on all the mountains
of California and extending east to Colorado, not infrequently occurs
above the Transition zone in the Sierra but has its greatest develop-
ment in that zone.
Leaves opposite and appressed 1. J. occidentalis
Leaves in whorls and diverging 2. J. communis
1. Juniperus occidentalis Hook., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 2, p. 166.
Type locality. — "N.W. America. Banks of the waters in the
Rocky Mountains. Lewis (in Ph.). Common on the higher parts of
the Columbia, at the base of the Rocky Mountains, where it attains
a height of 60-80 feet, and a diameter of from 2-3 feet. Douglas."
Range. — Southeast Washington and Idaho south in the Cascades
and Sierra Nevada to the San Jacinto Mountains of southern Cali-
Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian.
Specimens examined,. — Sierra Valley, Dudley, August, 1909 ; Mt.
Stanford (now called Castle Peak), Hooker and Gray in 1877 ; between
Donner Lake and Summit, Dudley, June, 1900; above Donner Lake
toward Donner Pass, Heller 7166 ; Sierra near Summit Valley, 7,000
feet, Pringle, September 19, 1882 ; Mt. Tallac, Dudley, July 9, 1893 ;
Glen Alpine, W. W. Price, August, 1898 ; Suzy Lake, McGregor 112 ;
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevad-a of California 87
trail to Pyramid Peak, 8,400 feet, Smiley 102 ; Tragedy Springs, 8,000
feet, Hansen 241 ; peak above Sonora Pass, Brewer 1917 ; Carson Spur,
8,500 feet, Hansen; Silver Mountain Pass, Phillips and Sargent in
1878; Mono Pass, Bolander in 1866; east of Half Dome, Yosemite,
Dudley, June 13, 1894; Cloud's Rest trail, 8,000 feet, Smiley 508;
south slope of Lambert's Dome, Dudley, July 20, 1901; top of ridge
east of Sunset meadow, Fresno County, Dudley, August 23, 1904;
below Fisherman's meadow, Tulare County, Dudley 2347 ; Kern River,
Culbertson (B4334).
The Western Juniper is the most conspicuous constituent of the
"Krummholz" in the central Sierra, where its intricately branched,
short, gnarled trunks give a most bizarre appearance to many of the
high granitic glaciated table-lands. It is more common on the east
slope. It does not form pure stands of any considerable size but
occurs in groups of three or four. In favorable locations it becomes
a tree of low height but large diameter. On Mt. Shasta, Merriam6
reports it as growing in the Upper Sonoran and Lower Transition
life-zones. In southern California, Abrams92 assigns it to "an arid
belt intermediate between the Transition and the Canadian zones."
2. Juniperus communis L., Sp. PL, p. 1040. 1753.
Type locality. — Europe.
Range. — Holarctic; in North America south to New England,
Pennsylvania, and in the mountains to North Carolina; in the west
south to New Mexico and California.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine, at least in the form here considered.
Specimens examined. — Glen Alpine trail to Mt. Tallac, 8,500 feet,
Abrams 4880; top of ridge between LeConte and Heather lakes,
Tahoe, 9,000 feet, Smiley 354 ; Pyramid Peak, W. W. Price, June 26,
1898 ; Ralston Peak trail, 9,000 feet, Smiley 418 ; Mono Pass, Brewer
The plant here considered is perhaps best referred to the var.
montana Ait. (Hort. Kew., vol. 3, p. 414. 1789) ; it is by no means
common in our mountains though Piper reports it as common in the
Cascades of Washington.
Rehder93 has described, from "Siskiyou Gebirge zwischen Waldo,
Oregon, and Crescent City, Kalifornien, in etwa 1,000 m. Meeres-
hohe," a variant with long whiplike branches having short laterals.
The type has not been seen but no specimen examined from our region
accords with the too brief description.
88 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
1. Sparganium angustifolium Miehx., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 2, p. 189.
S. americanum Nutt., Gen., vol. 2, p. 203. 1818.
S. simplex var. angustifolium Engelm., in Gray, Man. ed., vol. 5, p. 481.
Type locality. — "Hab. in amnibus Canadae. "
Range. — Subarctic America south to New England, New York,
Colorado, and California.
Zone. — Transition to Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Kaweah meadows, Tulare County, growing
in ponds at 9,200 feet, Purpus 5670; pools in granite south of Lake
Tenaya, Yosemite, 8,300 feet, Smiley 684.
S. B. Parish (Erythea, vol. 6, p. 85. 1898) reports this from
the San Bernardino Mountains.
There is another Sparganium growing in the Sierra which has
been referred to S. simplex Huds. and also to S. minimum Fries, from
both of which species it shows material differences. Its definitive
assignment or description must be deferred till more material is avail-
able for comparison.
Plants with no floating leaves; the leaves short petioled or sessile.
Leaves linear-filiform 1. P. pusillus
Leaves broadly ovate 2. P. praelongus
Plants with both floating and submerged leaves; the leaves usually distinctly
petioled, often long petioled.
Foliage and spikes reddish; stems mostly simple 3. P. alpinus
Foliage and spikes green; stems branching below 4. P. heterophyllus
1. Potamogeton pusillus var. tenuissimus Mert. and Koch,
Deutsch. FL, vol. 1, p. 857. 1823.
Type locality. — European.
Range. — North temperate zone in the cooler parts; in California,
this form has been found only in the high Sierra.
Zone. — Canadian ?
Specimen examined. — Soda Springs, near head of the Tuolumne
River, Bolander, September, 1866.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 89
2. Potamogeton praelongus Wulf., in Roem. Arch. Ill, vol. 3,
p. 331. 1805.
Type locality. — "Laboci Junic Julique in fluvio cognomine, et in
fluvio Jschiza. "
Range. — North America from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to British
Columbia, south to Connecticut, Great Lakes, Iowa, Montana, and
California. Northern Europe. Japan.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimen examined. — Sierra County, Lemmon in 1874.
3. Potamogeton alpinus Balbis, Misc. Bot., p. 13. 1804.
Type locality. — European.
Range. — Holarctic realm; south in America to New England,
Michigan, Minnesota, Colorado, and California.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Silver Valley, in ponds at 7,350 feet,
Brewer 1978 ; North Fork of Kings River, 7,000 feet, Hall and Chand-
ler 563.
4. Potamogeton heterophyllus Schreb., Spicil. Fl. Lips., p. 21.
Type locality. — "In stagno ad Lindenthal," Germany.
Range. — Holarctic realm; south in America to New England,
Michigan, Wyoming, and California.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Soda springs, Tuolumne meadows, 8,680
feet, Brewer 1783; Whitney meadows (now called Volcano meadows),
Coville and Funston 1693 ; Tuolumne meadows, in ponds behind Par-
sons Lodge, 8,600 feet, Smiley 749.
Potamogeton natans L. just reaches our lower borders (Lily Lake,
Tahoe, 6,600 feet, Smiley 330).
1. Triglochin maritima L., Sp. PI., p. 339. 1753.
Type locality. — Europe, "Habitat in Europae maritimis."
Range. — Subarctic America south to New England, New Jersey,
Colorado, and California,
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
90 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Specimens examined. — Tuolumne meadows, about the soda springs,
8,500 feet, Smiley 734; South Fork of the San Joaquin, 7,600 feet,
Hall and Chandler 636.
Triglochin palustris L., a plant widely distributed in North
America and found in Washington and in the Rocky Mountain section
in the higher mountains ; may occur in the boreal region of the Sierra.
Coville has referred no. 1433 of the Death Valley expedition to this
species ; this collection has not been seen by me.
Damas&nium, a genus of four species belonging to the family
Alismaceae, has one species in America; D. calif ornicwm Torr (Benth.,
PI. Hartw., p. 341. 1856) is confined to California and is essentially
a Transition species, but just rises to our lower limits (Tallac, in a
wet field, 6,250 feet, Smiley 136a).
(All of the wild grasses growing in the boreal region of the Sierra belong to
the subfamily Poacoideae ; of its seven tribes, three, P'lialarideae, Chlorideae, and
Bambuseae, are unrepresented.)
Spikelets 1-flowered; the axis straight, not zigzag; rhachilla sometimes pro-
longed behind the palet of the uppermost floret; spikelets obviously pedun-
culate 1. Agrostideae
Spikelets 1-many flowered; the axis zigzag; rhachilla never prolonged behind
the palet of the uppermost floret; spikelets essentially sessile ....2. Hordeae
Spikelets 2-many flowered; the axis straight.
Lemma shorter than the glumes; awns dorsal or from between terminal teeth
on the lemma and usually bent 3. Aveneae
Lemma longer than the glumes; awns terminal or inserted between terminal
teeth on the lemma and usually straight 4. Festuceae
Lemma with a long terminal awn or mucronate, closely investing the grain.
Fruiting lemma firm, coriaceous.
Awn twisted and persistent 1. Stipa
Awn straight or essentially so and deciduous 2. Oryzopsis
Fruiting lemma thin, membranaceous 3. Muhlenbergia
Lemma awnless or short awned, loosely investing the grain.
Inflorescence a dense spicate raceme.
Lemma awnless; the glumes sharply and stiffly awned 4. Phleum
Lemma awned below the middle; glumes awnless 5. Alopecurus
Inflorescence a more or less loose panicle.
Palet apparently 1-nerved 6. Cinna
Palet obviously 2-nerved or minute or wanting.
Lemma naked at base 7. Agrostis
Lemma with a tuft of long hairs at base 8. Calamagrostis
Axis of spike continuous, not becoming disarticulated 9. Agropyron
Axis of spike jointed and readily separating at maturity 10. Sitanion
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 91
The flat awn terminal from between two teeth at apex of lemma. 11. Danthonia
The terete awn dorsal on the lemma.
Lemma convex, erose at tip, awned below its middle 15. Deschampsia
Lemma keeled, bidentate, awned above its middle 13. Trisetum
Spikelets with the upper florets sterile and couduplicate 14. Melica
Spikelets with the upper florets perfect or sterile and abortive.
Lemmas keeled, awnless; base of florets often with cobwebby hairs ....15. Poa
Lemmas convex, often awned; no cobwebby hairs at base of floret.
Nerves of the obtuse, scarious-tipped lemma prominent, parallel, 5-9.
16. Glyceria
Nerves of the acute green lemma unequally prominent.
Lemma entire, mucronate or terminally awned 17. Festuca
Lemma bidentate at the apex; if awned, the awn inserted from between
the teeth . 18. Bromus
Awn plumose, at least near its proximal end 1. S. occidentalis
Awn scabrous or puberulent, not plumose 2. S. minor
1. Stipa occidentalis Thurb., Bot. King's ExpecL, p. 380. 1871.
S. stricta Vasey, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 10, p. 42. 1883.
S. stricta var. sparsiflora Vasey, Contr. Nat. Herb., roL 3, p. 51. 1892.
S. occidentalis Thurb. var. montana Merr. and Davy, Univ. Calif. Publ.
Bot., vol. 1, p. 62. 1902.
S. oregonensis Scribn., U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Agrost., Bull. 17, p. 130,
f. 426. 1899.
Type locality. — "Yosemite Trail, California." Bolander 5038.
Range. — Washington to southern California, east to Wyoming.
Zone. — Arid Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Sierra Valley, Bolander, Keller M. D. and
Co. ; Soda Springs, Nevada County, 7,000 feet, * Jones 2583 ; Lake Val-
ley, 6,400 feet, Abrams 4775; Mariposa and Yosemite Trail, *Bolan-
der 5020; same locality, *Bolander 5038, "on loose disintegrated
gravel"; Hockett's meadows, Tulare County, very abundant, Dudley
1256; Volcano Creek, Tulare County, Hall and Babcoek 5311, at
8,000 feet; Tuolumne meadows, 8,500-9,500 feet, Hall and Babcock
3548 ; Mt. Rose, Nevada, dwarfed at 10,000 feet, Kennedy 983.
* These specimens have the awn more or less plumose to the tip and form part
of the basis for the variety, which so far seems not to have been detected outside
of California.
92 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
2. Stipa minor Scribn., U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Agrost. Bull., vol.
11, p. 46. 1898.
S. viridula Trin. var. minor Vasey, Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 3, p. 50, 1892.
Type locality. — Not given.
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Summit Valley, 8,000 feet, Pringle, Sep-
tember 20, 1882; Mt. Dana, Bolander 5087.
This species is reported from Farewell Gap, Tulare County
(10,500 feet), Hitchcock 3393 (Jepson, Fl. Calif., vol. 1, p. 107.
1912). It appears to be a part of S. viridula Thurb., Bot. Calif., vol. 2,
p. 288. 1880. Professor Hitchcock (Jepson, I.e.) suggests that this
species is probably also native in Mexico.
1. Oryzopsis Kingii Beal, Grasses N. Am., vol. 2, p. 229. 1896.
Stipa Kingii Bolander, Proc. Calif. Acad., vol. 4, p. 170. 1872.
Type locality. — "Meadows and open woods near Mt. Dana, seven
to twelve thousand feet altitude." Bolander.
Range. — Central Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Upper Tuolumne meadows, 9,700 feet,
Bolander 6097 (type); Yosemite National Park, Lemmon in 1897;
meadow near Cathedral Pass trail, Yosemite, Smiley 522; Mt. God-
dard, 11,000 feet, Hall and Chandler, July, 1900; Yosemite-Tenaya
trail, Congdon, August 13, 1894; Black Mountain, Fresno County,
10,000 feet, Hall and Chandler 601 ; Mt. Silliman, meadows at 10,000
feet, Mrs. Brandegee, August 23, 1905.
Collections have also been made on Clouds' Rest (9,900 feet),
Congdon, and in Lyell Fork Canon, Hitchcock 3289 (Jepson, I.e., p.
1. Muhlenbergia filiformis Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 32,
p. 600. 1905.
Vilfa depauperata Torr. var. filiformis Thurb., Bot. King's Exped., p. 376.
Vilfa gracillima Thurb., Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 268. 1880, not if. gracillima
Torr. 1856.
Sporoboliis gracillimus Vasey, Descr. Cat. Grasses U. S., p. 44. 1885.
Sporo'bolus -filiformis Eydb., Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 3, p. 189. 1895.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 93
Type locality. — "Yosemite Valley, California (6091 Bolander),
and near Donner Lake (565 Torrey)."
Range. — Mountains of Washington to the southern Sierra Nevada,
east to Montana and Colorado.
Zone. — Transition to Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Lower end of Donner Lake, Heller 6863 ;
Torrey 565; Pedlar, Amador County, 6,000 feet, Hansen 603;
Yosemite Valley, Bolander 15 ; Lake Tenaya, 8,100 feet, Smiley 865 ;
Tuolumne meadows, wet swales on the meadows, 8,500 feet, Smiley
741 ; Mt. Brewer and vicinity, Tulare County, Brewer 2827 ; Kings
River, Lemmon, July, 1902.
1. Phleum alpinum L., Sp. PL, p. 50. 1753.
Type locality. — "Habitat in alpibus."
Range. — Holarctic and alpine in the northern hemisphere and in
South America.
Zone. — Hudsonian and above.
Specimens examined. — Glen Alpine trail to Mt. Tallac, 9,000 feet,
Abrams 4849 ; Pyramid Peak, 9,700 feet, Smiley 123 ; Mt. Rose, 10,000
feet, Kennedy 989 ; Mt. Goddard, 11,500 feet, Hall and Chandler 672 ;
north slope of Farewell Gap, Tulare County, Culbertson (B 4577) ;
Farewell Gap, 10,500 feet, Purpus 5251; Alta meadows, Tulare
County, 10,000 feet, G. B. Grant 5333.
Phleum pratense L. is now common in many parts of the Sierra,
especially along the more travelled roads, as along the Tioga Road
in the Yosemite region (near White Wolf, 8,100 feet, Smiley 891;
Glen Alpine, Tahoe, McGregor 195).
1. Alopecurus aristulatus Michx., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 1, p. 43. 1803.
Type locality. — "Hab. in palodusis Canadae."
Range. — Northern United States and Canada and extending south-
ward in the mountains.
Zones. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Donner Lake, Heller 6872; Glen Alpine,
6,900 feet, in low wet swales, Smiley 201; Lake Tenaya, Yosemite,
^meadow south of lake, 8,100 feet, Smiley 696.
94 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
1. Cinna latifolia Griseb., in Ledeb., Fl. Ross., vol. 4, p. 435. 1853.
Agrostis latifolia Trev., Groepp., Beschr. Bot. Gaert. in Breslau, p. 82. 1830.
Cinna arundinacea var. pendula Gray, Man., ed. 2, p. 545. 1856. Bot.
Calif., vol. 2, p. 276. 1880.
Cinna. Bolanderi Scribn., Proc. Phila. Aead. 1884, p. 290. 1884.
Type locality. — Not ascertained.
Range. — North temperate zone in its cooler part ; in North Amer-
ica south to New England, Great Lakes, New Mexico, and California.
Zones. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Emigrant Gap, Bolander, June, 1869 ; Sum-
mitt (Kellogg), August 8, 1870; Mariposa Big Tree Grove, Bolander
(no. 22 of small collection) ; Eagle Peak meadows, 7,100 feet. Smiley
Cinna Bolanderi Seribn. was described as having three stamens
instead of one as in the typical form; there is preserved in the Gray
Herbarium a sheet of what appears to be a part of the type collection
(Bolander 22 as above), and this shows but a single stamen in some
florets, two or three in others.
Plants producing short rhizomes 1. A. lepida
Plants without rhizomes.
Panicle narrow, its branches erect 2. A. rossae
Panicle open.
Panicle branches, or some of them, widely divergent 3. A. hiemalis
Panicle branches not divergent.
Plant small, 4-18 inches tall 4. A. tenuis
Plant large, over 20 inches tall; lower branches of panicle in distinct
whorls 5. A. Schiedqana
1. Agrostis lepida Hitchc., in Jepson, Fl. Calif., vol. 1, p. 121.
Type locality. — "In open gravelly woods, Siberian Pass, Sequoia
National Park, California." Hitchcock 3455.
Range. — Southern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimen examined. — Farewell Gap, 11,000-12,000 feet, Purpus
Professor Hitchcock cites several specimens, all of his own collec-
tion, from the alpine region of Mt. Whitney.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 95
2. Agrostis rossae Vasey, Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 3, p. 76. 1892.
A. varians Trin., Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. VI,, vol. 4, p. 314. 1840, not of
Thuill. 1790. Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 273. 1880.
Type locality. — Yellowstone Park, Wyoming.
Range. — Pacific Coast from Alaska to California and east to
Zone. — Canadian, to Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — -Mt. Rose, Kennedy 978 ; Summit Valley,
9,500 feet, Pringle, September 27, 1882 ; ridge south of Donner Pass,
7,500 feet, Heller 7140; Hermit Valley, Alpine County, 7,000 feet,
Hansen 397; Desolation Valley, 8,500 feet, Smiley 346a; Mt. Dana,
Bolander; Upper Tuolumne River, 10,000 feet, Bolander 5070; soda
springs, Tuolumne meadows, Congdon, August 18, 1890; Dana Park
meadows, Yosemite, 9,700 feet, Smiley 850; soda springs of the San
Joaquin, Madera County, Congdon, August 20, 1895; meadows near
Black Mountain, Fresno County, 10,000 feet, Hall and Chandler 611.
A. rossae is very near to A. exarata Trin., which is common in the
Sierra in the Transition zone and locally rises into the Canadian
(Mt. Raymond, dry meadow border, 7,900 feet, Smiley 539).
3. Agrostis hiemalis var. geminata Hitchc., U. S. Dept. Agr.,
Bur. PL Ind. Bull. 68, p. 44. 1905.
A. geminata Trin., Gram. Unifl., p. 207. 1824.
Type locality. — "Ex Unalaschka. ' '
Range. — Southeastern Alaska to California and Colorado and in
the north across the continent eastward to Newfoundland and eastern
Zone. — Canadian to Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Donner Lake, Heller 7149 ; Kern River,
Rothrock 323.
4. Agrostis tenuis Vasey, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club., vol. 10, p. 21.
A. idahoense Nash, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 25, p. 42. 1897.
Type locality. — "On the San Bernardino Mountains, California."
Range. — Washington to California, east to Montana and New
Zone. — Arid Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — South side of Slide Mountain, Washoe
County, Nevada, 8,200 feet, Heller 10668; Desolation Valley, 8,500
96 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
feet, Smiley 96; Silver Lake, Amador County, 8,000 feet, Hansen
818 ; meadows near Black Mountain, Fresno County, 10,000 feet, Hall
and Chandler, 601a.
5. Agrostis Schiedeana Trin., Mem. Acad. St. Petersb., VI, vol. 4,
p. 327. 1840.
A. Hallii var. calif ornica Vasey, Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 3, p. 74. 1892.
A. elata Thurb., Bot. Cal., voL 2, p. 274 1880, not of Trin.
Type locality. — "Mexico."
Range. — British Columbia south to the high mountains of Central
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimen examined. — Glen Alpine, Tahoe, 6,800 feet, McGregor 33.
Awn long and strongly bent, exceeding the glumes; callus hairs short.
Leaves involute-filiform: plant low (6-12 inches); panicle open. 1. O. Breweri
Leaves plane or involute; plant taller (1.5-2 feet); panicle dense, spike-
like 2. C. purpurascens
Awn short and straight, little or not at all exceeding the glumes; callus hairs
mostly exceeding the lemma.
Panicle open, spreading; leaf -blades flat 3. C. canadensis
Panicle narrow or even spikelike; leaves flat or becoming involute
4. C. hyperborea
1. Calamagrostis Breweri Thurb., Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 280. 1880.
C. Lemmoni Kearney, IT. S. Dept. Agri., Div. Agrost., Bull. 11, p. 16. 1898.
Type locality. — "Near summit of Carson's Pass." Brewer 2128.
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Hudsonian mainly.
Specimens examined. — Near summit of Carson's Pass, 8,000 feet,
Brewer 2128; above Donner Pass, 7,500 feet, Heller 7130; Lemmon
(without data), vicinity of Tuolumne meadows, 8,500-9,500 feet, Hall
and Babcock 3627; Upper Tuolumne River, 9,700 feet, Bolander
6898; mountain at Farewell Gap, Tulare County, 11-12,000 feet,
Purpus 5210.
Lemmon 's specimen is the basis for C. Lemmoni Kearney, but I
was unable to find a substantial difference in the material at hand.
2. Calamagrostis purpurascens R. Br., in Richards. Bot. App.
Frankl. Jour., p. 731. 1823.
C. sylvatica A. Gray, Proa. Am. Acad., vol. 6, p. 80. 1868. Thurb., Bot.
Calif., vol. 2, p. 282. 1880, not of DC.
C. sylvatioa var. americana Vasey, Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 3, p. 83. 1892.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 97
Type locality. — British America between Point Lake and the
Arctic Sea.
Range. — Arctic America from Alaska to Greenland and south, in
the east to Quebec ; in the western mountains to the Black Hills, Colo-
rado, and California.
Zone. — Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Dana, 12,500 feet, Bolander 5071 ; foot
of Mt. Dana, Congdon, August 10, 1898.
Specimens collected on Mt. Tamalpais, north of San Francisco
Bay, have been referred to this species provisionally (Hitchcock in
Jepson, I.e., p. 123).
3. Calamagrostis canadensis Beauv., Agrost., p. 157. 1812.
Arundo canadensis Michx., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 1, p. 73. 1803.
Type locality. — "Hab. in Canada."
Range. — Subarctic America south to California, Colorado, and
New Mexico in the west ; in the east southward to New England and
along the mountains to North Carolina.
Zone. — Transition and above.
Specimens examined. — Donner Lake, Torrey 559; cliffs at Glen
Alpine, Tahoe, 7,000 feet, McGregor 169; Angora Peak, 8,000 feet,
Smiley 312; Merced River, Hildebrand 2244; Yosemite, "up to 11,000
feet," Bolander 6087; Tuolumne meadows, Yosemite, 8,500 feet,
Smiley 740 ; 77 Corral, San Joaquin trail, Congdon, August 15, 1899.
Some of the above specimens are not typical, e.g. Torrey 559, and
have been referred to the var. acuminata Vasey (in Scribn., U. S.
Dept. Agri., Div. Agrost. Bull. 5, p. 26. 1897), which forms a
transition to the northern C. Langsdorfii Trin.
4. Calamagrostis hyperborea Lange, Fl. Dan., vol. 50, pi. 3. 1880.
Consp. Fl. Greenl., p. 160. 1880.
C. robusta Vasey, in Eothrock, Rep. Wheeler Exped., voL 6, p. 285. 1878,
not Muell.
Type locality. — Igalico, near Julianshaab, southern Greenland.
Range. — Arctic America south to California, New Mexico, Ver-
mont, Eastern Quebec and Newfoundland.
Zone. — Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Slope above Nellie Lake, Fresno County,
8,800 feet, Smiley 611 ; Kaweah meadows, Tulare County, 9,200 feet,
Purpus 5128; soda springs of the Tuolumne, Congdon, August 15,
98 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Ehachis continuous, not separating into joints.
Lemma awnless or merely mueronate 1. A. tenerum
Lemma awned 2. A. Gmelini var. Pringlei
Ehachis jointed and separating when the grain is mature ....3. A. Scribneri
1. Agropyron tenerum Vasey, Bot. Gaz., vol. 10, p. 258. 1885.
Type locality. — Not given, the collections upon which the specific
description is based from Fort Garland, Colorado.
Range. — Subarctic America south to New England, New Mexico,
and California.
Zone. — Canadian, at least as to the specimens here considered.
Specimens examined. — -Angora moraine, Tahoe, 7,300 feet, Smiley
8 ; Silver Mountain, 8-9,000 feet, Brewer 2068 ; Bloody Canon, 9,500
feet, E. A. Ware 2714c.
2. Agropyron Gmelini var. Pringlei Scribn. and Smith, U. S.
Dept. Agri., Div. Agrost. Bull. 4, p. 31. 1897.
Type locality. — "Sierra Nevada Mountains above Summit Val-
Range. — Sierra Nevada eastward to Montana and Colorado.
Zone. — Hudsonian and Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Sierra Nevada above Summit Valley, 9,500
feet, Pringle, September 23, 1882; slope east side of LeConte Lake,
Tahoe, 8,700 feet, Smiley 349 ; Carson Pass, 8,000 feet, Bolander 2118 ;
Mt. Hoffman, Mariposa County, Congdon, August 20, 1890 ; Pyramid
Peak, west side, 9,800 feet, Hall and Chandler 4718; Kaiser Crest,
Fresno County, 9,100 feet, Smiley 622 ; rocky slopes along Little Kern
River, 11-12,000 feet, Purpus 5515.
3. Agropyron Scribneri Vasey, Bull., Torr. Bot. Club. vol. 10,
p. 128. 1883.
Type locality. — Montana.
Range. — California east to Montana and south to New Mexico.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
No specimen of this grass has been seen from California ; it is here
admitted only because reported by Hitchcock (Jepson, I.e., p. 132)
to have been collected on Mt, Dana by Congdon in 1898.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra, Nevada- of California 99
Sheaths and dorsal surfaces of the leaves glabrous and glaucous ....1. S. rigidum
Sheaths and dorsal surfaces of the leaves pubescent or scabrous
2. S. rigidum var. californicum
1. Sitanion rigidum J. G. Smith, U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Agrost.
Bull. 18, p. 13. 1899.
Type locality. — "Cascade Mountains, Washington." 0. D. Allen
Range. — Washington to southern California, east to Wyoming.
Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian, but ranging downward to Upper
Specimens examined. — Mt. Tallac, east side in talus rock, 9,500
feet, Smiley 240 ; Camp Agassiz, above Fallen Leaf Lake, Tahoe, dry
rocky soil, 7,100 feet, Smiley 362; south side of Polly Dome, Lake
Tenaya, Yosemite, 8,300 feet, Smiley 870 ; Mt. Tallac, 9,740 feet, Hall
and Chandler 4628; Tinker's Knob, Placer County, 9,000 feet, C. F.
Sonne 7 ; foot of Mt. Whitney, 12,000 feet, Kothrock 403.
Professor Hitchcock (Jepson, I.e., p. 188) reduces this species
to a synonym of S. minus J. G. Smith ( I.e. ) , which was described from
Jacumba, San Diego County, in the Upper Sonoran zone (collected
by Sclioenefeldt 3277). 8. rigidum is reported growing in rock crevice
on the summit of Mt. Grayback in the San Bernardino Mountains at
an elevation of 11,725 feet.94 A specimen from that station preserved
in the Gray Herbarium (W. G. Wright 87) is, however, better re-
ferred to the following variety.
2. Sitanion rigidum var. californicum (J. G. Smith), comb. nov.
S. oalifornicum J. G. Smith, U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Agrost. Bull. 18, p. 13.
Type locality. — "San Bernardino Mountains, California, altitude
2,150 m."
Range. — Sierra Nevada and mountains of southern California,
occurring with the species.
Zone. — Same as the species.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Lola, Tahoe, Kennedy 183 ; Angora
Peak, Tahoe, 8,600 feet, Smiley 42 ; Mt. Gibbs, Yosemite, 12,200 feet,
Smiley 728; Denel's Peak, timber line at 11,000 feet, Hall and Bab-
cock 5513.
100 University of California Publications in Botany [Vou 9
Sitanion cinereum J. G. Smith (I.e., p. 14), described from "Reno,
Nev.," is said to be the common grass of the glacial meadows on Mt.
Shasta;53 no specimens have been seen from the Sierra. From the
description, it would appear that it differs from the var. calif ornicum
only by a somewhat shorter awn.
Sheaths pubescent; culms often geniculate; spikelets in a loose panicle
1. D. americana
Sheaths glabrous; culms erect; spikelets aggregated 2. D. intermedia
1. Danthonia americana Scribn., U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Agrost.
Circ. 30, p. 5. 1901.
D. grandiflora Phil. Anal. Univ. Chile 1873, p. 568, 1873, not of Hochst.
Merathrepta amerioana Piper, Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 11, p. 123. 1906.
Type locality. — Chile.
Range. — British Columbia to the mountains of southern California,
east to Wyoming. Chile.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Silver Lake, Tahoe, Hansen, June 30, 1899 ;
Angora moraine south of Fallen Leaf Lake, Tahoe, 7,100 feet, Smiley
9 ; Kaweah meadows, Tulare County, 9,300 feet, Purpus 5247.
2. Danthonia intermedia Vasey, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 10,
p. 52. 1883.
D. serieea Thurb., Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 294. 18$0, not of Nutt.
Merathrepta americana Piper, Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 11, p. 122. 1906.
Type locality. — Not given.
Range. — British Columbia to California and New Mexico. Gaspe
Peninsula, Quebec, and Newfoundland.
Zone. — Canadian and above.
Specimen examined. — Yosemite trail, 8,000 feet, Bolander 6104.
1. Deschampsia caespitosa Beauv. Agrost., p. 91, t. 18. 1812.
Aira caespitosa L., Sp. PI., p. 64. 1753.
Type locality. — "Habitat in Europae pratis cultis & fertilibus."
Range. — Holarctic realm; south in North America to California,
New Mexico, Minnesota, and New Jersey.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 101
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Prattville, Plumas County, Heller and
Kennedy 8790 ; Tamarack trail, Tahoe, meadow at 8,400 feet, Smiley
258; Lake of the Woods meadow, Tahoe, 8,200 feet, Smiley 65;
Tuolumne Meadows, 8,500 feet, Smiley 750; trail to Mt. Whitney,
9,000 feet, Culbertson (B4369).
Awn included by the glumes or wanting 1. T. Brandegei
Awn longer than the glumes and exserted.
Sheaths and blades pubescent 2. T. spicatum
Sheaths and blades glabrous 3. T. Congdoni
1. Trisetum Brandegei Scribn., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 10,
p. 64. 1883.
T. subspicatum var. muticum Bolander in Thurb., Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p.
296. 1880.
T. Wolfii var. wmticum Scribn., Rhodora, vol. 8, p. 88. 1906.
Type locality. — "Cascade Mountains," Washington. Brandegee
and Tweedy.
Range. — Sierra Nevada and northward in the mountains of Oregon
and Washington.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Between Suzy Lake and Glen Alpine, 7,400
feet, Smiley 190 ; Upper Tuolumne River, 7,500 feet, Bolander 5019 ;
Kings River, Brewer 2822a.
2. Trisetum spicatum Richter, PL Eur., vol. 1, p. 59. 1890.
Aira spicata L., Sp. PL, p. 64. 1753, not A. spicata L., op. tit., p. 63.
Trisetum subspicatum Beauv., Agrost., p. 88. 1812. Thurb., Bot. Calif.,
vol. 2, p. 296. 1880.
Type locality. — "Habitat in Lapponiae alpibus. "
Range. — Nearly world-wide in distribution in high mountains.
Zone. — Canadian to Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Soda Springs, Nevada County, 7,000 feet,
Jones 2923; Silver Mountain, Brewer 2044; hill above Ebbett's Pass,
Brewer 2002, Summit White Chief Peak, Culbertson (B4439) ; Deso-
lation Valley, 8,700 feet, Smiley 338a ; Mt. Goddard, 11,000 feet, Hall
and Chandler, July, 1900; Mt. Gibbs, Yosemite, 10,800 feet, Smiley
769; Mt, Rose, Kennedy 986; base of Mt. Whitney, 12,500 feet,
Rothrock 390.
102 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL, 9
Professor Fernald informs me that my numbers, here referred to
T. spicatum, do not conform to that species, at least in its typical form,
nor are they in satisfactory agreement with the var. molle Gray (Man.,
ed. 2, p. 572. 1856), a plant of eastern Canada and also found in the
northwest. The above specimens are here provisionally assigned
pending further study; it may prove that our Californian material
will be found sufficiently distinct to justify separate recognition.
3. Trisetum Congdoni Scribn. and Merr., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club,
vol. 29, p. 470. 1902.
Type locality. — "Shadow Lake trail, Mariposa County, Califor-
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine mainly, but occurring in the Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Above Dormer Lake toward Donner Pass,
Heller 7117 ; Placer County, A. M. Carpenter, August-October, 1892 ;
Mt. Rose, 10,000 feet, Kennedy 987; Desolation Valley, Tahoe, 8,600
feet, Smiley 342 ; Pyramid Peak, 10,020 feet, Hall and Chandler 4715 ;
Mt. Dana, 10,400 feet, just above timber line, Smiley 717 ; Mt. God-
dard, 11,000 feet, Hall and Chandler 709 ; east slope Cathedral Peak,
Yosemite, 10,300 feet, Smiley 812; soda springs of the San Joaquin,
Congdon, August 20, 1895, Farewell Gap, 11-12,000 feet, Purpus
5116; Sawtooth Peak, 12,100 feet, Hall and Babcock 5678; Alta
meadows, G. B. Grant 5338, 5339.
Trisetum canescem Buckl., a Transition species, is occasionally
collected in the boreal region of the Sierra (near White Wolf,
Yosemite, 8,100 feet, Smiley 889; Cisco, Miss H. A. Walker 1500).
1. Melica stricta Bolander, Proc. Calif. Acad., vol. 3, p. 4. i~S63.
Type locality. — "Silver City, Nevada Territory." G. W. Dunn.
Range. — Southeastern Oregon to southern California, east to Utah.
Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Plumas County, Mrs. Austin in 1878 ; Castle
Peak near the highest point, Heller 7076 ; rock crevices above Sum-
mit, 9,000 feet, Greene in 1874; Soda Springs, Nevada County, 8,000
feet, Jones 2479 ; Mt. Tallac, talus slope on east side, 9,000 feet, Smiley
228; Sonora Pass, 7-8,000 feet, Bolander 1921; Cloud's Rest sum-
mit, Chestnut and Drew, July 13, 1889; same locality, A. Gray in
1872 ; Snow Creek trail to Lake Tenaya, 7,100 feet, Smiley 665 ; rocky
mountain slopes on Little Kern River, 10-11,000 feet, Purpus '5112.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 103
15. POA
Plants annual; lemma sparsely webbed at base 1. P. Bolanderi
Plants perennial; lemmas not at all webbed at base.
Plants with creepng rhizomes 2. P. Olneyae
Plants without creeping rhizomes.
Panicle branches divergent; culms over 1 foot high 3. P. gracillima
Panicle branches ascending (panicle spicif orm) ; culms less than 1 foot
Lemma merely scabrid on the keel and lateral nerves 4. P. Pringlei
Lemma pilose on the lower half of keel and lateral nerves 5. P. Patterson!
1. Poa Bolanderi Vasey, Bot. Gaz., vol. 7, p. 32. 1882.
Type locality. — Not given. Ostrander's, above the Yosemite Val-
ley, as appears from the label of Bolander 's collection.
Range. — Washington to California, east to Alberta and Utah.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimetis examined. — Sierra Nevada, 8,000 feet, Greene, October
13, 1874; Soda Springs, Jones in 1881; Ostrander's, Yosemite, Bolan-
der 6115; Hockett's meadows, Culbertson (B 4436).
Specimens referrable to the var. Chandleri Piper (Contr. Nat.
Herb., vol. 11, p. 132. 1906) have not been seen from the Sierra
though they doubtless occur, since this ill-defined form, distinguished
only by a smaller panicle than is normal for the species, has been
collected both to the north and south of our region.
2. Poa Olneyae Piper, Erythea, vol. 7, p. 101. 1899.
Type locality. — "Base of basalt cliffs in pine woods, Spokane,
Range. — Washington to California?
No authentic specimens of this species have been seen by me and
it is here included as a component of the Sierra boreal flora only
because certain collections from the high Sierra are so referred (Jep-
son, I.e., p. 154).
3. Poa gracillima Vasey, Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 1, p. 272. 1893.
P. invaginnta, Scribn. and Williams, IT. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Agrost. Circ. 9,
p. 6. 1899.
Type locality. — Mt. Adams, Washington.
Range. — British Columbia to California.
Zone. — Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — High mountain near Donner Pass, Torrey
572; Mono trail, among rocks, Bolander 6014; Ebbett's Pass, Bolander
2077 ; Mt. Dana, 11,000 feet, Bolander 5076 ; near Lake Tenaya, 8,300
feet, Hall and Babcock 3503.
104 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
4. Poa Pringlei Scribn., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 10, p. 31. 1883.
Type locality. — "Mountains about the headwaters of the Sacra-
mento River, California." Pringle.
Range. — Mt. Shasta region through the high Sierra to the
Tehachapi Mountains.
Zone. — Canadian rising into the Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Above Summit Valley, 9,500 feet, Pringle,
September 27, 1882; ridge south of Dormer Pass, 8,500 feet, Heller
7,157 ; Suzy-Heather Lake trail, Tahoe, 8,000 feet, Smiley 164 ; Tuol-
umne meadows, Congdon, August 18, 1890 ; Mt. Whitney, Coville and
Funston 2066.
4a. Poa Pringlei var. Hanseni (Scribn.), comb. nov.
P. Hanseni Scribn., IT. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Agrost. Bull. 11, p. 53. 1898.
Type locality. — "Silver Lake, Amador County, Cal."
Range. — Same as the species but at somewhat higher elevations.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine mainly.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Rose, summit, Kennedy 1165; same
locality at 10,300 feet, Heller 10,651.
This variety differs from P. Pringlei only in the dwarf size and
filliform leaves.
5. Poa Pattersoni Vasey and Scribn., Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 1,
p. 275. 1893.
Type locality. — "Mountains of Colorado, near Grays Peak, 11,000
to 14,000 ft. altitude."
Range. — Central Rocky Mountains of Colorado and Wyoming:
west to California?
Zone. — Alpine in the Rockies (ace. Nelson in Coulter-Nelson, Man.,
p. 71).
Specimens examined. — Pyramid Peak, 9,500 feet, Smiley 344;
Desolation Valley, 8,000 feet, Smiley 95; Tamarack trail, Tahoe,
meadow at 8,000 feet, Smiley 262.
These specimens, all from the east slope of the Sierra (where sev-
eral boreal Rocky Mountain species rarely occur), are referred here
rather than to P. Pringlei, where closely similar forms have been
placed, because of the well developed pilosity upon the keel and lateral
nerves of the lemma, which in typical P. Pringlei, and its variety, is
merely scabrid. Beal (N. Am. Grasses, vol. 2, p. 578) considered these
species identical.
1921] Smiley : Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 105
Poa arctica R. Br. was once reported from Soda Springs, Nevada
County,95 but is not otherwise known south, of "Washington.
Poa saxatilis Scribn. and Williams, an arctic-alpine species of
Washington is said by Scribner96 to be represented in typical form by
Hansen 1963 ; I do not know whether or not this is the G. E. Hansen
who collected and distributed so many numbers from the central
Sierra Nevada.
Other Poas from the alpine districts of the Sierra have been re-
ferred to P. Leibergii Scribn. and P. Cottoni Piper (Jepson, I.e., p.
160), both described from the Arid Transition of eastern Oregon and
Washington. I have not seen the specimens.
1. Glyceria pauciflora Presl., Rel. Haenke., vol. 1, p. 257. 1830.
Panicularia pauciflora Kuntze, Rev. Gen., vol. 2, p. 783. 1891.
Glyceria erecta Hitchc., in Jepson, Fl. Calif., vol. 1, p. 161. 1912.
Type locality. — ' ' In sinu Nootka. ' '
Range. — Alaska (Yakutat Bay) southward and eastward to Cali-
fornia and Colorado.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Summit Valley, 8,000 feet, Pringle, Sep-
tember 23, 1882; Truckee River, Heller 7113; Donner Lake, Heller
6987; Farewell Gap, 10-11,000 feet, Purpus 5151; near Whitney
meadows, Coville and Funston, 1676.
The type of G. erecta came from Sunrise Creek above Yosemite.
Glyceria elata Hitchc. (in Jepson, Fl. Calif., vol. 1, p. 162 ; Panicu-
laria elata Nash, in Rydb., Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard., vol. 1, p. 54. 1900,
described from "Sweet Grass Canyon, Crazy Mountains, Montana),
a variant of G. nervata Trin., from which it is distinguished by
broader leaves and a more vigorous habit of growth, but connected in
the Northwest with typical G. nervata by numerous intermediate
forms (cf. Piper, Fl. Wash.— Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 11, p. 140),
occurs in both the Coast Ranges and Sierra Nevada in the Transition,
and not infrequently rises into the boreal region along streams or in
rich meadows (Angora Peak, 7,500 feet, Smiley 309 ; Suzy Lake trail,
Tahoe, 7,100 feet, Smiley 199 ; Scandinavian Caiion, 7,000 feet, Brewer
106 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Blades narrow, flat, or loosely involute; lemma membranaceous ....1. F. viridula
Blades closely involute or sulcate; lemmas coriaceous 2. F. ovina
1. Festuca viridula Vasey, U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Bot. Bull, 13,
pi. 93. 1893.
F. graoillima Thurb., Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 318. 1880, not Hook.
Type locality. — "California," presumably near Summit.
Range. — Mountains of Washington and Idaho, south through Ore-
gon and northern California to the central Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Sierras, 5-8,000 feet, Bolander, Kellogg and
Co. in 1872 ; ridge south of Donner Pass, 8,500 feet, Heller 7154 ; Suzy
Lake, Tahoe, 7,800 feet, Smiley 185 ; Donner Lake, J. B. Davy 3222.
2. Festuca ovina var. supina Hack., Bot. Centralbl., vol. 8, p. 405.
F. Supina Schr., Enum PI. Transs., p. 784. 1866.
Type locality. — "Auf Felsen und Gerolle der Hochalpen," Trans-
Range. — Holarctic ; in America south to Newfoundland on the east
coast; in the west along the mountains to New Mexico and southern
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Rose, 10,000 feet, Kennedy 984; Mt.
Gibbs, 11,000 feet, Smiley 786; Mt. Dana, Hall and Babcock 3608;
Denel's Peak, 11,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 5514; near Farewell Gap,
11-12,000. feet, Purpus 5117, 3076; Sawtooth Peak, 12,250 feet, Hall
and Babcock 5676.
2a. Festuca ovina var. brachyphylla Piper, Contr. Nat. Herb.,
vol. 10, p. 27. 1906.
F. brachyphylla Sehult., Mant. vol. 3, p. 646. 1827.
Type locality. — "In Melville Island" (Arctic Archipelago).
Range. — In America south from the Arctic regions to California.
New Mexico, northern New England and Newfoundland.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Dana, 12,500 feet, Brewer (State Sur-
vey no. 5066) ; Bolander (State Survey no. 6100).
A collection made on the Mt. Lyell trail, Yosemite, 10,900 feet, is
possibly of this variety (Smiley 524).
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 107
Spikelet terete; panicle strict and rather dense 1. B. Suksdorfii
Spikelet strongly compressed; panicle spreading. 2. B. marginatus var. seminudus
1. Bromus Suksdorfii Vasey, Bot. Gaz., vol. 10, p. 223. 1885.
Type locality. — "In Washington Territory, and also by Mr.
Cusick in Oregon; altitude about 7,000 ft."
Range. — "Washington to the southern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Near Silver Mountain trail, 8-9,000 feet,
Brewer 2088 ; Calaveras County, Hillebrand 2258 ; above Dormer Lake
toward Donner Pass, Heller 7120.
2. Bromus marginatus var. seminudus Shear, U. S. Dept. Agr.,
Div. Agrost. Bull. 23, p. 55. 1900.
Type locality. — "On open mountain side 5 miles above Wallowa
Lake, Oregon."
Range. — Washington to southern California, east to Montana and
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Kaweah meadows, Tulare County, 9,400
feet, Purpus 5124.
Flowers perfect.
The enlarged base of the style persisting upon the mature achene
1. Eleocharis
The style deciduous entire from the mature achene.
Bristles few (not more than 6 in ours) 2. Scirpus
Bristles very numerous, long, white-silky 3. Eriophorum
Flowers unisexual 4. Carex
Culms setaceous, from very slender rootstocks; scales of the spike acute.
— -- 1. E. acicularis
Culms stouter, from larger rootstocks; scales of the spike obtuse.
2. E. Bolanderi
1. Eleocharis acicularis R. and S., Syst., vol. 2, p. 154. 1817.
Scripus acicularis L.,.Sp. PI., p. 48. 1753.
Type locality. — European.
Range. — North temperate zone.
Zone. — Transition mainly, rising into the Canadian.
. Specimens examined. — Yosemite, Torrey 553 ; Milburn, Mariposa
County, Congdon, June 8, 1890.
108 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
This species is reported50 from the southern Sierra, Mt. "Whitney
region, from an altitude of 3,000 m., but the specimen has not been
seen by me.
2. Eleocharis Bolanderi Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 7, p. 392.
Type locality. — "Mariposa County, on banks of stream near
Clarks." (Yosemite.)
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Transition and above.
Specimen examined. — Sierra Nevada near snow at 9,500 feet,
Greene 448 ; the specimen is immature and is doubtfully referred.
Spikelets solitary and terminal.
Involucral bract present.
Bristles longer than the achene; culms naked 1. S. dementis
Bristles shorter' than the achene; culms leafy 2. S. yosemitanus
Involucral bract wanting 3. S. pauciflorus
Spikelets numerous.
Spikelets in a dense glomerule 4. S. criniger
Spikelets in an open umbellate inflorescence 5. S. microcarpus
1. Scirpus dementis Jones, Contr. W. Coast Bot., vol. 14, p. 21.
Type locality. — "Rae Lake, King's River, California, alpine."
No specimen of this species has been seen ; it is here admitted only
because, to judge from the description, it and the following species
represent in our region 8. caespitosiis L.
2. Scirpus yosemitanus sp. nov.
Culmi dense caespitose, 6-10 cm. alti, gracile, tenue, valde striati.
Folium unicum culmo multo brevius, convolutum rigidum, iaeve
glaucescens. Spicula parvula (3-4-flora) unica terminalis bracteata.
Squamae oblongae valde obtusae vel subtruncatae, inferiores clarius
castatae sed non aristatae. Achenium obovatum cum apice conica.
Setae 3 ligulatae, planae achenio breviores.
(Culms densely matted, 6-10 cm. high, with old sheathing leaf-
bases, slender, terete, very prominently striate, somewhat glaucous
and having a single blunt thick terete leaf, 2—3 cm. long at about the
middle. Spikelet small solitary and terminal, 3-4-flowered, subtended
by a bract about twice as long. Scales oblong, very blunt or squarrose,
the lower and outer very prominently ribbed but not awned. Achene
obovate, with a conical distal end surrounding the base of the style.
Bristles 3, ligulate, smooth, shorter than the achene.)
Type from Tuolumne meadows, Yosemite National Park ; collected
by J. W. Congdon, August 8, 1898.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 109
This species differs from S. caespitosus L. in the bristles being 3,
not 6 ; from S. Clementis Jones, it may be distinguished by the single
blunt leaf about midway on the culm. In 8. Clementis the culm is
3. Scirpus paucifloms Lightf., Fl. Scot., p. 1078. 1777.
Eleocharis pauciflora Link., Hort. Berol., vol. 1, p. 284. 1827. Bot. Calif.,
vol. 2, p. 221. 1880.
Type locality. — Highlands of Scotland, "as upon Malgbyrdy in
Breadalbane. ' '
Range. — In America, British Columbia to Newfoundland, south to
California, Colorado, and northeastern United States.
Zone. — Transition to Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Desolation Valley, Tahoe, 8,500 feet, Smiley
334; soda springs, Upper Tuolumne River, Brewer, 1780; Bonita
meadow, Tulare County, Hall and Babcock, 5181.
Coville50 reports this from Whitney meadows, Tulare County, at
2850 m.
4. Scirpus criniger Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 7, p. 392. 1867.
Type locality. — "In bogs on Red Mountain, Humboldt Co."
Range. — Sierra Nevada and North Coast Ranges northward into
southern Oregon.
Zone. — Hudsonian mainly.
Specimens examined. — Plumas County, Mrs. Austin in 1878;
Placer County, A. N. Carpenter in 1892 ; Pyramid Peak, east side at
9,700 feet, Smiley 128 ; foot of Mt. Dana, Congdon, August 10, 1898 ;
Elizabeth Lake, Tuolumne meadows, growing on the peat marsh,
9,800 feet, Smiley 800; Monarch Creek near Mineral King, Tulare
County, 9,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 5699.
5. Scirpus microcarpus Presl., Rel. Haenke., vol. 1, p. 195. 1823.
Type -locality. — Nootka Sound, Vancouver Island.
Range. — Subarctic America south to California, New Mexico.
Zone.- — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Plumas County, Mrs. Austin in 1878;
ravine near Fallen Leaf Lake, Tahoe 6,700 feet, Smiley 363 ; Walker
Lake, 7,930 feet, R. A. Ware 2711c.
The range of this species is usually stated to extend to the Great
Lakes and the mountains of New York and New England, but, accord-
ing to Professor Fernald, the plant of the northeastern United States
110 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
shows material difference from the typical plant of the west and he
has therefore described it as S. rubrotinctus (Rhodora, vol. 2, p. 20,
1905). M. E. Jones97 later reduced this species to a variety of S.
1. Eriophorum gracile Roth., var. caurinum Fernald, Rhodora,
vol. 7, p. 67. 1905.
Type locality. — "Oregon, subalpine regions."
Range. — Oregon southward to Mt. Shasta and the northern Sierra
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Sierra County, Lemmon in 1874 ; Big Trees,
Hildebrand 2331.
A.i Spikelets solitary and terminal.
Female scales persistent, concealing the mature perigynia; leaves filiform-
involute or carinate.
Stigmas 2 1. C. capitata
Stigmas 3.
Perigynia neither chartaceous nor inflated; spikes narrowly cylin-
drical 2. C. filifolia
Perigynia chartaceous, inflated, and very thin; spikelets pyramidal.
3. C. Breweri
Female scales falling, exposing the maturing perigynia; leaves nearly
flat 4. C. nigricans
A.2 Spikelets 2-many.
B.i Stigmas 2; spikelets all or nearly all bisexual, or dioecious and sessile;
achene lenticular in cross-section; male flowers few and incon-
Staminate flowers borne at top of the spikelets.
Plants with long creeping rhizomes.
Perigynium with a short minute beak 5. C. simulata
Perigynium long-beaked.
Spikelets in a dense, broad, compact head; scales not at ajl or
only narrowly hyaline-margined 6. C. vernacula
Spikelets forming an oblong continuous spike; scales with broad
hyaline margins 7. C. siccata
Plants caespitose with scarcely spreading rootstocks.
Ferrugineous scales of the spikelets scarious margined and with
green midribs 8. C. Hoodii
Scales of the spikelets not scarious margined.
Acute scales of the spikelets reddish-yellow with straw-colored
keels; culms weak, somewhat compressed 9. C. nervina
Blunt scales of the spikelets brown; culms stiff, sharply angled
and rough 10. C. Jonesii
Staminate flowers borne at base of the spikelets.
Perigynium not wing-margined (slightly winged at base in C. illota).
Spikelets few and rather loosely flowered.
Scales green, acute, and marginless; spikelets remote; plant
stoloniferous 11. C. tenella
Scales reddish, blunt, and white margined; spikelets approxi-
mate; plant not stoloniferous 12. C. heleonastes
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 111
Spikelets several and densely flowered.
Perigynium long-beaked.
Spikelets densely congested into a capitate cluster at top of
culm 13. C. illota
Spikelets, at least some of them, remote.
Spikelets, except the terminal, somewhat globose or stellate
and scattered along the upper part of culm; scales
ovate r 14. C. stellulata
Spikelets oblong (up to % inch long) or linear-cylindrical;
scales acute and often hispidly awned ..15. C. Bolanderi
Perigynium short-beaked 16. C. canescens
Perigynium wing-margined.
Spikelets aggregated into a more or less dense head.
Bracts subtending the head greatly elongated
17. C. athrostachya
Bracts not greatly elongated, sometimes obsolete.
Perigynium acuminately rostrate; scales obtusish
18. C. Macloviana
Perigynium abruptly rostrate; scales acute
19. C. straminifonnis
Spikelets more or less remote, at least some of them quite distinct.
Scales not scarious margined.
Beak of perigynium short and wing smooth
20. C. straminea var. mixta
Beak of perigynium longer and wing scabrid ....21. C. specifica
Scales broadly scarious margined.
Beak gradually attenuate, bidentate at the tip ....22. C. tahoensis
Beak abruptly rostrate and deeply cleft 23. C. Liddouii
B.2 Stigmas 3, or rarely 2 and then at least some of the spikelets pedunculate.
Stigmas 2; achene plano-convex or lenticular in cross-section.
Perigynium becoming fleshy when mature 24. C. aurea
Perigynium not becoming fleshy when mature.
Perigynium strongly ribbed 25. C. nebraskensis var. praevia
Perigynium not strongly ribbed.
Perigynium turgid; plants from stiff woody rootstocks; culms
stiff and obtusely angled; beak of perigynium minute and
erect 26. C. rigida
Perigynium not turgid; plants caespitose, sometimes with slen-
der rootstocks; culms weak and sharply angled.
Plant somewhat glaucous; spikelets short and thick
27. C. Goodenovii
Plant green; spikelets linear-cylindrical.
Scales acutish, black, unmargined; plant 16-30 inches high.
28. C. acutina
Scales obtuse, dark red, scarious margined; plant 8-16
inches high 29. C. Kelloggii
Stigmas 3; achene triangular in cross-section.
Leaves septate-nodulose, sometimes only slightly so.
Perigynium more or less gradually tapering to the beak; culm
sharply angled below the spikelets and scarcely spongy at
base 30. C. vesicaria
Perigynium abruptly rostrate; culm obtusely angled, thick, and
spongy at base 31. C. rostrata
Leaves not septate-nodulose.
Perigynium pubescent or hispid.
Beak of perigynium entire; leaf and its sheath densely
pubescent 32. C. yosemitana
Beak of perigynium bidentate; leaf and its sheath nearly
glabrous or only scabrid on the margins.
Beak of perigynium short 33. C. lanuginosa
Beak of perigynium longer , 34. C. Congdoni
Perigynium glabrous (except in var. brevipes of C. Rossi).
Upper spikelet bisexual, male at base.
Spikelets all but the lowest sessile; culms rigid; scales purple
margined with yellow mid-nerve; perigynium prominently
nerved ... ....35. C. Buxbaumii
112 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Spikelets pedunculate; culms weaker, often partially nodding;
scales dark red or purple; perigynium nerveless.
Spikelets very shortly pedunculate or sessile, aggregated
into a capitate cluster.
Scales acute but not awned by the projecting nerve; peri-
gynium sometimes slightly scabrid ..36. C. quadrifida
Scales aristate, often with a distinct awn formed by the
projecting nerve; perigynia somewhat granulate.
37. C. nova
Spikelets distinctly peduncled, the lower often drooping.
38. C. atrata
Upper spikelet male throughout (rarely C. luzulae folia has a few
female flowers in the male spikelets).
Whole plant (except the perigynium and scales) whitish or
glaucous pubescent 39. C. Whitney!
Plants glabrous or essentially so.
Most of the spikelets radical, few flowered, and hidden
among the leaves . 40. C. Rossi
All of the spikelets conspicuous.
Perigynium prominently beaked; culm obtusely angled
and smooth; plants not stoloniferous
41. C. luzulaefolia
Perigynium shortly beaked; culm sharply angled,
usually scabrous; plants stoloniferous.
Perigynium nerved, equalling or exceeding the scales.
Leaves somewhat glaucous, ^4-% inch wide
42. C. Raynoldsii
Leaves green, yi2 inch or less wide ....43. C. limosa
Perigynium nearly nerveless, usually shorter than the
scale 44. C. invisa
1. Carex capitata L., Syst. Nat., ed. 10, p. 1261. 1759.
Type locality. — European.
Range. — Holarctic realm; in North America very rare, especially
in the west ; so far known only from Wyoming and California ; also
Mt. Rose, Nevada.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimen examined. — Mt. Goddard, 11,500 feet, Hall and Chand-
ler 673.
Heller (Muhl., vol. 6, p. 77) reports this species from Mt. Kose.
2. Carex filifolia var. erostrata Kiikenth., Pflanzenr., Bd. 24, Heft
20, p. 86. 1909.
Type locality. — "Sierra Nevada."
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian to Hudsonian, and rarely in the alpine meadows.
Specimens examined. — Cisco, Kellogg, June 24, 1870; Echo Lake,
Brainerd 111 ; Sierra County, Lemmon, May, 1875 ; Mono Pass, 11,000
feet, Brewer 1733; Tamarack trail, Tahoe, abundant in meadows,
8,400 feet, Smiley 270; soda springs of the Tuolumne, Brewer 1697;
Elizabeth Lake meadows, Yosemite, 9,800 feet, Smiley 797 ; Mt. Lyell,
10,900 feet, Hall and Babcock 3581; Dana Fork meadows, Yosemite,
9,800 feet, Smiley 854.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 113
Mr. K. K. Mackenzie considers our Californian plant to be
specifically distinct from C. filifolia Nutt. and has accordingly de-
scribed it as C. exserta (Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 42, p. 620. 1915),
an evaluation of its divergent characters in which I am unable to
3. Carex Breweri Boott, 111. Car., vol. 4, p. 142, t. 455. 1867.
Type locality.— "California, on Mount Shasta, 7,000-10,000 ft. in
dry volcanic soil." Brewer 1422.
Range. — Sierra Nevada and mountains of northern California,
north to Mt. Hood.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine, rarely lower.
Specimens examined. — Dick's Peak, Tahoe, just below summit,
10,000 feet, Smiley 434 ; Mt. Dana, Congdon, August 27, 1895 ; Eliza-
beth Lake meadow, Yosemite, 9,800 feet, Smiley 798 ; Sawtooth Peak,
12,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 5680 ; Mt. Dana, Bolander in 1866.
4. Carex nigricans C. A. Meyer, Mem. Acad. St. Petersb., vol. 1,
p. 210, t. 7. 1831.
Type locality. — "Habitat in Unalaschka. "
Range. — Alaska to California and Colorado. East Asia?
Zone. — Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Lake Lucile, Tahoe, 8,300, Hall and Chand-
ler 4664; Devil's Basin, Eldorado County, 8,300 feet, Brainerd, July
18, 1897; summit of Rush Creek Divide, east of Minarets, Mariposa
County, Congdon, August 21, 1899.
5. Carex simulata Mackenzie, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 34, p.
604. 1907.
Type locality. — "Wyoming: Chug Creek, Albany County." A.
Nelson 7316.
Range. — Washington to California, east to Montana and New
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Eldorado County, bogs near Echo Post-
office, 5,800 feet, Brainerd, July 12, 1897; east slope Sonora Pass,
8,000 feet, Brewer 1865.
6. Carex vernacula Bailey, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 20, p. 417.
Type locality. — Not given.
Range. — Washington to California and east to Utah, perhaps to
114 University of California Publications in Botany [Vo^. 9
Zone. — Hudsonian and Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Ebbett's Pass, Brewer 2066; Summit Camp,
Kellogg, July 22, 1870 ; Sierra Nevada above Summit Valley, Pringle
1102; Mt. Goddard, Yosemite, 11,000 feet, Hall and Chandler 694;
Shadow Lake trail east of Minarets, Mariposa County, Congdon,
August 20, 1899; Upper Kern River near Langley's Camp, 11,800
feet, Hall and Babcock 5545.
This is the C. foetida of Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 232 ; Kiikenthal in
his revision reduces C. vernacula to a variety of C. foetida Allioni.
7. Carex siccata Dew., Amer. Jour. Sci., ser. 1, vol. 10, p. 278,
t. F, fig. 18. 1826.
Type locality. — " Grows on the sandy plains in Westfield, Mass,"
Range. — Across the continent in the northern United States and
south in the western mountains.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimen examined. — Hill above Ebbett's Pass, Brewer 2728.
8. Carex Hoodii Boott, in Hook., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 2, p. 211.
Type locality. — ' ' Columbia River. ' '
Range. — "Washington and British Columbia south to California
and east to Montana and Wyoming.
Zone. — Arid Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Meisner's Ranch, Eldorado County, 7,600
feet, Brainerd 150 ; soda springs, Tuolumne River, 9,000 feet, Brewer
1702 ; Yosemite, Bolander 6215, 6218 ; Tuolumne meadows, 8,500 feet,
Smiley 752.
9. Carex nervina Bailey, Bot. Gaz., vol. 10, p. 203, t. 3. 1885.
Type locality. — "Summit Camp, California." Dr. Kellogg.
Range. — Pacific Coast states.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Emigrant Gap. M. E. Jones, February,
1883; Summit Camp, Kellogg, July 10, 1870; Brian's meadow, Eldo-
rado County, 8,500 feet, Brainerd 133 ; Yosemite, 7,300 feet, Hall and
Babcock 3456; Indian trail above Yosemite, Congdon, August 28,
1899; Upper San Joaquin River, Madera County, Congdon, August
17, 1895.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 115
10. Carex Jonesii Bailey, Mem. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 1, p. 16.
Type locality.— "Soda. Springs, Nevada Co., Cal., 7,000 feet."
Range. — Pacific Coast states ; east to "Wyoming.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Yuba Pass, 6,500 feet, Hall and Babcock
4519 ; Truckee River, meadows at 7,000 feet, Davy, June 25-30, 1897 ;
Volcano Creek, Tulare County, 7,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 5447;
Salmon Creek, Tulare County, 7,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 5167;
Olancha Mountain, Tulare County, 10,000 feet, Hall and Babcock
11. Carex tenella Schkuhr, Riedgr., p. 23, f. 104. 1801.
Type locality. — Not given.
Range. — Holarctic realm; in America south to California, Utah,
Colorado, Michigan, and New Jersey.
Zone. — Canadian or highest Transition.
Specimen examined. — Butterfly Valley in meadow with Darling-
tonia, Lemmon 1246.
No. 1697 of the Death Valley collection, a specimen not seen by
me, was refered here by Dr. Bailey.
12. Carex heleonastes Ehrh., L., f. Suppl., p. 414. 1781.
Type locality. — Not ascertained.
Range. — Subarctic America and southward in the mountains.
Zone. — Canadian ?
Specimen examined. — Lake near Ebbett's Pass, 8,200 feet, Brewer
13. Carex illota Bailey, Mem. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 1, p. 15. 1889.
Type locality. — Not given, but the type specimen collected in Colo-
Range. — Pacific Coast east to "Wyoming and Colorado.
Zone. — Canadian mainly.
Specimens examined. — Devil's Basin, Eldorado County, 8,000
feet, Brainerd 177; Lake Andrian, Eldorado County, 7,500 feet,
Brainerd 175 ; high mountain near Donner Pass, Torrey 550 ; Yosem-
ite, Congdon, August 15, 1890.
116 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
14. Carex stellulata var. ormantha Fernald, Rhodora, vol. 4, p.
222. 1902.
C. echinata var. ormantlia, Fernald, Proc. Am. Aead., voL 37, p. 483. 1902.
C. echinata W. Boott, in Wats., Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 237. 1880, in part.
Type locality. — "California, bogs along Strawberry Creek, Eldo-
rado Co., alt. 1815 m." Brainerd 180.
Range. — Subarctic America southward to the Middle States and
in the west at least to California.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Bog along Strawberry Creek, Eldorado
County, 5,000 feet, Brainerd 160; Big Trees, Calaveras County,
Bolander 2324; Lake of the Woods meadow, Tahoe, 8,000 feet,
Smiley 52.
15. Carex Bolanderi Olney, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 7, p. 393. 1868.
Type locality. — "California, Yosemite Valley and Mariposa Big-
tree Grove."
Range. — British Columbia to southern California, east to Montana
and New Mexico.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Strawberry Creek, Eldorado County, 5,900
feet, Brainerd, July 20, 1897; Clear Creek Canon, Ormsby County,
Nevada, Baker 1250; White Wolf, Yosemite, 8,100 feet, Smiley 892.
16. Carex canescens L., Sp. PL, p. 974. 1753.
Type locality— -Europe.
Range. — Subarctic America and south to Colorado and California
in the west.
Zone. — Canadian ?
Specimen examined. — About Walker Lake, Mono County, 7,930
feet, R. A. Ware, 2709c.
Death Valley no. 1506, a specimen not seen by me, was referred
to the var. dubia Bailey (Bot. Gaz., vol. 9, p. 119. 1884) — see Contr.
Nat. Herb., vol. 3, p. 214.
17. Carex athrostachya Olney, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 7, p. 393.
Type locality. — "California, Yosemite Valley."
Range. — British Columbia to California and Colorado.
Zone. — Canadian.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 117
Specimens examined. — Lake Tahoe to Bear Valley, Kellogg; trail
to Snow Cascade, Eldorado County, 8,000 feet, Brainerd 232; lower
end Donner Lake, Heller 6915 ; mountain near Kaweah River,
10-11,000 feet, Purpus 5144.
18. Carex Macloviana d'Urv., in Mem. Soc. Linn., vol. 4, p. 599.
Type locality. — Not given.
Range. — Widely distributed in the Cordilleran section of North
Zone. — Transition and above.
Specimens examined. — Emigrant Gap, Jones, February, 1883 ;
Desolation Valley, west side rising toward Pyramid Peak, 9,100 feet,
Smiley 87.
Some of the many forms, in which this very variable species occurs,
are given below but it is often quite impossible to satisfactorily assign
individual collections, the segregates, subspecies, varieties, and forms,
which have been proposed from time to time, merging into each other
in all characters.
18a. Carex Macloviana var. gracilis Kiikenth., Pflanzenr., Bd. 4,
Heft 20, p. 197. 1909.
Type locality. — Not given.
Range. — Sierra Nevada north into Oregon.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Lake Tenaya, Yosemite, 8,300 feet, Hall
and Babcock 3639 ; Gold Lake, Plumas County, 6,400 feet, Hall and
Babcock 4497 ; meadow above Donner Lake, Davy 3236 ; Tamarack
trail, Tahoe, 8,400 feet, Smiley 257.
18b. Carex Macloviana var. stricta Kiikenth., Pflanzenr., Bd. 4,
Heft 20, p. 197. 1909.
Type locality. — "California."
Range. — Pacific Coast.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Marlette Lake, Nevada, 8,000 feet, Hall and
Chandler 4584; Summit Camp, Kellogg, July, 1870; Brian's meadows,
Eldorado County, 9,000 feet, Brainerd 223; near Ebbett's Pass, 9,000
feet, Brewer 2012 ; Mt. Dana, 11,000 feet, Bolander 5069 ; Mt. Lyell,
MtLean, June 7, 1894.
118 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
18c. Carex Macloviana var. Haydeniana Holm, Am. Jour. Sci.,
vol. 160, p. 286. 1900.
Type locality. — ' ' California. ' '
Range. — California east to Wyoming and Colorado.
Zone. — Hudsonian and above.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Dana, 12,500 feet, Bolander 5074;
Tuolumne meadow, 8,600 feet, Smiley 755 ; Dog Lake, Yosemite, 9240
feet, Smiley 839 ; Pyramid Peak, Tahoe, 9,100 feet, Smiley 81.
18d. Carex Macloviana var. subfusca Kiikenth., Pflanzenr., Bd.
4, Heft 20, p. 197. 1909.
Type locality. — "Lake Tahoe (Kellogg}, and near Virginia City,
Nevada, Bloomer."
Range. — Southern range of the species.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Summit, Kellogg, July 14, 1870; same
locality, 7,000 feet, Heller 8841; Truckee River, wet meadows, 7,000
feet, Davy, June 25^30, 1897; Cisco, Kellogg, June 9, 1870.
19. Carex straminiformis Bailey, Mem. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 1,
p. 24. 1889.
C. straminea var. congesta Olney, Proe. Am. Acad., vol. 7, p. 396. 1868.
Type locality. — Mt. Shasta, California.
Range. — Pacific Coast states.
Zone. — Canadian to Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Near Ebbett's Pass, on border of a little
lake, 8,5-9,000 feet, Brewer 2083; Echo Lake, Eldorado County,
Brainerd 197 ; Pyramid Peak, east side, 9,200 feet, Hall and Chandler
4742; same locality, Brewer 2173; Silver Mountain, 11,000 feet,
Brewer 2026; Desolation Valley, Tahoe, 8,500 feet, Smiley ^347;
Tamarack trail, Tahoe, meadow at 8,400 feet, Smiley 261; Angora
Peak, Tahoe, 7,600 feet, Smiley 6b; Mt. Rose, Heller 9903; Carey's
Peak, Alpine County, 10,800 feet, Brewer 2125 ; Lake Tenaya, Yosem-
ite, Congdon, August 17, 1890.
20. Carex straminea var. mixta Bailey, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 22,
p. 151. 1887.
No specimens of this sedge have been identified with certainty from
within our limits and it is here included only because Professor Bailey
has referred (I.e.) to it certain specimens collected on the State Survey
in the higher mountains.
!92i] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada, of California 119
21. Carex specifica Bailey, Mem. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 1, p. 21.
C. scoparia Schk., var. fulva W. Boott, in Watsu, Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 237.
Type locality. — "California, Silver Valley, head of Tuolumne
River, and Ebbett's Pass."
Range. — Pacific Coast in the higher mountains.
Zone. — Transition mainly, rising into the Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Soda Springs, Nevada County, Jones 2448 ;
Slippery Ford, Eldorado County, 6,200 feet, Brainerd 212; head of
Tuolumne River, Brewer 1774 ; Silver Valley, Brewer 1969 ; near Lily
Lake, Tahoe, 6,600 feet, Smiley 397; Yosemite Creek to Porcupine
Flat, 7,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 3463; Buck Camp, Mariposa
County, 8,000 feet, Congdon, August 12, 1890.
22. Carex tahoensis, sp. nov.
Rhizoma caespitosum. Culmus 1.5-3 dm. altus subfirmus triqueter
scaber superne foliatus inferne. Folia culmo multo breviora 1 mm.
lata complicata rigidula pallida, vaginae inferiores hyalinae. Spiculae
3-4, ovatae gynaecandrae (masculina inferne), densiflorae sessiles col-
lectae, Squamae lanceolatae ovatae castaneosae, cum marginibus albo-
hyalinis, 5 mm. longae viridi-carinatae. Utriculi longiores (6 mm.
longi) erecti concavo-convexi brunnei nervosi, cum marginibus an-
gustis viridi-alatis et per dimidium superius dense ciliato-scabris, in
rostrum longum bidentatum sensim attenuati. Stigmata 2.
(Plant densely caespitose. Culms 1.5-3 dm. high, rather firm and
somewhat triangular, roughened above, leafy at the base. Leaves light
green, shorter than the culm, rather rigid, 1 mm. broad and closely
folded along the midrib, their sheaths hyaline. Spikelets 3-4, ovate,
bisexual, male at base, densely flowered, sessile and approximate.
Scales 5 mm. long, lanceolate-ovate, castaneous, their margins broadly
hyaline and midnerves green. Perigynia 6 mm. long, exceeding their
scales, erect, concave-convex, brown in color and nerved on the inner
side above the constricted base, their narrow margins green and
winged, with the upper halves of the wings densely ciliate-scabrid
along the sides of the gradually attenuate bidentate beak. Stigmas 2. )
The species here proposed as new has its nearest allies in C. Lid-
donii Boott and C. phaeocephala Piper : from the former it differs in
the merely bidentate beak, which in C. Liddwiii is deeply cleft and
in the beak being gradually acuminate, not abruptly rostrate as in
Dr. Boott 's species. From C. phaeocephala, this species may be dis-
tinguished by the much longer beak of the perigynium and the oblong
ovary, the latter in C. phaeocephala being obovate.
Type collected July 19, 1913, on Mt. Tallac, west of Lake Tahoe,
at an elevation of about 9,300 feet in the Hudsonian life-zone, Smiley
120 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
23. Carex Liddonii Boott, in Hook., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 2, p. 214,
t. 215. 1839.
C. adusta var. congesta W. Boott in Wats., Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 238. 1880.
C. Liddoni Boott var. inoerta Bailey, Bot. Gaz., vol. 13, p. 89. 1888.
Type locality. — "Columbia River."
Range. — Pacific Coast east to the Rocky Mountains.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Dry soil in canon above Slippery Ford,
Eldorado County, 6,500 feet, Brainerd 191^ ; Truckee River Basin,
Placer County, Davy 3266; Soda Springs, Nevada County, 7,000 feet,
Jones 2515 ; Angora Lake, Tahoe, 7,600 feet, Smiley 32.
24. Carex aurea Nutt., Gen., vol. 2, p. 205. 1818.
Type locality. — "On the shores of Lake Michigan."
Range. — Newfoundland to British Columbia and south to Califor-
nia, Colorado, Middle States, and southern New England.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Glen Alpine, Tahoe, McGregor 21; Suzy
Lake, Tahoe, above Glen Alpine, 7,100 feet, Smiley 197 ; soda springs,
Upper Tuolumne River, Bolander 6220; open ground near soda
springs, Tuolumne meadows, 8,600 feet, R. A. Ware, 2705c.
25. Carex nebraskensis var. praevia Bailey, Mem. Torr. Bot. Club,
vol. 1, p. 49. 1889.
Type locality. — Not given.
Range. — Sierra Nevada; east to Colorado and northward through
Oregon to Washington.
Zone. — Transition, rising into the Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Lower end Donner Lake, Heller 6913; Sil-
ver Valley, rather dry places, Brewer 1970; Bonita meadow, Tulare
County, Hall and Babcock 5182; Kern River, 9800 feet, Rothrock 371.
26. Carex rigida Gooden., Linn. Trans., vol. 2, p. 193. 1794.
Type locality. — Not ascertained.
Range. — In America south to the mountains of Quebec, Rocky
Mountains, and Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine, rarely in Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Dana, Bolander 5077; Snow Flat,
Yosemite, 8,700 feet, Hall and Babcock 3493 ; Mt. Dana, wet meadow
on the north side, 'll,800 feet, Smiley 726.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 121
26a. Carex rigida var. hesperia Piper, Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 11,
p. 173. 1906.
Carex vulgaris var. bracteosa Bailey, Proc. Am. Aead., vol. 22, p. 81. 1886,
not C. bracteosa Schwein.
Type locality.— Ebbett's Pass, California, alt. 8,000 feet."
Range. — Pacific Coast.
Zone. — Hudsonian ?
Specimen examined. — Ebbett's Pass, 8,000 feet, Brewer 2015.
Carex scopulorum Holm (Am. Jour. Sci. IV, vol. 14, p. 422. 1902),
a high mountain sedge of Colorado and nearly related to C. rigida, is
accredited to California by Kukenthal (Pflanzenr., I.e., p. 303), but
no specimens from the Sierra have agreed with the description or
figures of that species, particularly in the sharply flexed beak to the
27. Carex Goodenowii J. Gay, Ann. Sci. Nat. II, vol. 11, p. 191.
Type locality. — Not ascertained.
Range. — Transcontinental at the north, extending southward in
the mountains.
Zone. — Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Eagle Lake, Tulare County, 10,500 feet,
Hall and Babcock 5367 ; Silver Lake, Brewer 2099 ; Elizabeth Lake,
Tuolumne meadows, 9,800 feet, Smiley 799.
28. Carex acutina Bailey, Mem. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 1, p. 52.
Type locality. — " Oregon," without definite locality, Howell 935.
Range. — Pacific Coast east to Colorado.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimen examined. — Plumas County, Heller and Kennedy 8784;
this specimen referred with considerable hesitation as it is too imma-
ture for certain determination.
29. Carex Kelloggii W. Boott, in Wats. Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 240.
Type locality. — "In the Sierra Nevada at Alta and from Lake
Tahoe to Bear Valley."
Range. — Pacific Coast and Idaho.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian (?).
Specimens examined. — Lake Tahoe to Bear Valley, Dr. Kellogg;
Meisner's Ranch, by a small lake, 7,600 feet, Brainerd 76.
122 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
30. Carex vesicaria L., Sp. PI., p. 979. 1753.
Type locality. — European.
Range. — North temperate zone.
Zone. — Transition mainly rising into the Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Summit, Dr. Kellogg, July 27, (1870?);
lower end of Donner Lake, Heller 6938 ; bog along Strawberry Creek,
Eldorado County, 5,900 feet, Brainerd 10, 14 ; marshy borders of Lake
Andrain, Eldorado County, 7,500 feet, Brainerd 12; Ostrander's
meadow above Yosemite, Bolander 6211 ; Lily Lake, Tahoe, 6,600 feet,
Smiley 331a; soda springs, head of the Tuolumne River, Brewer
1781; South Fork of the San Joaquin River, 7,600 feet, Hall and
Chandler 625.
Some of the above specimens have been referred to the many
inconstant varieties of this polymorphous species ; in view of what I
believe to be the fact — viz., that in any large series of specimens the
several named varieties merge inextricably — it has not seemed to me
desirable to attempt here their discrimination.
31. Carex rostrata Stokes, in With. Bot. arr. Brit. Veg., ed. 2,
p. 1059. 1787.
C. ampullacea Gooden., Linn. Trans., vol. 2, p. 207. 1794.
Type locality. — "Bogs of Isla, and on Bentelkerny and Breadal-
bane," England.
Range. — Transcontinental in the north; southward to California,
New Mexico, Illinois, Middle States and New England.
Zone. — Transition mainly, but rising into the Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Truckee River, Brewer 2161 ; Summit,
Kellogg ; Lily Lake, Tahoe, 6,600 feet, Smiley 387 ; Lake of the Woods,
Tahoe, 8,200 feet, Smiley 49; peat bogs on Meisner's meadow, Eldo-
rado County, 7,600 feet, Brainerd 8 ; Angora Lake, Tahoe, 7,50$ feet,
Hall and Chandler 4642 ; Westf all 's meadows, Yosemite, Bolander
4968 ; Silver Valley, Brewer 1966 ; Kaweah meadows, in ponds at
9,300 feet, Purpus 5137.
All of the above specimens appear to be referable to the var.
utriculata (Boott) Bailey.
32. Carex yosemitana Bailey, Mem. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 1, p. 8.
Type locality. — ' ' California, Yosemite Valley, alt. 6,000 feet."
Range. — Central and southern Sierra Nevada; also in southern
Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California, 123
Zone. — Transition mainly, but rising in dry rocky stations even to
above timber line.
Specimens examined. — Tioga Road above Aspen Valley, Yosemite,
6,700 feet, Smiley 900; Yosemite Valley, Brewer* 1636 (co-type) ; Big
Oak Flat Road, Mariposa County, Congdon, June 6, 1896.
33. Carex lanuginosa Michx., Fl. N. Am., vol. 2, p. 175. 1803.
Type locality. — "Ad lacus Mistassins," Canada.
Range. — British Columbia to Gulf of St. Lawrence, south to Cali-
fornia, New Mexico, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and New Brunswick.
Zone. — Transitian mainly, entering the Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Lower end Donner Lake, Heller 6989 ; Tal-
lac, 6,200 feet, Brainerd 19y2.
34. Carex Congdoni Bailey, Bot. Gaz., vol. 21, p. 6. 1896.
Type locality. — "California: Mt. Warren Pass, Tuolumne County,
and east side of Mt. Warren, Mono County. ' '
Range. — Central and southern Sierra Nevada.
Specimen examined. — Sawtooth Peak, Tulare County, 11,800 feet,
Hall and Babcock 5687.
35. Carex Buxbaumii Wahl., Kongl. Vet. Akad. Handl. II, vol.
24, p. 163. 1803.
Type locality. — European.
Range. — In America south from the arctic regions to California,
Wyoming, Great Lakes, and Middle States.
Zone. — Canadian ?
Specimen examined. — Soda springs, head of the Tuolumne River,
9,700 feet, Bolander 5056.
36. Carex quadrifida Bailey, Proc. Calif. Acad. II, vol. 3, p. 104.
Type locality. — Central Sierra Nevada.
Range. — Sierra Nevada; the type from Mt. Dana.
Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Rose, 10,000 feet, Heller 9,975; soda
springs of the Tuolumne, Congdon, August 18, 1890* ; Bloody Canon,
Mono County, 9,500 feet, R. A. Ware 2715c; Lake Tenaya, Congdon,
August 19, 1890; near Brown meadow, Tulare County, Hall and
Babcock 5160; Yosemite Creek and Indian Canon to Porcupine Flat,
124 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
7,300 feet, Hall and Babcock 3457 ; mountain near Little Kern River,
10-11,000 feet, Purpus 5238*.
37. Carex nova Bailey, Mem. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 1, p. 10. 1889.
C. atrata var. nigra Boott, 111. Car., vol. 3, p. 114, t. 363. W. Boott, in
Wats., Bot Calif., vol. 2, p. 239. 1880.
Type locality. — ' ' Mountains of Wyoming and Colorado and south-
ward. ' '
Range. — California east to Wyoming and New Mexico.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Gibbs, Yosemite, near summit in
rocks, 12,200 feet, Smiley 783; Unicorn Peak, Yosemite, 10,400 feet,
Smiley 811 ; Mt. Dana, 12,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 3610 ; Mt. God-
dard, 12,000 feet, Hall and Chandler 674; Wood's Peak, 10,000 feet,
Brewer 2122; Kaiser Peak, Fresno County, 10,100 feet, Smiley 640.
Professor Bailey identified. Coville and Funston 2073 from above
timber line on Mt. Whitney with this species.
38. Carex atrata var. discolor Bailey, Lond. Jour. Bot., vol. 26,
p. 321. 1888.
Type locality. — ''Mountains of Colorado and Utah and south-
ward. ' '
Range. — Mountains of western United States.
Specimen examined. — High mountain near Donner Pass, Torrey
39. Carex Whitney! Olney, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 7, p. 394. 1868.
Type locality. — "Yosemite Valley."
Range. — Sierra Nevada; mountains of northern California.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Donner Lake, Heller 6941 ; Meisner 's
Ranch, Eldorado County, 7,600 feet, Brainerd 123 ; soda springs,
Tuolumne River, Brewer 1778; Tuolumne meadows, open dry gravel
slope, 8,600 feet, R. A. Ware 2706c.
40. Carex Rossii Boott, in Hook., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 2, p. 222.
C. novae-angliae var. Eossii Bailey, Bot. Gaz., vol. 10, p. 207. 1885.
C. deflexa var. Sossii and var. media Bailey, Mem. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 1,
p. 43. 1889.
* These specimens belong to the high mountain dwarf form described as the
var. lenis Bailey (I.e.), which is connected to the typical form of stouter habit
by numerous intergrades.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 125
C. Novae-angliae var. deflexa Bailey, Proc. Am. Aead., vol. 22, p. 124.
C. deflexa var. Farwellii Brit., in Brit, and Brown, 111. Fl., vol. 1, p. 334.
C. Farwellii Mackenzie, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 37, p. 244. 1910.
Type locality. — "N.W. Coast, Douglas; Kocky Mountains, Drum-
mond. ' '
Range.— British Columbia east to mountains of Alberta, south in
the Rockies and Sierra-Cascades to California and Colorado. Ace.
Mackenzie (Bull. Torr. Bot. Club., vol. 40, p. 541) this is also present
in northern Michigan.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Sierra Nevada, Kellogg; Summit, Heller
9853; Pyramid Peak, Tahoe, Hall' and Chandler 4749; Tuolumne
meadows, gravelly loam of pine forest, 8,600 feet, R. A. Ware 2721c.
41. Carex luzulaefolia W. Boott in Wats., Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p.
250. 1880.
Type locality. — "In the Sierra Nevada, at high altitudes, from
above Yosemite Valley to Ebbett's Pass and northward."
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Tamarack trail, Tahoe, meadow at 8,400
feet, Smiley 268 ; Pyramid Peak, 8,800 feet, Hall and Chandler 4747 ;
Devil's Basin, Eldorado County, 8,000 feet, Brainerd 28; Mt. Tallac,
9,000 feet, Abrams 4850; Suzy Lake, Tahoe, McGregor 102; above
Ebbett's Pass near lake, Brewer 2019; soda springs, Yosemite, 10,000
feet, Brewer 1701; Wood's Peak, wet places, Brewer 2131.
41a. Carex luzulaefolia var. ablata Kiikenth., Pflanzenr., Bd. 4,
Heft 20, p. 558. 1909.
C. ablata Bailey, Bot. Gaz., vol. 13, p. 82. 1888.
Type locality. — Not given.
Range. — British Columbia to California and east to Utah.
Zone. — Same as the species.
Specimen examined. — Strawberry Creek, bog at 5,900 feet, Eldo-
rado County, Brainerd 30.
This variety is said by Parish (So. Calif. Acad. Sci., Prelim.
Synop.) to have been collected on Mt. Grayback at 9,500 feet, by G. B.
Gr&nt 6405.
126 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
41b. Carex luzulaefolia var. strobilantha Holm, Am. Jour. Sci.
IV, vol. 20, p. 305. 1905.
Type locality. — "California: above Dormer Pass in Placer county
in a sub-alpine meadow, where snow drifts lie late, and usually near
granite rocks."
Range. — So far known only from the original station.
Specimen examined. — Above Donner Pass, Heller 7187.
42. Carex Raynoldsii Dewey, Am. Jour. Sci. II, vol. 32, p. 39.
C. Lyallii Boott, 111. Car., vol. 1, p. 150, t. 483. 1858.
Type locality.— ''Pierre's, Hole, Snake River Valley, alt. 6,000 ft."
Range. — Mountains of western North America south from British
Columbia to California, Utah, and Colorado.
Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Silver Valley, dry hillsides, 8,000 feet,
Brewer 1968; Meisner's Ranch, Eldorado County, 7,600 feet, Brainerd
81 ; Tamarack trail, Tahoe, 8,400 feet, Smiley 256 ; Old Tioga Road,
Yosemite, dry pine forest, 8,400 feet, R. A. Ware 2717c; Mt. Dana,
10,000 feet, Bolander 5088; Lake Tenaya, dry places, Brewer 1690;
Lake Tenaya, 8,300 feet, Hall and Babcock 3645 ; same locality, 8,200
feet, Smiley 864; Tuolumne meadows, gravelly loam in pine forest,
8,600 feet, R. A. Ware 2720c.
43. Carex limosa L., Sp. PL, p. 977, 1753.
Type locality. — European.
Range. — Arctic America south to California, Montana, Ohio, and
New Jersey.
Zone. — Canadian, occurring in peat bogs.
Specimen examined. — Bog hole near Lake Andrian, Eldorado
County, 7,500 feet, Brainerd 22.
44. Carex invisa Bailey, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 22, p. 82. 1887.
C. podocarpa W. Boott, in Wats., Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 245. 1880, not of
E. Or.
Type locality. — •" Summit Camp, Kellogg, the type growing in
exceedingly tough and matted clumps. ' '
Range. — Sierra Nevada, northward to Mt. Lassen and (ace. Bailey,
I.e.) to the Selkirks of British Columbia.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra, Nevada of California 127
Specimens examined. — Above Suzy Lake, Tahoe, 8,000 feet, Smiley
198; Lake Lucile, Tahoe, Hall and Chandler 4656; Carson Pass,
Brewer 2136; Summit Camp, Kellogg; foot of Mt. Dana, Congdon,
August 10, 1898 ; Nellie Lake, meadow, 8,700 feet, Smiley 600.
Other Carex species are not infrequently collected within our
borders but their zones of greatest frequency are below our limits.
Since the above treatment of this difficult genus was completed,
Mr. K. K. Makenzie has published a paper on the ' ' Calif ornian Rep-
resentatives of the Ovales" (Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 43, pp. 601-
620. 1916), wherein a number of new species are proposed and
certain specimens cited which, in the treatment here presented, are
otherwise referred.
Leaves soft and flat, their sheaths closed; stems hollow; capsule 1-celled and
3-seeded; plants more or less villous 1. Luzula
Leaves stiff, terete or flat, their sheaths open; stems usually filled with spongy
pith; capsule 3-celled and many seeded; plants never villous 2. Juncus
Inflorescence an open cyme.
Pedicels short, the flowers in somewhat fascicular clusters; leaves lance-
linear to lanceolate 1. L. parviflora
Pedicels elongated, the flowers solitary; leaves linear 2. L. divaricata
Inflorescence spicate or glomerate.
The inflorescence nodding, usually a single spike; leaves channeled
3. L. spicata
The inflorescence erect, of 2 or more subglobose or oblong clusters
4. L. campestris
1. Luzula parviflora var. subcongesta Buchenau, Monogr. Juncac.,
p. 110. 1890.
L. spadicea var. subcongesta Wats. Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 202. 1880.
Type locality. — "In the Sierra Nevada, near Donner Lake."
Range. — California northward and eastward to Washington and
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — High mountain near Donner Pass, Torrey
541; above Donner Pass, 7,500 feet, Heller 7135; near Donner Lake,
E. L. Greene 454; Tioga Road near Dark Hole, Yosemite, 7,700 feet,
Smiley 877; Yosemite Creek, 7,300 feet, Hall and Babcock 3458;
Tioga Road, dry pine forest, 8,400 feet, R. A. Ware 2719c.
128 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
2. Luzula divaricata Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 14, p. 302.
Type locality. — "In the Sierra Nevada, mostly alpine from above
Mono Lake to Sierra County."
Range. — Sierra Nevada, central and southern portions.
Zone. — Transition to Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Carson Spur, Alpine County, 8,500 feet,
Hansen 815; Heather Lake, Tahoe, 7,800 feet, McGregor 182, 186;
ridge south of Donner Pass, 7,500 feet, Heller 7138 ; Suzy Lake, Tahoe,
7,900 feet, Smiley 153; above Summit Station, 8,500 feet, E. L. Greene
400; near Castle Peak, Lemmon in 1873; Ebbett's Pass, Brewer 2069;
peak above Mono Lake, 10,000 feet, Brewer 1794; Mt. Rose, 10,000
feet, Kennedy 1155; rocky mountain slopes along Little Kern River,
Tulare County, 11-12,000 feet, Purpus 5248 ; Sawtooth Peak, 11,000
feet, Hall and Babcock 5690 ; near Mineral King, Coville and Funston
5. Luzula spicata var. nova, n. var.
Differt a forma typica cum capsula segmentis perianthii sit semper
This variety, which appears to be strictly west American, is dis-
tinguished from the species by the mature capsule being always shorter
than the segments of the perianth and usually only one-half as long.
In the species, the mature capsule is exserted from the perianth.
"While the variety here distinguished has, so far as known, no
other character unlike those of the species, its consistent exhibition
of the critical character throughout its definite range seems sufficient
warrant for its proposal. The specimen in which the distinction^ was
first recognized is Coville and Funston 1535 as represented in the
Gray Herbarium and this may be regarded as the type sheet.
Range. — Cordilleran section of the United States, northward to
British Columbia.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Sierra Nevada near Mineral King, Tulare
County, Coville and Funston 1535 ; mountains near Little Kern River,
Tulare County, growing in rocky places, Purpus 5249; Mt. Dana,
12,200 feet, Smiley 729.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 129
4. Luzula campestris var. congesta (Thuill.) Meyer, Syn. Luz.,
p. 18. 1823.
Juncus congestus Thuill., Fl. Par., ed. 2, p. 179. 1799.
Luzula comosa var. congesta Wats., Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 203. 1880.
Junooides comosum var. congestum Howell, Fl. N.W. Am., vol. 1, p. 681.
Range. — In North America in the mountains of the Cordilleran
section and of the Pacific Coast.
Specimens examined. — Meadows near Black Mountain, Fresno
County, 10,000 feet, Hall and Chandler 607 ; Elizabeth Lake, Yosemite,
9,800 feet, Smiley 791.
Coville and Funston 1553, from timber line near Mineral King,
Tulare County, has been referred to this variety,50 but the specimen
is possibly too immature for certain determination.
4b. Luzula campestris var. multiflora (Ehrh.) Celak., Prodr. Fl.
Bohm., p. 85. 1869.
Range. — British Columbia to Newfoundland and south to Califor-
nia, Wyoming, Great Lakes, and Middle States.
Specimen examined. — High mountain near Donner Pass, Torrey
4c. Luzula campestris var. comosa (Meyer) Fernald and Wie-
gand, Rhodora, vol. 15, p. 41. 1913.
L. comosa var. subsessilis Watson, Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 203. 1880.
Range. — In America from the subarctic regions south in the east
to Quebec; in the west to mountains of southern California.
Specimens examined. — Above Lake Tenaya, margin of a stream,
8,400 feet, Smiley 862; Elizabeth Lake, Yosemite, meadow at 9,800
feet, Smiley 792.
Dwarf annual, 1-2 inches high 1. J. triformis
Stems naked, terete, sheathed at base; leaves terete or none; panicle lateral
and sessile; flowers few (1-4); low, high montane plants.
Stems very slender, 1 foot or less high with inner sheaths bristle-tipped;
spathe %-l inch long, about equalling the panicle; anthers subequal
to the filaments or a little longer; capsule retuse, included by the
sepals 2. J. Drummondii
Stems filiform and wiry, 3-6 inches high with inner sheaths leaf bearing;
spathe exceeding the inflorescence; anthers much longer than the fila-
ments; capsule acute, exserted from the sepals 3. J. Parry!
130 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Stems leafy; inflorescence terminal.
Leaves not nodulose, flat and grass-like, neither equitant nor ligulate;
flowers capitate or clustered.
Stems low, mostly equalling the leaves or shorter 4. J. obtusatus
Stems taller, exceeding the leaves 5. J. orthophyllus
Leaves nodulose, compressed or flattened laterally and equitant, ligulate.
Leaves lightly compressed, subterete, without auricles and very narrow;
stems %-2 feet high, very slender; heads usually many .".
6. J. nevadensis
Leaves obviously flattened laterally and equitant, auricled.
Perianth segments pale and scarious, often obtuse; heads 1 or 2.
7. J. chlorocephalus
Perianth segments dark brown or purplish and usually acute.
Heads solitary, many flowered; stamens 6 8. J. Mertensianus
Heads 5 or 3, fewer flowered; stamens 3 9. J. ensifolius
1. Juncus triformis var. uniflorus Engelm., Trans. St. Louis
Acad., vol. 2, p. 493. 1868.
J. uncialis Greene, Pitt., vol. 2, p. 105. 1890.
Type locality. — "Sierra Nevada among mosses."
Range. — Washington to southern California, east to eastern
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Near Camp Agassiz above Fallen Leaf
Lake, Tahoe, 6,700 feet, Smiley 363a; Tuolumne meadows, sandy
places on the meadows, 8,500 feet, Smiley 739 ; Upper Tuolumne,
Parish identifies Reed 248198 from Lake Surprise, 9,000 feet, San
Jacinto Mountains, as of this species ; this is the present known south-
ern limit of its range.
J. uncialis Greene was described from "Low moist places in fields
near Suisun, California."
2. Juncus Drummondii E. Meyer, in Ledeb., Fl. Ross., vol. 4, p.
235. 1853.
J. subtriflorus (Mey.) Coville, Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 4, p. 208. 1893.
J. compressus var. subtriflorus Meyer, Linnaea, vol. 3, p. 368. 1828.
Type locality. — ' ' Unalaschka. ' '
Range. — Alaska to California and New Mexico. Eurasia.
Zone. — Hudsonian and Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Tamarack trail, meadow at 8,400 feet,
Tahoe, Smiley 260; above Donner Pass, 7,500 feet, Heller 7134; Dana
Fork meadows, Yosemite, 9,750 feet, Smiley 848 ; Mono trail, 9-10,000
feet, Bolander, August, 1866 ; Bloody Canon, Mono County, 9,500 feet,
R. A. Ware 27.16c; Shuteye Mountain, Madera County, on a north
facing slope, 8,100 feet, Smiley 568; same locality, rocks on north
side of peak in granite, 8,000 feet, J. Murdoch 2561; slope above
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 131
Nellie Lake, Fresno County, 9,000 feet, Smiley 613; Tulare County,
Coville and Funston 1563.
The very dwarf var. Jiumilis Engelm. (Trans. St. Louis Acad.,
vol. 2, p. 445. 1866) described from Mt. Shasta, is not known from
the Sierra. Buchenau (Pflanzeur., Bd. 4, Heft 36, p. 143) considers
it a mere depauperate form — ' ' Vix varietas, sed forma parva. ' '
3. Juncus Parryi Engelm., Trans. St. Louis Acad., vol. 2, p. 446.
Type locality. — "On the western and north-western mountains"
(described from Colorado specimens).
Range. — Southern Alaska (Juneau) to mountains of southern
California and in the Rockies to Colorado.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine, sometimes in Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — High mountain near Donner Pass, Torrey
536; Bierstadt Peak, Tahoe, Davy 3220; Pyramid Peak at summit,
Talioe, 10,020 feet and at 9,600 feet, Hall and Chandler 4717 ; Deso-
lation Valley, Tahoe, 8,500 feet, Smiley 339 ; Elizabeth Lake, Yosemite,
rocky ravine south of the meadow, 9,900 feet, Smiley 805 ; Black Moun-
tain, meadows, Fresno County, 10,000 feet, Hall and Chandler 608;
Sawtooth Peak, Tulare County, 11,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 5689 ;
basin of Upper Kern River near Langley's Camp, 11,800 feet, Hall
and Babcock 5544.
Parish" reports this as having been collected on the summit of
Mt. Grayback, San Bernardino Mountains, at 11,485 feet, the southern
limit so far as known.
4. Juncus obtusatus Engelm., Trans. St. Louis Acad., vol. 2, p.
495. 1868.
Type locality. — "Near the Big Tree Grove, Mariposa, California,
growing in large tufts, 2-3 feet in diameter on the sandy banks of
the streamlets, alt. 6,500 feet." Bolander.
Range. — Sierran region, perhaps in the mountains of southern
Zone. — Transition, entering Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Near Big Tree Grove, Bolander; Sierra
Buttes, 6,000 feet, at Lower Sardine Lake, Hall and Babcock 4489,
doubtfully referred; Yosemite, J. Muir in 1875; Porcupine Flat,
Yosemite, 8,000 feet, R. A. Ware 2735c; soda springs of Tuolumne,
Congdon, August 15, 1894; Little Yosemite, on Merced River, 6,700
feety R. A. Ware 2708c.
132 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
5. Juncus orthophyllus Coville, Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 4, p. 207.
J. longistylis var.? latifolius Englem., Trans. St. Louis Acad., vol. 2, p. 496.
J. latifolius Buchenau, Monogr. Juncac., p. 425. 1890.
Type locality. — " Calif ornian Sierras on alpine meadows or along
rivulets in the Yosemite Valley alt. 4000 feet, Hb. n. 46 ; on the upper
Tuolumne, alt. 10,000 feet, and frequent on the eastern slope of the
mountains. ' '
Range. — Sierra Nevada northward to British Columbia.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
No specimens of this rush have been seen by me; Coville (I.e.}
found a rush growing on Whitney meadows, Tulare County, which he
referred to this species ; it formed a conspicuous part of the meadow
6. Juncus nevadensis Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 14, p. 303.
J. phaeoceplialus var. graoilis Engelm., Trans. St. Louis Aead., vol. 2,
p. 209. 1868.
Type locality. — "Frequent in the Sierra Nevada, from Kern
County (Rothrock) to Oregon."
Range. — Sierra Nevada and southern Cascades.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Independence Lake, Sierra County, 7,500
feet, Hall and Babcock 4541 ; Lake Tahoe to Bear Valley, Bolander,
Kellogg and Co. in 1866; high mountain near Donner Pass, Torrey
535; Pyramid Peak, Tahoe, 9,500 feet, Smiley 114; Tamarack trail,
Tahoe, 8,400 feet, Smiley 259 ; Castle Peak, Tahoe, 8,200 feet, Smiley
471; Crescent Lake, Mariposa County, Congdon, August 10,^1890;
Snow Flat, Yosemite, 8,700 feet, Hall and Babcock 3492 ; Tuolumne
meadows, open ground at 8,600 feet, R. A. Ware 2724c ; between Lake
Tenaya and Tuolumne meadows, 8,700 feet, Smiley 705; Hockett's
meadows, Tulare County, 8,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 5617; near
Whitney meadows, Coville and Funston 1721 ; Kern River, 9,800 feet,
Rothrock 382.
7. Juncus chlorocephalus Engelm., Trans. St. Louis Acad., vol. 2,
p. 485. 1868.
Type locality. — "In the higher mountains of California."
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 133
Specimens examined. — Above Donner Pass, 8,000 feet, Heller
7118; Silver Lake, Amador County, 8,000 feet, Hansen 596; meadow
near Fallen Leaf Lake, Miss Lathrop, July 12, 1909; Fallen Leaf,
6,400 feet, Hall 8776 ; between Suzy and Heather Lakes, Tahoe, 8,800
feet, Smiley 286; Glen Alpine, Tahoe, McGregor 23; Ebbett's Pass,
Brewer 1992; vicinity Lake Tenaya, 8,200 feet, Hall and Babcock
3636; near Mt. Dana, dry places, 10,000 feet, Brewer 1804; Lake
Tenaya trail, Yosemite, Congdon, August 13-14, 1894; Tioga Road,
Yosemite, near White Wolf, 8,200 feet, Smiley 88.
8. Juncus Mertensianus Bong., Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. VI, vol.
2, p. 167. 1833.
Type locality. — Sitka.
Range. — Unalaska to California and Colorado.
Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Desolation Valley, Tahoe, 8,500 feet, Smiley
346 ; Pyramid Peak, 9,100 feet, Smiley 80 ; Lake of the Woods, Tahoe,
meadow at 8,200 feet, Smiley 51; east side of Mt. Rose, 8,450 feet,
Heller 10946a; Mono Pass, Bolander, September, 1866; Mt. Dana,
Congdon, August 10, 1898.
9. Juncus ensifolius Wiks., Congl. Vet. Akad. Handl., vol. 2, p.
274. 1823.
J. xiphioides var. triandrus Engelm., Trans. St. Louis Acad., vol. 2, p. 482.
J. xiphioides var. macranthus Engelm., I.e.
Type locality. — Not ascertained.
Range. — Pacific Coast from southern Alaska to California in the
Cascade and Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Shores of Heather Lake, Tahoe, 7,900 feet,
Smiley 278.
Juncus oalticus var. montanus Engelm. (Trans. St. Louis Acad.,
vol. 2, p. 446. 1866), a dwarf variety of the common lowland species
and itself mainly of the Transition zone, has been collected in the
higher mountains : Coville reports what is probably this variety from
Whitney meadows, Tulare County, at 3,000 m. (Contr. Nat. Herb.,
vol. 4, p. 204. 1893).
134 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL- 9
Leaves mainly or entirely radical, the stems being scapes or scapose.
Style 1, sometimes trifid at the summit.
Flowers with scarious bracts and persistent perianth.
Flowers in terminal umbels.
Perianth segments united at base into a tube; plants with corms
1. Brodiaea
Perianth segments distinctly inserted on the receptable; plants with
tunicated bulbs 2. Allium
Flowers in a terminal raceme 3. Camassia
Flowers bractless or the bracts foliaceous and perianth caducous.
Perianth segments of two sorts, the outer smaller and foliaceous
4. Calochortus
Perianth segments all alike.
Filaments naked 5. Erythronium
Filaments with dense yellow wool 6. Narthecium
Styles 3, distinct to the ovary.
Stem glandular-pubescent rising from a rootstock 7. Tofieldia
Stems glabrous, from a tunicated bulb 8. Zygadenus
Plants with well developed cauline leaves (the uppermost in Xerophyllum
reduced to bracts).
Leaves 2-ranked; fruit a berry 9. Smilacina
Leaves whorled or in spirals; fruit a capsule.
Styles distinct.
Leaves broad, entire, not rigid 10. Veratrum
Leaves narrowly linear, serrulate, and rigid 11. Xerophyllum
Styles united (i.e. simple).
Nectary a shallow pit; flowers purplish-mottled 12. Fritillaria
Nectary a linear groove; flowers white or orange 13. Lilium
Filaments broadened at base, their form deltoid 1. B. ixioides
Filaments filiform 2. B. gracilis
1. Brodiaea ixioides Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 14, p. 238.
Ornithogalum ixioides Ait., Hort. Kew., vol. 2, p. 257. 1789.
Calliprora lutea Lindl., Bot. Beg., t. 1590. 1833. Hook., Bot. Mag., t. 3588,
Calliprora aurantea Kellogg, Proc. Calif. Acad., vol. 2, p. 20. 1860?
Type locality. — Not ascertained.
Range. — Southern California northward through the Sierra to
Oregon. Washington?
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Grass Lake, Tahoe, McGregor 8; Glen
Alpine, Miss Lathrop, July 19, 1909 ; Desolation Valley, Tahoe, 8,500
feet, Smiley 113 ; between Lake Tenaya and Tuolumne meadows in
moist pine forest, 8,800 feet, R. A. Ware 2665c; near Lake Tenaya,
8,300 feet, Hall and Babcock 3522; woods near Lake Tenaya, 8,200
feet, Smiley 693; below Suzy Lake, Tahoe, 7,500 feet, Smiley 176;
high mountain near Donner Pass, Torrey 517a; Peregoy's, above
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 135
Yosemite, A. Gray in 1872 (a doubtful form and perhaps better
referred to the following variety) ; Kaweah meadows, Tulare County,
open woods, 9,300 feet, Purpus 5139; Hockett's meadows, Tulare
County, Culbertson (B4429).
la. Brodiaea ixioides var. scabra (Greene), comb. nov.
Calliprora scabra Greene, Erythea, vol. 3, p. 126. 1895.
Type locality. — Not given.
Range. — Same as the species.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Long Lake, Plumas County, 6,800 feet,
Hall 9350 ; Pyramid Peak, glacial valley on east side, 8,800 feet, Smiley
98; Desolation Valley, 8,400 feet, Smiley 348; Gilmore's Lake, Tallac,
C. J. Fox Jr., July, 1895; base of Mt. Hoffman, Yosemite (collector
not given) ; soda springs of the Tuolumne, 9,000 feet, Brewer 1775;
between Lake Tenaya and Tuolumne meadows, 8,500 feet, Smiley 707 ;
Lake Tenaya, 8,100 feet, Smiley 689.
This variety commonly grows at slightly higher levels than is
normal for the species, though occasionally both forms will be found
growing together.
2. Brodiaea gracilis Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 14, p. 238.
Type locality. — "On Spanish Peak, Plumas County." Mrs. R. M.
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Desolation Valley, Dudley, June 26, 1900 ;
near Gold Lake, Plumas County, near the base of Spanish Peak, Mrs.
R. M. Austin in 1877 ; vicinity of Lake Tenaya, 8,300 feet, Hall and
Babcock 3523.
Stamens shorter than the perianth segments and included by them; scape terete.
Capsule not crested.
Bracts 3; leaves usually 2 1. A. tribracteatum
Bracts 2; leaf solitary 2. A. ambiguum
Capsule conspicuously crested; leaves several.
Filaments broadened at the base 3. A. bisceptrum
Filaments filiform 4. A. campanulatum
Stamens longer than the perianth segments and exserted.
Scape very stout, somewhat angled, 1-3 feet high 5. A. validum
Scape very slender, much compressed and 2-edged, 3-5 inches high
^*. 6. A. platycaule
136 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
1. Allium tribracteatum Torr., in Pac. R.R. Rep., vol. 4, p. 148.
Type locality. — ' ' Hillsides, Duffield 's Ranch, Sierra Nevada. ' '
Range. — Central Sierra, Mono County to Plumas County; also in
Tulare County.
Zone. — Canadian and above.
Specimens examined. — Cisco, 9,000 feet, Bolander in 1872 ; trail to
Mt. Tallac above Glen Alpine, 7,200 feet, Reed and Pendleton 1650 ;
peak above Mono Lake, 10,000 feet, Brewer 1799 ; Mt. Surprise, Mari-
posa County, Congdon, August 11, 1890; Pana Fork meadows,
Yosemite, 9,800 feet, Smiley 855.
The extension of the range to Tulare County is not based upon
specimens seen by me but is founded upon Coville's statement50 that
Coville and Funston 1543 is of this species.
2. Allium ambiguum Jones, Contr. W. Coast Bot., vol. 10, p. 18.
Type locality. — "Growing on alpine ridges at Summit, Calif."
Range. — Mountains of Modoc County southward through the
Sierra, perhaps to southern California.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Near Summit, Jones 6660 (type collec-
tion) ; shoulder of Mt. Ralston, Tahoe, 8,000 feet, Setchell and Dobie,
July, 1901; Cisco, Placer County, A. R. Valentin, June, 1914; sum-
mit between Lake Lucile and Lake of the Woods, Tahoe, M. S. Baker,
July 17, 1904.
3. Allium bisceptrum Wats., Bot. King's Exped., p. 351, t. 37.
Type locality. — "On stream banks in the mountains, from the
Trinity to the East Humboldt Ranges, Nevada, and in the Wahsatch ;
6-7,500 feet altitude."
Range. — Sierra Nevada to Utah.
Zone. — Arid Transition and rising into the Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Sierra Nevada, 9,000 feet, E. L. Greene
387 ; Crescent Lake, Mariposa County, Congdon, August 13, 1895.
4. Allium campamilatum Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 14, p. 231.
Type locality. — "Sierra Nevada (Mariposa to Plumas Counties:
n. 4943 Bolander; Mrs. M. E. P. Ames)."
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 137
Range. — Sierra to Mt. Shasta and on the inner side of the North
Coast Ranges (Tehama County).
Zone. — Arid Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Plumas County, Mrs. Ames in 1875 ; ridge
south of Donner Pass, 8,500 feet, Heller 7155; Lake of the Woods,
Tahoe, 7,850 feet, McGregor 42; Mt. Blwell, Plumas County, 6,900
feet, Hall 9338* ; Angora Peak, Tahoe, 7,600 feet, Smiley 13* ; Mt.
Bullion, Mariposa County, Bolander 4943 ; Gravelly slopes near Lake
Lucile, Tahoe, 8,500 feet, Hall and Chandler 4667; Cascade Moun-
tains, Tahoe, Setchell and Dobie, July 6-21, 1901* ; near Marlette
Peak, east side Lake Tahoe, 8,000 feet, Hall and Chandler 4590*;
Tuolumne meadows, 8,500 feet, Smiley 709; Alta meadows, Tulare
County, 9,000 feet, Mrs. Brandegee, August 4, 1905.
Dr. H. M. Hall has pointed out (Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot., vol. 4, p.
196. 1912) some of the numerous intergrades between typical A. cam-
panulatum and the dwarf form of the higher mountains, which was
described by Watson as A. Bidwelliae (I.e.) and has shown that it is
impossible to maintain the latter species distinct. Among the speci-
mens cited above, those marked * are of the dwarf form.
5. Allium validum Wats., Bot. King's Exped., p. 350. 1871.
Type locality. — "From Mono Pass."
Range. — California to Washington and Idaho, east to the ranges
of eastern Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Sierra County, Lemmon 683; Silver Lake,
Amador County, 7,200 feet, E. Mulliken 139; Grass Lake, Tahoe, 7,200
feet, McGregor 95 ; Marshy ravine near Fallen Leaf Lake, Tahoe, 6,700
feet, Smiley 315; above Mono trail, Bolander 6248 (type); saddle
between Mt. Dana and Mt. Gibbs, Chesnut and Drew, July 17, 1889 ;
South Fork of San Joaquin, 9,000 feet, Hall and Chandler 655 ; Coyote
Creek, Tulare County, Culbertson (B4363); Mineral King, Brande-
gee, July 27, 1892; Mt. Brewer, Brewer 2824; Hockett meadows,
Tulare County, 8,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 5621; Alta meadows,
10,000 feet, Tulare County, Mrs. Brandegee, August 6, 1905.
6. Allium platycaule Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 14, p. 234.
Type locality. — "Sierra Nevada (high valleys, Placer to Plumas
Range. — Northern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian.
138 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Specimens examined. — Bear Valley, 8,000 feet, Bolander in 1873 ;
Sierra Valley, Lemmon in 1873 ; Soda Springs, Nevada County, close
to snow among rocks, Jones ; ridge east of Red Clover Valley, Heller
and Kennedy 723; near Squaw Peak, Placer County, C. J. Fox Jr.,
July, 1895.
Allium obtusum Lemmon, Pitt., vol. 2, p. 69. 1890, said to be
near A. nevadense Wats, and A. tribracteatum Torr. and described as
being "Rare in the subalpine region of Gold Lake, Plumas County,"
where the type was collected by Lemmon, June 26, 1889, is unknown
to me nor have I been able to find any specimens referable to it by
The statement made by Professor M. E. Jones (Contr. W. Coast
Bot., vol. 10, p. 8. 1902) that A. haematochiton Wats, grows at Soda
Springs, Nevada County, a station within our region, is certainly an
error; this species is only known from the southern Coast Ranges
(Ojai Valley) and southern California.
1. Camassia quamash (Pursh.) Coville, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash.,
vol. 11, p. 64. 1897.
Phalangium quamasli Pursh., Fl., vol. 1, p. 226. 1914.
Camassia esculenta LindL, Bot. Reg., voL 18, t. 1486. 1832.
Type locality. — Near Weippe, Idaho.
Range. — British Columbia to Montana, south to California and
Zone. — Transition, entering the Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Webber Lake, Kennedy and Doten 149 ;
bog in Little Yosemite Valley, 6,300 feet, Hall 9047.
Leaf solitary, flat, much exceeding the scape; anthers mucronate at the tip,
scarcely sagittate at base 1. C. nudus
Leaves 2-several, narrow, re volute, shorter than the scape; anthers sagittate
at base 2. C. NuttaUii
1. Calochortus nudus Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 14, p. 263.
C. elegans var. subclavatus Baker, Jour. Linn. Soc. (Bot.), vol. 14, p. 305.
Type locality. — "California (in the Sierra Nevada, Yosemite Val-
ley to Plumas County; n. 1986, Hartweg)."
Range. — Mt. Shasta to Tulare County through the Sierra.
Zone. — Upper Transition and Canadian.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada, of California 139
Specimens examined. — Plumas County, Mrs. R. M. Austin in 1876 ;
Glen Alpine, Setchell and Dobie, July 6-21, 1901 ; Lake of the "Woods,
Tahoe, 8,100 feet, Smiley 58 ; Desolation Valley, 7,500 feet, McGregor
163 ; Duffield 's Ranch, Bigelow ; Meadow back of Glacier Point,
Yosemite, A. Graef in 1872; Hockett meadows, Tulare County, 8,500
feet, in grass beneath pines, Hall and Chandler 4754; Tioga Road,
Yosemite, marshy meadow near Aspen Valley, 6,400 feet, Smiley 908.
2. Calochortus Nuttallii var. Leichtlinii (Hook.), comb. nov.
C. Leichtlinii Hook., Bot. Mag., vol. 96, t. 5862. 1870.
C. Nuttallii var. subalpinus Jones, Contr. W. Coast Bot., vol. 12, p. 78.
Type locality. — "In the Sierra Nevada of California."
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Jameson Creek, Plumas County, 6,300 feet,
Hall 9311; southeastern approaches to Castle Peak, Heller 7062;
Blue Lakes, 8,500 feet, Hansen 1252; near Suzy Lake, Tahoe, 7,600
feet, Smiley 167 ; Tallac sawmill, Tahoe, 6,400 feet, Smiley 141 ; Glen
Alpine, Dudley, June 28, 1900; Caple's Lakes, Alpine County, 8,500
feet, Hansen 587 ; peak south of Sonora Pass, 9,000 feet, Brewer 1923 ;
Ebbett's Pass, 9-12,000 feet, Brewer 1993; Tioga Road west of Lake
Tenaya, Yosemite, 7,900 feet, Smiley 585; Volcano Creek, Tulare
County, 7,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 5426.
Typical C. Nuttallii T. and G. is a widely ranging species in west-
ern North America while this variety, distinguished by the paler
colored flowers and anthers more or less sagittate at base, is strictly
of the Sierran region and is found at a higher level than the species.
1. Erythronium purpurascens Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 12,
p. 277. 1877.
Type locality. — "In the Sierra Nevada: near Downieville, Sierra
Co., and frequent in Plumas Co."
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Upper Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Plumas County, Mrs. R. M. Austin in 1876 ;
Downieville, Dr. J. M. Bigelow (type) ; near snowbank on north side
of Shuteye Mountain, Madera County, 8,200 feet, J. Murdoch Jr.
554: Mt. Moses, Tulare County, rocky places, 8-9,000 feet, Purpus
140 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
1. Narthecium californicum Baker, Jour. Linn. Soc., vol. 15, p.
351. 1876.
N. ossifragum var. occidentale A. Gray, in Bolander, PI. Calif., p. 15. 1870.
Abama-Abama calif ornioa Heller, Cat. N. Am. PL, p. 36. 1898.
Type locality. — "Swamps at Eed Mountains." (Mendocino
Range. — In the Sierra north from the Yosemite region and in the
North Coast Ranges of California, extending into southern Oregon.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Sierra County, Lemmon 585; side of
Downieville Peak, Lemmon, September, 1877; Tuolumne Canon,
Yosemite, 7,500 feet, F. M. Reed, July 21, 1911 (U. C. no. 161233).
1. Tofieldia occidentalis Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 14, p. 283.
Type locality. — "N. California (Mendocino County, n. 1022 Kell.
& Harf.) to Washington Territory (Cascade Mountains, Lyall)."
Range. — Pacific Coast states.
Zone. — Canadian to Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Half-moon Lake, Tahoe, 7,760 feet, Mc-
Gregor 63; Alta meadows, Tulare County, Mrs. Brandegee, August
1, 1895; Gilbert Lake and Kearsarge Pass, Tulare County, S. W.
Austin 367 ; wet meadows on Little Kern River, 9-10,000 feet, Purpus
5232; along streams on Hockett's meadows, Tulare County, 8,500 feet,
Hall and Babcock 8458.
While this species can usually be separated without difficulty from
T. glutinosa (Michx.) Pers. of the east, I am at a loss in trying to find
characters by which T. intermedia Rydb. (Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol.
27, p. 528. 1900) can be distinguished from Dr. Watson's species;
certainly those differences pointed out by Dr. Rydberg as distinguish-
ing his species from the eastern T. glutinosa are precisely those defin-
ing T. occidentalis.
1. Zygadenus venenosus Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 14, p. 279.
Type locality. — Not given ; Monterey County according to the label
on the type collection by Brewer.
1921] Smiley: Flora of th& Sierra Nevada of California 141
Range. — California to British Columbia and western Nevada.
Zone. — Arid Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Plumas County, Mrs. Austin in 1878; Sil-
ver Lake, 2,000 feet, Hansen 584; meadow near Fallen Leaf Lake,
Tahoe, Miss Lathrop, July 12, 1909 ; Half Moon Lake, Tahoe, 8,200
feet, Hall and Chandler 4691 ; Lily Lake meadow, Tahoe, 6,700 feet,
Smiley 393 ; Yosemite Valley and mountains, Torrey 514 ; meadows
along Little Kern River, Tulare County, 9-9,500 feet, Purpus 1817.
Eaceme simple; stamens shorter than the perianth segments their filaments
slender 1. S. sessilifolia
Eaceme compound (inflorescence paniculate) ; stamens exceeding the perianth
segments, their filaments broadened 2. S. amplexicaulis
1. Smilacina sessilifolia Nutt., in Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 14,
p. 245. 1879.
Vagnera sessilifolia Greene, Man. Bay Eegion, p. 316. 1894.
Tovaria sessilifolia Baker, Jour. Linn. Soe., vol. 14, p. 566. 1875.
Smilaoina stellata sessilifolia Henderson, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 27,
p. 358. 1900.
Type locality. — "America borealis occidentalis a Columbia brit-
tanica ad Calif orniam et Mexicum Novum. "
Range. — Throughout the Cordilleran section and west to the
Pacific Coast.
Zone. — Arid Transition and Canadian.
Specim&ns examined. — Grass Lake, Tahoe, McGregor 99 ; Porcu-
pine Flat, Yosemite, 8,000 feet, R. A. Ware 2651c; Long Canon,
Tulare County, 7,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 5300; Natural Bridge,
Tulare County, Culbertson (B4362).
2. Smilacina amplexicaulis Nutt., Jour. Acad. Phila., vol. 7, p. 58.
S. racemosa var. amplexicaulis Wats., Bot. King's Exped., p. 345. 1871.
Vagnera amplexicaulis Greene, Man. Bay Eegion, p. 316. 1894.
Vagnera pallescens Greene, Proc. Acad. Phila., 1895, p. 551. 1896.
Vagnera brachypetala Eydb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 28, p. 268. 1901.
Type locality. — ' ' In the valleys of the Rocky Mountains about the
sources of the Columbia River. ' ' Wyeth.
Range. — Throughout the Cordilleran section and west to the
Pacific Coast.
Zone. — Arid Transition and Canadian.
142 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Specimens examined. — Independence Lake, Dudley, June 19, 1900 ;
Grass Lake, Tahoe, 7,200 feet, McGregor 89 ; near Glen Alpine Springs,
Tahoe, Miss Lathrop, July 19, 1909; Carson Spur, Alpine County,
8,500 feet, Hansen 581; Mt. Raymond, Madera County, in summit
rocks, 8,700 feet, Smiley 546* ; Long Lake, Plumas County, 6,700 feet,
Hall 9320*; Shuteye Mountain, Madera County, 7,900 feet, Smiley
562; South Fork of Kaweah River, Tulare County, 8,000 feet, Cul-
bertson (B4252).
Unifolium lilaceum Greene (Pitt., vol. 1, p. 281. 1889), described
as "A species inhabiting the higher Sierra in California, extending
northward indefinitely, ' ' is unknown to me in authentic specimens :
Greene (I.e.} compares it to 8. sessilifolium, which he claims is con-
fined to the Coast Range, while Wooton and Standley (Contr. Nat.
Herb., vol. 19, p. 139. 1915) find no constant character by which it
may be distinguished from 8. stellata Desf.
1. Veratrum californicum Durand, Jour. Acad. Phila. II, vol. 3,
p. 103. 1855.
V. speciosum Kydb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 27, p. 531. 1900.
Type locality. — Not given; the type collected by Pratten near
Nevada City on Deer Creek.
Range. — Pacific Coast and northern Rockies, perhaps south to
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specim&ns examined. — Plumas County, Mrs. R. M. Austin in 1878;
Mt. Rose, 10,000 feet, Kennedy 1194; about Marlette Lake, east of
Tahoe, 2460 m., Baker 1864 ; Silver Lake, Amador County, 7,200 feet,
E. Mulliken 134; Half-Moon Lake, Tahoe, 8,200 feet, Hall and Chand-
ler 4697; same locality, 7,760 feet, McGregor 50; high ridge above
Donner Pass, 8,000 feet, Heller 7177; Lake of the Woods meadow,
Tahoe, 8,100 feet, Smiley 67; Grizzly meadow, near Little Shuteye
Pass, Madera County, 6,000 feet, Abrams 4926 ; Summit, Mrs. Brande-
gee, July 15, 1908; Little Kern River, Tulare County, 8,500 feet,
Culbertson (B4322).
* These collections represent a form in the higher mountains in which the
usual hispid pubescence is nearly or entirely wanting, but plants from intermediate
levels show all possible gradations between the extremes.
1921 ] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 143
1. Xerophyllum tenax Nutt., Gen., vol. 1, p. 235. 1818.
Helonias tenax Pursh., Fl., vol. 1, p. 245. 1814.
Xerophyllum Douglasii Rydb., Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard., vol. 1, p. 92. 1900,
not of Wats.
Type locality. — "On the high lands near the Rocky Mountains."
Range. — Southeastern Alaska to the northern Sierra Nevada and
Coast Range, east to Montana.
Zone. — Canadian in our range.
Specimens examined. — High mountains of Plumas County, Mrs.
Austin in 1876; Sierra County, Lemmon 1056.
1. Fritillaria gracillima, sp. nov.
Bulbus parvulus, squamis carnosis. Caulis simplex, gracillimus,
foliatus 20-30 cm. altus, decumbens. Folia anguste linearia (4-6 cm.
longa, 2.5-3.5 mm. lata) , apicibus recurvis. Flos solitarius, terminalis :
segmenta periaiithii subequalia, ovata sed abrupte acuminata (12-14
mm. longa, 6.5 mm. lata), involuta, in unguem contracta. Stamina
vix basi segmentorum perianthii affixa: filamentis filiformis sed basi
leviter dilatatis. Styli ad apicem paene ovarii distincti, filiformis,
superiore styli quarta parte stigmatosa. Fructus incognitus.
(Bulb small, formed of a few fleshy scales. Stems simple, very
slender, 20-30 cm. long, decumbent. Leaves all alternate, 4-6 cm. long,
2.5-3.5 mm. broad, narrowly linear or gramineous with recurving tips,
green and, like the rest of the plant, completely glabrous. Flowers
solitary, terminal the perianth segments clawed at base and abruptly
acuminate at the apex. Stamens hardly attached to the base of the
perianth segments with slender filaments, which broaden slightly
below. Styles free nearly to the top of the ovary, the stigmatic portion
forming about ^4 their length. Fruit unknown.)
Type collected on Mt. Lyell, Yosemite National Park, in the alpine
zone and found growing on a north slope at 10,500 feet, Hall and
Babcock 3562, July 18, 1902.
This alpine Fritillaria has its nearest ally in F. atropurpurea Nutt.
but differs from that species in the very slender habit, reclining stems,
gramineous leaves, none of which are verticillate, the single-flowered
stems and deeply divided style. The other species of the genus found
in the Sierra, F. pinetorum Davidson, is glaucous, thick-stemmed, and
has an inflorescence of several darker colored flowers; it is as yet
only known from the Yellow Pine belt of the southern Sierras and
Tehachapi Mountains.
144 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
1. Lilium parvnm Kellogg, Proc. Calif. Acad., vol. 2, p. 179, fig.
12. 1862.
Type locality. — Not given.
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Summit Camp, Kellogg, July 14, 1870;
high mountain near Donner Pass, Torrey 526; Glen Alpine, Tahoe,
Setchell and Dobie, July 6-21, 1901; Silver Lake, Amador County,
7,200 feet, E. Mulliken 140; Cisco, Placer County, Hall 8755; Grass
Lake, Tahoe, McGregor 2; Blue Lakes, Alpine County, 8,500 feet,
Hansen 593; Donner Lake, Heller 6995; between Fallen Leaf Lake
and Glen Alpine, Tahoe, Miss Lathrop, July 12, 1909; below Lucile
Ridge, Eldorado County, Dudley, June, 1900 ; Lily Lake marsh, 6,700
feet, Smiley 314.
la. Lilium parvum var. luteum Purdy, Erythea, vol. 5, p. 105.
1897. '
Type locality. — "Plumas County." Mrs. Austin.
Range. — Apparently to the south of the specific range for the most
Specimens examined. — Butterfly Valley, Plumas County, 3,800
feet, Hall 9273; Coyote Creek, Tulare County, Culbertson (B4333) ;
Hockett's meadow, Tulare County, Culbertson (B4296).
This variety is very doubtfully worthy of taxonomic recognition
since its only character is the revolute shape to the petals.
Hansen100 says that he noted two forms of L. parvum in the central
Sierra: a small pale green plant with few (2-7) flowers, and*- large
robust form with dark foliage and having an inflorescence of 20-50
flowers. These forms I have not been able to discriminate among the
specimens cited above though according to Hansen they are very
different in appearance and with consistent character.
Lilium Washingtonianum Kellogg (Proc. Calif. Acad., vol. 2, p.
13. 1863), the most beautiful of the wild lilies of California, grows
in the chaparral of the upper Transition and occasionally encroaches
upon our lower borders (east slope Cathedral Peak, Tahoe, 6,400 feet,
Smiley 212).
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 145
Ovary glabrous; flowers yellow 1. S. ELmeri
Ovary sparsely glandular-hairy; flowers purple 2. S. oreophilum
1. Sisyrinchium Elmeri Greene, Pitt., vol. 2, p. 106. 1890.
Type locality. — "Lake Eleanor, in the Sierra Nevada." .Yosemite.
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Transition mainly, rising into the Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Lake Eleanor, Yosemite, Chestnut and
Drew, June 28, 1889 (co-type) ; Yosemite and Wawona Turnpike,
Mariposa County, Congdon, June 5, 1897 ; wet meadows on Little
Kern River, 10,000 feet, Purpus 5237 and 2020. Miss Eastwood3 noted
this species along Bubb 's Creek, Tulare County.
2. Sisyrinchium oreophilum Bicknell, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol.
31, p. 381. 1904.
Type locality. — "Mariposa County: Yosemite Valley."
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Specimens examined. — Yosemite Valley, 7,600 feet, F. T. Bioletti,
May-June, 1900 ; South Fork San Joaquin River, 8,000 feet, Hall and
Chandler 652.
Very doubtfully distinct from the common S. bellum "Wats.
Leaves 2, somewhat orbicular; flowers greenish with a conspicuous flat 2-lobed
lower lip 1. Listera
Leaves several to many, several times as long as broad.
Flowers in a twisted spike; none of the petals spurred 2. Spiranthes
Flowers in a stright spike or raceme; lower petal with a slender spur at base.
3. Habenaria
1. Listera convallarioides Torr., Fl. N. U. S., p. 320. 1826.
Epipactis convallarioides Swartz, Kongl. Vet. Akad. Handl. Stockh. II,
vol. 21, p. 232. 1800.
Listera Esclisclioltziana O. and S., Linnaea, vol. 3, p. 33. 1828.
Ophrys convaUarioides W. F. Wight, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 32, p. 380.
Type locality. — "E. Terra Nova Amer. sept."
Range. — Newfoundland to Alaska, south to northern Vermont,
Great Lakes, Colorado, and California.
~Zane. — Transition and Canadian.
146 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Specimens examined. — Upper end Donner Lake, Heller 6996 ; Glen
Alpine, Tahoe, 7,000 feet, McGregor 37; near Lily Lake, Tahoe,
marshy woods, 6,800 feet, Smiley 317 ; South Fork of the San Joaquin,
J. Muir in 1873.
1. Spiranthes Romanzoffiana Cham., Linnaea, vol. 3, p. 32. 1828.
Gyrostachys romanzoffiana MacM., Met. Minn., p. 171. 1892.
Gyrostaohys stricta Bydb., Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard., vol. 1, p. 107. 1900.
Ibidium romanzoffiana (Cham.) House, Muhl., vol. 1, p. 129. 1906.
Type locality. — "In alveo turfuso convallium infimorum Un-
alascheae passim."
Range. — Subarctic America from Newfoundland to Alaska, south
to Connecticut, Great Lakes, Colorado, and California. In New Mex-
ico (Wooton and Standley, Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 19, p. 154. 1915).
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
' Specimens examined. — Lake Valley, Tahoe, 6,400 feet, Abrams
4777; vicinity of Angora Lake, Tahoe, 7,000 feet, McGregor 211;
high mountain near Donner Pass, Torrey 509 ; Cascade Mountains,
Tahoe, Chestnut and Drew, August 8, 1890; Hopkins Creek above
Yosemite, Lemmon in 1873 ; Tioga Road above Aspen Valley, Yosem-
ite, 6,800 feet, Smiley 898 ; Billy Brown meadows, 6,500 feet, Shuteye
Mountain, Madera County, J. Murdoch Jr., 1551; region of Dinkey
Creek, Hall and Chandler 569; Hockett meadows, Tulare County,
8,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 5626 ; Whitney meadows, Tulare County,
in granite sand and gravel all about the meadows and above timber
line, Coville and Funston 1633 ; northwest of Whitney meadows along
North Fork of Kern River, Tulare County, V. Bailey 1713.
Flowers shorter than the bracts; plants of moist places.
Flowers greenish; spike loosely flowered 1. H. sparsiflora
Flowers white; spike densely flowered 2. H. dilatata var. leucostachys
Flowers much longer than the bracts; plants of dry places ....3. H. unalaschensis
1. Habenaria sparsiflora Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 12, p. 276.
Limnorchis sparsiflora (S. Wats.) Eydb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 28,
p. 631. 1901.
Type locality. — "Common in the Sierra Nevada and mountains
of northern California."
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 147
Range. — California north to Oregon and east to Colorado and New
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Near Donner Lake, Torrey 511; Half-
Moon Lake, Tahoe, 8,200 feet, Hall and Chandler 4700; Mt. Dyer,
Plumas County, Mrs. K. M. Austin, July, 1879 ; Lake Tenaya, Yosem-
ite, 8,100 feet, Smiley 691 ; same locality, 8,300 feet, Hall and Babcock
3510; above soda springs of the San Joaquin, Congdon, August 14,
1899; Mt. Olancha, Tulare County, on Monache Creek, 8,500 feet,
Hall and Babcock 5269; Shuteye Mountain, Madera County, 8,100
feet, Smiley 567.
2. Habenaria dilatata var. leucostachys (Lindl.) 0. Ames, Orchid.,
vol. 4, p. 71. 1910.
Platanthera leitcostachys Lindl., Gen. and Sp. Orchid. PL, p. 288. 1835.
Habenaria leucostachys Wats., Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 134. 1880.
Limnorcliis leucostachys (Lindl.) Kydb., Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard., vol. 1,
p. 106. 1900.
Type locality. — "Hab. in ora occidental! Americae septentrion-
Range. — British Columbia to southern California, east to Utah.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Plumas County, Mrs. Austin in 1877 ;
Cisco, Kellogg, June 21, 1870; Silver Lake, Amador County, 7,200
feet, E. Mulliken 141; lower end Donner Lake, Heller 6919; Half-
Moon Lake, Tahoe, 8,200 feet, Hall and Chandler 4699 ; meadows near
Meisner's sheep-ranch, Eldorado County, 7,600 feet, Brainerd, July
17, 1897; Hopkins Creek above Yosemite, Lemmon in 1873; trail to
Clouds' Rest, Yosemite, 7,600 feet, Smiley 495; Mineral King, Tulare
County, 8-9,000 feet, Dr. E. Palmer 223; same locality, Eastwood,
July 13, 1903 ; near Glen Alpine, Tahoe, 7,500 feet, Smiley 193.
3. Habenaria unalaschensis (Spreng.) Wats., Proc. Am. Acad.,
vol. 12, p. 277. 1877.
Spiranthes unalaschensis Spreng., Syst., vol. 3, p. 708. 1826.*
Type locality. — "Ins. Aleut."
Range. — Alaska to the Gulf of St. Lawrence; south in the west
to southern California and Wyoming.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
* For complete synonymy see Ames, The Genus Habenaria in North America,
Orcildaceae, fasc. 4. 1910, Boston.
148 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Specimens examined. — Woods near Fallen Leaf Lake, Tahoe, Miss
Lathrop, July 22, 1909 ; near Glen Alpine on trail to Suzy Lake, 7,800
feet, Smiley 194; above Fallen Leaf Lake, near Camp Agassiz under
Juniperus occidentalis, Tahoe, 6,800 feet, Smiley 358 ; near Tamarack
Flat,. Yosemite, 6,500 feet, Abrams 4887 ; Snow Creek, Yosemite, dry
fir forests, 6,800 feet, Hall 9184; above Sonora Pass, Brewer 1933;
slope above Home Camp meadow, Fresno County, 6,900 feet, Smiley
651 ; General Grant National Park, Brandegee, July 20, 1892 ; North
Fork of King's River, Tulare County, 7,000 feet, Hall and Chandler
The Ghost Orchid — Cephalanthera Austinae (Gray) Heller — and
Corallorhiza multiflora Nutt. are sometimes taken above our lower
Scales entire or merely toothed, persistent; stamens (in ours) not more than 2;
stigmas short; buds with several scales 1. Salix
Scales lacerate, caducous; stamens more than 6, usually numerous; stigmas
elongated; buds with a single scale 2. Populus
Low depressed alpine dwarfs with creeping branches rooting at the nodes and
with short (1.5-3 inch) erect leafy branches bearing the catkins.
Leaves acute or acuminate, equally green on both sides with margins plane,
not at all rugose above; scales of the aments dark brown to black,
densely hirsute 1. S. tenera
Leaves oblong-obovate to suborbicular, obtuse or retuse, with margins often
revolute, dark green and somewhat rugose above, very glaucous below;
scales of the aments light yellow, nearly glabrous 2. S. nivalis
Taller shrubs with ascending or erect branches (at least not creeping).
Twigs and smaller branches covered with a pruinose bloom; leaves oblanceo-
late, silky-sericeous, becoming glabrate and green above; style obsolete
and stigma appearing sessile 3. S. macrocarpa
Twigs and branches yellowish-green or brown, not pruinose.
Ovary and capsule always glabrous 4. S. cordata var. Watsoni
Ovary and capsule pubescent, at least at first.
Pistillate catkins short, densely flowered, subglobose when mature, on
very short nearly leafless branches and appearing sessile; leaves
M>-1 inch long, glabrous and bright green above 5. S. monica
Pistillate catkins elongate-cylindrical, obviously pedunculate.
Stamens 2, the filaments distinct.
Leaves early glabrate and green on both sides; pistillate catkins
short peduncled, their scales very dark; styles short or some-
times nearly obsolete 6. S. Lemmoni
Leaves, if glabrate above, permanently pubescent below; the scales
of the catkins brown or reddish; styles elongated.
Leaves entire or nearly so, without marginal glands
7. S. glaucops
Leaves glandular-serrate 8. S. californica
Stamens 1 (or if 2, the filaments more or less united) ; leaves somewhat
revolute and silvery-silky below ....9. S. sitchensis var. angustifolia
1921] Smiley: Flora of th& Sierra Nevada of California 149
1. Salix tenera Anderss., in DC. Prodr., vol. 16, pt. 2, p. 288.
S. artica Pallas var. petraea Anderss., I.e., p. 287.
8. Brownii Bebb var. petraea Bebb, Bot. Gaz., vol. 14, p. 115. 1889.
S. petrophila Eydb., Bull. N". Y. Bot. Gard., vol. 1, p. 268. 1899.
S. caespitosa Kennedy, Muhl., vol. 7, p. 135. 1912.
Type locality. — "In America septentrional!, ad Cascade-mountain,
lat. 49, alt. 7000 ped."
Range. — British Columbia and mountains of Alberta south to the
southern Sierra Nevada through the Cascades and through the
Rockies to New Mexico.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Rose, 10,000 feet, Kennedy 1173 (co-
type of S. caespitosa in U. C.) ; Dick's Peak, Tahoe, 10,000 feet, Smiley
431 ; Sierra County, Lemmon 208 (without definite locality) ; Mt.
Dana, 10-11,000 feet, Brewer 1734; same locality, Congdon, August
11, 1898; Mt. Gibbs, Yosemite, 12,200 feet, Smiley 760; Mt. Lyell,
10,800-11,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 3584 ; Mt. Goddard, 11,100 feet,
Hall and Chandler 685 ; Milestone Plateau near Mt. Whitney, Tulare
County, Dudley 2463 ; Mt. Brewer above Bubb's Creek, 12,000 feet,
E. B. Copeland, August 7, 1899.
As is indicated by the above synonymy, I am unable to find any
characters by which it is possible to distinguish the recently published
segregates from the S. tenera of the northern Cascades and Rockies.
This and the next are the only true alpine willows of the Sierra, none
of the genuine arctic species reaching our region.
2. Salix nivalis Hook., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 2, p. 152. 1839.
S. reticulata var. nivalis Anderss., in DO. Prodr., vol. 16, pt. 2, p. 301. 1868.
S. saximontana Kydb., Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard., vol. 1, p. 261. 1899.
Type locality. — "Near the summits of the peaks in the Rocky
Mountains. ' '
Range. — British Columbia and Alberta south in the Rockies to
northern New Mexico and in the Cascade-Sierra to the central Sierra
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimen examined. — Mt. Dana, Theo. Labouchere, July, 1915.
S. saximontana, described from an alpine willow collected on
Grays Peak, Colorado, is an exact synonym for the older S. nivalis.
Dr. Rydberg, in a note subjoined to the description, says, "In Mon-
tajia it seems to grade into S. nivalis," and, referring to the last named
150 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
species, states that it "is nearest related to 8. saximontana, and per-
haps represents only the most depauperate form thereof. ' ' Professor
Piper72 includes 8. saximontana among the willows of Washington,
with the comment: "Probably not specifically distinct from 8.
nivalis." The above cited specimen is the only known collection from
3. Salix macrocarpa Nutt., var. argentea Bebb, Bot. Gaz., vol. 10,
p. 225. 1885.
S. 'Geyeriana Anderss., Sal. Bor. Am., p. 63 ("). 1858.
S. Covillei Eastwood, Zoe, vol. 5, p. 80. 1900.
Type locality. — Plumas and Sierra counties.
Range. — Sierra Nevada, northward to Idaho.
Zone. — Upper transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Near Red Clover Valley, Plumas County,
Heller and Kennedy 8728 ; Donner Lake meadow, Tahoe region,
Dudley 5001 ; Lake Valley, Tahoe, Abrams 4778 ; Twin Lakes, Alpine
County, 8,500 feet, Hansen 199 ; South Fork of the San Joaquin, 6,700
feet, Hall and Chandler 632; Golden Trout Creek, Tulare County,
8,500 feet, H. M. and G. R. Hall 8415; Whitney meadows, 8-9,000
feet, Purpus 1893.
This variety of the more northern species is a common willow in
the Sierra about sandy meadows or in washes in the streams; it
becomes 12-16 feet high, forming a very attractive coppice because of
its glistening foliage.
4. Salix cordata var. Watsoni Bebb, in Wats., Bot. Calif., vol. 2,
p. 86. 1880.
Type locality. — "Near Carson City (Watson), and in Sierra
County, Lemmon."
Range. — Mountains of California from the San Jacintos northward
through the Sierra and eastward in the Great Basin.
Zone. — Arid Transition and entering the Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Johnson Lake above Crescent Lake, Yosem-
ite, Congdon, August 2, 1898 ; Yosemite Valley, Abrams 4492.
5. Salix monica Bebb, in Wats., Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 90. 1880.
Type locality. — "Mono Pass summit."
Range. — High peaks of the central Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine and extending downward below timber line.
1921J Smiley: Flam of the Sierra Nevada of California 151
Specimens examined. — Mono Pass summit, Brewer 1732 ; near head
of Mono Pass, Congdon, August 13, 1898; Bloody Canon, Mono
County, Congdon, August 16, 1894; soda springs of the Tuolumne,
Yosemite, Congdon, August 1, 1898.
6. Salix Lemmoni Bebb, in Wats., Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 88. 1880.
Type locality. — "Sierra County."
Range. — Eastern Oregon through the Warner Mountains to the
Yosemite region of the Sierra and eastward in the mountains of the
Great Basin.
Zone. — Transition (Upper) and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Shore of Webber Lake, Sierra County, the
common willow here, Dudley, August 29, 1894 ; Sierra County, Lem-
mon; Iceberg meadow, Alpine County, 6,500 feet, Abrams 4745;
divide south of Slide Mountain, Washoe County, Nevada, 7,600 feet,
Heller 10926, 10928; shores of Red Lake, Black Mountain, Fresno
County, 9,500 feet, Hall and Chandler 733 ; Lake of the Woods, Tahoe,
Dudley, September 1, 1894.
7. Salix glaucops Anderss., in DC. Prodr., vol. 16, pt. 2, p. 281.
S. glauca var. mllosa Anderss., Sal. Bor. Am., p>. 22. 1858.
S. mllosa Don, in Hook., Fl. Bor. Am., voL 2, p. 144. 1830, not of Schleich,
S. Seemannii Eydb., BulL N. Y. Bot. Gard., vol. 2, p. 164. 1901.
S. wyomingcnsis Eydb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 28, p. 271. 1901.
Type locality. — ' ' In omni America septentrionali usque ad fl. Sas-
katchewan erescore dicitur."
Range. — Throughout the Cordilleran section and west to the
Pacific Coast south of Washington.
Zone. — Canadian to Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Summit, Heller 6970; Suzy Lake, Tahoe,
McGregor 106; between Donner Lake and Summit, Dudley 5076;
Carson Spur, Alpine County, 8,500 feet, Hansen 800 ; Highland Lake,
Alpine County, 8,500 feet, Abrams 4751 ; Blue Lakes, Alpine County,
8,000 feet, Abrams 4755; near Lake Lucile, Tahoe, 9,000 feet, form-
ing a mat 8 feet in diameter, Smiley 50; Pyramid Peak, 9,500 feet, '
Smiley 117; Desolation Valley, Tahoe, 8,700 feet, Smiley 77, 78;
shores of Heather Lake, Tahoe, 8,000 feet, Smiley 283 ; Crescent Lake,
Majiposa County, Congdon, August 9, 1890; Mt. Dana, 11,500 feet,
152 University of California Publications in Botany (ToL- 9
E. A. "Ware 2621c ; Bloody Canon, Mono County, Congdon, August 13,
1898 ; Cathedral trail, Yosemite, Congdon, August 7, 1898 ; Tuolumne
meadows, shores of Elizabeth Lake, 9,800 feet, Smiley 790; above
timber line, White Chief mine, Mineral King, Hall and Babcock 5653 ;
along brooks at Farewell Gap, Tulare County, 11-12,000 feet, Purpus
8. Salix californica Bebb, in Wats., Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 88.
Type locality. — "This occurs in the Sierra Nevada at lower alti-
tudes (8,000 to 9,000 feet) than the preceding (8. glaucops], from
Mariposa County northward."
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian mainly, generally replacing 8. glaucops in that
Specimens examined. — Sierra County, Lemmon in 1874 ; between
Donner Lake and Summit, Dudley 5071 ; near Donner Pass, Brewer
2162 ; Mt. Rose, 9,650 feet, Heller 9909 ; about Marlette Lake, Washoe
County, Nevada, 2460 m., Baker 1299; along the crest of Mt. Lola,
Tahoe, 8,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 4534; Suzy Lake Basin, Tahoe,
7,900 feet, Smiley 187 ; soda springs of the Tuolumne, Yosemite, Cong-
don, August 15 (year not given) ; Snow Flat, Yosemite, Hall and
Babcock 3496 ; Dog Lake, Tuolumne meadows, 9,240 feet, Smiley 843 ;
Tuolumne meadows, R. A. Ware, July 17, 1907 ; Mt. Goddard, 10,000
feet, Hall and Chandler 659 ; Kaiser Crest, Fresno County, 9,100 feet,
Smiley 625.
9. Salix sitchensis var. angustifolia Bebb, in Wats., Bot. Calif.,
vol. 2, p. 87. 1880.
Type locality. — ' ' On a high mountain near Donner Pass. ' '
Range. — Sierra Nevada northward probably to British Columbia.
Zone. — Upper Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Gilmore Lake, Mt. Tallac, 8,300 feet,
Abrams 4854; creek between Heather and Suzy Lakes, 7,800 feet,
Smiley 144; near Summit, Dudley 5072, 5072a.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 153
Leaves orbicular with abrupt tip; petioles compressed; stamens few (6-12);
small shrub or tree 1. P. tremuloides
Leaves ovate or lanceolate, somewhat cordate at base; petioles not compressed;
stamens numerous (40-60); large tree 2. P. trichocarpa
1. Populus tremuloides Michx., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 2, p. 243. 1803.
Type locality. — "Hab. in Canada et Noveboraco."
Range. — Subarctic America south to California. New Mexico,
Missouri, and the Middle States.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Webber Lake, Sierra County, Dudley,
June, 1900; Glen Alpine, Tahoe, 6,800 feet, McGregor 202; Carson
Spur, Alpine County, 8,500 feet, Hansen 197 ; Angora Peak, forming
chaparral along the east side, 7,800 feet, Smiley 18; Tenaya Lake,
Yosemite, 8,100 feet, Smiley 692; Lake of Islands, near Kaweah
Peaks, Tulare County, 11,000 feet, Dudley, August 31, 1894.
The aspen is a very common member of the high mountain chap-
arral and in the Sierra does not seem to form the groves of tall slender
trees that are so conspicuous in many parts of the Colorado mountains.
2. Populus trichocarpa T. and G., in Hook., Ic. PL, vol. 9, p. 878.
Type locality. — ' ' Santa Clara River, near Beneventano (Ventura) ,
California. ' '
Range. — British Columbia to northwest Montana, south to south-
ern California.
Zone. — From the Upper Sonoran into the Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Donner Lake, Dudley, June 14, 1900; be-
tween Fallen Leaf and Glen Alpine, Tahoe, 6,800 feet, Smiley 207;
Carson Spur, Alpine County, 8,500 feet, Hansen 803; South Fork
of the San Joaquin, 6,700 feet, Hall and Chandler 727.
At the higher levels the characters of this tree vary somewhat
from the typical, the foliage becomes whiter, the leaf -form changes to
a longer and narrower type of leaf, while the cordate base is com-
pletely lost, the leaf -base being truncate or even ovate.
154 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Pistillate catkins clustered, becoming pendulous oval woody cones, their per-
sistant scales 5-lobed at the apex; stamens 1-7 1. Alnus
Pistillate catkins solitary, the ultimately deciduous scales 3-lobed at the apex;
stamens 2 2. Betula
1. Alnus tenuifolia Nutt., Sylva, vol. 1, p. 32. 1842.
A. incana var. virescens Wats., Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 81. 1880.
A. occidentalis Dippel, Handb. Laubh., vol. 2, p. 158. 1892.
Type locality. — "On the borders of small streams within the
Range of the Rocky Mountains, and afterwards in the valleys of the
Blue Mountains of Oregon."
Range. — British Columbia and Mackenzie south to California and
New Mexico.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Near Donner Lake, Heller 6952; Lake
Tahoe, Dudley, August 23, 1909; Glen Alpine, W. W. Price, July,
1898; Grass Lake, Tahoe, 7,200 feet, McGregor; Carson Spur, Alpine
County, 8,500 feet, Hansen 809; shores of Suzy Lake, Tahoe, 7,800
feet, Smiley 174 ; Angora Lake, Tahoe, 8,000 feet, Smiley 35 ; Chiquito
Creek, Sierra National Forest, 6,000 feet, Abrams 4931; Upper San
Joaquin, Congdon, August 19, 1895.
Miss Eastwood89 found this in the Sierra of Tulare County along
Bubbs Creek and Kings River.
1. Betula glandulosa Michx., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 2, p. 180. 1803.
Type locality. — "Circa lacus, a sinu Hudsonia ad Mistassins. "
Range. — Subarctic America south to the northern Sierra Nevada,
in the Rockies to New Mexico, and in the eastern United States to
Minnesota, Great Lakes, and New England.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Big Meadows, Plumas County, Lemmon,
May, 1879 ; Plumas County, Mrs. Austin in 1878.
No other collections of the Scrub Birch are known from the Sierra
though it has been often collected in the Mt. Lassen region and further
north in the Warner Mountains of Modoc County ; it is barely possible
that these specimens were in fact collected farther north than the
data on the labels indicate.
192!] Smiley: Flora, of ihe Sierra Nevada of California 155
Both staminate and pistillate flowers in erect, often branching catkins; fruit
a spiny bur 1. Castanopsis
Staminate flowers in pendulous catkins; pistillate flowers sessile in an involu-
crate-like cup of ultimately woody scales; fruit an acorn 2. Quercus
1. Castanopsis sempervirens Dudley, in Merriam, Biol. Surv. Mt.
Shasta, p. 142. 1899.
Castanea sempervirens Kellogg, Proc. Calif. Acad., vol. 1, p. 71. 1855.
Type locality. — "From the vicinity of Mariposa. "
Range. — Coast Ranges and Sierra Nevada to the mountains of
southern California. Southern Oregon.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian, occasionally near to timber line.
Specimens examined. — Near timber line on south side of Mt. Tallac,
Tahoe, C. H. Merriam in 1898 ; Glen Alpine, 6,800 feet, McGregor 174 ;
Angora Peak, Tahoe, 8,300 feet, Smiley 22; Castle Peak, east slope
in slide rock, 8,300 feet, Smiley 472; Silver Lake, Amador County,
8,000 feet, Hansen 790; trail to Cloud's Rest, Yosemite, 7,900 feet,
Smiley 499; Coyote Creek, Tulare County, Culbertson (B 4284) ;
big crag of Alta Peak, Dudley 1357; Kaiser Peak, Fresno County,
9,000 feet, Smiley 623; lower side Mt. Kaweah, 12,500 feet, Dudley
2113 ; rocky slopes of Little Kern River, 8-9,000 feet, Purpus 5114.
1. Quercus vaccinifolia Kellogg, Proc. Calif. Acad, vol. 1, p. 96.
Q. chrysolepis var. vaccinifolia Engelm., Trans. St. Louis Acad., vol. 3,
p. 393. 1877. Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 97. 1880.
Type locality. — "Trinity, Scott and Siskiyou Mountains."
Range. — Mountains of Northwest California, Mt. Shasta and the
Sierra Nevada south to the Kings River region.
Zone. — Canadian mainly.
Specimens examined. — Glen Alpine, Tahoe, W. W. Price, July,
1898 ; Mt. Tallac, trail at 8,500 feet, Abrams 4826 ; between Tahoe and
Lake Lucile, 7-8,000 feet, Miss K. A. Chandler, September, 1901;
Grass Lake, McGregor 10 ; about Summit Station, Donner Pass, Heller
6980 ; Silver Lake, Amador County, 8,000 feet, Hansen 204 ; Plumas
County, Mrs. Austin in 1878; near Summit Valley, 8,000 feet,
156 University o.f California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Pringle, September 23, 1882 ; Angora Lake, Tahoe, 7,700 feet, Smiley
2 ; Pyramid Peak, base of east slope, 8,500 feet, Smiley 107 ; Rubicon
Peak, chaparral along trail, 8,100 feet, Smiley 411; Ebbett's Pass, a
common chaparral oak, Brewer 2037 ; cliffs of granite on Glacier Point
trail, Yosemite, Hooker and Gray in 1877 ; Panorama Cliffs, Yosemite,
6,500 feet, Hall 9679; Cloud's Rest, 8,600 feet, Smiley 512; Sentinel
Dome, Yosemite, Dudley, June 11, 1894; Funston's Trail, Tulare
County, Dudley 2090 ; Lake Tenaya, Yosemite, 7,900 feet, Smiley 694.
Fruit a globose sessile berry 1. Phoradendron
Fruit a compressed berry on recurved pedicels 2. Arceuthobium
1. Phoradendron juniperinum Engelm., Mem. Am. Acad. II, vol.
4, p. 58. 1849.
Type locality. — "Parasitic on the kinds of shrub cedar (Juniperus)
which grow on the hills and elevated plains about Santa Fe, and on
no other tree. ' '
Range. — California and Oregon east to Colorado and Texas, south
into Mexico.
Zone. — Canadian in the Sierra since its host there is Juniperus
Specimen examined. — Vicinity of Mt. Whitney, on Juniper and
abundant, Dudley 2467.
Our Sierran form of this leafless Phoradendron is considered by
Professor Trelease to constitute a distinct species from the mistletoe
found on. the Western Juniper from Colorado to northern "Mexico.
To this Pacific Coast plant the name Phoradendron ligatum Trelease
(I.e., p. 24), is assigned with the comment: "The western represent-
ative of the Rocky Mountain P. juniperinum, from which it is scarcely
separable except by its curiously constricted scales.
Growing only on Pinus Murray ana: male flowers in pseudo-panicles formed by
branches simulating peduncles 1. A. americanum
Growing on other conifers; male flowers in axils of scales in spikes.
Staminate flowers in short spikes of usually 5 flowers; stems short (1-5 inches
high), greenish-yellow in color 2. A. Douglasii var. abietinum
Staminate flowers in longer spikes (9-17 flowered) ; stems 4-16 inches high,
greenish-brown in color 3. A. campylopodum
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 157
1. Arceuthobium americanum Nutt. ; Engelm., in Gray, Jour.
Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 6, p. 214. 1850.
Rasoumofskya americana (Nutt.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PL, vol. 2, p. 587.
Type locality. — Oregon.
Range. — British Columbia to Saskatchewan, south to California
and Colorado.
Zone. — Canadian, growing only on Pinus Murrayana.
Specimens examined. — Near Donner Lake, Tahoe, Dudley, June 7,
1893; Mayers meadow near Truckee, C. F. Sonne; Little Yosemite
Valley, Bolander 5095; North Fork of Kings River, Tulare County,
7,000 feet, Hall and Chandler 426.
2. Arceuthobium Douglasii var. abietinum Engelm., Bot. Calif.,
vol. 2, p. 106. 1880.
Type locality. — "In Sierra Valley (/. G. Lemmon) and S. Utah,
Range. — California to Washington and Utah.
No specimen of this mistletoe has been seen; it is here included
because Hell101 reports it to grow upon Abies magnifica in the Yosemite
3. Arceuthobium campylopodum Engelm., in Gray, Jour. Bost.
Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 6, p. 214. 1850.
A. occidentale Engelm., in Wats., , Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 107. 1880.
EazoumofsTcya campylopoda (Engelm.) Piper, Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 11,
p. 222. 1906.
Type locality. — "Oregon, on Pinus ponderosa." Collected by
Geyer and the region being in fact northern Idaho.
Range. — British Columbia south to California in both the Sierra
and Coast Range.
Zone. — Transition and entering the Canadian. Growing mainly
on Pinus.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Tallac on P. Jeffreyi, Dudley, June 8,
1893 ; Silver Mountain, north side at 7,000 feet, on Juniperus occi-
dentalis, Brewer 2055; near Cloud's Rest, Yosemite, Chesnut and
Drew, July 13, 1889 ; Snow Creek, Yosemite, on P. Jeffreyi, 6,600 feet,
H. M. Hall, July 26, 1911 ; Mt. Pinos, 8,000 feet, Rothrock 213.
In Washington, this mistletoe has been found parasitic on Tsuga
Mertensiana (Allen 303, Upper Nisqually Valley) but, so far as I
know, the Alpine Hemlock has not been found to be attacked in the
158 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Flowers in involucres; stipules wanting; stamens 9 1. Eriogonum
Flowers not in involucres; stipules present, sheathing the nodes; stamens 4—8.
The outer sepals smaller and reflexed, the inner accrescent about the fruit.
Sepals 4; stigmas 2; achene compressed, thin, broadly 2-winged; leaves
reniform 2. Oxyria
Sepals 6; stigmas 3; achene triangular in cross-section, not winged; leaves
not reniform, usually lanceolate or oblong 3. Rumex
Sepals uniform in size and usually not changed in fruit, 5 in number (rarely
4 or 6) 4. Polygonum
Involucres solitary; calyx not stipe-like at base.
Involucres borne on the capillary branchlets of the dichotomous panicle;
annual with the linear vegetative leaves radical, the few cauline reduced
to bracts 1. E. spergulinum
Involucres borne on the stout or wiry branches of the inflorescence; per-
ennials with short leafy stems.
Leaves oblanceolate to linear (%— 1.5 inches long), never fasicled, acute,
more or less revolute, white tomentose beneath and glabrate above;
involucres cymosely umbellate 2. E. microthecum
Leaves oblanceolate, obtusish (%— 1 inch long), some of the smaller
fascicled in the axils of the larger, flat, white-woolly on both sides;
involucres spicate along the erect branches of the panicle
3. E. Wrightii
Involucres in heads or umbels (in reduced high mountain forms sometimes
solitary, but the calyx then stipe-like at base).
Involucres 5-6 nerved, in dense capitate clusters, never umbellate; calyces
not stipe-like at base.
Leaves densely white tomentose below; glabrate above and green; in-
volucres glabrous or nearly so; stems taller (5 inches-1.5 feet high),
glabrous above 4. E. nudum
Leaves permanently white-woolly on both sides; involucres woolly; stems
low (4-5 inches or less) with 1 or rarely 2 heads.
Perianth segments dissimilar, the outer broadly oval and cordate at base,
the inner narrow and spatulate 5. E. ovalifolium
Perianth segments nearly alike, obovate, cuneate 6. E. Kingii
Involucres nerveless; calyces stipe-like at base.
Umbels conspicuously bracteate, the bracts large and foliaceous .
Involucres deeply lobed, the lobes becoming reflexed.
Umbels simple, the rays undivided.
Plants pubescent (stems and leaves).
Leaves very obtuse or roundish, densely silvery-woolly on both sides;
peduncles decumbent; flowers white or pinkish ....7. E. Lobbii
Leaves ovate, glabrate above; peduncles erect; flowers yellow
8. E. umbellatum
Plants glabrous (stems and leaves) 9. E. Torreyanum
Umbels compound, bracteate at all the nodes 10. E. stellatum
Involucres with short erect teeth; umbel usually compound (3-10 rays);
leaves oval or roundish 11. E. ursinum
Umbels with a few linear inconspicuous bracts at the base of the rays;
involucre with short erect teeth.
Bays short, slender, sometimes so reduced as to make the umbel appear
capitate; leaves permanently white-tomentose; plants forming thick
dense mats 12. E. incanum
Eays longer and more numerous; leaves often glabrate above; plants
looser, the branches of the caudex spreading 13. E. marifolium
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 159
1. Eriogonum spergulinum Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 7, p. 389.
Oxytheoa spergulina Greene, Fl. Fran., p. 153. 1891.
Oxytheoa Reddingiana Jones, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 9, p. 32. 1882.
Type locality. — "Dry sandy soil, banks of Big Creek below the
Mariposa Big-tree Grove." Bolander.
Range. — North Coast ranges and Sierra Nevada, northward to
southern Idaho.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Tallac, 9,500 feet, McGregor 189 ; Half-
moon Lake, 7,760 feet, McGregor 48 ; Caple 's Lakes, Alpine County,
8,500 feet, Hansen 304; lower end Donner Lake, Heller 6905; Mono
trail, 10,000 feet, Bolander 5098; around shores of Lake Van Orden,
near Summit, Kennedy and Doten 235 ; Soda Springs, Nevada County,
Jones 2408 (co-type of 0. Reddingiana) ; Hockett's meadows, Tulare
County, Culbertson (B 4443) ; Sky Valley, Tulare County, 10,000 feet,
Culbertson (B 4570) ; very abundant in sandy places on Hockett's
meadows, Tulare County, Dudley 1884; Olancha Mountain, 9,400 feet,
Rothrock 331; sandy places on Soda Creek, Tulare County, 9-10,000
feet, Purpus 5247 ; Whitney meadows, dry soil on margins of meadows,
2850 m., Coville and Funston 1622.
2 Eriogonum microthecum Nutt., Jour. Acad. Phila. II, vol. 1,
p. 162. 1848.
Type locality. — "On the sides of hills in Oregon, east of Walla
Range. — East slope Sierra Nevada, north to Washington and east
to the northern Rockies.
While no specimen of this typically Upper Sonoran species has
been identified from our region, it occurs in a dwarf form at Mono
Pass and at Sonora Pass — forma alpina T. and G. (Proc. Am. Acad.,
vol. 8, p. 171. 1870) : Sonora Pass, 9,000, Brewer 1888; Mono Pass,
Bolander 6356.
3. Eriogonum Wrightii Torr. var. subscaposum Wats., Bot. Calif.,
vol. 2, p. 29. 1880.
E. curvatwm Small, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 25, p. 50. 1898.
E. junceum Greene, Leaflets, vol. 1, p. 77. 1904.
Type locality. — "Sierra Nevada and W. Nevada."
Range. — Sierra Nevada southward to the mountains of southern
Zone. — Canadian and above.
160 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
• Specimens examined. — Carson Spur, Alpine County, 8,500 feet,
Hansen 760; above Donner Lake toward Donner Pass, Heller 7165;
highest part of the Sierra Nevada above Donner Lake, Greene 407;
Silver Mountain, Brewer 2059; same locality, Hooker and Gray in
1877; Kaiser Crest, Fresno County, 8,900 feet, Smiley 618; rocky
slopes near Soda Creek, Tulare County, 8-9,000 feet, Purpus 5213;
top of ridge above Rowell meadow, Fresno County, Dudley, August,
4. Eriogonum nudum Dougl. var. deductum Jepson, Fl. Calif.,
vol. 1, p. 420. 1914.
E. deductum Greene, Pitt., vol. 3, p. 71. 1902.
Type locality. — "Inhabiting the Sierra Nevada of California."
Range. — Higher mountains of California.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Fallen Leaf Lodge, 6,900 feet, Abrams
4868 ; Suzy Lake trail, Tahoe, 7,600 feet, McGregor 124 ; Silver Lake,
Amador County, 7,200 feet, E. Mulliken 147; near Summit, Kennedy
and Doten 255; Angora Peak, 7,100 feet, Smiley 300; Cascade Lake,
Tallac, C. J. Fox Jr., July, 1895; sunny slopes Little Kern River,
9,300 feet, Purpus 5262 ; Tuolumne meadows, Yosemite, 8,600 feet,
R. A. Ware 2656c; Hockett's meadows, Culbertson (B4441).
4a. Eriogonum nudum var. scapigerum Jepson I.e.
E. soapigerum Eastwood, Proc. Calif. Acad., Ill, vol. 2, p. 286. 1902.
Type locality. — "Harrison's Pass above timber line, at an elevation
of almost 14,000 feet." Tulare County.
Range. — Sierra Nevada in the alpine region.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Goddard, 10,000 feet, Hall and Chand-
ler 662; Mineral King, Tulare County, Brandegee, July 28, 1892;
Mt. Silliman, Tulare County, 9,500 feet, Mrs. Brandegee, August 22,
1895; Cirque Peak, Tulare County, at timber line, Hall and Babcock
5504; rocky mountains along Little Kern River, Tulare County, 10-
11,000 feet, Purpus 5201; gravelly slopes about Whitney meadows,
11-12,000 feet, Purpus 1559.
While for reasons of convenience it is probably well to accept these
varieties, it must be understood that neither has any definite character
by which it may always be recognized, in other words they exactly
1921J Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 161
conform to the concept of an ecological species, whose characters are
directly dependent upon the environment. E. nudum Dougl. is one
of the commonest Eriogonums and it is easily possible in any large
collection to so arrange the suites that undoubted representatives of
the type are seen to pass by small differences into these high mountain
5. Eriogonum ovalifolium Nutt., Jour. Acad. Philad., vol. 7, p. 50.
Type locality. — " Sources of the Missouri."
Range. — British Columbia and Alberta south to the Sierra Nevada
and along the Rocky Mountains to New Mexico.
Zone. — Upper Sonoran to Hudsonian in the type form.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Tallac, 9,500 feet, Abrams 4829; sum-
mit of Mono Pass, 10,700 feet, R. A. Ware 2628c ; Silver Mountain,
Hooker and Gray in 1877 ; Mt. Dana, rockfield on the northwest slope,
12,000 feet, Smiley 727 ; Mt. Whitney, rocky places, Purpus, August,
5a. Eriogonum ovalifolium var. nivale Jones, Contr. W. Coast
Bot., vol. 11, p. 8. 1903.
E. nivale Canby, Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 4, p. 187. 1893.
Type locality. — ' ' At timber-line on a divide northwest of Whitney
meadows, Sierra Nevada, Tulare County, California."
Range. — High Sierra Nevada.
Zane. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Whitney, 12,000 feet, Rothrock 390;
Siberian Pass, Tulare County, Hall and Babcock 5481; ascent of
Mt. Kaweah, Dudley 211; Mt. Dana, Chesnut and Drew, July 17,
1889 ; Olancha Peak, Tulare County, 11-12,000 feet, Purpus 2012.
5b. Eriogonum ovalifolium var. vineum Jepson, I.e., p. 423.
E. vineum Small, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 25, p. 45. 1898.
Type locality. — "Mountains of Oregon and California"; speci-
mens cited from the San Bernardino Mountains of southern California,
and from the Powder River Mountains of eastern Oregon.
Range. — Oregon to southern California.
Specimens examined. — Dick's Peak, Tahoe, 9,950 feet, Smiley 430;
Castle Peak, 9,000 feet, Heller 7081.
] 62 University of California Publications in Botany LV°L- 9
The var. vineum appears worthy of recognition because of the deep
red or purple color of the involucres.
Eriogonum rhodanthum Nels. and Kennedy (Proc. Biol. Soc.
Wash., vol. 19, p. 35. 1906) is unknown to me in any authentic speci-
mens: by character it seems near if not identical with var. nivale
Jones; the type locality is " Summit of Mt. Hose, Washoe County,
Nevada, elevation 10,800 feet." Kennedy 1184.
6. Eriogonum Kingii T. and G., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 8, p. 165.
E. anemophilum Greene, Pitt., vol. 3, p. 199. 1897.
E. rosensis Nels. and Kennedy, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., vol. 19, p. 36. 1906.
Type locality. — East Humboldt Mountains, Nevada.
Range. — Mountains of Nevada and east side of the Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimen examined. — Mt. Rose, 10,800 feet, Kennedy 1180, co-type
of E. rosensis and an exact match for Watson's collection, from which
E. Kingii was described.
7. Eriogonum Lobbii T. and G., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 8, p. 162.
Type locality. — "High mountain near Donner's Pass in the Sierra
Nevada. ' '
Range. — Sierra Nevada and North Coast Ranges on their eastern
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — About Summit Station, Heller 7011; An-
gora Peak, 7,100 feet, Smiley 41; Bierstadt Peak, Tahoe, 7,500 feet,
Davy 3226 ; Sierra County, Lemmon 257 ; Tuolumne Canon, Chesnut
and Drew, July 25, 1889 ; Mt. Conness, J. M. Hutchings.
7a. Eriogonum Lobbii var. minus T. and G., I.e., p. 163 ; an alpine
dwarfed form.
Type locality. — "Upon Silver Mountain in the Sierra Nevada, at
the height of 11,000 feet."
Range. — Not known beyond the Sierra Nevada.
Specimen examined. — Silver Mountain, 11,000 feet, in dry soil,
Brewer 2049.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 163
8. Eriogonum umbellatum Torr., Ann. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist., vol.
2, p. 241. 1828.
E. latum Small, in Bydb., Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard., vol. 1, p. 121. 1900.
E. reclinatum Greene, Pitt., vol. 5, p. 67. 1902.
Type locality. — ' ' Near the Rocky Mountains. ' '
Range. — Western United States.
Zone, — Arid Transition to Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Pyramid Peak, 9,400 feet, Hall and Chand-
ler 4735 ; Donner Pass, Heller 7023 ; Silver Lake, 8,000 feet, Hansen
188 ; Mt. Bradley, Miss Lathrop, July 25, 1903 ; Lake Valley, Tahoe,
6,500 feet, Abrams 4811 ; Mt. Tallac, low mats, 9,100 feet, Smiley 232 ;
Mt. Eose, 9,300 feet, Heller 10,349; about Marlette Lake, east of
Tahoe, 2,460 m., Baker 1291 ; high ridge above Donner Pass, 8,500 feet,
Heller, August 17, 1903; Lake Tenaya, Yosemite, 8,600 feet, Smiley
686; Angora Peak, Tahoe, 7,600 feet, Smiley 4; Shuteye Mountain,
Madera County, 7,900 feet, Smiley 566 ; Siberian Pass, Tulare County,
Hall and Babcock 5477, this the form of the highest mountains.
Most of the above cited specimens conform to the description of
E. reclinatum, distinguished from the typical form by the caudex
branches more widely spreading but connected with the normal type
by all degrees of intergradation.
8a. Eriogonum umbellatum Torr. var. monocephalum T. and G.,
Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 8, p. 160. 1870.
E. Tolmieanum Hook., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 2, p. 134. 1838.
Type locality. — "Banks of the Walla Walla River, among Arte-
Range. — Washington to California on the east side of the Cascades-
Zone. — Hudsonian as to the specimen cited.
Specimen examined. — Dry soil at Sonora Pass, 10,000 feet, Brewer
This variety differs from the type in having the umbel reduced
to a single ray. Jepson (I.e., p. 425) cites collections from the North
Coast ranges.
9. Eriogonum Torreyanum Gray, in T. and G., Proc. Am. Acad.
vol. 8, p. 158. 1870.
Type locality. — "California, on a high mountain of the Sierra
Nevada near Donner Pass."
Range. — Sierra Nevada in the Tahoe region.
Zone. — Transition mainly, entering the Canadian.
164 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Specimens examined. — Dormer, Kellogg, August 6, 1870; high
mountain near Donner Pass, Torrey 443; Sierra Valley, Lemmon in
1873; Mt. Stanford (Castle Peak), Hooker and Gray in 1877.
Scarcely more than a glabrous form of the preceding species ; Jones
, (Contr. W. Coast Bot., vol. 11, p. 5. 1903) has reduced it to varietal
10. Eriogonum stellatum Benth., Trans. Linn. Soc., vol. 17, p. 409.
Type locality. — "Interior of North-west America."
Range. — Southeast "Washington and central Idaho southward to
southern California.
Zone. — Transition (Arid) and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Crescent Lake, Mariposa County, Congdon,
August, 1889 ; Snow Creek, Yosemite, gravelly ridges, 6,600 feet, Hall
9216 ; Glacier Point, Yosemite,' Canby, August 15, 1895.
11. Eriogonum ursinum Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 10, p. 347.
Type locality.— ' Plumas County, California, by Mrs. M. E. P.
Ames and J. G. Lemmon, in Long and Bear Valleys, apparently
abundant. ' '
Range. — Northern Sierra and in the Coast Ranges.
Zone. — Transition, entering the Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Cisco, Kellogg, June 15, 1870; summit
back of Jonesville, Butte County, 7,000 feet, Heller 11666 ; Summit,
Kennedy and Doten 236 ; mountains south of Summit Station, 8,000
feet, C. F. Sonne, September 2, 1892 ; Cisco, Miss H. A. Walker 1432.
lla. Eriogonum ursinum var. venosum S. Stokes, in Herb.
This variety has smaller leaves and more slender peduncles than
the type, and the rays of the umbel are of very unequal lengths.
Specimen examined. — Mt. Silliman, Tulare County, 9,800 feet,
Mrs. Brandegee, August 22, 1905.
12. Eriogonum incanuni T. and G., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 8, p.
161. 1870.
Type locality.— "On the Tuolumne River, alt. 8-11,000 feet."
Range. — Sierra Nevada, mainly in the southern half of the range.
Zone. — Hudsonian and Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Pyramid Peak, 9,500 feet, Hall and Chand-
ler 4733; Dick's Peak, Tahoe, 8,700 feet, Smiley 426; Snow Valley,
Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada, of California 165
Ormsby County, Nevada, 2,460-2,614 m., Baker 1372 ; near Snow Flat,
Yosemite, 8,700 feet, H. M. Evans, July, 1901 ; Chilnualna trail, Mari-
posa County, Congdon, August 12, 1895; Cloud's Rest, 9,300 feet,
Smiley 514 ; Peregoy 's to Sentinel Dome, Yosemite, 7-8,000 feet, Gray
in 1872; Upper Tuolumne, dry places, 8-11,000 feet, Brewer 1699
(type) ; Mt. Dana, rock field on the northwest side, 11,500 feet, Smiley
723; Tuolumne meadows, 8,600 feet, R. A. Ware 2622c; Lake Tenaya,
8,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 3501; Sentinel Dome, Yosemite, 8,050
feet, Hall 9142; Mt. Dana, Congdon, August 27, 1895; Snow Creek
on gravelly ridges, 6,600 feet, Hall 9185 ; Silver Lake, Amador County,
7,200 feet, E. Mulliken 125; Cloud's Rest, E. R. Drew, July 25, 1887;
Mt. Lyell, 11,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 3954; Shuteye Mountain,
Madera County, 7,500 feet, J. Murdoch Jr. 2584 ; Kaiser Crest, Fresno
County, 9,300 feet, Smiley 629; Mineral King, Brandegee, July 28,
1892*; Alta Peak, Tulare County, 12,000 feet, G. B. Grant 3365;
Mt. Whitney, rocky pine forests, Purpus 1566 ; rocky mountain slopes,
Kaweah meadows, 10-11,100 feet, Purpus 1782 ; mountains near Fare-
well Gap, 10,800-11,000 feet, Purpus 2028; Mt. Silliman, Tulare
County, 10,000 feet, Mrs. Brandegee, August 22, 1905; near summit
of White Chief Peak, Tulare County, Culbertson (B 4427) ; Mt. Whit-
ney, Dudley 2474 ; Mt. Kaweah, 12,000 feet, Dudley 2109, 2110 ; sum-
mit of Farewell Gap, 10,500 feet, Dudley 1124; Mt. Goddard, 11,200
feet, Hall and Chandler 696; rocky places on Old Mt. Whitney,
11-12,000 feet, Purpus 2012.*
13. Eriogonum marifolium T. and G., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 8,
p. 161. 1870.
E. polypodum Small, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 25, p. 46. 1898.
Type locality.— "Mount Shasta, 7-9,000 feet" and "High moun-
tain near Donner's Pass, Sierra Nevada."
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Lake Valley, 6,400 feet, Abrams 4771 ; Glen
Alpine, 7,000 feet, W. W. Price, July 12, 1898 ; Lake Tahoe, 6-8,000
feet, G. B. Grant in 1906; Carson Spur, Alpine County, 8,500 feet,
Hansen 1261 (this number in U. C. said to have been collected at
Silver Lake) ; lower end of Donner Lake, Heller 6923.; ridge between
* These two specimens most nearly conform to what I presume is E. rosulatum
Small (Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 25, p. 46. 1898), described from Coville and
Funston 1549, which was collected near Mineral King; this form is very feebly
distinguished by the filaments being nearly or quite glabrous, these in the type
fori£ being more or less hairy.
166 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Lake Lucile and Lake of the Woods, Tahoe, Dudley, June 26, 1900;
west side of Slide Mountain, Washoe County, Nevada, 8,600 feet,
Heller 10959 ; head of Galena Creek, Washoe County, 8,500 feet, Heller
9899; Mt. Rose, 9,500 feet, Heller 10220; high peaks above Webber
Lake, Lenimon 1202; top of Kettle Mountain Ridge, Fresno County,
Dudley, August 23, 1904; Long Meadow, Tulare County, Dr. E.
Palmer in 1882 (co-type of E. polypodum).
This species is very near the preceding and differs mainly in the
looser habit of the caudex; it is very possible that a monographic
study of all the species of Eriogonum will result in many changes in
the position of the earlier described species, which, with the increase
in the number of specimens available for comparison, will appear less
easily separable than their extreme forms, the bases for a number of
the now accepted species.
1. Oxyria digyna (L.) Hill, Hort. Kew., p. 158. 1768.
Eumex digynus L., Sp. PL, p. 337. 1753.
Type locality. — ' ' Habitat in Alpibus Lapponicis, Helveticis, Wall-
Range. — Holarctic realm ; in America south to New England, New
Mexico, and southern California.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine; rarely in the Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Sierra County, Lemmon 720 ; Hope Valley,
Alpine County, 8,000 feet, Hansen 309 ; Castle Peak, Lemmon ; Dick 's
Peak, Tahoe, 9,700 feet, Smiley 427; summit of Devil's Cliff, Summit,
Kennedy and Doten 286; cliffs at Glen Alpine, Tahoe, 7,000 feet ( ?),
McGregor 167 ; Castle Peak near the highest point, Heller 7097"; high
mountain near Donner Pass, Torrey 430 ; Mono Pass, 9,000 feet, R. A.
Ware 2614c; Mt. Goddard, 9,700 feet, Hall and Chandler 656; Mt.
Dana, H. M. Evans, July, 1901 ; same locality, 9-10,000 feet, Brewer
1795; above Elizabeth Lake, Yosemite, 10,000 feet, Smiley 807;
Kaweah Peaks, Dudley 2443; Mt. Whitney, 13,000 feet, Culbertson
This species is perhaps the most characteristic plant of the Arctic-
alpine zone and is very rarely found below tree-line.
1921 ] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 167
Flowers perfect in a leafy-bracted compact raceme; leaves abruptly contracted
to a winged petiole; callus grains wanting or the sepal merely ridged
1. R. hesperius
Flowers monoecious in slender, loose, leafless racemes; leaves entire, linear,
attenuate to a narrow petiole; callus grains minute or wanting
2. R. paucifolius
1. Rumex hesperius Greene, Pitt., vol. 4, p. 234. 1901.
JK. salicifolius Weinm. var. montigenitus Jepson, Fl. Calif., vol. 1, p. 386.
Type locality. — ' ' Near Bingen, Washington. ' '
Range. — Pacific Coast.
Zone. — Transition to Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Carson Spur, Alpine County, 8,500 feet,
Hansen 752; Upper Tuolumne River, 9,000 feet, Brewer 1757.
Our high mountain Dock differs from R. salicifolius Weinm. (in
Flora, vol. 4, p. 28. 1821), which was described from "California"
in the usually almost complete absence of grains upon the sepals ; from
R. Mexicanus Meissn. it differs, besides lacking the well developed
grains of that species, also in the smaller panicle. I have seen no
authentic material of R. subalpinus Jones (Proc. Calif. Acad. II, vol.
5, p. 720. 1895), which is based upon material collected by Jones
(No. 5954) on "Brigham Peak, near Maryville, Utah, 10,800 ft. alt";
from character it would seem to approach R. mexicanus Meissn. (in
DC. Prodr., vol. 14, p. 45. 1856), a species ranging from British
America throughout the Rockies to the mountains of central Mexico
(see Fernald: "The representatives of Rumex salicifolius in Eastern
North America": Rhodora, vol. 10, p. 17. 1908).
2. Rumex paucifolius Nutt., in Wats., Bot. King's Exped., p. 314.
E. Geyeri (Meissn.) Trel., Eep. Mo. Bot. Gard., vol. 3, p. 78. 1892.
E. Engelmanni van Geyeri Meissn., in DC. Prodr., vol. 14, p. 64. 1856.
Type locality. — "Near Flat-Head river, in moist places by streams
Range. — British Columbia south to California and Colorado.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Soda Springs, Yosemite, Brewer 1696 ;
Tuolumne meadows, 8,600 feet, R. A. Ware 2662c; Yosemite Valley,
168 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
J. B. Lembert in 1893; near Fallen Leaf Lake, Tahoe, 6,700 feet,
Smiley 298 ; Mt. Goddard, Yosemite, 10,200 feet, Hall and Chandler
661; trail to Mt. Whitney, Culbertson (B 4371) ; Bloody Canon, Mono
County, Chesnut and Drew, July 20, 1889 ; Volcano meadows, Tulare
County, Dudley 2499; Funston's Kaweah meadow, Dudley 2196.
Leaves (mostly narrow and lanceolate or linear) and bracts jointed upon a
very short petiole adnate to the short sheath by the lobed or lacerate
stipules; flowers in axillary clusters or crowded into a leafy terminal spike.
Small annuals with erect or ascending stems.
Flowers erect; stems 1-6 inches high, branched or simple.
Leaves ovate or oblong (% inches or less long), not diminished upwards;
flowers distinctly pedicelled in the loose inflorescence ..1. P. minimum
Leaves linear or narrowly lanceolate (%-l inch long); flowers sessile or
subsessile in the dense inflorescence.
Upper leaves obviously reduced, bracteate among the congested flowers;
achene black 2. P. imbricatum
Upper leaves little, if at all, reduced; achene light brown
3. P. Kelloggii
Flowers reflexed and remote; stems %-1.5 feet high, sparingly branched;
leaves 1-1.3 inches long 4. P. Douglasii
Perennial with suffrutescent branching prostrate stems and conspicuous
broad silvery stipules; flowers red or light pink 5. P. shastense
Leaves ample, not jointed to the petiole.
Flowers in a single dense raceme terminal upon the simple stem; glabrous
perennial, %-2 feet high, of wet meadows 6. P. bistortoid.es
Flowers in panicles or clusters.
Leaves 3-6 inches long, glabrous; stems stout, %-6 feet high, branching.
Leaves lanceolate, firm; branching panicle densely many-flowered
7. P. alpinum
Leaves ovate, thin; panicle few-flowered 8. P. phytolaccaefolium
Leaves %— 1.5 inches long, ovate, minutely pubescent; stems 4-15 inches
high 9. P. Davisiae
1. Polygonum minimum Wats., Bot. King's Exped., p. 315. 1871.
Type locality — "Wasatch and Uintah Mountains; 9-11,000 feet
Range. — Alaska south to the Siskiyou Mountains and central
Sierra Nevada and east to Colorado.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Glen Alpine trail to Mt. Tallac, Dudley,
June 28, 1900 ; Webber Lake, Lemmon 1205 ; Donner Lake, Brandegee,
September, 1888; Gilmore Lake, on west side of Mt. Tallac, Tahoe,
8,600 feet, Smiley 377 ; Mt. Watkins, Yosemite, 6,900 feet, Hall 9170 ;
near foot of Mt. Silliman, 11,000 feet, Dudley 1513.
Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 169
2. Polygonum imbricatum Nutt., in Wats., Am. Nat., vol. 7, p. 665.
P. Watsoni Small, Monogr. N. Am. Polygonum, p. 138, pi. 56. 1895.
Type locality. — ' ' Frequent in the mountains, alpine and subalpine,
from Colorado to Oregon and northern California."
Range. — Washington south to California and east to Colorado.
Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Glen Alpine trail to Mt. Tallac, Dudley,
June 28, 1900, in part; Donner Lake, Heller 6929; Twin Lakes, 8,500
feet, Alpine County, Hansen 311 ; Gilmore Lake on Mt. Tallac, 8,600
feet, Smiley 377 ; Snow Creek, Yosemite, 6,800 feet, Hall 9187 ; Silver
Mountain, Yosemite, Hooker and Gray in 1877 ; Rowell meadow,
Fresno County, Dudley, August 23, 1904; Kaweah meadow, Tulare
County, 7-8,000 feet, Dudley 2197; Cathedral trail to Mt. Tallac,
Tahoe, 6,700 feet, Smiley 209 ; sandy flat near Dark Hole, Tioga Road,
Yosemite, 7,600 feet, Smiley 683 ; Nellie Lake meadow, Fresno County,
8,700 feet, Smiley 608; Round Meadow, Fresno County, 7,100 feet,
Smiley 581.
3. Polygonum Kelloggii Greene, Fl. Fran., p. 134. 1891.
Type locality. — "Common in the Donner Lake Region of the
Range. — California to Wyoming and Colorado, north to Wash-
ington and Alberta.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Fallen Leaf Lodge, Tahoe, 6,900 feet,
Abrams 4873 ; Lake Tenaya, Yosemite, sandy flats, Smiley 690 ;
Tuolumne meadows, sandy spots along the river, 8,500 feet, Smiley
4. Polygonum Douglasii var. latifolium Greene, Bull. Calif.
Acad., vol. 1, p. 125. 1885.
P. tenue var. latifolium Engelm., in Wats., Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 12. 1880.
Type locality. — Not given.
Range. — Washington and Idaho southward to California, Arizona,
and New Mexico.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Above Summit, Smiley 438; Caple's Lakes,
Alpine County, 8,500 feet, Hansen 753; lower end of Donner Lake,
H&iler 6892; foot of Angora Peak, Tahoe, 6,400 feet, Smiley 306;
170 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Red Mountain Lake, near Black Mountain, Fresno County, 9,700 feet,
Hall and Chandler 734; Round meadow, Fresno County, 7,000 feet,
Smiley 577; Coyote Creek, Tulare County, Culbertson (B 4391) ;
Glacier Point, Yosemite, 7,200 feet, Hall 9151.
The type species, P. Douglasii Greene (I.e., p. 125), occurs in the
Transition zone in the drier meadows.
5. Polygonum shastense Brewer, in Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol.
8, p. 400. 1872.
Type locality. — ' ' Sierra Nevada in exposed places on dry ashy soil,
Mt. Shasta to Carson Pass."
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine and occasionally in the Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Webber and Castle Peaks, Lemmon 1201 ;
high mountain near Donner Pass, Torrey 425; Mt. Stanford (Castle
Peak), Sonne, July 26, 1886; Tinker's Knob, Tahoe, 9,500 feet, Sonne,
August 23, 1885 ; Pyramid Peak, 9,200 feet, Hall and Chandler 4744 ;
Mt. Rose, 10,000 feet, Kennedy 1137 ; ridge above Donner Pass, 8,500
feet, Heller 7151; Wood's Peak, 9,000 feet, Brewer 2111; slope above
Desolation Valley on trail to Heather Lake, Tahoe, 8,800 feet, Smiley
336; Mt. Goddard, 11,100 feet, Hall and Chandler 684; Mt. Gibbs,
Yosemite, 10,900 feet, Smiley 771 ; Long meadow, Tuolumne County,
Chesnut and Drew, July 14, 1889; Mt. Silliman, Tulare County,.
Mrs. Brandegee, August 21, 1905.
6. Polygonum bistortoides Pursh., FL, vol. 1, p. 271. 1814.
P. glastifolium Greene, Pitt., vol. 5, p. 199. 1903.
P. ceplialophorum Greene, La, p. 198. 1903.
Bistorta leptopliylla Greene, Leaflets, vol. 1, p. 20. 1904.
Bistorta scaberula Greene, I.e., p. 77. 1904.
Type locality. — "In low grounds on the banks of the Missouri,
called Quamash-flats. " (Collected in Idaho.)
Range. — In western North America from the subarctic regions
south to California, Arizona, and New Mexico.
Zone. — Canadian and in dwarfed forms to above timber line.
Specimens examined. — Pyramid Peak, 8-9,000 feet, Brewer 2137 ;
Caple's Lakes, 8,500 feet, Hanson 315; Marlette Lake, east of Lake
Tahoe, 8,000 feet, Hall and Chandler 4581 ; Lake of the Woods meadow,
Tahoe, 8,000 feet, Smiley 48 ; Tenaya trail from Snow Creek, Yosem-
ite, 7,600 feet, Smiley 671; near Porcupine Flat, Mariposa County,
8,000 feet, R. A. Ware 2620c; Upper Tuolumne River, 8-9,000 feet,
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 171
Brewer 1786 ; Elizabeth Lake meadow, Tuolumne meadows, 9,800 feet,
Smiley 803 ; Tenaya meadow, Yosemite, 8,300 feet, Smiley 683 ; Mt.
Raymond, wet meadow on the south side, 7,900 feet, Smiley 534;
Kaweah meadow, Tulare County, Dudley 2199 ; Hockett meadows,
Tulare County, 8,500 feet, H. M. and G. R. Hall 8472.
This is the most conspicuous plant in the wet meadows of the
Canadian zone ; at the higher levels the whole plant becomes very much
reduced in size, the spikes scarcely one-half inch long.
7. Polygonum alphmm All., Fl. Pedem., vol. 2, p. 206, t. 68, fig. 1.
P. polymorphum var. alpinum Ledeb., PI. Ross., vol. 3, p. 524. 1849.
Type locality. — European.
Range. — In America, south along the west coast to California.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Silver Lake, Amador County, 8,000 feet,
Hansen 314; Grass Lake, Tahoe, 7,200 feet, McGregor 91; Plumas
County, Mrs. Austin in 1876; near Lake Tenaya, Hall and Babcock
8. Polygonum phytolaccaefolium Meissn., in Small, Bull. Torr.
Bot. Club, vol. 19, p. 360. 1892.
Type locality. — California.
Range. — California to Washington and Idaho.
Zone. — Canadian mainly as to our specimens.
Specimens examined. — Donner Pass, Torrey 425; Donner, K. C.
(Mrs. Curran), August, 1883; above Donner Lake toward Donner
Pass, Heller 7123.
Perhaps not specifically distinct from the preceding.
9. Polygonum Davisiae Brewer in Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 8,
p. 399. 1872.
Type locality. — "In California it belongs to the Sierra Nevada."
Range. — North Coast Ranges and northern Sierra.
Zone. — Hudsonian and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Dyer, Plumas County, Mrs. Austin
in 1879; Sierra County, Lemmon 714; Placer County, A. M. Carpen-
ter, August, 1892 ; Silver Valley, Alpine County, Brewer 1955 ; Castle
Peak, 7,600 feet, Smiley 469; Mt. Lola, Kennedy and Doten 172;
Cisco, high mountains, Bolander in 1872.
172 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
P. Newberryi Small (Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 21, p. 170. 1894),
of the Cascades of Oregon and "Washington, is a close ally if it be
really separable.
Monolepis spathulata Gray (Proc. Am. Acad,, vol. 7, p. 389. 1867),
though described from ''Sierra Nevada, at Mono Pass," a station
within our limits, is really an Upper Sonoran and Arid Transition
species ( Chenopodiaceae ) .
Abronia alpina Brandegee (Bot. Gaz., vol. 27, p. 456. 1899), with
type locality ' ' in Monatchy meadows of Mt. Whitney, at an elevation
of 7000-8000 ft., and at Templeton near the craters, growing in loose
granite sand, ' ' based upon Purpus 1877, 1497, is not uncommon about
the borders of meadows in the Sierra of Tulare County (edges of
Kamshaw meadows, Canadian, 8,700 feet, H. M. and G. R. Hall 8412 ;
sandy plains, Wenatchie meadows, 7-8,000 feet, Purpus 1877) and
has been collected within the boreal region, though belonging to a
family (Nyctaginaceae) of southern affinities. It is perhaps of some
interest to note that another species of Abronia (A. micrantha Gray)
similarly rises to the border of the boreal region of the mountains
of Colorado.
Calyx gamosepalous, forming a tube 1. Silene
Calyx with sepals free or united only at base.
Petals entire or merely notched, rarely none.
Styles 4 or 5, alternate with the sepals 2. Sagina
Styles usually 3, opposite the sepals 3. Arenaria
Petals bifid or lobed, rarely none.
Styles usually 3; capsule short 4. Stellaria
Styles 4 or 5; capsule elongated 5. Cerastium
Flowers nodding with stamens and styles long-exserted 1. S. Bridges!!
Flowers erect with stamens and styles included or little exserted.
Petals without appendages or auricles; calyx cleft to the middle or bel5w
2. S. aperta
Petals with appendages, sometimes auricled; calyx cleft only for % its length.
Stems and foliage glandular-puberulent; densely caespitose with stems
3-10 inches high and with usually a single terminal flower
3. S. Watsoni
Stems and foliage puberulent or glabrous, never glandular; stems 10-24
inches high and usually several (3-5) flowered 4. S. Douglas!!
1. Silene Bridges!! Rohrb., App. Ind. Sem. Berol., p. 5. 1867.
Monogr. Gatt. Silene, p. 204. 1868.
S. incompta Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 7, p. 330. 1868.
Type locality. — "California, Bridges."
Range. — Sierra Nevada southward from Lake Tahoe.
Zone. — Transition, rising into the Canadian.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 173
Specimens examined. — Mariposa County, Snow Flat, Congdon in
1895 ; same locality, 8,700 feet, H. M. Evans, July, 1901 ; Mt. Bullion,
Mariposa County, Congdon in 1893.
2. Silene aperta Greene, Leaflets, vol. 1, p. 75. 1904.
Type locality.— "Hockett's Meadows (Tulare County), at 8600
Range. — Southern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Hockett's meadows, Culbertson (B 4498)
co-type ; same locality, 8,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 5638 ; four miles
south from Hockett's meadows, 9,000 feet, H. M. and G. R. Hall 8478.
This is the "S. aptera" of Jepson, Fl. Calif., vol. 1, pt. V, p. 506.
3. Silene Watsoni Robinson, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 28, p. 143.
Lychnis californica Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 12, p. 248. 1877, not
Silene californica Dur.
Type locality. — "In the high Sierra; near Ebbett's Pass." Brewer.
Range. — Sierra Nevada to the mountains of southern Oregon.
Zo ne. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Sierra County, Lemmon in 1875; Long
Lake, Plumas County, 6,700 feet, Hall 9349; Mt. Stanford (Castle
Peak) Hooker and Gray in 1877 ; Mt. Rose, 9,650 feet, Heller 9917 ;
near Ebbett's Pass, 9,000 feet, Brewer 2081; Cloud's Rest, summit,
Chesnut and Drew, July 13, 1889; Pyramid Peak, Tahoe, west side,
9,800 feet, Hall and Chandler 4720 ; Mt. Dana, Bolander ; same local-
ity, Congdon, August 10, 1898; Mt. Gibbs, Yosemite, 10,500 feet,
Smiley 788; Mt. Warren, Lundy trail, Congdon, August 21, 1894;
Mt. Goddard, 12,000 feet, Hall and Chandler 675; Denel's Peak,
Tulare County, above timber-line, 10,500-11,000 feet, Hall and Bab-
cock 5515 ; mountains on Little Kern River, Tulare County, 11-12,000
feet, Purpus 5182 ; Marble Canon, Tulare County, Dudley 1277.
Silene Suksdorfii Robinson (Bot. Gaz., vol. 16, p. 44. 1891), a
species of the Cascades of Washington and belonging to that group
of high montane Silenes of which S. Grayi Wats. (Proc. Am. Acad.,
vol. 14, p. 291. 1879) of Mt. Shasta, and 8. Watsoni are the best
defined members, is credited to the Sierra (Mt. Stanford, now called
Castle Peak) in the Syn. FL, vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 222, on the basis of
174 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Hooker and Gray's collection above cited as being of 8. Watsoni.
Dr. Jepson has pointed out how far recent collections have disclosed
points of agreement between these species, with the result that the
specific lines are now difficult to draw (Jepson, Fl. Calif., vol. 1,
pt. V, p. 511). To this same group Miss Eastwood allies her 8. lacus-
tris (Bot. Gaz., vol. 41, p. 284. 1906), described from "Monarch Lake
near Mineral King, Tulare County, California, ' ' and stated to be most
nearly like 8. Orayi: no authentic material of this species has been
seen by me. What is said by its author to be an outlying member of
this alliance, especially related to 8. Watsoni, is 8. tetonensis E. Nelson
(Bot. Gaz., vol. 30, p. 117. 1900) based upon collections from "high
grassy slopes of the Teton mountains," Wyoming, and also collected
on Dunraven Peak, Yellowstone Park; it is known to me only from
the description as published and maintained by Dr. A. Nelson in the
Coulter-Nelson manual.
4. Silene Douglasii Hook., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 1, p. 88. 1830.
Type locality. — "Abundant in mountain valleys, above the Grand
Kapids of the Columbia, and among the Rocky Mountains on their
western declivity."
Range. — British Columbia south to the Tahoe region through the
Cascade-Sierra region ; eastward to Montana.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Near Cisco, 1,890 m., Hall 8742 ; south end
of Fallen Leaf Lake, Tahoe, 6,500 feet, Hall 8773 ; Grass Lake, 7,200
feet, McGregor 88 ; below Camp Agassiz, Tahoe, Dudley, June 27,
While typical 8. Douglasii is not usually considered as reaching
the Sierra, all collections -being as a rule referred to the var. monantha,
the characters of the specimens above cited seem to require the dis-
position here given them, at least as to the sheets of these numbers
seen by me.
4a. Silene Douglasii var. monantha (Wats.) Robinson, Proc. Am.
Acad., vol. 28, p. 145. 1893.
S. monantha Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 10, p. 340, 1875.
Type locality. — "On the debris at the base of Castle Rock, Cas-
cades," Washington.
Range. — Washington south to the Tahoe region.
Zone. — Canadian ?
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 175
Specimens examined. — Cliffs at Webber Lake, Lemmon 3002i/^;
Half-Moon Lake, Tahoe, 8,100 feet, Hall 8823 ; Angora Peak, Tahoe,
east side at 7,500 feet, Smiley 16; near Soda Springs, Jones 2502.
This variety distinguished by the absence of viscid pubescence on
the slender, weak stems.
4b. Silene Douglasii Hook. var. macrocalyx Robinson, Proc. Am.
Acad., vol. 28, p. 145. 1893.
Type locality.— "Humboldt Mts., W. Nevada."
Specimen examined. — Mt. Rose, 10,200 feet, Heller 10328, doubt-
fully referred.
1. Sagina Linnaei Presl., Rel. Haenk., vol. 2, p. 14. 1835.
Type locality. — Eurasiatic.
Range. — Holarctic realm; in America south on the Pacific Coast
from Alaska to mountains of southern California.
Zone. — Transition and above.
Specimens examined. — Webber Lake, Lemmon in 1874; Cloud's
Rest, Yosemite, Congdon, August 23, 1890; head of Fall Creek,
Ormsby County, Baker 1332.
The Arctic Pearlwort occurs in the Sierra at all elevations above
the main forest zone but is nowhere common. Miss Eastwood found
it at East Lake, in the high mountains of Tulare County89 and Mer-
riam53 reports it as occurring above timber line on Mt. Shasta.
Pod splitting into 3 entire valves; petals shorter or subequal to the sepals
1. A. Nuttallii
Pod splitting into bifid valves; petals longer than the sepals.
Densely caespitose alpine; stems %— 3 inches high; leaves minute (%. inch
or less long) and somewhat fleshy 2. A. compacta
Taller subalpine plants; leaves not in the least fleshy.
Flowers aggregated into dense clusters, sessile or nearly so 3. A. congesta
Flowers obviously pedicelled (pedicels }£-% inch long) in the open cyme.
4. A. capillaris
1. Arenaria Nuttallii var. gracilis Robinson, Proc. Am. Acad., vol.
29, p. 304. 1894.
Type locality. — "California Mts. above Big Tree Grove, Bolander
4976; Long meadow, Tulare Co., Palmer, Coville and Funston."
Range. — Sierra Nevada region from the Tahoe region southward
to the mountains of southern California.
"Zone. — Hudsonian and Arctic-alpine.
176 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Specimens examined. — Mt. Rose, 9,700 feet, Heller 9912; Sonora
Pass, 9,000 feet, and top of Silver Mountain, 11,000 feet, Brewer 1879 ;
Mt. Goddard, 11,500 feet, Hall and Chandler 670 ; mountains above
Big Tree Grove (Mariposa Grove), Bolander 4976; Siberian Pass,
Tulare County, 3,320 m., Hall and Babcock 5479; Kaiser Peak, 10,200
feet, forming mats, Smiley 643; Harrison's Pass, Tulare County, about
14,000 feet, Eastwood, July 1-13, 1899; Alta meadows, 10,000 feet,
G. B. Grant 5318 ; Mineral King, Brandegee, July 28, 1892 ; gravelly
mountain slopes near Little Kern River, Tulare County, Purpus 5253.
The type form — A. Nuttallii Pax (Engler's Jahrb., vol. 18, p. 30.
1893) — is only known in California from the mountains of the Shasta-
Siskiyou region and extends north and east to Oregon and Wyoming.
The var. gracilis differs by the sepals being awned or mucronate and
by the green, not glaucous, color.
Var. gracilipes Jones (Proc. Calif. Acad. II, vol. 5, p. 626. 1895),
which may not be distinct from the variety above cited, but is known
to me only by the description, was described from Utah specimens
collected on Brigham Peak of the Wasatch above timber line. From
character, it differs in the leaves being abruptly pointed, not acuminate
as in the type and in var. gracilis. Professor Jones cites specimens
for the var. gracilipes from the Northwest and Wyoming, none from
the Californian region.
2. Arenaria compacta Coville, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., vol. 7, p. 67.
Type locality. — "At timber-line on a divide northwest of Whitney
meadows, Sierra Nevada, Tulare County, California." No. 1653,
Death Valley Expedition.
Range. — Southern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine, or rarely in the Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Dana, Theo. Labouchere, July, 1915;
near Whitney meadows, Coville and Funston 1653.
3. Arenaria congesta Nutt., in T. and G., FL, vol. 1, p. 178. 1838.
Type locality. — "Shady hills in the Rocky Mountain range, about
Bear River of the Lake of Timpanagos. "
Range. — Pacific Coast south of Washington and east to Colorado
and Wyoming.
Zone. — Arid Transition to Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Sierra County, Lemmon in 1875; Summit,
Bolander 1873; Cisco, Dr. Kellogg, June, 1870; Plumas County,
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 177
Mrs. R. N. Austin in 1876; Farewell Gap, Tulare County, above tim-
ber line, 10,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 5348 ; rocky mountain slopes
near Little Kern River, Tulare County, 9-10,000 feet, Purpus 5263 ;
Mt. Guyot, 10,000 feet, Upper Kern River, Hall and Babcock 5527.
3a. Arenaria congesta Nutt. var. subcongesta Wats., Bot. Calif.,
vol. 1, p. 69. 1876.
A. Fendleri var. subcongesta Wats., Bot. King's Exped., p. 40. 1871.
Type locality. — "East Humboldt Mountains, Nevada, 7-9,000 feet
altitude. ' '
Range. — Same as the species.
Specimens examined. — Castle Peak, Heller 7063; Mono Pass,
10,600 feet, R. A. Ware 2627c; Castle Peak, in rock crevices, 8,600
feet, Smiley 486 ; Crescent Lake, Mariposa County, Congdon, August
11, 1890; Lake Tenaya, Congdon, August 14, 1894; Shuteye Mountain,
Madera County, 7,900 feet, Smiley 564.
This variety lacks the characteristic densely clustered head of
flowers found in the type form, the flowers being on more or less long
pedicels ; in this it approaches A. capillaris, but may be distinguished
from that species by the thicker, shorter leaves, which are straight,
not curving as in A. ca>pillaris.
3b. Arenaria congesta var. aculeata (Wats.) Jones, Proc. Calif.
Acad. II, vol. 5, p. 626. 1895.
A. aculeata Wats., Bot. King's Exped., p. 40. 1871.
A. utahcnsis A. Nels., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 28, p. 7. 1899.
Type locality. — "Fremont's Pass, East Humboldt Mountains,
Nevada ; 6,500 feet altitude. ' '
Range. — Mountains of the Great Basin and west slope of the
Rockies in Colorado and Wyoming.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Rose, 9,000 feet, Kennedy 1145; Snow
Valley, Ormsby County, 2,460-2,615 m., Baker 1276.
4. Arenaria capillaris Poir, in Lam. Encycl., vol. 6, p. 380. 1804.
Type locality. — "Dans la Siberie. "
Range. — Southeastern Alaska to California and east to Utah.
Zone. — Hudsonian and Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Pyramid Peak, 9,600 feet, Hall and Chand-
ler 4723; Kaiser Crest, Fresno County, 9,500 feet, Smiley 634;
meadows near Black Mountain, Fresno County, 10,000 feet, Hall and
CKandler 591; Cloud's Rest, Yosemite, Chesnut and Drew in 1889;
178 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Silver Mountain, 11,000 feet, Brewer 2703; Mt. Surprise, Mariposa
County, Congdon, August 11, 1890.
Perhaps most of our collections of this species are best referred
to var. nardifolia Regel (Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc., vol. 35, p. 253. 1830),
which is distinguished by the acicular leaves curving, rather than
Bracts of the inflorescence small and scarious.
Petals minute or none; flowers in umbels 1. S. umbellata
Petals longer than the sepals; flowers in terminal cymes (sometimes solitary,
the flower then long pedicelled) 2. S. longipes
Bracts of the inflorescence leafy.
Leaves lanceolate; flowers cymose 3. S. borealis
Leaves ovate, usually crisped on the margins; flowers on long pedicels in
the leaf axils 4. S. crispa
1. Stellaria umbellata Turcz., Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc., p. 89. 1838
(name only) ; vol. 15, p. 173. 1842, for description.
Alsine baiealensis Coville, Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 4, p. 70. 1893.
Type locality.— "In alpe Nuchu-Daban, " Siberia.
Range. — Rocky Mountains from Montana to New Mexico, west to
Oregon and California. San Francisco Mountains, Arizona.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Peregoys above Yosemite, A. Gray in 1872 ;
soda springs of the Tuolumne, Yosemite, Congdon, August 15, 1894;
Tuolumne meadows, Yosemite, 8,500 feet, Smiley 736.
Coville (I.e.) reports this rare species from near Mineral King,
Tulare County.
2. Stellaria longipes G'oldie, Edinb. Phil. Jour., vol. 6, p. 327.
Type locality. — "Woods near Lake Ontario, Canada."
Range. — Ontario to Alaska, south to New Mexico and California.
Zone. — Transition, rising into the Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Plumas County, Mrs. Austin in 1876 ; Pere-
goy 's, Yosemite, A. Gray in 1872 ; near Lake Tenaya, 8,000 feet, Smiley
700; Twin Lakes, Alpine County, Hansen 282; subalpine meadows,
Mariposa County, Congdon, May, 1888 ; Tioga Road near Aspen val-
ley, Yosemite, 6,400 feet, Smiley 906 ; Rowell meadow, Fresno County,
Dudley, August 23, 1904; Pitman Creek, Fresno County, 7,000 feet,
Smiley 599 ; Whitney meadows, Tulare County, Coville and Funston
1674; trail to Mt. Whitney, Culbertson (B 4370) ; South Fork of Kern
River, Rothrock 310.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 179
Dr. Jepson (Fl., vol. 1, pt. V, p. 484. 1914) reports the var.
laeta Wats. (Bibl. Index., p. 112. 1878— 8. laeta Rich., Franklin's
1st Journ., App. 7, ed. 1, p. 738. 1823, from the Barren Grounds
region) from Volcano Creek, Tulare County, Jepson 4961, a specimen
not seen by me. Culbertson's collection from the high mountains of
Tulare County (B4345), has been assigned by Miss Eastwood to this
variety, a reference I consider not justified since the specimen does
not show the glaucous color, which is the characteristic differentiating
it from the type form.
3. Stellaria borealis Bigel. var. Bongardiana Fernald, Rhodora,
vol. 16, p. 151. 1914.
S. longifolia Bong. Veg. Sitch., p. 126. 1832, not Muhl., in Willd., Enum.,
p. 479. 1809.
Type locality. — Sitka.
Range. — Aleutian Islands to California and appearing in Gaspe
Peninsula, Quebec.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimen examined. — Moist places, Little Tule River, 7-8,000 feet,
Purpus 5131.
I have seen no specimens from the Sierra that appeared referable
to the type form, though Jepson 5003 has been so referred (Jepson,
I.e., p. 485).
4. Stellaria crispa C. and S., Linnaea, vol. 1, p. 51. 1826.
Type locality. — ' ' Unalaschka. ' '
Range. — Pacific Coast south of Alaska.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Rose, 9,700 feet, Heller 9932; Castle
Peak trail, 7,200 feet, deep shaded stream bank, Smiley 460; Funston's
meadows, Tulare County, Dudley 2145.
Stellaria Jamesmna Torr. (Ann. Lye. N. Y., vol. 2, p. 169. 1828)
reported by Piper (Fl. Wash. — Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 11, p. 259) as
"Hudsonian, " occurs in the mountains of California, both in the
Sierra and Coast Ranges, in the Transition life-zone. The only knowl-
edge I have of it as a component of the high mountain flora is the
reference to this species by Miss Eastwood89 of a plant collected at
East Lake, Tulare County, by Miss C. E. Wilson. In Idaho its zonal
position would seem to be below our limits if one may judge from
the collection, Nelson and Macbride 1216, made at Ketchum, Blaine
County, in a "sunny grassy swale" at 5,887 feet.
180 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
1. Cerastium arvense var. Sonnei (Greene), comb. nov.
C. Sonnei Greene, Pitt., vol. 4, p. 303. 1901.
Type locality. — "From an altitude of 8,000 feet on Mt. Rose."
C. F. Sonne.
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Upper Transition and above.
Specimen examined. — Rosasco's, Tuolumne County, Chesnut and
Drew, June 25, 1889.
This variety scarcely merits discrimination were it not for the fact
that in the higher mountains the familiar chickweed of the lowlands
(C. arvense L.) becomes conspicuously more viscid-glandular and
with shorter petals and capsules. By these characters the high country
plant approaches forms of C. alpinum L., especially C. alpinum var.
Beeringianum Regel (Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc., vol. 35, p. 316). There is
preserved in the herbarium of the University of California a fragment
of a plant collected by Theo. Labouchere on Mt. Dana, July, 1915,
which is probably to be referred to the last named variety. The
specimen is, however, so small and immature, the capsule not evident,
that definite reference seems at present premature. The variety is
known to range from Alaska to New Mexico and Arizona.
Stamens more than 5 (L. triphylla has 4-5 stamens but is recognized by the
capsule with circumscissile dehiscence) 1. Lewisia
Stamens 5 or fewer; capsule with valvular dehiscence.
Stamens 5; style deeply 3-divided.
Stems from deep-seated globose corms 2. (/laytonia
Stems from slender rootstocks ...3: Montia
Stamens 3; style simple 4. Spraguea
(All our forms are of the subgenus Oreobroma)
Leaves all radical; root fusiform; plants without corms.
Flowers red, numerous in divaricate panicles on impersistent scapes; leaves
much shorter than the scapes 1. L. leana
Flowers white on persistent recurving scapes (L. pygmaea sometimes has red
petals but its leaves always equal and usually exceed the 1- or 2-flowered
Sepals obtuse or truncate and glandular-denticulate 2. L. pygmaea
Sepals acute, not glandular, and entire 3. L. nevadensis
Cauline leaves opposite or whorled (2-5) ; stems from a small globose corm.
4. L. triphylla
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada, of California 181
1. Lewisia leana Robinson, in Gray, Syn. Fl., vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 269.
Calandrinia Leana Porter, Bot. Gaz., vol. 1, p. 49. 1876.
Oreobroma Leana Howell, Erythea, vol. 1, p. 31. 1893.
Type locality. — "On the Siskiyou Mountains, near the southern
boundary of Oregon." L. W. Lee.
Range. — Siskiyou and Salmon Mountains, northwestern Califor-
nia, and southern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Woodchuck Peak, Fresno County, west
slope, 10-11,000 feet, among the first tamarack pines and also above
them, G. Eisen ; Bald Mountain, Fresno County, 9,000 feet, Hall and
Chandler, 398.
A plant collected by Congdon on the Hennessey trail, Mariposa
County, is referred here by Dr. Jepson (Fl. Calif., vol. 1, pt. V, p.
477), but as represented in U. C. shows some characters unlike Leana,
as described and presented in the specimens of that species seen by
me; in my opinion Congdon 's plant is certainly not referable to the
type form of L. Leana, and is either L. cotyledon Robinson (a species
certainly known only from northwestern California) or is an un-
described plant; unfortunately the specimen is too fragmentary for
critical examination.
2. Lewisia pygmaea (A. Gray) Robinson, Syn. FL, vol. 1, pt. 1,
p. 268. 1897.
Talinum pygmaeum Gray, Am. Jour. Sci. II, vol. 23, p. 407. 1862.
Calandrinia pygmaea Gray, Proc. Am, Aead., vol. 8, p. 623. 1873.
Oreobroma pygmaea Howell, Erythea, voL 1, p. 33. 1893.
Type locality. — "Bridger's Pass," Colorado. Englemann.
Range. — Pacific Coast states east to Montana and Colorado.
Zone. — Hudsonian and Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Snow Flat, Yosemite, 8,700 feet, Hall and
Babcock 5447 ; Cloud 's Rest, in granite sand at 9,850 feet, Smiley 517 ;
foot of Lyell Glacier, Yosemite, Muir in 1872 ; Yosemite trail, meadows
at 8,000 feet, Bolander 6390 ; Mt. Dana, Chesnut and Drew, July 17,
1889; same locality, 12,200 feet, Hall and Babcock, 3611; Mt. Silli-
man, Mrs. Brandegee, August 22, 1905; Mineral King, Brandegee,
July 28, 1892 ; mountains near Little Kern River, Tulare County,
11-12,000 feet, Purpus 5681; Glacier Lake, Tulare County, Dudley
1697^north ravine on Mt. Silliman, 11,188 feet, Dudley 1487; above
182 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
timber line on a mountain north of Whitney meadows, Coville and
Funston 1666; near Langley's Camp, Mt. Whitney, Hall and Bab-
cock 5547.
3. Lewisia nevadensis (Gray) Robinson, Syn. Fl., vol. 1, pt. 1,
p. 268. 1897.
Calandrinia Nevadensis Gray, Proc, Am. Aead., vol. 8, p. 623. 1873.
Oreobroma nevadensis Howell, Erythea, vol. 1, p. 33. 1893.
Type locality. — "Subalpine region of Wahsatch and East Hum-
boldt Mountains," and "Sierra Nevada, California, at Summit and
Range. — Pacific Coast (to southern Sierra Nevada) east to Utah.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Summit, Bolander, Kellog and Co. ; Cisco,
Dr. Kellogg in 1870; Diamond Mountain, Plumas County, Mrs. M. E.
P. Ames in 1873 ; near Gold Lake, Sierra County, 6,400 feet, Hall and
Babcock 4505 ; below Donner Lake, wet meadow, Davy 3183 ; Angora
Peak, Tahoe, 8,300 feet, Smiley .23; Cloud's Best, Yosemite, 8,000 feet,
Dudley, June 13, 1894; Funston 's meadows, Tulare County, 8-9,000
feet, Dudley 2141; Hockett's meadows, 8,600 feet, Dudley 1879; dry
meadows on Middle Tule River, 6-7,000 feet, Purpus 1805.
4. Lewisia triphylla (Wats.) Robinson, Syn. Fl., vol. 1, pt. 1, p.
269. 1897.
Claytonia triphylla Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 10, p. 345. 1875.
Oreobroma triphylla Howell, Erythea, vol. 1, p. 33. 1893.
Erooallis triphylla Eydb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 33, p. 140. 1906.
Type locality. — "Above Cisco, California." Watson.
Range. — Washington to California and east to Wyoming and Colo-
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Gold Lake, Sierra County, 6,400 feet, Hall
and Babcock 4506 ; above Cisco, Watson, July, 1867 ; same locality,
high up, Dr. Kellogg in 1870 ; Cascade Mountains, Tahoe, 6,225-9,000
feet, Setchell and Dobie, July 6-21, 1901 ; Angora Peak, Tahoe, M. S.
Baker, July 7, 1904; Pyramid Peak, W. S. Atkinson in 1900; Deso-
lation Valley, McGregor 160; Lake Eleanor, Yosemite, Chesnut and
Drew, June 28, 1889 ; meadows near Black Mountain, Fresno County,
10,000 feet, Hall and Chandler B ; Nellie Lake meadow, Fresno
County, 8,700 feet, Smiley 602 ; Mt. Silliman, Tulare County, 10,500
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 183
feet, Mrs. Brandegee, August 22, 1905 ; Alta meadows, Tulare County,
Mrs. Brandegee, August 4, 1905 ; woods south of Hockett 's meadows,
Tulare County, Dudley 1893.
Oreobroma longipetala Piper (Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 16, p. 207.
1913), described from a plant collected by Lemmon in 1875 "in the
Sierra Nevada," is unknown to me except by description. It is said
to be "intermediate between 0. pygmaea and 0. oppositifolia (L.
oppositifolia Robinson)."
1. Claytonia lanceolata Pursh., Fl., vol. 1, p. 175. 1814 .
Type locality. — "On the Rocky Mountains."
Range. — British Columbia to California and east to Wyoming.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Cisco, Dr. Kellogg in 1870; Spanish Peak,
Plumas County, 7,000 feet, Hall 9292.
Flowering stems scapose, the reduced leaves alternate 1. M. parvifolia
Flowering stems leafy to the top, the leaves opposite 2. M. Chamissoi
1. Montia parvifolia Greene, Fl. Fran., p. 181. 1891.
Claytonia parvifolia Mocin., in DC. Prodr., vol. 3, p. 361. 1828.
Claytonia filicaulis Hook., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 1, p. 224, pi. 72. 1834.
Montia obtusata Heller, Muhl., vol. 2, p. 32. 1905.
Type locality. — "In America boreali occid. ad Nootka." Alaska.
Range. — Southeastern Alaska to California and in the northern
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Ridge above Donner Pass, 7,500 feet, Heller
7142 ; near Glen Alpine, Tahoe, Miss Lathrop, July 19, 1909 ; Donner
Lake, E. L. Greene 465; Glen Alpine, Setchell and Dobie, July 6-21,
1901 ; Yosemite, Bolander 6376 ; Gilmore Lake, Mt. Tallac, 8,200 feet,
Smiley 370.
2. Montia Chamissoi Dur. and Jac., Index Kew Sup., vol. 1, p. 282.
Claytonia Clmmissoi Ledeb., in Spreng., Syst., vol. 1, p. 790. 1825.
Claytonia Chamissonia Esch., Linnaea, vol. 6, p. 562. 1831.
Montia chamissonis Greene, Fl. Fran., p. 180. 1891.
Crunocallis cliamissonis Eydb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 33, p. 139. 1906.
Type locality. — " Unalaschka. "
184 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Range. — Alaska to California, and southeastward to Colorado and
New Mexico. Also Minnesota.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian, rising rarely into the Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Sierra County, Lemmon 27 ; Soda Springs
(Nevada County?), 8,000 feet, Brewer 1707; Iceberg meadow, Alpine
County, 6,500 feet, Abrams 4884; Twin Lakes, Alpine County, Han-
sen 546; above Tallac, Dudley, June 8, 1893; Peregoy's, Yosemite,
A. Grey in 1872; Guyot Creek, eastern Tulare County, 10,500 feet,
H. M. and G. R. Hall 8429.
1. Spraguea umbellata Torr., PI. Frem. Smithson. Contr., vol. 6,
p. 4, pi. 1. 1853.
Calyptridium umbellatum Greene, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 13, p. 144.
Calyptridium nudum Greene, Pitt., vol. 1, p. 64. 1887.
Calyptridium monospermum Greene, Erythea, vol. 3, p. 63. 1895.
Spraguea umbellata var. montana Jones, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 9, p. 31.
Type locality. — ' ' Forks of the Nozah River, in the foothills of the
Sierra Nevada of northern California." (Nozah River, a branch of
the Sacramento west of Lassen Peak.)
Range. — California north to British Columbia and east to Wyom-
Zone. — Transition to Canadian, locally into the Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Gold Lake, Sierra County, 6,400 feet, Hall
and Babcock 4511; Blue Caiion, Placer County, Miss H. A. Walker
1207 ; near Summit, Heller 7024 ; Desolation Valley, Tahoe, §,200 feet,
Smiley 340; Mt. Tallac, summit rocks at 9,700 feet and approaching
the following variety, Smiley 269; Mt. Rose, in granite, 9,000 feet,
Heller 10,941; Deer Park, Tahoe, E. J. Newcomer in 1909; Pyramid
Peak, 9,500 feet, Smiley 93; Glacier Point, Yosemite, Miss Canp,
July, 1902; Porcupine Flat, Yosemite, 8,000 feet, R. A. Ware 2692c;
Mt. Gibbs, 10,000 feet, Smiley 789; Mt. Silliman, 10,000 feet, Mrs.
Brandegee, August 21, 1905; Hockett's meadows, Tulare County,
Culbertson (B4295); dry woods under P. Murray ana, 8-9,000 feet,
about Funston's meadows, Tulare County, Dudley 2140.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of Calif orwia 185
la. Spraguea umbellata Torr. var. caudicifera Gray, in Patterson,
Check List N. Am. PL, p. 14. 1892.
S. multiceps Hcnvell, Erythea, vol. 1, p. 39. 1893.
Calyptridium umbellatum Greene var. caudieifera Jepson, Fl. Calif., vol. 1,
p. 465. 1914.
Type locality. — Not ascertained.
Range. — Same as the species.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Dana, rockfield on northwest side,
11,500 feet, Smiley 724; side of Mt. Lyell, 13,000 feet, Lemmon,
August 19, 1878 ; Mt. Goddard, 11,100 feet, Hall and Chandler 679 ;
Olancha Peak, 11-12,000 feet, Purpus 2015.
This variety is well marked in the specimens collected in the rock-
fields above timber line but gradually acquires the appearance of the
typical species lower down, i.e., it is the depauperate alpine form.
One of the intergrades is represented by var. montana Jones, based
on a collection made near ' ' Soda Springs, ' ' Nevada County. C. nudum
Greene has the peduncle simple, the inflorescence being strictly capi-
tate at the top of the 4-5 inch stem ; no. 789 from Mt. Gibbs represents
this. C. monospermum Greene was based on a collection made at Big
Cottonwood meadows, Tulare County, 10,500 feet, by F. "W. Koch :
though described as having two petals and being single-seeded, in the
sheet of this collection now in U. C., the flowers have four petals and
ovaries and capsules are several seeded.
1. Nuphar polysepalum Engelm., Trans. St. Louis Acad., vol. 2,
p. 282. 1865.
Type locality. — "In small lakes in the higher Rocky Mountains
from the sources of the Platte, near Long's Peak, lat. 40°, to those
of the Columbia River, lat. 44°."
Range. — Alaska to California and Colorado.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Suzy Lake trail, Tahoe, 7,500 feet, Smiley
276; same locality, McGregor 179; Tallac Lake, Tahoe, Miss M. S.
Haggin; Marlette Lake, east of Tahoe, Baker 1470; Crane Flat,
Yosemjte, Brewer 1620; Eagle Peak meadows, Yosemite, Hall 9192.
186 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Apetalous (Actaea often has apetalous flowers but may be distinguished by the
fruit developing as a berry, not as an achene nor as a follicle).
Leaves divided or deeply lobed; fruit an achene.
Leaves alternate.
Leaves palmately divided into 5-7 lobes; sepals white (petaloid)
1. Trautvetteria
Leaves 2-3 times ternately compound; sepals herbaceous (not petaloid)
2. Thalictrum
Leaves opposite or whorled 3. Anemone
Leaves undivided; fruit a follicle 4. Caltha
Petals present.
Flowers irregular.
Upper sepal spurred; petals 4 5. Delphinium
Upper sepal forming a helmet-shaped hood; petals 2 6. Aconitum
Flowers regular.
Flowers with long backward spurs formed by the always 5 petals
7. Aquilegia
Flowers without spurs; petals indefinite in number, usually more than 5.
Fruit a berry; flowers white 8. Actaea
Fruit a follicle; flowers dark red 9. Paeonia
Fruit an achene; flowers yellow 10. Ranunculus
1. Trautvetteria grandis Nutt., in T. and G., Fl., vol. 1, p. 37.
Type locality. — "Shady woods of the Oregon."
Range. — Washington and British Columbia south to the northern
Sierra Nevada. Also in New Mexico, according to Wooton and Stand-
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimen examined. — Mill Creek, Plumas County, Mrs. R. N.
Austin in 1877.
In 1912 Dr. Greene published an article on "New Species of
Trautvetteria" (Leaflets, vol. 2, pp. 190-193) ; among the descriptions
is one (p. 191) having as its basis the plant of Mrs. Austin 'sv the new
name being "Trautvetteria rotundata, " an exact synonym.
Flowers perfect; upper leaves sessile 1. T. sparsiflorum
Flowers dioecious or polygamo-dioecious; upper leaves petioled.
Achenes %c-1/4 incn l°ngj leaflets firm 2. T. Fendleri
Achenes %c-% inch !ong; leaflets thin 3. T. occidentale
1. Thalictrum sparsiflorum Turcz., in F. and M., Ind Sem. Petrop.,
vol. 1, p. 40. 1835.
Type locality. — Not ascertained.
Range. — Subarctic America south to California and Colorado.
Zone. — Canadian.
19211 Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 187
Specimens examined. — Warner Valley, Plumas County, Mrs. Austin
in 1879 ; Truckee River, one mile above Truckee, Heller 7056 ; Upper
San Joaquin River, Madera County, Congdon, August 19, 1895 ; near
Black Mountain, Fresno County, 9,500 feet, Hall and Chandler 614.
2. Thalictrum Fendleri var. platycarpum Trel., Proc. Bost. Soc.
Nat. Hist., vol. 23, p. 304. 1886.
T. Tiespcrium Greene, Pitt, vol. 2, p. 24. 1889.
Type locality. — ' ' California. ' '
Range. — Not known beyond the Sierran region.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Donner Lake, C. F. Sonne 16; high Sierra
(probably near Summit), Greene 452; Castle Peak trail from Soda
Springs, 8,000 feet, Smiley 466; Half -Moon Lake, Tahoe, 8,200 feet,
Hall and Chandler 4703; Pyramid Peak, 9,800 feet, Smiley 110;
Yosemite Valley and Mono Pass, Bolander 6260; Cloud's Rest, Ches-
nut and Drew, July 13, 1889; Mt. Raymond, 7,600 feet, Smiley 526;
Hockett meadows, Tulare County, Culbertson (B 4381) ; near Mineral
King, Coville and Funston 1387.
3. Thalictrum occidentale Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 8, p. 372.
Type locality. — " Vancouver's Island."
Range. — Pacific Coast from Alaska to northern California and
east to the mountains of Montana and New Mexico.
Specimen examined. — Plumas County, in rocky soil, Mrs. R. N.
Austin 166, doubtfully referred since the foliage is thicker than that
of the typical form. Aside from this doubtful specimen, no other
evidence is at hand that this northern Meadow-rue reaches our limits,
except tha statement by Greene (Fl. Fran., p. 310) that this species
is "frequent in extreme northern Calif., reaching our limits in Sierra
Co., at Gold Lake."
Thalictrum alpinum L., present in the high mountain region
throughout the Rockies and in arctic America and Eurasia, com.es to
the borders of our area (White Mountains, Mono County, Coville and
Funston 1806), but has as yet not been collected in the Sierra or in
the other California mountains.
188 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Achenes with long, hairy, persistent styles 1. A. occidentalis
Achenes with short, nearly naked, styles 2. A. Drummondii
1. Anemone occidentalis Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 11, p. 121.
Pulsatilla occidentalis Freyn, Deutsch., Bot. Monatsseh., vol. 8, p. 78. 1890.
Anemone alpina Hook., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 1, p. 5. 1830, not of L.
Type locality. — ''In the mountains, from British Columbia south-
ward to Mt. Shasta and Lassen 's Peak. ' '
Range. — British Columbia to southern Sierra Nevada and south-
east to northwest Montana.
Zone. — Hudsonian and Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Nevada County, 7,500 feet, A. M. Carpen-
ter, August-September, 1893; Kaweah River Basin, Tulare County,
R. Hopping 72; gravelly mountain slopes above Little Kern River,
Tulare County, 10-11,000 feet, Purpus 1813 ; Sierra Nevada, Dr. G.
Eisen (no locality, but probably in Fresno County) ; slope of Alta
Peak, Tulare County, 11,211 feet, Dudley 1530; near Mineral King,
Coville and Funston 1531.
2. Anemone Drummondii Wats., Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 424. 1880.
A. calif ornioa Eastw., Proc. Calif. Aead. II, vol. 6, 423. 1896.
Type locality. — "Sierra County," Lemmon.
Range. — Alaska to the Tahoe region and through British Columbia
to Alberta. Mountains of northern Nevada.
Zone. — Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Castle Peak, near the highest point, Heller
7099; Sierra County, Lemmon 703; Mt. Stanford (Castle Peak), 8,500
feet, C. F. Sonne, July 17, 1892 ; Castle Peak, 8,700 feet, Smiley 481 ;
near Lake Tahoe, Miss Anna King, May, 1900 ; near Lot 's Lake, west-
ern Plumas County, Miss Eastwood.
E. Ulbrich, in his monograph,102 considers this species to be
included in A. Baldensis L., a disposition of the West American plant
with which Dr. Jepson (Fl. Calif., vol. 1, p. 528) concurs; this con-
clusion I believe erroneous, since as compared with the plant of
Eurasia, our species constantly shows narrower leaf segments, shorter
leaflet petioles and diminished pubescence. For these reasons, it has
seemed to me best to retain A. Drummondii as a distinct specific unit,
while recognizing its close relationship with the Old World species.
1921J Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 189
1. Caltha Howellii Greene, Pitt., vol: 4, p. 79. 1899.
C. Mflora Howell, Fl. N.W. Am., vol. 1, p. 20. 1897, not of DC.
C. leptosepala var. Howellii E. Huth, Helios, voL 9, p. 68. 1892.
Type locality. — "Cascade Mountains."
Range. — Sierra Nevada and the southern Cascades and mountains
of Siskiyou County.
Zone. — Hudsonian, and not rarely in the Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Plumas County, 7,000 feet, Mrs. Austin,
June, 1879; Slide Mountain, Washoe County, Nevada, 8,600 feet,
Heller 10960; about Marlette Lake, east of Lake Tahoe, 2,460 m.,
Baker 1298 ; Frog Lake, near Castle Peak, C. F. Sonne, July 25, 1886 ;
near Heather Lake, Tahoe, Setchell and Dobie, July 6-21, 1901;
Castle Peak, trail from Soda Springs, 7,500 feet, Smiley 462 ; Pyramid
Peak, Tahoe, W. S. Atkinson in 1900 ; same locality, wet ledge on east
side, 9,200 feet, Smiley 127; Peregoy's, above Yosemite, Congdon,
June 5, 1897 ; Cathedral Pass trail, Yosemite, Dudley, July 21, 1901 ;
Cloud's Eest, Brandegee, June, 1883; slopes of Alta Peak, Tulare
County, Dudley 1526a ; Avalanche meadow, near Mt. Silliman, Tulare
County, Dudley 1526; Hockett's meadow, Tulare County, Culbertson
(B 4379) ; Eagle Lake, Tulare County, 10,500 feet, Hall and Babcock
5360; meadows about Alta Lake and Mountain Lake, Tulare County,
9-10,000 feet, Dudley, 990; Hockett's meadows by the river, Tulare
County, Dudley 1869.
The acaulescent forms of Caltha growing in western alpine or sub-
alpine regions appear to me to be divisible into two groups : the round
leaved forms (C. malvacea Greene, I.e., p. 75, and C. Howellii), and
the oblong leaved species (C. leptosepala DC., Syst., vol. 1, p. 310;
C. chionophila Greene, I.e., p. 80, and C. rotundifolia Greene, I.e.) ;
the first group is strictly west coast, coming south from Oregon to the
southern Sierra Nevada ; the other alliance belongs to the Rocky Moun-
tains from British Columbia to New Mexico, with outlying species in
east Oregon and in the central part of the Great Basin. C. bi flora DC.
(Syst., vol. 1, p. 310) is only found in the northwest from Alaska to
190 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Eaceme 1-1.5 feet long, of numerous loosely aggregated long-pedicelled flowers;
leaves glabrous and somewhat glaucous; stems 3-6 feet high, stout
1. D. glaucum
Inflorescence loose, few-flowered; leaves green and usually at least pubescent;
stems 1-1.5 feet high.
Sepals much shorter than the slender acuminate spur 2. D. pauciflorum
Sepals subequal to the thick blunt spur 3. D. luporum
1. Delphinium glaucum Wats., Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 427. 1880.
D. scopiilorum var. glauoum Gray, Bot. Gaz., vol. 12, p. 52. 1887.
Type locality. — "In the Sierra Nevada."
Range. — Alaska to California.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Sierra County, Lemmon in 1874; Webber
Lake, Lemmon; Half-Moon Lake, Tahoe, 7,760 feet, McGregor 52;
Silver Lake, Amador County, 7,200 feet, E. Mulliken 138; Snow
Valley, Ormsby County, Nevada, 2,460-2,615 m., Baker 1371; head
of Galena Creek, 8,300 feet, Washoe County, Nevada, Heller 10221.
2. Delphinium pauciflorum Nutt., in T. and G., FL, vol. 1, p. 33.
Type locality. — " Rocky Mountains and Blue Mountains of the
Oregon. ' '
Range. — Washington to California and east to Colorado.
Zone. — Canadian, rising into the Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Soda Springs, Nevada County, 8,000 feet,
Brewer 1785 ; Hermit Valley, Alpine County, 8,000 feet, Hansen 897 ;
Pyramid Peak, Tahoe, 9,800 feet, Smiley 122 ; Mt. Tallac, Tahoe, 9,100
feet, Hall-Chandler 4636; Snow Creek, Yosemite, 6,800 feet, Hall
9185 ; Tioga Road, Yosemite, 9,000 feet, R. A. Ware 2691c.
2a. Delphinium pauciflorum var. Sonnei (Greene), comb. nov.
D. Sonnei Greene, Pitt., vol. 3, p. 246. 1897.
D. decorum var. nevadense Wats., Bot. Calif., vol. 1, p. 11. 1876.
Type locality. — "Near Donner Lake, and also far northward in
Siskiyou County," California.
Range. — Mountains of northern and central California.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Low ground south end of Donner Lake,
Heller 6940 ; Lake Tahoe, Miss Anna King, May, 1900 ; Cisco, Bolander
in 1873 ; about Marlette Lake, east of Lake Tahoe, 2,460 m., Baker
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 191
1295; King's Canon, Ormsby County, Nevada, 1,700-2,000 m., Baker
903; meadow above Summit Station, 7,100 feet, Smiley 447; Maggie's
Peaks, west of Tahoe, 7,100 feet, Smiley 422; Plumas County, Mrs.
Austin in 1879; Independence Lake, 7,000 feet, Hall and Babcock
This variety seems worthy of recognition because of the broader
segments of the thicker leaves than the type form presents. The state-
ment of K. C. Davis103 that this variant is a "slender weak form" of
D. Andersoni Gray is certainly wide of the mark; as E. Huth has
pointed out,104 the relationship of the species is with D. Menziesii DC.
3. Delphinium luporum Greene, Leaflets, vol. 1, p. 76. 1904.
Type locality. — "On Coyote Creek (Tulare County)," California.
Range. — Southern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Coyote Creek, Tulare County, Culbertson
(B 4392) ; Tioga Road, Yosemite, Congdon, August 15, 1894.
1. Aconitum columbianum Nutt., in T. and G., Fl., vol. 1, p. 34.
A. Fischeri Brew, and Wats., Bot. Calif, vol. 1, p. 12. 1876, not of
A. Helleri Greene, in Fedde, Hep. nov. spec., vol. 7, p. 3. 1909.
A. Hanseni Greene, I.e.
A. obtusiflorum Greene, I.e., p. 4.
Type locality. — "Springy places on the Oregon below Walla-
walla." Nuttall.
Range. — Western North America from British Columbia to New
Mexico and Arizona.
Zone. — Canadian mainly.
Specimens examined. — Silver Lake, Amador County, 7,200 feet,
E. Mulliken 142 ; Donner Lake, Heller 6917 ; Fallen Leaf Lake, 6,400
feet, Hall 8833; same locality, Miss Lathrop, July 23, 1909; Half-
Moon Lake, 7,760 feet, McGregor 59 ; Hope Valley, Tahoe region, 8,500
feet, Hansen 557 ; marshy ravine near Fallen Leaf Lake, Tahoe, 6,800
feet, Smiley 313; Lake Tenaya trail, Yosemite, Congdon, August 14,
1894 ; Tioga Road near Dark Hole, Yosemite, 7,500 feet, Smiley 876.
192 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Flowers pendulous at anthesis, red, with sometimes yellow centers.
Blades of the petals much reduced or obsolete 1. A. truncata
Blades of the petals obvious (%— % inch long) 2. A. formosa
Flowers erect, sulphur-yellow (occasionally white or pinkish) ....3. A. pubescens
1. Aquilegia truncata var. pauciflora Jepson, Fl. Calif., vol. 1,
p. 517. 1914.
A. pauciflora Greene, Leaflets, 176. 1904
Type locality. — Hockett's meadows," Tulare County.
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian, rising locally into the Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Pyramid Peak, Tahoe, 9,700 feet, Smiley
122 ; Castle Peak, 8,400 feet, Smiley 473 ; Mt. Rose, 9,500 feet, Heller
10336 ; near summit of Mt. Ralston, Tahoe, 9,100 feet, Hall and Chand-
ler 4681; Lake Tenaya, Yosemite, Brewer 1694; Hockett's meadows,
Tulare County, Culbertson (B 4460) ; Silver Lake, Amador County,
7,200 feet, E. Mulliken 136; Porcupine Flat, Yosemite, 8,000 feet,
H. M. Evans, July, 1901.
2. Aquilegia formosa Fisch., in DC., Prodr., vol. 1, p. 50. 1824.
A. columbiana Kydb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 29, p. 145. 1902.
Type locality. — ' ' In Kamchatka. ' '
Range. — Northwest coast from the Aleutian Islands to California
and Utah.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian, or locally into the Hudsonian.
Specimen examined. — Mono Pass, 10,000 feet, R. A. Ware 2736c.
A. truncata and A. formosa constitute a pair of closely allied
species with so many characters alike, the reduction of the petals in
A. truncata differing considerably, that Jones105 has proposed to
regard the first named species as a variety of A. formosa.
3. Aquilegia pubescens Coville, Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 4, p. 56.
Type locality. — "At an altitude of about 3,000 meters in the Sierra
Nevada, on a mountain-side north of the White Chief Mine, near Min-
eral King, Tulare County, California."
Range. — Central and southern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Bloody Canon, Mono County, Chesnut and
Drew, July 20, 1889; Mt. Dana, Congdon, August 10, 1898; Mono
Pass, Congdon, August 16, 1894 ; Mt. Goddard, Yosemite, 12,000 feet,
Hall and Chandler 671 ; Mt. Dana, 10,000 feet, Muir in 1873 ; Mono
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 193
Pass, 11,000 feet, Bolander 6263 ; Kaiser Peak, Fresno County, 10,100
feet, Smiley 641 ; near Mineral King, 10,500 feet, J. W. Wright, July
27, 1880; Kern-Kaweah Pass, 9-10,000 feet, Dudley 2376; Rockslide
Lake, Kaweah Peaks, 10-11,000 feet, Dudley 2377; Farewell Gap,
Tulare Connty, A. Eastwood, July 19, 1903 ; Alta meadows, Tulare
County, R. Hopping 520 ; just north of the summit of Farewell Gap,
Tulare County, 10,300 feet, Dudley 1130 ; Olancha Mountain, Tulare
County, 11,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 5230.
This species is related to A. ckrysantha Gray and A. coeriUea James
of the high Colorado mountains and represents these species in the
alpine flora of the coast.
1. Actaea spicata var. argnta Torr., Pac. R.R. Rep., vol. 4, p. 63.
A. arguta Nutt, in T. and G., Fl., vol. 1, p. 35. 18381
A. eburnea Eydb., Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard., vol. 1, p. 53. 1900.
Type locality. — ' ' Woods of the Oregon and its tributary streams. ' '
Range. — Alaska to southern California, east to Alberta and Colo-
Zone. — Transition and lower Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Glen Alpine, Tahoe, 6,800 feet, McGregor
171 ; hillside near Tallac, Tahoe, 6,300 feet, Smiley 139 ; near Whitney
meadows, now called Volcano meadows, Tulare County, Coville and
Funston 1706 ; Sequoia National Park, A. Davidson 1965.
I am in doubt if this should be included in this list, since it appears
so rarely within our borders and is not common anywhere in the
1. Paeonia Brownii Dougl., in Hook., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 1, p. 27.
Type locality. — "Near the confines of perpetual snow, on the sub-
alpine range of Mt. Hood, Northwest America."
Range. — British Columbia and northern Idaho south to Utah and
California in both the Sierra Nevada and the Coast Range.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Jameson Creek, Plumas County, 6,300 feet,
Hall 9307 ; Nevada County, along base of ridge between Donner Lake
and Coldstream, Heller 6954 ; near Mt. Lola, Tahoe, Dudley, June 19,
190T) ; near Donner Lake, Dudley, June 7, 1893.
194 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Leaves entire 1. R. alismaefolius
Leaves lobed or palmately parted.
Style stout and sharply recurved or hooked upon the mature achene.
3. R. oxynotus
Style slender subulate and usually straight or loosely coiled
2. R. Eschscholtzii
1. Ranunculus alismaefolius var. alismellus Gray, Proc. Am.
Acad., vol. 7, p. 328. 1867.
E. alismellus Greene, Fl. Fran., p. 297. 1891.
Type locality. — ' ' Lake Tenaya and on Mount Dana, Sierra Nevada,
to the height of 12,000 feet." Bolander.
Range. — Pacific Coast from British Columbia to southern Cali-
Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — "Webber Lake, Lemmon 1191 ; Soda Springs,
Nevada County, Jones 2485 ; near Summit, Heller 7010 ; Caple's Lakes,
8,500 feet, Hansen 554; Twin Lakes, Alpine County, 8,500 feet,
Hansen 1306 ; Pyramid Peak, W. S. Atkinson in 1900 ; Donner Lake,
Dudley, June 7, 1893; Mt. Tallac, near Gilmore Lake, 8,500 feet,
Smiley 368 ; Lake of the Woods meadow, Tahoe, 8,200 feet, Smiley 55 ;
Glen Alpine trail to Mt. Tallac, 9,000 feet, Abrams 4851; Ostrander's,
above Yosemite, Bolander 6258 ; Tuolumne meadows, 8,500 feet,
Smiley 735; Lake Tenaya, Yosemite, 8,100 feet, Smiley 687; Dana
Fork meadows, Yosemite, at 9,900 feet, Smiley 857 ; Lake Tenaya to
Mt. Dana, 12,000 feet, Brewer 1684; Tuolumne meadows, moist pine
forest, 8,000 feet, R. A. Ware 2607c; Snow Valley, Ormsby County,
Nevada, 2,460-2,615 m., Baker 1280 ; near Mineral King, Coville and
Funston 1567 ; Summit Lake, Tulare County, 12,000 feet, Culbertson
(B4351) ; Hockett's meadows, Tulare County, Culbertson (B,4470) ;
Chagoopa Creek meadows, Tulare County, 10,000 feet, Dudley 2229 ;
meadows near Kaweah Peaks, 12,000 feet, Dudley 2139.
2. Ranunculus Eschscholtzii Schlecht., Animad. Ranunc., vol. 2,
p. 16. 1820.
Type locality. — "Hab. in insulis Unalaschca et St. Georgii."
Range. — Aleutian Islands to California and in the Rockies to Colo-
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimen examined. — Mt. Goddard, 11,000 feet, Hall and Chandler
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 195
3. Ranunculus oxynotus Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 10, p. 68.
Type locality. — "California, near summit of Castle Peak, Sierra
County, at 9,000 feet." /. G. Lemmon.
Range. — Sierra Nevada and mountains of southern California.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine, extending down into the upper Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Sierra County, Lemmon 4; Mt. Stanford
(Castle Peak), C. F. Sonne, July 17, 1892; Mt.. Rose, Nevada, 10,800
feet, Heller 9864; peak above Sonora Pass, Brewer 1907 ; Cloud's Rest,
Congdon, August 23, 1890; Mt. Gibbs, edge of snow bank at 12,100
feet, Smiley 785 ; Mt. Dana, 11,000 feet, Smiley 721 ; ridge above Eliza-
beth Lake, near Tuolumne meadows, 10,100 feet, Smiley 808; Mt.
Lyell, 10,300 feet, Hall and Babcock 3561; Wood's Peak, 10-11,000
feet, Brewer 2121 ; Alta meadows, Tulare County, R. Hopping 515 ;
near Langley's Camp, Mt. Whitney, Hall and Babcock 5546; Farewell
Gap, 10,600 feet, Purpus 5669; same locality, 10,500 feet, Dudley
2585; lower slope of Sawtooth Peak, 11-12,000 feet, Dudley 1608;
near Mineral King, abundant on a slope, Coville and Funston 1534;
summit of Alta Peak, 11,211 feet, Dudley 1537 ; Olancha Mountain,
10,800-11,800 feet, Hall and Babcock 5232.
This is the characteristic alpine buttercup of the Sierra and fre-
quently the alpine slopes and meadows are brilliantly colored by it.
Corolla bigibbous, both outer petals spurred and similar 1. Dicentra
Corolla with only 1 petal spurred at base 2. Corydalis
Flowers in a simple racemiform inflorescence.
Capsule exserted and attenuate into the elongated style; flower about y2 inch
long 1. D. pauciflora
Capsule not exserted and abruptly beaked with the short thick style; flower
1 inch long 2. D. uniflora
Flowers in a thyrsoid inflorescence 3. D. formosa
1. Dicentra pauciflora Wats., Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 429. 1880.
Diclytra pauciflora Greene, Pitt., vol. 1, p. 187. 1888.
Bikukulla pauciflora (Wats.) Coville, Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 4, p. 60. 1893.
Type locality. — ' ' Scott Mountains, near snow. " E. L. Greene.
Range. — Mountains of northern California and in the southern
Sierra Nevada.
%one. — Arctic-alpine ?
196 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Specimen examined. — Top of Mt. Moses, Tulare County, 9-10,000
feet, Purpus 1340.
Coville (I.e.) reports this from above timber line near the White
Chief Mine, above Mineral King, Tulare County.
2. Dicentra uniflora Kellogg, Proc. Calif. Acad., vol. 4, p. 141.
BiTcukulla uniflora (Kell.) Howell, Fl. N.W. Am., vol. 1, p. 34. 1897.
Type locality. — "At Cisco and the summit of the Sierra Nevada
mountains on the line of the Central Pacific Eailroad. ' '
Range. — California to Washington, east to Utah and Wyoming.
Zone. — Canadian and above.
Specimens examined. — Above Independence Lake, Sierra County,
8,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 4536; Cisco, Kellogg and Harford in
1870 ; Sierra Valley, Lemmon in 1873 ; Angora Lake and Mt. Tallac,
8,000-8,500 feet, M. S. Baker, July 11, 1904 ; Elizabeth Lake, Yosemite,
edge of snow bank near water, 9,800 feet, Smiley 807a.
Dr. Jepson (Sierra Bull., vol. 8, pp. 266-269. 1912) found this
on Macomb Ridge, northeast of Yosemite, at 9,400-9,700 feet.
3. Dicentra formosa Walp., Repert. Bot., vol. 1, p. 118. 1842.
Fumaria formosa Andr., Bot. Rep., vol. 6, pi. 393. 1804.
Dielytra formosa DC., Syst., vol. 2, p. 109. 1821.
Dielytra formosa G. Don, Hist. Dichl. PI., vol. 1, p. 140. 1831.
Dielytra saccata Nutt., in T. and G., Fl., vol. 1, p. 67. 1838.
Corydalis formosa Spreng., Syst., vol. 3, p. 162. 1826.
Type locality. — Unknown ; described from plants raised from seed.
Range. — Pacific Coast region.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Alta meadows, Tulare County, Mrs. Brande-
gee, August 5, 1905; slope of Alta Peak, "one of the commonest
plants," Dudley 1551; Hockett's meadows, Dudley 1886; vicinity of
Mineral King, 7,800 feet, damp places in shade, Hall and Babcock
5705 ; Sierra Nevada, 9,000 feet, Brewer 2793.
The collection by Brewer last cited presents a plant with divergent
characters of foliage and flowers ; the leaf segments are very narrow,
incised, the serrations sharply pointed ; the petals are not cordate as
in the typical form.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 197
1. Corydalis Caseana Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 10, p. 69. 1874.
C. Bidwelliae Wats., Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 429. 1880.
Type locality. — "At the 'Big Spring' in Big Meadows, Plumas
Range. — Northern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Jameson Creek, Plumas County, 6,300 feet,
Hall 9308.
While our species is a component of the Transition or lowest Cana-
dian floras, the nearly allied C. Brandegei Wats, of Utah and western
Colorado is distinctly boreal, rising to 11,000 feet in the Wasatch (see
Jones, Bot. Gaz., vol. 5, p. 153, as "C. (/aveona"), and the other species
of this group, C. Cusickii Wats., of northeastern Oregon and western
Idaho, is also high montane.
Land plants.
Pods short (silicles).
Pods globose 1. Lesquerella
Pods flattened parallel to the septum 2. Draba
Pods flattened at right angles to the septum 3. Thlaspi
Pods long (siliques).
Pods terete (very slightly compressed in one species of Erysimum).
Leaves simple.
Flowers large 4. Erysimum
Flowers small 5. Barbarea
Leaves compound 6. Sisymbrium
Pods distinctly flattened parallel to the septum.
Valves nerveless; leaves all petioled 7. Cardamine
Valves 1-nerved; cauline leaves sessile.
Pods lanceolate with valves obviously reticulate* 8. Parrya
Pods linear with valves nearly or quite plane.
Petals flat 9. Arabis
Petals twisted 10. Streptanthus
Water plant growing submerged; dwarf aquatic 11. Subularia
1. Lesquerella Kingii Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 23, p. 251.
Vesicaria Kingii Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 20, p. 353. 1885.
Type locality. — "West Humboldt Mountains, Nevada."
Range. — Eastern Oregon to Nevada and on the east side of the
Sierra Nevada to the Tahoe region.
Zone. — Canadian ?
* Arabis platysperma might be referred here, but is at once known from our
only species of Parrya, with dense stellate pubescence, by its glaucous and
nearly glabrous foliage.
198 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Specimen examined. — Rocky peak on Truckee River, Placer
County, C. F. Sonne, June, 1887, and July, 1886.
Annuals or biennials 6 inehes-1 foot high 1. D. stenoloba
Perennials: dwarf alpines.
Leaf margins revolute.
Leaves distinctly keeled and fascicled at the tips of the caudex branches
2. D. oligosperma
Leaves scarcely carinate, broader and more closely imbricated
3. D. glacialis
Leaf margins flat.
Flowers yellow; stigmas on an evident style.
Pods twisted, usually pubescent; style short and stout 4. D. Lemmoni
Pods straight, glabrous; style slender 5. D. eurycarpa
Flowers white; stigma sessile 6. D. Breweri
1. Draba stenoloba Ledeb., Fl. Ross., vol. 1, p. 154. 1841.
Type locality. — "Hab. in ins. Unalaschka. "
Range. — Aleutian Islands to California and Colorado.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Near Summit, Greene 392; Slide Mountain,
Washoe County, Nevada, 8,200 feet, Heller 10956; Summit, Jones
2568; Mt. Tallac, Tahoe, meadow on west slope, 8,500 feet, Smiley
372a; Snow Flat, Yosemite, 8,700 feet, Hall and Babcock 3631; Mt.
Lyell, 9,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 3553; soda springs, Tuolumne
River, Congdon, August 15, 1894; Peregoy's, above Yosemite, A. Gray
in 1872 ; Upper San Joaquin, Congdon, August 19, 1895 ; near Dinkey
Creek, Fresno County, 7,500 feet, Hall and Chandler 396 ; South Lake,
Inyo County, A. Davidson 2727; Cloud's Rest, Chesnut and Drew,
July 13, 1889 ; trail between Mineral King and Farewell Gap, Tulare
County, Coville and Funston 1568 ; Hockett meadows, Tulare County,
8,500 feet, Hall and Babcock, 5625; near Kokops Creek, Kaweah
Peaks, Tulare County, Dudley 2413.
2. Draba oligosperma Hook., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 1, p. 51. 1830.
Type locality. — "Summit of limestone hill, Mackenzie River, lat.
Range. — British Columbia to California and in the Rockies of
Montana and northwestern "Wyoming.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Castle Peak near the highest point, Heller,
August 3, 1903; Mt. Lola, Lemmon 1275; Mt. Stanford (Castle Peak),
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 199
9,000 feet, C. F. Sonne 2 ; Pyramid Peak, east side in dry rack, 9,700
feet, Smiley 115; summit of Mt. Dana, Brewer 1735a; same locality,
Chesnut and Drew, July 17, 1889; Mt. Gibbs, Yosemite, north side
in dry rock crevices, 12,400 feet, Smiley 784 ; pass between Mts. Dana
and Gibbs, Lemmon in 1897.
3. Draba glacialis Adams, Mem. Soc. Nat. Mosc., vol. 5, p. 106.
Type locality. — "In promontorio Byskof skoymys, " delta of the
Lena River, Siberia.
Range. — Arctic America from Alaska to California and the Rocky
Mountains. Northern Asia.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Silver Mountain, 11,000 feet, Brewer 2716 ;
Mt. Warren Pass, Tuolumne County, 12,000 feet, Congdon, August
21, 1894 ; ridge above LeConte Lake, Desolation Valley, Tahoe, in rock
crevices, 8,900 feet, Smiley 337; Tinker's Knob, Tahoe, among rocks
in dense clumps, 9,000 feet, C. F. Sonne 1.
4. Draba Lemmoni Wats., Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 430. 1880.
D. alpina var. algida, Bot. Calif., vol. 1, p. 29. 1876, for the most part.
Type locality.— "Summit of Mount Lyell, at 13,000 feet altitude."
Range. — Sierra Nevdaa.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Rose, 10-10,800 feet, Kennedy 1154;
same locality at 9,000 feet, Heller 10,940 ; Mt. Dana, summit, Brewer
1735 ; same locality, F. P. McLean, July, 1875 ; Mt. Dana, 12,300 feet,
Smiley 731 ; same locality, 12,500-13,050 feet, Hall and Babcock 3606 ;
Mt. Lyell, 13,000 feet, Lemmon, August 19, 1878 ; same locality, 11,000
feet, Hall and Babcock 3579 ; pass between Mt. Dana and Mt. Gibbs,
11,000 feet, J. G. Lemmon and wife, September, 1897; Mt. Dana,
Congdon, August 27, 1898 ; Mt. Silliman and Mt. Brewer, 11-13,000
feet, Brewer 2804; near Mt. Whitney, 1650 feet above timber line,
V. Bailey 2069 ; Little Kern River, 11-12,000 feet, Purpus 5118 ; Mt.
Whitney, 15,000 feet, Purpus 2004 ; at timber line near Mineral King,
Coville and Funston 1541 ; Mt. Guyot, 12,000 feet, H. M. and G. R.
Hall 8421;. Arroyo-Kern divide, Tulare County, Dudley 2412; Dick's
Peak, Tahoe, 10,000 feet, Smiley 432 ; Mt. Gibbs, Yosemite, 11,500 feet,
Smiley 776 ; Mt. Goddard, Hall and Chandler 668, at 12,000 feet.
200 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
5. Draba eurycarpa Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 6, p. 520. 1866.
Type locality. — ' ' On a peak of the Sierra Nevada south of Sonora
Pass, alt. 11,500 feet."
Range. — Central and southern Sierra Nevada; central Idaho.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Peak near Sonora Pass, 11,500 feet, Brewer
1909 ; Old Mt. Whitney, 13-14,000 feet, Purpus, August, 1896.
Reported by Miss Eastwood89 to form mats above timber line, Har-
rison's Pass, Tulare County.
6. Draba Breweri Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 23, p. 260. 1888.
Type locality. — "On Mt. Dana, at 12,000 feet altitude."
Range. — Central and southern Sierra Nevada. Also on Mt. Shasta,
ace. Merriam.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Dana, 12,000 feet, Brewer in 1863 ; same
locality, 12,750-13,050 feet, Hall and Babcock 3605; Mt. Goddard,
13,500 feet, Hall and Chandler 669 ; mountains near Little Kern River,
rocky slopes at 11-12,000 feet, Purpus 5658.
Miss Eastwood89 found this species in the high mountains of Tulare
County, in Kearsarge and Harrison's passes. Merriam reports this
species growing on Mt. Shasta at 13,000 feet.53
Draba crassifolia, Graham (Edinb. New Phil. Jour., 1829, p. 182),
a high arctic plant found in Greenland and extending south in the
Rockies to Colorado, is attributed to the Sierra (Bot. Calif., vol. 1,
p. 28; Greene, Fl. Fran.) upon a collection made at Peregoy's
meadows, above the Yosemite Valley, by Dr. Gray in 1872; the
immature condition of the specimen really precludes exact determina-
tion whether this is D. crassifolia or an unusual state of D. stenoloba;
the altitude at which the collection was made (said on the label in
the Gray Herbarium to be 7,000 feet) suggests that it can hardly be
same species that is native in Greenland and alpine in the Colorado
Draba aureola Wats. (Bot. Calif., vol. 2, p. 430. 1880), described
from "Sierra Nevada, in Sierra County (Lenimon), and on Lassen
Peak, Mrs. Austin," does not appear to grow in the Sierra; Lemmon's
specimen itself came from Lassen Peak, the reference to Sierra County
being, it would appear, an error, at least as to this collection. The
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada, of California 201
species is known to range from Mt. Lassen northward to the moun-
tains of Washington; it is nearly allied to D. corrugata Wats. (I.e.),
an alpine species peculiar to the San Bernardino Mountains of south-
ern California.
1. Thlaspi alpestre L., Sp. PL, ed. 2, vol. 2, p. 903. 1763.
Type locality. — "Habitat in Austria."
Range. — Holarctic realm; in America south from British Colum-
bia to California and along the Rockies to Colorado and New Mexico.
Zone. — Canadian and above.
Specimens examined. — Spanish Peak, Plumas County, 6,000 feet,
Mrs. R. M. Austin in 1877 ; same locality, Hall 9287.
Mrs. Austin's specimen shows a certain pallidness in color, a trait
that in some plants becomes more pronounced and serves as the basis
for "T. glaucum" A. Nels., an indefinable variation.
Pods slightly compressed and long attenuate to the style 1. E. arenicola
Pods terete or 4-angled, abruptly narrowing to the style 2. E. asperum
1. Erysimum arenicola Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., p. 26, vol. 124.
Type locality. — "In volcanic sand on the Olympic Mountains,
Washington, at 5,000 feet altitude."
Range.— Washington to the Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Goddard, 11,100 feet, Hall and Chand-
ler 677 in part ; Mt. Guyot, Tulare County, 11,500-12,000 feet, H. M.
and G. R. Hall 8423.
The reference of these collections to this species involves a very
considerable extension of the range of this species, which otherwise
is known only from the Cascades, but the flattened pods and long-
attenuate beak to the pod are characters inconsistent with the normal
habit of the following species or of its variety and are distinctly those
of the northern species.
202 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
2. Erysimum asperum var. perenne Wats., in Coville, Proc. Biol.
Soc. Wash., vol. 7, p. 70. 1892.
Cheiranthes peretmis (Wats.) Greene, Pitt., vol. 3, p. 132. 1896.
Type locality. — "Between Mineral King and Farewell Gap. Sierra
Nevada, Tulare County, California."
Range. — Sierra Nevada north to central Idaho.
Zone. — Canadian and above.
Specimens examined. — Pyramid Peak, Tahoe, W. S. Atkinson in
1900; Heather Lake, Tahoe, 7,800 feet, McGregor 184; Mt. Tallac,
9,600 feet, Hall and Chandler 4618; Mt. Dana, 12,000 feet, Brewer
1749 ; Lake Tenaya, Yosemite, Brewer 1689 ; same locality, 8,100 feet,
Smiley 863; Angora Peak, Tahoe, 8,100 feet, Smiley 25; Cloud's Rest,
Yosemite, 9,000 feet, Hall 9051; 'near Nellie Lake, Fresno County,
8,500 feet, Smiley 596; Alta meadows, Tulare County, R. Hopping
146; midway between Mineral King and Farewell Gap, 9,000 feet,
Hall and Babcock 5393.
The lemon colored flowers are the main reasons for maintaining
this variety distinct from the type; the latter has the corolla orange
or even brownish in color and is not found in the mountains above
the Yellow Pine belt as a rule.
1. Barbarea orthoceras Ledeb., Fl. Ross., vol. 1, p. 114. 1841.
Type locality. — Not ascertained.
Range. — Subarctic America south to northern New England ; in
the west from the Aleutian Islands to California and Colorado.
Zone. — Hudsonian ?
Specimens examined. — Lake Tenaya, Yosemite, 8,100 feet, Smiley
866 ; Mt. Goddard, 11,000 feet, Hall and Chandler, July 24-26, 1900 ;
Mt. Whitney, 11,800 feet, H. M. and G. R. Hall, 8436 ; along brooks,
Farewell Gap, Tulare County, 10,400 feet, Purpus 5241. I have not
seen Coville and Funston 1403, 1670, but they are quite certainly of
this species, as must be the case also of that plant referred to by
Miss Eastwood89 as growing in Harrison's Pass, in the high Southern
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 203
1. Sisymbrium incisum Engelm., in Gray, PI. Fendl., p. 8. 1849.
Type locality. — "Santa Fe Creek and Mora River," New Mexico.
Range. — British Columbia to Manitoba, south to Mexico.
Zone. — Arid Transition and above.
. Specimens examined. — Lower end of Donner Lake, Heller 6957 ;
Twin Lakes, Alpine County, Hansen 569; Suzy Lake, Tahoe, 7,500
feet, Smiley 180; Mt. Tallac, 9,500 feet, Hall and Chandler 4609;
Mt. Dana, H. M. Evans, July, 1901; same locality, Brewer 1745;
Olancha Mountain, Tulare County, common at 8-9,000 feet, Hall
and Babcock 5293.
Brewer 1745 is the basis for Smelowskia? calif ornica Gray (Proc.
Am. Acad., vol. 6, p. 520. 1866), with type locality "On Mount Dana,
alt. 10,000 feet, June, in flower; and near Mono Lake, alt. 6,450 feet,
July, with young fruit" — indicating about the zonal range of this
widely spread species.
The vars. Sonnei Robinson and filipes Gray appear to be exclusively
Transition or lower, at least as to our range.
Leaves all simple 1. C. Lyallii
Middle cauline leaves pinnate 2. C. Breweri
1. Cardamine Lyallii Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 22, p. 466.
Type locality. — "Banks of the Ashtnola, Cascade Mountains."
Range. — Southern British Columbia to the central Sierra Nevada
(Tahoe) and east to the Clover Mountains, Nevada. According to
0. E. Schulz, also in Utah.
Zone. — Transition, rising locally into the Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Along shady streams, Placer County, near
Truckee, C. F. Sonne 28; Galena Creek, Washoe County, Nevada,
8,000 feet, P. B. Kennedy.
0. E. Schulz106 reduces this to a subspecies of C. cordifolia, which
in the typical form ranges from Idaho to New Mexico.
2. Cardamine Breweri Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 10, p. 339.
C. orMcularis Greene, Pitt., vol. 4, p. 202. 1901.
Type locality.— "Near Sonora Pass, at 8-10,000 feet altitude."
204 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Range. — Pacific Coast south of British Columbia and east to
Wyoming and Colorado.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Slide Mountain, "Washoe County, Nevada,
7,500 feet, Heller 10206 ; Yuba Pass, Sierra County, 6,500 feet, Hall
and Babcock 4518; near Sonora Pass, 8-10,000 feet, Brewer 1890;
Volcano Creek, Tulare County, 8,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 5316.
Cardamine bellidifolia L., a high arctic species of circumboreal
range, comes to the border of our region as the var. pachyphylla
Coville (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., vol. 11, pp. 169-171. 1897), but is
not known south of Lassen Peak, Mrs. Austin in 1879.
1. Parrya Menziesii (Hook.) Greene, Fl. Fran., p. 253. 1891.
Hesperis Mcnziesii Hook., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 1, p. 60. 1830.
Phoenicaulis cheiranthoides Nutt., in T. and G., FL, vol. 1, p. 89. 1838.
Phoenicauli$ Menziesii Greene, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 13, p. 143. 1886.
Type locality. — California.
Range. — California east to Nevada and north to Washington.
Zone. — Arid Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Fremont Peak, Hy Edward 502 ; Summit,
Kellogg ; Castle Peak, near the highest point at 9,000 feet, Heller 7085 ;
high mountain near Donner Pass, Torrey 16 ; Ebbett's Pass, 8,500 feet,
Brewer 1995; King's Canon, Ormsby County, Nevada, 1,700-2,000 m.,
Baker 991.
The high mountain form of this species has the basis of the siliques
broader and pubescence denser than the lowland form.
Seeds in two rows.
Flowers deep purple; stems short (rarely more than 1 foot high); pods
usually erect, sometimes reflexed.
Sepals glabrous; stems and foliage green or slightly glaucous and nearly
glabrous 1. A. Lyallii
Sepals pubescent; stems and foliage ashy-pubescent 2. A. Lemmoni
Flowers white or pink; stems taller.
Mature siliques erect or ascending.
Basal leaves glabrous or with a few centrally attached hairs; pods erect
or strongly ascending 3. A. Drummondil
Basal leaves pubescent with mostly 3-forked stellate hairs; pods divari-
cate 4. A. brachycarpa
Mature siliques sharply reflexed 5. A. Holboellii
Seeds in one row.
Silique stiffly erect, acute; seeds orbicular, broadly winged
6. A. platysperma
Siliques recurved, blunt; seeds somewhat wing-margined.
Pods pubescent and faintly nerved 7. A. repanda
Pods glabrous-shining and distinctly nerved 8. A. inamoena
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 205
1. Arabis Lyallii Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 11, p. 122. 1876.
A. Drummondii var. alpina Wats., Bot. King's Exped., p. 18. 1871.
A. oreopUila Eydb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 34, p. 437. 1907.
Type locality. — "In the mountains from Washington Territory to
Mono Pass in the Sierra Nevada and eastward to W. Wyoming and
Range. — British Columbia to California and northwest Wyoming.
Zone. — Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Plumas County, Mrs. Austin in May, 1877 ;
Summit, Jones 2564; Tamarack trail, Tahoe, 8,200 feet, Smiley 271;
Pyramid Peak, 9,900 feet, Smiley 118 ; Suzy Lake, Tahoe, 7,650 feet,
McGregor 132; Dog Lake, near Tuolumne meadows, 9,200 feet, Smiley
838 ; Mineral King, trail from Bullion Flat, 10,500 feet, Dudley 2588 ;
gravelly mountain slopes near Little Kern River, Tulare County, Pur-
pus 1815.
la. Arabis Lyallii var. Davidsonii (Greene), comb. nov.
A. Davidsoni Greene, Leaflets, vol. 2, p. 159. 1911.
Type locality. — "Bishop's Creek, Inyo Co., Calif."
Range. — Sierra Nevada only, so far as known.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Elwell, Plumas County, 7,800 feet,
Mrs. C. M. Wilder, July 11, 1912 ; below Sabrina Lake, Inyo County,
9,000 feet, Davidson 2728.
This variety differs from the species in the greener, longer petioled
leaves upon a stouter, more woody caudex ; differences, in my opinion,
of distinctly varietal rank.
2. Arabis Lemmoni Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 22, p. 467. 1887.
A. canescens var. latifolia Wats., Bot. King's Exped, p. 17. 1871.
A. canescens Brewer and Wats., Bot. Calif., vol. 1, p. 32. 1876.
A. latifolia (S. Wats.) Piper, Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 11, p. 295. 1906.
A. depauperata Nels. and Kenn., Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., vol. 19, p. 36.
A. polyclada Greene, Leaflets, vol. 2, p. 75. 1910.
Type locality. — Not definitely given; the type collection made by
Watson in the Clover Mountains of northern Nevada.
Range. — British Columbia to California and northern Wyoming.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Rose, Kennedy 1167 (co-type of A. de-
pw'perata) ; Rubicon Peak, Tahoe, 8,000 feet, Smiley 405; Tinker's
206 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Knob, Placer County, C. F. Sonne, July 18, 1897 ; Mt. Tallac, Tahoe,
9,650 feet, Hall and Chandler 4624; Mt. Warren, Tuolumne County,
Congdon, August 24, 1898 ; Lundy Trail, Yosemite, 12,000 feet, Cong-
don, August 21, 1894; Cathedral Peak, Yosemite, 9,500 feet, Smiley
814; Kaiser Peak, Fresno County, 10,200 feet, Smiley 644; Farewell
Gap at timber line, Coville and Funston 1747 ; summit of Mt. Dana,
Yosemite, Chesnut and Drew, July 17, 1889 ; mountains near Little
Kern River, Tulare County, 9-10,000 feet, Purpus 1819; Farewell
Gap, Tulare County, 10,600 feet, Purpus 5229; Milestone Plateau,
Kaweah Peaks region, Tulare County, Dudley 2457; Olancha Moun-
tain, 11,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 5229.
3. Arabis Drummondii Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 6, p. 187.
Turritis stricta Graham, Edinb. New Phil. Jour., 1820, p. 350. 1829.
Streptanthus angustifolius Nutt., in T. and G., Fl., vol. 1, p. 76. 1838.
Arabis oxyphylla Greene, Pitt., vol. 4, p. 196. 1900.
Arabis pratincola Greene, Rep. nov. spe., vol. 5, p. 244. 1908.
Type locality. — Rocky Mountains.
Range. — California east to Colorado and northward to British
Columbia and Alberta.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Luther's Pass, near Lake Tahoe, 7,800 feet,
Abrams 4763; Spooner, Douglas County, 2,155 m., Baker 1149;
Bloody Canon, Mono County, Congdon, August 14, 1898.
The relationship of this perplexing species to somewhat similar
forms in eastern North America is discussed by Fernald107 who gives
as the range of the var. connexa, (Greene) Fernald, Colorado to Wash-
ington and in eastern Quebec, a range common to a very considerable
percentage of the floras of the Rockies and the Northwest Coast.
4. Arabis brachycarpa Britton, Mem. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 5, p.
174. 1894.
Turritis Irachycarpa T. and G., Fl., vol. 1, p. 79. 1838.
Arabis confinis Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 22, p. 466. 1887.
Type locality. — "Fort Gratiot, Michigan, and shore of Lake
Superior. ' '
Range. — British Columbia to Quebec, south to New Brunswick,
New York, Illinois, Colorado, and California (Sierra on the east
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 207
Specimens examined. — Near Castle Peak, Heller 7069; Dormer
Pass, Davy 3184; Collins meadow, Fresno County, 7,000 feet, Hall
and Chandler 533, the last not certainly referred.
5. Arabis Holboellii Hornem., Fl. Dan., vol. 11, p. 5, pi. 1879.
Type locality. — "In rupibus Insulae Disco ad Jacobshavn detexit."
Range. — Greenland through subarctic America south to Quebec,
Great Lakes, Montana, and California.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Ralston Peak, Tahoe, 8,300 feet, Smiley
421; Silver Lake, Amador County, 8,000 feet, Hansen 568; Ebbett's
Pass, Brewer 2028 ; Tuolumne meadows, foot of Lamberts Dome, 8,600
feet, Smiley 758 ; Lake Tenaya trail, Yosemite, Congdon, August 14,
1894; Tuolumne meadows, dry pine forest, 8,600 feet, R. A. Ware
2669c; Indian Creek, Yosemite, 7,300 feet, Hall 9177; divide south
side of Slide Mountain, Washoe County, Nevada, 7,600 feet, Heller
10919; sunny mountain slopes above Hockett's meadows, Tulare
County, 9-10,000 feet, Purpus 1792; Mt. Lola, south side, Tahoe
region, 7,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 4539.
All of the above cited specimens agree excellently with Horne-
mann's plate save that the stellate pubescence on the sepals is often
reduced in amount.
Piper (Fl. Wash.) refers this species to the Arid Transition; in
the Sierra, the type form appears to be definitely of the boreal realm
though the var. Fendleri Wats, is Transition or lower.
Arabis Brucae Jones (Contr. W. Coast Bot., vol. 14, p. 37. 1912),
said to be related to the above species and described from ' ' Hills near
Davis Creek, Calif., June, 1898, in flower only, part of Mrs. Bruce 's
No. 225 ; Summit, Cal., Nevada Co., July 10, 1902, Jones," is unknown
to me except from the description, where the characters seem to be
inadequate for its separation.
6. Arabis platysperma Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 6, p. 519.
A. platyloba Greene, Pitt., vol. 4, p. 198. 1900.
A. conferta Greene, Bep. Nov. Spe., vol. 5, p. 243. 1908.
A. densa Greene, Leaflets, vol. 2, p, 76. 1910.
A. paupercula Greene, I.e., p. 77.
Type locality. — "Sierra Nevada, on Mount Dana, alt. 13,227 feet,
an* above Ebbett 's Pass. ' '
208 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Range. — Sierra Nevada northward into southern Oregon (Crater
Lake), and Imnaha River region.*
Specimens examined. — Slide Mountain, Washoe County, Nevada,
7,600 feet, Heller 10932; Mount Dyer, Plumas Comity, Mrs. R. M.
Austin, July, 1879; Summit, Bolander in 1873; Desolation Valley,
Tahoe, 8,300 feet, Smiley 341 ; Sonora Pass, 10,000 feet, Brewer 1892 ;
Pyramid Peak, 9,500 feet, Hall and Chandler 4732; Donner Pass,
Heller 6975 ; Silver Lake, Amador County, Hansen 567 ; Heather Lake,
Tahoe, 7,800 feet, McGregor 181; Mt. Rose, 9,650 feet, Heller 9889;
Mt. Dana, Brewer 1739b ; above Ebbett's Pass, Brewer 1989 ; at timber
line above Mineral King, Coville and Funston 1547 ; mountain slopes
on Little Kern River, 10-11,000 feet, Purpus 5231 ; trail to Panther
Peak, Tulare County, Dudley 1269; Farewell Gap, Tulare County,
10,600 feet, Purpus 5229y2.
Hall and Babcock 5465 is a very peculiar form from Volcano
meadows, Tulare County, 8,500 feet, with leaves linear-spatulate and
pubescence of forked hirsute hairs ; it probably represents a species as
yet undescribed but whose diagnosis must wait till more material is
7. Arabis repanda Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 11, p. 122. 1876.
Type locality. — "Yosemite Valley."
Range. — Sierra Nevada and mountains of southern California.
Zone. — Transition and occasionally above.
Specimens examined. — Near Mineral King, north hillside, 2,750 m.,
Coville and Funston 1389; open woods near Soda Creek, Tulare
County, 8-9,000 feet, Purpus 5276.
8. Arabis inamoena Greene, Leaflets, vol. 2, p. 158. 1911.
Type locality. — "Inyo Co., California, at Lake Sabrina.'*-
Range. — Southern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — South Lake, Inyo County, 9,000 feet, A.
Davidson 2956; Lake Sabrina, Inyo County, A. Davidson 2729 (co-
type) ; Kaiser Crest, 8,000 feet, Smiley 621.
This species is near No. 7 but appears amply distinct in those
specimens seen by me.
* Ace. Syn. Fl., vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 163, the range extends to Mt. Hood, Oregon,
Howell Bros., at the north, East Humboldt Mountains, Nevada, Watson, to the
east, and to the San Bernardino Mountains, Parish Bros., to the south. The
reported extension to Lake Pend d'Oreille, N. Idaho (Holzinger: Sandberg
Beport) has not been verified.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 209
Arabis Howellii Wats. (Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 25, p. 124. 1890),
a species of southern Oregon and also found by Shockley in the White
Mountains of Inyo County, is attributed to Mariposa County on a
collection of Congdon's (not seen by me) in the Syn. Fl., vol. 1, pt. 1,
p. 470 ; this species resembles A. platysperma in appearance but is dis-
tinguished by absence of nervation in the valves of the silique. No
collections referable to A. Howellii have been seen by me from the
Sierra Nevada.
Arabis Sabulosa var. frigida Jones (Contr. W. Coast Bot., vol. 14,
p. 41. 1912) , described from ' ' Top of Diamond Peak (Central Sierra) ,
Cal., June 28, 1897, nearly alpine, Jones," is unknown to me except
from description.
Branches of the inflorescence bearing cordate bracts 1. S. tortuosus
Branches of the inflorescence ebracteate 2. S. cordatus
1. Streptanthus tortuosus Kellogg, Proc. Calif. Acad., vol. 2, p.
152, t. 46. 1863.
Type locality. — "From the copper region of the Sierra Nevada
Mountains. ' '
Range. — Sierra Nevada to Mt. Shasta and (according to Syn. Fl.)
in the Coast region near Humboldt Bay.
la. Streptanthus tortuosus var. orbiculatus Hall., Univ. Calif.
Publ. Bot., vol. 4, p. 197. 1912.
S. orbiculatus Greene, Fl. Fran., p. 258. 1891.
S. gracilis Eastwood, Proc. Calif. Acad. Ill, vol. 2, p. 285. 1902.
Pleiocardia orbiculata Greene, Leaflets, vol. 1, p. 86. 1904.
Type locality. — ' ' Common in the Sierra from Donner Lake north-
ward; also on Mt. Diablo."
Range. — Sierra Nevada to Mt. Shasta; in the Coast Range, ace.
Zone.- — Canadian to above timber line.
Specimens examined. — Above Donner Lake toward Donner Pass,
Heller 7016 ; Fallen Leaf Trail to Mt. Tallac, 8,500 feet, Abrams 4827 ;
Half -Moon Lake, Tahoe, McGregor 77 ; glacial valley at base of Pyra-
mid Peak, dry sandy spots, 8,600 feet, Smiley 90; between Suzy and
Heather Lakes, Tahoe, 7,600 feet, Smiley 148 ; Pyramid Peak, W. S.
Atkinson in 1900; Silver Lake, Amador County, Hansen 728; Mt.
210 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Tallac, Setchell and Dobie, July, 1901 ; Pyramid Peak, 9,800 feet, Hall
and Chandler 4719 ; Mono Pass, 10,600 feet, R. A. Ware 2627c ; same
locality, 11,000 feet, Brewer 1727; trail to Cloud's Rest, 7,400 feet,
Smiley 498; Mt. Dana, 10,100 feet, Smiley 713; Tuolumne meadows,
dry open gravel, 8,600 feet, R. A. Ware 2666c ; Mt. Lyell, 11,000 feet,
Hall and Babcock 3586a ; soda springs, Tuolumne meadows, 8,680 feet,
Brewer 1776 ; Crescent Lake, Mariposa County, Congdon, August 10,
1890 ; South Fork of the San Joaquin, 9,800 feet, Hall and Chandler,
July, 1900 ; below Farewell Gap, Tulare County, 10,000 feet, Dudley
2589; timber line near Farewell Gap, 10,000 feet, Hall and Babcock
5661; Mt. Silliman, Mrs. Brandegee, August, 1905; Rubicon Peak,
Tahoe, 8,600 feet, Smiley 407.
For a discussion of this form and its relation to the type species,
see Hall, I.e., pp. 197-198. The type locality for S. gracilis Eastwood
is "below timber line on the trail from East Lake to Harrison's Pass,"
Tulare County : here the ordinary paniculate inflorescence is reduced
to a simple few-flowered raceme.
2. Streptanthus cordatus Nutt., in T. and G, FL, vol. 1, p. 77.
S. crassifollus Greene, Pitt., vol. 3, p. 227. 1897.
Cartiera cordata Greene, Leaflets, vol. 1, p. 226, 1906.
Type locality. — "Forests of the Rocky Mountains."
Range. — Colorado and Wyoming west to the east flank of the Sierra
Nevada; also in the Tehachapi Mountains, ace. Greene (Fl. Fran.,
p. 258).
Zone. — Arid Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Rose, 10,500 feet, Heller 10,214 ; Sonora
Pass, 10,000 feet, Brewer 1885; Ebbett's Pass, 8,000 feet, Brewer 2028.
At my request, Mr. J. F. Macbride, of the Gray Herbarium, has
very kindly reexamined the material in the Gray Herbarium and
confirms the assignment of Heller 10214 and Brewer 2028 to this
species. In regard to the latter number, however, there seems to be
a confusion since Dr. H. M. Hall, of the University of California,
informs me that the duplicate of this number in the University set
of the State Survey's collections contains Draba Lemmoni.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 211
1. Subularia aquatica L., Sp. PI., p. 642. 1753.
Type locality. — ' ' Habitat in Europae borealis inundatis lacustribus
Range. — Holarctic realm ; in North America south to New England,
Wyoming, and California.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Webber Lake, Lemmon, September 6, 1886 ;
Donner Lake, Brandegee, September, 1888 ; Summit Valley, mountain
lakes, Pringle, September 20, 1882; Mono Pass, Tuolumne River, in
pools at 10,000 feet, Bolander in 1866.
Congdon found this at Crescent Lake, Mariposa County.108
Leaves %-% inch broad, suborbicular, abruptly contracted to the long hairy
petioles 1. D. rotundifolia
Leaves cuneate-oblong, narrowed to the long petiole very gradually 2. D. anglica
1. Drosera rotundifolia L., Sp. PL, p. 281. 1753.
Type locality. — ' ' Habitat in Europae, Asiae, Americae paludibus. ' '
Range. — Holarctic realm; in America south to Alabama along the
Appalachian Mountains ; in the west to Montana and California.
Zone. — Canadian ?, growing in peat bogs or very wet mountain
Specimens examined. — In wet Darlingtonia meadow near the Rain-
bow Mine, Nevada County, Dudley, June 14, 1893; Sierra County,
Lemmon in 1874; Butterfly Valley, Plumas County, in wet meadow
(Darlingtonia. dominant plants), 3,060 feet, Hall 9277; Sieras 2 miles
northeast of Dome, Tulare County, 8,000 feet, Brewer, June 24, 1864.
2. Drosera anglica Huds., Fl. Angl., p. 135. 1778.
Type locality. — "Habitat in paludosis in comitatibus Westmor-
landico, Cumberlandico, Eboracensi, Lancasterensi, Devonensi, Happ-
toniensi, et Norfolksiensi passim."
Range. — In America, Newfoundland to British Columbia, south
to Michigan, north Idaho, and California (northern Sierra Nevada).
Zone. — Canadian ?
Specimens examined. — Plumas County, Mrs. R. M. Austin, July 4,
18if8 ; Sierra County, Lemmon 1036.
212 University of -California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
The inclusion of these two species of sundews in an account of the
boreal flora of the Sierra rests upon the fact that they undoubtedly
belong to the glacial flora in spite of being now found, within our
limits at least, at an altitude considerably below that at which the
true boreal flora begins to appear.
Darlingtowia California Torr. (Smithson. Contr., vol. 6, p. 5, t. 12.
1854), a monotypic genus of Sarraceniaceae peculiar to the Calif or-
nian region, just reaches our lower limits or may rarely rise above
them and should be mentioned.
Stems leafy to the top, the leaves mainly entire; flowers dioecious, the pistillate
becoming dark purple, all aggregated into a dense compound terminal
cyme 1. S. integrifolium
Stems with the upper leaves reduced and bract-like, the vegetative leaves
radical and entire; flowers yellow, sometimes tinged with red, secund upon
the branches of a forked and spreading cyme.
Petals united for about *4 their length 2. S. obtusatum
Petals free to the base 3. S. yoseraitense
1. Sedum integrifolium (Raf.) A. Nels., Coulter and Nelson, new
Man., p. -233. 1909.
Jtihodiola integrifolia Raf., Atl. Jour., vol. 1, p. 146. 1832.
Sedum frigidum Rydb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 28, p. 282. 1901.
Sedum polygamum Rydb., I.e.
Type locality. — "On the Rocky Mountains."
Range. — Alaska and Yukon to California and Colorado, extending
into northern New Mexico.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine, rarely in the Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Carson Spur, Alpine County, 8,500 feet,
Hansen 889; ridge south of Donner Pass, 7,500 feet ( ?), Heller 7139;
Mt. Tallac, W. C. Blasdale, July, 1897 ; Pyramid Peak, Tahoe, 9,700
feet, Smiley 120 ; Mono Pass, 10,800-12,000 feet, Brewer 1721 ; Bloody
Canon, Mono County, 8,500 feet, R. A. Ware 2640c; same locality,
Congdon, August 16, 1894; Mt. Rose, 10,000 feet, Kennedy 991; Lam-
bert's Dome, Yosemite, 9,400 feet, R. A. Ware 2701c; Mt. Dana, 13,000
feet, Brewer 1739; saddle between Mt. Dana and Mt. Gibbs, Chesnut
and Drew, July 17, 1889; Mt. Dana, 11,800 feet, Hall and Babcock
3620; Mt. Whitney, Culbertson (B4523); near White Chief Mine,
above Mineral King, Tulare County, Coville and Funston 1529 ; Eagle
Lake near Mineral King, 10,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 5365; near
1921J Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 213
Black Peak, Kaweah Peaks, 12,000 feet, Dudley 2119 ; Mt. Goddard,
11,000 feet, Hall and Chandler 687 ; Farewell Gap, 10,500 feet, Dudley
1132 ; Mt. Dana, 10,400 feet, Smiley 718.
It is very doubtful if this western plant is really separable from
the common Rosewort of Europe and northeastern North America;
certainly the character indicated by the specific epithet "integri-
folium" will not serve to distinguish our Cordilleran form, since the
leaves on the same plant vary from entire or repand-dentate to sharply
toothed; nor is the assumed difference in color of the flowers to be
relied upon.
2. Sedum obtusatum Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 7, p. 342. 1867.
Gormania o'btusata (Gray) Britton, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard., vol. 3, p. 29.
Gormania Burnhami Britton, I.e., p. 30.
Type locality. — "Granite rocks in the Sierra Nevada, on Mount
Hoffman and above Sonora Pass, Brewer; at Vernal Fall in the
Yosemite Valley, Bolander."
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian mainly.
Specimens examined. — Lake Tahoe, 6-8,000 feet, G. B. Grant, July
20- August 3, 1906 ; above Donner Lake toward Donner Pass, Heller
7105 ; Silver Lake, Amador County, 7,200 feet, E. Mulliken 121 ; near
Glen Alpine in dry floor of P. Jeffreyi forest, 7,100 feet, Smiley 378 ;
Angora Peak, Tahoe, 8,300 feet, Smiley 40 ; Tuolumne meadows, 9,400
feet, crevices on summit of Lambert's Dome, R. A. Ware 2649c; Mt.
Hoffman, Yosemite, 10,800 feet, Brewer 1678 ; below Lake Lucile Ridge,
Tahoe, Dudley, June, 1900* ; Glen Alpine, Tahoe, 7,000 feet, W. W.
Price, July 12, 1898*; summit of Mt. Baldy, 10,000 feet, Tulare
County, A. Eaton, July, 1891 ; Alta Peak, Tulare County^ R. Hopping
141 ; South Fork of the San Joaquin, 7,600 feet, Hall and Chandler
623 ; Mt. Goddard, 10,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 623.
2a, Sedum obtusatum Gray, var. Hallii (Britton), comb. nov.
Gormania Hallii Britton, La, p. 29.
Type locality. — "Vicinity of Tuolumne meadows, in the Canadian
Zone, at 2,800-3,100 m. altitude, Yosemite National Park, California."
Range. — Yosemite region, as yet positively known only from the
original station.
* These specimens have the backs of the petals of a reddish tinge and corre-
spond to the type described as Gormania Burnliami; it is not practicable to main-
tain"it even as a form.
214 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Specimens examined. — Vicinity of Tuolumne meadows, 8,500-9,500
feet, Hall and Babcock 3545 (co-type) ; same locality, 8,700 feet, Smiley
845; Lambert's Rock, Tuolumne meadows, Dudley, July 21, 1901.
The characters relied upon to distinguish this segregate are cer-
tainly not of specific grade, unless every depauperate form is to be
considered as a species; the character of narrower calyx-lobes than is
present in the type is wholly unreal when any considerable series is
examined ; but the vegetative aspect of the plant is sufficiently different
from that of the species to possibly warrant its maintenance as a
variety of ecologic significance.
3. Sedum yosemitense Britton, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard., vol. 3,
p. 44. 1903.
Type locality. — "Between Vernal and Nevada Falls."
Range. — Central Sierra Nevada,
Zone. — Arid Transition and rising into the Canadian.
Specimen examined. — Dark Hole, Yosemite Park, 7,750 feet, H. M.
Evans, July, 1901.
Annual or perennial herbs (Saxifraga ledifolia is slightly suffrutescent but
known from Jamestia by its linear terete leaves; from Eibes by 10 stamens).
Fertile stamens 5.
Staminodia present; ca'rpels 2, distinct; flowers large, usually solitary
1. Parnassia
Staminodia absent, all 5 stamens antheriferous; carpels 3-4, united; flowers
numerous, clustered.
Ovary superior or silghtly attached to the base of the calyx.
Stems leafy 2. Bolandra
Stems scapose.
Petals entire, pinkish or nearly white 3. Heuchera
Petals pinnatifid or lobed, greenish 4. Mitella
Ovary inferior 5. Suksdorfia
Fertile stamens 10.
Capsule 1-celled; petals lobed 6. Tellima
Capsule 2-celled; petals entire 7. Saxifraga
Leaves opposite; stamens 10 8. Jamesia
Leaves alternate; stamens 5 9. Kibes
1. Parnassia californica Greene, Pitt., vol. 2, p. 102. 1890.
P. palustris var. Californica Gray, Bot. Calif., vol. 1, p. 202. 1876.
Type locality. — "Wet places in the Sierra Nevada, etc., from Mari-
posa Co. northward, and on Red Mountain, Mendocino Co. (Kellogg,
Bolander), chiefly the var. Californica."
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 215
Range. — Sierra Nevada north to southern Oregon; Coast Kanges
(Loma Prieta).
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Heather Lake, Tahoe, Mrs. Longhead,
August 11, 1898; Carson Spur, Alpine County, 8,500 feet, Hansen
723 ; Heather Lake, Tahoe, 7,800 feet, McGregor 180 ; Nevada County,
6,900 feet, A. M. Carpenter, August-October, 1892 ; Crags, Deer Park,
Placer County, Miss H. D. Geiss 203 ; Mt. Dana, Congdon, August 10,
1898; Whitney Creek, Tulare County, Culbertson (B 3860) ; between
Lone Pine and Heather meadow, Tulare County, Dudley 1870, 1872.
1. Bolandra californica Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 7, p. 341.
Type locality. — "Yosemite Valley, on the Mariposa trail, among
rocks. ' '
Range. — Yosemite region of the central Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Yosemite cliffs, Congdon, June 5, 1897;
Tenaya Falls, A. Gray in 1872; Mariposa trail, on rocks, Bolander
Reported by Hall101 to grow at 8,400 feet in Stubblefield Canon,
and on the Glacier Point trail at 6,900 feet.
1. Heuchera rubescens Torr., in Sitgr., Rep., p. 160. 1854.
H. rubescens var. glandulosa Kellogg, Proe. Calif. Acad., vol. 5, p. 45.
H. lithophila Heller, Muhl., vol. 1, p. 105. 1904.
H. Sitgreavesii Rydb., N. A. FL, vol. 22, p. 110. 1905.
Type locality. — Not ascertained.
Range. — Rockies of Colorado and New Mexico west to the Sierra
Nevada and mountains of southern California; southern Oregon.
Zone. — Arid Transition to Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Near Summit Station, Heller 7028 ; Bier-
stadt Peak, Tahoe, 7,500 feet, Davy 3189; Devil's Cliff, near Summit,
Kennedy and Doten 270 ; Mt. Elwell, Plumas County, 7,800 feet, Hall
9397 ; Glen Alpine, Tahoe, cliffs at 7,000 feet, McGregor 140 ; Tamarack
trail, Tahoe, 7,200 feet, Smiley 254 ; Desolation Valley, Tahoe, Setchell
and Dobie, July 6-21, 1901 ; Mt. Stanford (Castle Peak), C. F. Sonne,
July 2G, 1886 ; Carson Spur, Alpine County, 8,500 feet, Hansen 713 ;
216 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Carson Pass, 8,700 feet, Brewer 2101 ; head of Tuolumne River, 9,000
feet, Brewer 1759 ; Bloody Canon, Mono County, 8,500 feet, R. A. Ware
2642c; Cloud's Rest, E. R. Drew, July 25, 1887; Eagle Peak, Yosem-
ite, 7,700 feet, Hall 9195; Mt. Gibbs, dry rocks on west side, 10,200
feet, Smiley 765 ; Glacier Point, Congdon, July 1, 1885 ; Volcano Creek,
Tulare County, 8,000 feet, Hall and Babcock, 5308; near Mineral
King, Coville and Funston 1488; Langley's Camp, Mt. Whitney,
11,700 feet, Hall and Babcock 5549; Mt. Guyot, Tulare County, 12,100
feet, H. M. and G. R. Hall 8422; Mt. Silliman, Tulare County, Mrs.
Brandegee, August, 1905.
The high mountain form of this species with a thick woody base
was first described by Kellogg as the var. glandulosa and the type was
" Collected on Stanford Peak, C. P. R.R., at an altitude of 10,000 feet
— July 29th, 1870." It is this same form which Heller subsequently
described as H. lithophila. Seen by itself by one who knows the
appearance of typical H. rubesc-ens, this subalpine plant appears quite
distinct enough to justify its separation but when a large suite of
specimens are available for comparison, they are seen to constitute a
single specific unit.
Petals cuneate, deeply 3-lobed at the apex 1. M. trifida
Petals pinnatifid with slender segments.
Stamens opposite the petals, alternate with the sepals 2. M. pentandra
Stamens alternate with the petals, opposite the sepals 3. M. Breweri
1. Mitella trifida Graham, Edinb. New Phil. Jour., vol. 7, p. 185.
Ozomelis pamfica Kydb., N. Am. Fl., vol. 22, p. 95. 1905.
Type locality. — Not given ; plants described were raised in England
from seed collected by Drummond at some indeterminate locality.
Range. — British Columbia east to Alberta and Saskatchewan, and
south to the northern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimen examined. — Nelson Creek, Plumas County, 5,700 feet,
Hall 9357.
2. Mitella pentandra Hook., Bot. Mag., vol. 56, pi. 2933. 1829.
Pectiantia pentandra (Hook.) Rydb., N. Am. Fl., vol. 22, p. 93, 1905.
Pectiantia latiflora Eydb., I.e.
Type locality. — Not given; plants described were raised in Eng-
land from seed collected by Drummond in "Rocky Mountains of
North America."
Smiley: Flam of the Sierra Nevada of California 217
Range. — British Columbia and Alberta to southwestern Colorado
and through Washington and Oregon to middle California (Tahoe
region and Yosemite).
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Snow Valley, Ormsby County, Nevada,
2,460-2,615 m., Baker 1161 ; Rubico nPeak, Tahoe, Setchell and Dobie,
July, 1901; Yuba Pass, 6,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 4482; Long
meadow, Tuolumne County, Chesnut and Drew, July 13, 1889; near
Marlette Peak, "Washoe County, Nevada, 7,500 feet, Hall and Chand-
ler 4571.
3. Mitella Breweri Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 6, p. 533. 1865.
Pectiantia Breweri (Gray) Bydb., N. Am. Fl., vol. 22, p. 93. 1905.
Type locality. — Mount Hoffman in a damp place, at the elevation
of about 11,000 feet."
Range. — British Columbia through north Idaho and Washington
to southern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Alder Creek near Truckee, Sonne, July,
1893; Lake of the Woods, Tahoe, 8,200 feet, Smiley 57; Tamarack
trail, Tahoe, 8,300 feet, Smiley 267 ; Glen Alpine, W. W. Price, July,
1898 ; Summit, Kellogg ; same locality, Heller 9833 ; Grass Lake, Tahoe,
7,200 feet, McGregor 97; near Lake Tenaya, Yosemite, 8,000 feet,
Smiley 677; near White Wolf, Yosemite, 2,100 feet, Smiley 894; Mt.
Hoffman, 11,000 feet, Brewer 1879 (type) ; near Lake Tenaya, 8,200
feet, Hall and Babcock 3513; Hockett's meadows, Tulare County, Cul-
bertson (B 4395) ; near Alta Peak, Tulare County, Dudley 1558.
According to Miss Eastwood89 this grows at East Lake, Tulare
County, a station well up in the Hudsonian life-zone.
1. Suksdorfia ranunculifolia (Hook.) Engler, in E.-P. Nat.
Pflanzenf. Ill, vol. 2a, p. 52. 1891.
Saxifraga ranunculifolia Hook., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 1, p. 946. 1833.
Hemieva ranunculifolia Baf., Fl. Tell., vol. 2, p. 70. 1836.
Boylcinia ranunculifolia Gray, Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 42, p. 21. 1842.
Type locality. — "On the high grounds around the Kettle Falls
of the Columbia, and on the Rocky Mountains. ' '
Range. — British Columbia to the northern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Hudsonian ?
Specimen examined. — Spanish Peak, Plumas County, Mrs. R. M.
Austin, July 7, 1878.
218 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Petals entire; leaves lobate i. T. scabrella
Petals cleft into 3-5 lobes; leaves ternate 2. T. bulbifera
1. Tellima scabrella Greene, Pitt., vol. 2, p. 162. 1891.
Lithophragma scabrella Greene, Erythea, vol. 3, p. 102. 1895.
Type locality. — "Pine woods south of Tehachapi, California."
Range. — Sierra Nevada and Tehachapi Mountains.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
No specimen of this species has been seen, by me from the higher
mountains ; it is here admitted only because Hall101 reports that it has
been collected on the McClure Fork of the Merced River, in the high
Sierra above the Yosemite Valley, at 9,500 feet, and therefore well
within our limits.
2. Tellima bulbifera (Rydb.) A. Nels., in Coulter and Nelson,
New Man., p. 237. 1909.
Litliophragma bulbifera Eydb., N. Am. FL, vol. 22, ptc 2, p. 86. 1905.
Type locality. — ' ' On the continental divide, at an altitude of 3,000-
3,300 meters, at Battle Carbon County, Wyoming. ' '
Range. — Wyoming and Colorado west to the Pacific Coast.
Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Desolation Valley, Tahoe, 8,400 feet, Smiley
92 ; south side of Mt. Lola, west of Lake Tahoe, damp soil in shade of
rocks, Hall and Babcock 4536 ; Long Lake, Plumas County, 6,800 feet,
Hall 9346.
Suffrutescent at base, the stems creeping and forming a mat; leaves narrow,
strap-shaped and revolute 1. S. ledifolia
Herbaceous throughout, plants erect, not mat-forming; leaves flat, ribt strap-
Plants annual; stems branching from the base or near it; the flowers solitary
and terminal on the divaricate branches of the cyme; inflorescence bulb-
iferous 2. S. bryophora
Plants biennial or perennial; stems scapose; inflorescence not bulbiferous.
Leaves orbicular, saliently toothed; stamens clavate.
Plants large; teeth of the leaves simple 3. S. arguta
Plants smaller; teeth of some of the leaves 3-dentate ... .4. S. Mertensiana
Leaves ovate or spatulate, entire or repand-dentate; stamens filiform.
Flowers in cymules, which are usually aggregated into a head, at least
the upper; plants small and delicate.
Plants not bulbiferous at base; petals narrowed to a claw below;
leaves repand 5. S. aprica
Plants bulbiferous at base; petals clawless; leaves entire 6. S. nidifica
Flowers in pyramidal panicles, the lower cymules on elongated, somewhat
spreading peduncles; plants robust, often of large size
7. S. integrifolia var. sierrae
I921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 219
1. Saxifraga ledifolia Greene, Pitt., vol. 2, p. 101. 1891.
Type locality. — "On the higher mountains above Truckee, Cali-
Range. — Sierra Nevada and northward to Mt. Shasta region, per-
haps into southern Oregon.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine and Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Sierra County, Lemnion 1020; Tinker's
Knob, Placer County, C. F. Sonne, August-September, 1892 ; Ralston
Peak, Tahoe, 8,800 feet, Hall and Chandler 4675; Rubicon Peak,
Tahoe, 8,900 feet, Smiley 406 ; Pyramid Peak, Tahoe, 9,200 feet, Hall
and Chandler 4743; same locality, 10,000 feet, Brewer 2142; Mt.
Warren Pass, Mono County, Congdon, August 21, 1894; Sawtooth
Peak, Tulare County, Culbertson (B4683); Red Mountain, Sierra
Nevada, J. Muir in 1872; rocky slopes near Farewell Gap, Tulare
County, 11,500 feet, Purpus 5191; Lower Kaweah Lake, Tulare
County, Dudley 1688; Arroyo-Kern divide, Tulare County, Dudley
2421 ; Fresno County, Eisen.
While our Sierran plant, at least in so far as it has come to my
notice, appears to differ from S. Tolmiei T. and G. of Washington and
northern Oregon in the longer and narrower leaves with the stems
firmer and more lignescent, nevertheless certain collections made in
Oregon certainly go far to break down the distinctions between these
species (cf. Cusick 2985 from Crater Lake and T. Howell 320 from
Mt. Hood).
2. Saxifraga bryophora Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 6, p. 573.
S. leucanthemifolia var. integrifolia Engler, Monogr., Sax., p. 135. 1872.
Spatularia bryophora (Gray) Small, N. Am. Fl., vol. 22, p. 148. 1905.
Type locality. — "Ebbett's Pass, and on a peak near Mt. Dana, alt.
9,000 feet on wet rocks."
Range. — Sierra Nevada, northward to Mt, Shasta (see Eastwood,
Zoe, vol. 4, p. 136).
Zone. — Hudsonian and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Half -Moon Lake, Tahoe, McGregor 73;
Desolation Valley, Tahoe, 8,600 feet, Smiley 345 ; ridge south of Don-
ner Pass, 7,500 feet, Heller 7143; head of Fordyce Creek, Placer
County, 6,900 feet, Hall 8727 ; Glen Alpine, Tahoe, Setchell and Dobie,
July 6-21, 1901 ; near Forni, Eldorado County, 8,000 feet, Hall and
Chandler 4714; Ebbett's Pass, 9,000 feet, Brewer 1984; Mt. Dana,
220 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Bolander 5043; peak near Mt. Dana, 9,000 feet, Brewer 1807; Dana
Fork meadows, Yosemite, 9,700 feet, Smiley 849 ; Tuolumne meadows,
in rocky soil near the Lodge, 8,500 feet, Smiley 745 ; Shuteye Moun-
tain, Madera County, 7,800 feet, J. Murdoch. Jr., 2510 ; meadows near
Black Mountain, Fresno County, 9,500 feet, Hall and Chandler 595;
trail from Round meadow to Kaiser Crest, Fresno County, 8,500 feet,
Smiley 615; King's River, Eisen in 1876; near Mineral King, above
timber line near the "White Chief Mine, Coville and Funston 1562.
3. Saxifraga arguta D. Don, Trans. Linn. Soc., vol. 13, p. 356.
S. punctata Am. authors, not of L.
S. denudata Nutt., in T. and G., Fl., vol. 1, p. 567. 1840.
S. odontophylla Piper, Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 11, p. 314. 1906.
S. odontoloma Piper, Smithson, Misc. Coll., vol. 50, p. 200. 1907.
Micranthes arguta Small, N. Am. FL, vol. 22, p. 147. 1905.
Type locality. — "Habitat ad oras occidentales Americae septen-
trionalis. ' '
Range. — Alaska (southeastern) to California and in the Rockies
to New Mexico.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Canon above Coldstream, Placer County,
C. F. Sonne, August 14, 1897 ; same locality, Heller 7005 ; high moun-
tain near Donner Pass, Torrey 157 ; Slide Mountain, "Washoe County,
Nevada, 7,500 feet, Heller 10207 ; head of Fall Creek, Ormsby County,
Nevada, Baker 1434; mountains of Fresno County, Eisen; Pitman
Creek, Fresno County, 7,200 feet, Smiley 574 ; Round Meadow, Tulare
County, Dudley 1059; along brooks below Farewell Gap, Tulare
County, 10,300 feet, Purpus 5232; Rock Creek meadows, eastern
Tulare County, 9,700 feet, H. M. and G. R. Hall 8419; Coyote
meadows, Tulare County, Culbertson (B4311). *
If S. odontoloma is to be accepted as a valid species, other char-
acters must be found than those already indicated. Rosendahl109
considers our American plant inseparable from the European S.
punctata L.
4. Saxifraga Mertensiana Bong., Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. VI, vol.
2, p. 141. 1832.
Saxifraga heterantha Hook., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 1, p. 252. 1832.
Steiranisia heterantha Eaf., Fl. Tell., vol. 2, p. 69. 1836.
Heterisia mertensiana Small, N. Am. Fl., vol. 22, p. 156. 1905.
Type locality. — ' ' Sitcha. ' '
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 221
Range. — Aleutian Islands to California ; Selkirks of British Colum-
bia ; northern Idaho.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Emigrant Gap, Placer County, M. E. Jones
57 ; Castle Peak trail from Soda Springs, 7,300 feet, Smiley 463 ; Mt.
Surprise, Mariposa County, Congdon, August 11, 1890.
5. Saxifraga aprica Greene, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 23, p. 25.
S. umbellulata Greene, Erythea, vol. 1, p. 222. 1893, not of Hook., f. and
Thorns. 1857.
Type locality. — "On high and dry gravelly spots at 7,000 to 8,000
feet altitude in the Sierra Nevada of California, from near Donner
Lake, southward at least to Mt. Dana."
Range. — Mountains of California and southern Oregon.
Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Bierstadt Peak, Tahoe, 7,400 feet, Davy
3207 ; south side of Mt. Lola, Tahoe, cool canons, 8,000 feet, Hall and
Babcock 4538 ; near Lake Tenaya, Yosemite, 8,300 feet, Hall and Bab-
cock, 3509; Tuolumne meadows, Yosemite, 8,500 feet, Smiley 828;
Mt. Goddard, 11,500 feet, Hall and Chandler 706 ; Mt. Dana, McLean,
July, 1875 ; near Mineral King, near a mountain lakelet at 3,100 m.,
Coville and Funston 1519.
6. Saxifraga nidifica Greene, Erythea, vol. 1, p. 222. 1893.
Type locality. — ' ' In wet places at about the same elevations as the
preceding,* in the California Sierra."
Range. — Sierra Nevada and mountains of northern California.
Zone. — Canadian, occasionally above in the Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Cisco, Bolander 1683 ; Long Lake, Plumas
County, 6,700 feet, Hall 9332; Tuolumne meadows, Yosemite, 8,600
feet, R. A. Ware 2667c, 2634c; Tamarack trail, Tahoe, 8,300 feet,
Smiley 266; Hockett's meadows, Tulare County, Dudley 1892; Lake
Tenaya, Yosemite, 8327 feet, Brewer 1683.
6. Saxifraga integrifolia var. sierrae Coville, Proc. Biol. Soc.
Wash., vol. 7, p. 78. 1892.
Type locality. — "Eight miles northwest of Whitney meadows, on
the headwaters of Kern River."
The species here referred to is our No. 5.
222 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Range. — Mountains of California and southern Oregon east to the
Kockies of Colorado and Wyoming.
Zone. — Transition to Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — About Marlette Lake, east of Lake Tahoe,
2,460 m., Baker 1395; base of Cloud's Best, Yosemite, Congdon,
August 5, 1898; Pine Ridge, Fresno County, 5,300 feet, Hall and
Chandler 156 ; meadows along Volcano Creek, Tulare County, 8,000
feet, Hall and Babcock 3315 ; Guyot Creek, Tulare County, 10,500 feet,
H. M. and G. R. Hall 8431 ; Chagoopa Creek meadows, Tulare County,
10,000 feet, Dudley 2240, 2241.
8. oregana Howell (Erythea, vol. 3, p. 34. 1895) is unknown to
me from collections ; by character it would appear impossible of sep-
aration from this variety.
Micranthes montwia Small (N. Am. Fl., vol. 22, p. 138. 1905),
described from a collection made by Mrs. F. M. Meigs on "Pyramid
Peak, California," west of Lake Tahoe, is said to differ from var.
sierrae by petals more acute and follicles shorter.
1. Jamesia americana T. and G., FL, vol. 1, p. 593. 1840.
Edwinia americana Heller, Bull. Torr. Rot. Club, vol. 24, p. 477. 1897.
Edwinia californica Small, N. Am. Fl., vol. 22, p. 176. 1905.
Type locality. — "Along the Platte or the Canadian River, near
the Rocky Mountains."
Range. — Wyoming to New Mexico and west through the southern
part of the Great Basin to the southern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Arid Transition to above timber line in the alpine region.
Specimens examined. — White Chief Mine, Mineral King^region,
2,900 m., Hall 5649 ; Mineral King, Brandegee, July 29, 1892 ; Whit-
ney Creek, Tulare County, 8,500 feet, Culbertson (B 4345) ; trail to
Mt. Whitney, 10,000 feet, Culbertson (B4576); Old Mt. Whitney,
9-12,000 feet, Purpus 1481.
I have not had an opportunity to examine the type of E. cali-
fornica, which was collected by Miss Eastwood at Volcano Creek Falls,
Tulare County, on the border of the Transition and Canadian zones;
the other collections from the southern Sierra present no characters
unlike those of the southern Rockies.
1921J Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 223
Shrubs without spines.
Berry bright red; leaves obscurely lobed, %-1.5 inches broad; shrub of the
high mountains 1. R. cereum
Berry black; leaves distinctly lobed, 1.25-3 inches broad; shrubs of the
Canadian and Transition zones.
Flowers less than y2 inch long; leaves sparingly pubescent or glabrous;
racemes dense 2. B. nevadense
Flowers over ^ inch long; leaves glandular-pubescent; racemes loose
3. R. viscosissimum
Shrubs with spines.
Bark gray, closely adhering to the branchlets, not papery.
Flowers dark red; berry strongly spinescent 4. R. Roezli
Flowers yellow; berry smooth 5. R. lasianthum
Bark loosely adherent to the branchlets, yellowish or straw-colored, papery
in texture.
Berry red, glandular-bristly 6. R. montigenum
Berry purplish dark red, smooth '. 7. R. hirtellum var. inerme
1. Ribes cereum Dougl., Bot. Reg., sub. pi. 1263. 1829. Trans.
Hort. Soc. Lond., vol. 7, p. 512. 1830.
E. inebrians Lindl., Bot. Eeg., pi. 1471. 1832.
B. Churchii Nels. and Kennedy, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., vol. 19, p. 37.
Type locality. — "On dry exposed decayed granite rocks or schist,
throughout the chain of the river Columbia from the great falls 45
degrees, 46 minutes, 17 seconds, N. lat. to the sources of that stream,
in the Rocky Mountains, 52 degrees, .07 minutes, .09 seconds."
Range. — Widely distributed in the western part of North America
from British Columbia to South Dakota, southward to California and
New Mexico.
Zone. — In the Sierran region, this shrub is confined to the high
mountains in the Canadian and Hudsonian zones, or locally rising
into the alpine region. This zonal position corresponds to Abrams'92
report for southern California in the main ; he places it in the Cana-
dian; but it is in sharp contrast with what Piper72 decides as to its
proper zone in the northwest : in Washington, its zonal position is
given as "Arid Transition and Upper Sonoran. " Wooton and Stand-
ley110 assign Ribes inelrians ' (a form, in my opinion, incapable of
specific definition) to "Woods and canons, in the Transition Zone"
and further say "The common currant in our mountains at middle
elevations. ' '
Specimens examined. — Mt. Rose, 10,800 feet, Kennedy 1160; Silver
Lake, Amador County, 7,200 feet, E. Mulliken 151; Howard Creek,
Sierra County, 7,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 4516 ; Mt. Rose, in granite
224 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
at 9,000 feet, Heller 10938 ; Marlette Lake, east of Lake Tahoe, 8,100
feet, Hall and Chandler 4592 ; base of Cathedral Peak, above Tuolumne
meadows, 9,100 feet, Smiley 819 ; Kaiser Crest, Fresno County, form-
ing dense thickets at 9,500 feet, Smiley 633 ; slopes near Farewell Gap,
Tulare County, 10-11,000 feet, Purpus 1830; Salmon Creek, Tulare
County, 7,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 5143 ; Lower Bear-paw meadow,
Kaweah River region, R. Hopping 51; Olancha Mountain, above
timber-line, 11-12,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 5227 ; head of Tuolumne
River, 9,000 feet, Brewer 1769 ; summit of Sonora Pass, Brewer 1906 ;
along west trail, Mt. Whitney, 12,300 feet, Hall and Babcock 5539;
slope of Mt. Kaweah, high as any shrub grows, above 14,000 feet,
short thick branches, leaves y2 cm. across, very glandular, Dudley
2102; Mt. "Whitney, Culbertson (B4525).
At the highest elevations of its growth, near or even above timber-
line, the branchlets become extremely short and rigid and here the
bushes grow close together in dense chaparral; it is this form that
has been described as R. Churchii; see Coville's note on the appear-
ance of this shrub near timber line in the Mineral King country.50
Merriam53 says that on Mt. Shasta it grows at the head of Panther
Creek near timber line and also much lower down.
2. Ribes nevadense Kellogg, Proc. Calif. Acad., vol. 1, p. 63. 1855.
JR. sanguineum var. variegatum Wats., Bot. King's Exped., p. 100. 1871.
.K. variegatum A. Nels., Key Eocky Mt. Keg., p. 34. 1902.
B. ascendens Eastw., Proc, Calif. Acad. Ill, Bot, vol. 2, p. 244. 1902.
It. Hittellianum Eastw., I.e., p. 245.
R. glaucescens Eastw., I.e., p. 245.
E. Grantii Heller, Muhl., vol. 4, p. 27. 1908.
Type locality. — Not given.
Range. — Southern Cascades of Oregon through the Sierra^Nevada
to the mountains of southern California.
Zone. — Transition mainly, but not infrequently rising into the
Specimens examined. — (Citation confined to stations within the
boreal region) : Suzy Lake trail, Eldorado County, 7,600 feet, Mc-
Gregor 120 ; Suzy Lake, Tahoe, 7,300 feet, Smiley 196 ; between Lakes
Tahoe and Lucile, 7-8,000 feet, Miss K. A. Chandler, September, 1901 ;
Angora Lake, Tahoe, M. S. Baker, July 5, 1904; Tioga Road near
Dark Hole, Yosemite, 7,700 feet, Smiley 878.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 225
3. Ribes viscosissimum Pursh., Fl. Am. Sept., p. 163, 1814.
Type locality. — ' ' On the Rocky Mountains in the interior of North
America. ' '
Range. — British Columbia to the southern Sierra Nevada and in
the Rocky Mountains to Colorado.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Slide Mountain, "Washoe County, Nevada,
7,500 feet, Heller 10936 ; near summit of Mt. Tallac, 9,500 feet, Abrams
4830; Grass Lake, Tahoe, McGregor 96; Velma Lakes, Eldorado
County, Hudsonian zone, 8,000 feet, Hall 8805; Peregoy's, above
Yosemite, A. Gray in 1872; Bridal Veil Creek, Yosemite, 8,000 feet,
Bolander 6323; ridge below Nellie Lake, Fresno County, 8,200 feet,
Smiley 594; Hockett's meadows, Tulare County, Culbertson (B 4383) ;
Kaweah meadows, Tulare County, rocky places at 9-10,000 feet, Pur-
pus 1767.
3a. Ribes viscosissimum Pursh. var. Hallii Jancz., Mem. Soc.
Geneve, vol. 35, p. 328. 1907.
Type locality. — "Pres du lac Independence," Sierra County.
Range. — Same as the species.
Specimens examined. — Near Lake Independence, 7,800 feet, Hall
and Babcock 4533 ; Lake of the Woods, Tahoe, 8,000 feet, Smiley 71 ;
summit of Spanish Peak, Plumas County, 7,000 feet, Hall 9287 ; Sum-
mit, 7,300 feet, Smiley 448 ; Rubicon Peak, Tahoe, 8,200 feet, Smiley
This variety seems scarcely worth maintaining, its characters of
glandless ovary and sepals purple tinted as contrasted with the gland-
ular ovary and sepals greenish white of the species are inconstant;
Dr. Hall101 has called attention to a collection from the Yosemite
showing specific and varietal characters upon the same branch;
another number indicating the purely arbitrary nature of this sep-
aration is Baker 1055 from King's Canon, Ormsby County, Nevada;
cited by Janczewski as representing var. Hallii with ovary glabrous,
the sheet of this number in the Gray Herbarium shows the glandular
ovary said to be distinctive of the species.
226 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
4. Ribes Roezli Regel., Gartenflora, vol. 28, p. 226. 1879.
E. amictum Greene, Pitt., vol. 1, p. 69. 1887.
.R. aridum Greene, Pitt., vol. 4, p. 35. 1880.
E. Wilsonianum Greene, Erythea, vol. 3, p. 70. 1895.
Type locality. — Not definitely given.
Range. — Sierra Nevada and mountains of southern California.
Mt. Shasta, ace. Merriam.
Zone. — Transition mainly, but occurring abundantly in the Pinus
Jeffreyi division of the Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Glen Alpine, Tahoe, W. W. Price, July 12,
1898 ; near Shuteye Pass, 6,500 feet, Sierra National Forest, Abrams
4936; trail to Cloud's Eest above Nevada Falls, 7,600 feet, Smiley
500; Pitman Creek, Fresno County, 7,000 feet, Smiley 580; Sequoia
Mills, Fresno County, Eastwood, May, 1894; Bonita meadow, Tulare
County, 8,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 5178.
5. Ribes lasianthum Greene, Pitt., vol. 3, p. 22. 1896.
Grossularia lasiantJiu (Greene) Coville and Britton, N. Am. Fl., vol. 22,
p. 219. 1908.
Type locality. — "Above Donner Lake toward Castle Peak."
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Hudsonian and uppermost Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Castle Peak near the highest point, Heller
7088 ; Pyramid Peak, Eldorado County, W. S. Atkinson in 1900 ; trail
from Soda Springs to Castle Peak, 8,600 feet, Smiley 468 ; Mt. Tallac,
Tahoe, talus slope on the east side at 9,500 feet, Smiley 248 ; Mt. Ray-
mond, Madera County, 8-9,000 feet, Bolander 4885; rocky slopes at
head of Little Kern River, Tulare County, 9-9,400 feet, Purpus 1787.
Reported to grow at Merced Lake above Yosemite Valley, a Can-
adian station.101
6. Ribes montigenum McClatchie, Erythea, vol. 5, p. 38. 1897.
E. lacustre var. molle Gray, Bot. Calif., vol. i, p. 206. 1876.
E. nubigenum McClatchie, Erythea, vol. 2, p. 80. 1894, not of Philippi, 1857.
E. lacustre var. lentum Jones, Proc. Cal. Acad. II, vol. 5, p. 681. 1895.
E. molle Howell, Fl. N.W. Am., vol. 1, p. 209. 1898, not of Poepp., 1858.
E. lentum (Jones) Coville and Hose, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., vol. 15, p. 26.
Type locality. — "On summit of Mt. San Antonio, 10,000 ft. alti-
tude, among dry exposed rocks."
Range. — British Columbia to Montana and in the higher moun-
tains to the south to New Mexico and southern California.
Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian.
1921] Snviley: Fiord of the Sierra Nevada of California 227
Specimens examined. — Mt. Rose, 9,000 feet, Kennedy 1269; Slide
Mountain, Washoe County, 8,600 feet, Heller 10957; Snow Valley,
Ormsby County, 2,460-2,615 m., Baker 1150; Summit, 7,000 feet,
Bolander, Kellogg and Co.; same locality, Heller 7008; ridge below
Lake Lucile, Tahoe, Dudley, June 26, 1900 ; between Suzy and Heather
Lakes, Tahoe, 7,800 feet, Smiley 160; Half -Moon Lake, Tahoe, 7,760
feet, McGregor 55 ; Mt. Tallac, Tahoe, talus rock, 9,500 feet, Smiley
249, 250; same locality, 8,500 feet, Abrams 4821; summit of Mono
Pass, 8,300 feet, Brewer 1722 ; Cars.on Spur, Alpine County, 8,500 feet,
Hansen 792 ; Lake Tenaya, 8,000 feet, Brewer 1686 ; east slope Unicorn
Peak, Yosemite, 10,100 feet, Smiley 809 ; Mt. Lyell, 10,500-11,000 feet,
Hall and Babcock 3564; Mt. Goddard, 11,100 feet, Hall and Chandler
680 ; pine forest between Lake Tenaya and Tuolumne meadows, 9,600
feet, R. A. Ware 2679c; Hockett's meadows, Tulare County, Dudley,
June 4, 1902; slope of Mt. Silliman, 10-11,000 feet, Dudley 1486;
Olancha Mountain, Tulare County, 10,000 feet, in forest of Pinus Bal-
fouriana, Hall and Babcock 5260.
7. Ribes hirtellum var. inerme (Rydb.) comb. nov.
E. inerme Kydb., Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard., voL 1, p. 202. 1900.
Type locality. — "Slough Creek," Montana.
Range. — British Columbia to Montana and south to California
(northern Sierra Nevada), Utah, and New Mexico.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian (Lower).
Specimens examined. — Sierra County, Lemmon 803^ ; Deer Park,
Tahoe, Miss H. D. Geiss 50 ; Plumas County, Mrs. Austin, June 1878 ;
about Marlette Lake, east of Lake Tahoe, 2,460 m., Baker 1301 ; Upper
Tuolumne River, 9,000 feet, Brewer 1756; Mineral King, 7,200 feet,
Culbertson (B4559).
This plant is the western representative of that group of northern
gooseberries centering about R. oxyacanthoides (L.) Mill of the Hud-
son Bay region ; this has as its best defined species in northeastern
North America R. hirtellum Michx., one form of which (R. saxosum
Hook.) is scarcely separable from our western plant; see Fernald.111
Ribes lacustre (Pers.) Poir, a species ranging through subarctic
North America and extending southward in the west as a subalpine
species in the Rocky Mountains to Colorado and Utah, in the Cascades
to the mountains of Siskiyou County, is not known from the Sierra
228 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Leaves simple.
Pistils numerous; leaves deeply palmately lobed 1. Bubus
Pistils solitary; leaves small and merely dentate or entire.
Apetalous; pistils persistent and plumose 2. Cercocarpus
Petals present.
Ovary superior; fruit a drupe 3. Primus
Ovary inferior; fruit a pome 4. Amelanchier
Pistils 5.
Fruit an achene; flowers white 5. Holodiscus
Fruit a several-seeded follicle; flowers reddish 6. Spiraea
Leaves compound.
Tall shrubs 7. Pyrus
Herbs or low shrubs.
Fruit dry.
Pistils 3-many; anthers opening by longitudinal slits.
Stamens many (20 or more), borne on the base of the calyx close to
the receptacle.
Style straight, naked and deciduous 8. Potentilla
Style hooked or plumose and persistent 9. Geum
Stamens 10-20, borne near the throat of the calyx and distant from
the receptacle.
Filaments broad and petaloid 10. Horkelia
Filaments filiform 11. Ivesia
Stamens 5; leaves trifoliate; flowers yellow 12. Sibbaldia
Pistil solitary; anthers opening by terminal pores 13. Stellariopsis
Fruit fleshy; leaves trifoliate; flowers white 14. Fragaria
1. Rubus parviflorus Nutt. Gen., vol. 1, p. 308. 1818.
E. nufkanus Moc., in DC., Prodr., vol. 2, p. 566. 1825.
Eubacer parviflorum (Nutt.) Eydb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 30, p. 274.
Type locality. — ' ' On the island Michilimackinak, Lake Huron. ' '
Range. — Widely distributed in western North America from south-
eastern Alaska to the Great Lakes, southward to Mexico.
Zone. — Transition and lower Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Glen Alpine, Eldorado County, 7,000 feet,
W. W. Price, July, 1898 ; Grass Lake, Tahoe, McGregor 4 ; ravime near
Fallen Leaf Lake, Tahoe, 7,000 feet, Smiley 361.
This shrub is here included because, though mainly Transition
in its zonal position, it is so abundant in certain places in the Pinus
Jeffreyi division of the Canadian life-zone.
1. Cercocarpus ledifolius Nutt., in T. and G., FL, vol. 1, p. 427.
Type locality. — "Rocky Mountains, in alpine situations on the
summits of the hills of Bear River of Timpanagos. ' '
Range. — Pacific Coast east to Montana and Colorado.
1921 ] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 229
Zone. — Arid Transition, mainly near the upper limit of that zone,
and extending into the lower Canadian on rocky outcrops.
Specimens examined. — Growing on a rocky point above Grass Lake,
Tahoe, Miss Lathrop, July 19, 1909 ; Silver Mountain, Alpine County,
Brewer 2039; mountain near Sonora Pass, 8-9,000 feet, trees 6-10
inches diameter, 15-20 feet high, Brewer 1876; Olancha Mountain,
Tulare County, 9,400 feet, Rothrock 330.
2a. Cercocarpus ledifolius var. intricatus (Wats.) Jones, Bot.
Gaz., vol. 5, p. 154, 1880.
C. intricatus Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 10, p. 346. 1875.
No specimen of this high mountain form has been seen from the
Sierra ; it is here included because not unlikely growing on the higher
peaks of the Carson Range, east of Lake Tahoe.
1. Primus emarginata (Dougl.), Walp., Repert. Bot., vol. 2, p. 9.
Cerasus emarginata Dougl., in Hook., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 1, p. 169. 1830.*
Type locality. — "On the upper part of the Columbia River,
especialy about the Kettle Falls."
Range. — British Columbia to northwest Montana and south on the
Pacific Coast to the mountains of southern California.
Zone. — Arid Transition and locally rising into the Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Spanish Peak, Plumas County, 3-6 feet
high, among summit rocks, 7,000 feet, Hall 9291 ; same locality, 5-6,000
feet, Mrs. Austin in 1877; above Donner Lake toward Donner Pass,
Heller 7164 ; Donner Lake, Dudley, June, 1900 ; between Fallen Leaf
Lake and Glen Alpine, Tahoe, dry hillside, 7,200 feet, Smiley 220;
Grass Lake, 7,200 feet, McGregor 94; north slope of moraine, south
of Fallen Leaf Lake, 6,900 feet, Smiley 14 ; Little Shuteye Pass, Sierra
National Forest, 7,000 feet, Abrams 4930; Glacier Point, Yosemite,
Congdon, May (without year) ; Mt. Raymond slope at 6,500-7,000 feet,
Dudley, July 13, 1901; Grant Park, Tulare County, "the common
prune of 7-9,000 ft." Dudley 1233; Big Arroyo, Tulare County, Cul-
bertson (B4539).
This cherry occurs abundantly in the upper part of the Transition
zone and in the lower Canadian, where it forms a considerable part of
the chaparral of this altitude.
a detailed synonymy see Wight, W. P., Native American Species of
Prunus. Bull. U. S. Dept. Agr. 179, pp. 1-75. 1915.
230 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Plant glabrous throughout; leaf tip retuse or truncate; leaf not cordate at base
•. 1. A. glabra
Plant somewhat tomentulose, at least the ovary hirsute; leaves round-cordate
2. A. siskiyouensis
1. Amelanchier glabra Greene, Fl. Fran., p. 52. 1891.
Type locality. — "In the Donner Lake region of the Sierra Nevada."
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Border of Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Near Donner Lake, Torrey 126 ; above Don-
ner Lake toward Pass, Heller 7176 ; southern Sierra, nine miles west
of Mt. Brewer (said on label to have been collected on the State Sur-
vey, but without number).
Dr. Nelson accords this species admission to the flora of Colorado
(Coulter-Nelson, New Man., p. 266) for the reason that he regards
A. polycarpa Greene (Pitt., vol. 4, p. 127. 1900) as a synonym; I
have not had an opportunity of examining the basis of A. polycarpa,
but P. C. Standley, after seeing the material in Dr. Greene's her-
barium, considered the Colorado plant unlike that of our region
(Standley, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., vol. 27, pp. 197-198. 1914).
2. Amelanchier siskiyouensis C. K. Schneider, Handb. d. Laub-
holzk., vol. 1, p. 735. 1906.
Type locality. — "Gebirge in Calif., bis 2,000 m. " Type Hansen
Range. — Central Sierra Nevada to the mountains of Northern
California (see note below).
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimen examined. — Silver Lake, Amador County, 8,5QO feet,
Hansen 230.
Dr. L. R. Abrams92 suggests that the range of this species should
possibly be extended to include certain collections made in the San
Bernardino Mountains of southern California (Dry Lake Caiion, 9,000
feet, Abrams and McGregor 785).
Amelanchier alnifolia Nutt. (Jour. Acad. Phila., vol. 7, p. 22.
1834), with which the two species last named have been confused and
from which they are separated by characters none too precise, is a
common shrub ranging widely in the west and abundant in the Sierra
below our borders or just meeting them.
1921] Snviley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada, of California 231
Leaves ovate; pubescence, if present, sericeous 1. H. dumosus
Leaves round-ovate; pubescence of spreading, somewhat rigid hairs
2. H. Boursieri
1. Holodiscus dumosus Heller, Cat. N. Am. PI., p. 4. 1898.
Spiraea dumosa Nutt., in T. and G., Fl., vol. 1, p. 416. 1840, as synonym;
Hook., Lond. Journ. Bot., vol. 6, p. 217. 1847.
Spiraea discolor var. dumosa Wats., Bot. Calif., vol. 1, p. 170. 1878.
Sericotheca concolor Eydb., N. Am. Fl., vol. 22, p. 264. 1908.
Holodiscus saxioola Heller, Muhl., vol. 1, p. 41.- 1904.
Sericotheca obovata Rydb., N. Am. Fl., vol. 22, p. 264. 1908.
Type locality. — East slope of the Rocky Mountains along Platte
Range. — Wyoming to Chihuahua and west to the Pacific Coast.
Zone. — Canadian to Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Granite rocks at Donner Pass, 7,000 feet,
Heller 7160; summit back of Jonesville, Butte County, 7,000 feet,
Heller 11667; Silver Lake, Amador County, 7,200 feet, E. Mulliken
148 ; Mt. Tallac, Tahoe, talus slope on east side, 8,300 feet, Smiley 226 ;
Hunter Creek Canon, Washoe County, Nevada, 7,500 feet, Heller
10353 ; Glen Alpine, Tahoe, 7,000 feet, W. W. Price, July 12, 1898 ;
Clear Creek Canon, Ormsby County, Nevada, 2,000-2,615 m., Baker
1431; Mono Pass, Congdon, August 16, 1894; Cloud's Rest trail, 7,400
feet, Smiley 496; summit of Half-dome, Yosemite, Lemmon, August
19, 1878; trail from Round meadow to Nellie Lake, Fresno County,
8,100 feet, Smiley 592; Coyote Creek, Tulare County, Culbertson
(B4332) ; Mt. Silliman, Tulare County, 9-10,000 feet, Dudley 1470;
White-water Peak, Tulare County, among summit rocks, Dudley 632 ;
mountains near Farewell Gap, 10-11,000 feet, Purpus 5121.
Although as Dr. H. M. Hall has pointed out79 the vegetative char-
acters of this shrub change with change of environment, the essential
specific characters of the flowers remain constant ; the same is true of
the nature of the pubescence, which is always more or less silky and
present in varying amounts.
2. Holodiscus Boursieri (Carr.) Rehder., Cycl. Hort., vol. 3, p.
1498. 1915.
Spiraea Boursieri Carr., Eev. Hort., 1859, p. 520. 1859.
Sericotheca Boursieri Rydb., N. Am. Fl., voL 22, p. 263. 1908.
Type locality. — ' ' California, ' ' without locality.
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
' Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian.
232 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Specimens examined. — Silver Valley, 8,000 feet, on dry volcanic
rocks, Brewer 1974 ; peak near Sonora Pass, 11,000 feet, Brewer 1925 ;
Cloud's Rest, 10,000 feet, A. Gray in 1872.
Erect branching shrub; the red flowers in dense panicles 1. S. densiflora
Low depressed shrub; the white flowers spicate 2. S. caespitosa
1. Spiraea densiflora Nutt., in T. and G., Fl., vol. 1, p. 414. 1840.
S. betulaefolia Pall. var. rosea Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 8, p. 381. 1872.
S. lucida Dougl. var. rosea Greene, Pitt., vol. 2, p. 221. 1892.
S. arbuscula Greene, Erythea, vol. 3, p. 63. 1895.
8. Helleri Rydb., N. Am. Fl., vol. 22, p. 248. 1908.
Type locality. — Blue Mountains of Oregon.
Range. — British Columbia to Montana, south along the mountains
of Washington, Oregon, and California to the central Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Near Summit Station, Heller 7022 ; Sierra
County, Lemmon 704 ; Glen Alpine to Mt. Tallac, Setchell and Dobie,
July 6-21, 1901 ; summit back of Jonesville, Butte County, 7,000 feet,
Heller 11665; Gilmore Lake, Tahoe, 8,300 feet, Abrams 4856; Silver
Lake, Alpine County, 8,000 feet, Hansen 235 ; shores of Angora Lake,
Tahoe, 7,600 feet, Smiley 34; Grass Lake, Tahoe, McGregor 13;
Ebbett's Pass, 8,900 feet, Brewer 2090; soda springs of the Tuolumne,
Yosemite, 8,680 feet, Brewer 1777 ; Lake Tenaya, Yosemite, 8,143 feet,
border of lake, Smiley 701; Shuteye Pass, Sierra National Forest,
7,000 feet, Abrams 4937; Shuteye Mountain, Madera County, 8,000
feet, J. Murdoch Jr. 2521.
In the Sierra, this shrub does not seem to rise so high as in the
mountains of Washington; in our region it is preeminently a plant
found about lake borders of the Canadian; in Washington, Piper
assigns it to the Hudsonian, while according to C. S. Sargent (Gard.
and Forest, vol. 10, p. 410), it forms dense mats at timber line at
5,000 feet on the Olympics and on Mt. Rainier ascends 2,000 feet
2. Spiraea caespitosa Nutt., in T. and G., FL, vol. 1, p. 418. 1840.
Eriogynia caespitosa Wats., Bot. Gaz., vol. 15, p. 242. 1890.
LuetJcea caespitosa O. Kuntze, Rev. Gen., vol. 1, p. 217. 1891.
Petrophyton caespitosum (Nutt.) Rydb., Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard., vol. 1,
p. 206. 1900.
Petrophyton acuminatum Rydb., N. Am. Fl., vol. 22, p. 253, 1908.
Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 233
Type locality. — "On high shelving rocks in the Eocky Mountains,
towards the sources of the Platte."
Range. — Montana and Black Hills of South Dakota to New Mexico
and west in the mountains of Arizona and southern Nevada to the
southern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Arid Transition or Canadian.
Specimen examined. — Big Arroyo, Tulare County, Culbertson
The specimen cited is the basis for P. acuminatum Rydb. ; it would
seem that the characters relied upon to distinguish this species have
been incautiously chosen: it is said that in the type the petals are
"very acute or acuminate," but in the specimen of this collection
preserved in the Gray Herbarium the petals are really truncate, or
similar to those of Nuttall 's species.
1. Pyrus sitchensis var. calif ornica (Greene), comb. nov.
Sorbus californica Greene, Pitt., vol. 4, p. 131. 1900.
Type locality. — "Common at middle elevations in the Calif ornian
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Elwell, Plumas County, 7,800 feet,
Hall 9340; Gold Lake, Sierra County, 6,400 feet, Hall and Babcock
4514; Glen Alpine, Tahoe, W. W. Price, July 8, 1898; Fallen Leaf
trail to Mt. Tallac, 8,000 feet, Abrams 4814; Silver Lake, Amador
County, 8,000 feet, Hansen 789 ; Summit, Placer County, 7,000 feet,
Heller 9835, 7026; Ralston Peak, Tahoe, 8,300 feet, Smiley 416;
Ebbett's Pass, 6,500-8,500 feet, Brewer 2091; Shuteye Pass, Sierra
National Forest, 7,000 feet, Abrams 4943; base of Pyramid Peak,
Tahoe, 8,600 feet, Smiley 76; Chilnualna Falls, Mariposa County,
Cpngdon, August 21, 1889 ; Dog Lake, near Tuolumne meadows, 9240
feet, Smiley 837 ; Farewell Gap, Tulare County, 10,000 feet, Culbert-
son (B4527) ; near Alta Peak, Tulare County, 9-10,000 feet, Dudley
I am not certain whether this is even varietally distinct from
P. sitchensis (Roem.) Piper, a species ranging from southeastern
Alaska to at least northwestern California, but our form commonly
shows the leaflets smaller with their distal ends abruptly acuminate,
as contrasted with the typical form of the northwest coast.
234 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Petals yellow, rarely white.
Shrubby perennial; style lateral on the densely villous achene 1. P. fruticosa
Plants not shrubby above the woody caudex.
Style nearly terminal; ovules pendulous.
Leaves pinnate.
Style much longer than the mature achene, filiform.
Leaflets densely white silky villous, dentate only about the apex;
petioles short 2. P. Breweri
Leaflets green on both sides and serrate along the edges; petiole
long 3. P. dissecta
Style not longer than the mature achene, thick and glandular below
4. P. pseudosericea
Leaves digitate.
Leaflets more than 3, leaves not trifoliate.
Leaflets usually about 7.
Leaves long-petioled, glabrate above 5. P. etomentosa
Leaves short-petioled, densely silky on both sides
6. P. concinnaeformis
Leaflets usually 5.
Plants tall (1 foot or more); leaves nearly glabrous above, densely
white-tomentose below 7. P. gracilis
Plants low (4-6 inches high); leaves silky on both sides; leaflets
cuneate and crenate only about the apex 8. P. Wheeleri
Leaves trifoliate.
All 3 leaflets sessile or nearly so 9. P. flabellifolia
Terminal leaflet long stalked 10. P. Gray!
Style nearly basal; ovules ascending or nearly erect.
Flowers yellow 11. P. glandulosa
Flowers white 12. P. lactea
Petals red 13. P. palustris
1. Potentilla fruticosa L., Sp. PL, p. 495. 1753.
Dasiphora fruticosa (L.) Kydb., Mem. Dept. Bot. Columbia Univ., vol. 2,
p. 188. 1898.t
Type locality. — "Habitat in Eboraco, Anglia, Oelandia australi,
Range. — Holarctie realm ; in North America south from the arctic
regions to New Jersey, Great Lakes, northern Iowa, New Mexico,
Arizona, and California.
Zone. — Canadian to Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Sierra County, Lemmon 735 ; near summit
of Tinker's Knob, Tahoe, Kennedy and Doten 275; Desolation Valley,
Tahoe, Setchell and Dobie, July 6-21, 1901 ; Tamarack trail, Tahoe,
8,200 feet, Smiley 253; Bloody Canon, Mono County, R. A. Gibbs,
August, 1898; Ebbett's Pass, 8-9,000 feet, Brewer 2087; Mt. Gibbs,
south side in granite, 10,100 feet, Smiley 764; saddle between Mt.
Dana and Mt. Gibbs, Chesnut and Drew, July 17, 1889 ; Mt. Lyell,
Yosemite, 9,300 feet, Hall and Babcock 3558; Mono Pass, Congdon,
August 16, 1895.
t For detailed synonymy see N. Am. Fl., vol. 22, p. 366. 1908.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 235
2. Potentilla Breweri Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 8, p. 555.
Type locality. — ' ' Mono Pass in the Sierra ( 1720 Brewer) ; summit
above Cisco (Bolander)."
Range. — Sierra Nevada, northward to the Warner Mountains of
Modoc County.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Summit above Cisco, Bolander, Keljogg and
Co. in 1872 ; Deer Park, Tahoe, Miss H. D. Geiss 37a, 37c, 37b* ; Soda
Springs, Nevada County, Jones, 351a, 351, 323 ; Independence Lake,
Nevada County, C. F. Sonne 1; Mt. Rose, 9,650 feet, Heller 9902;
Mt. Tallac, Tahoe, 9,000 feet, G. R. Hall 8792 ; Snow Flat, Yosemite,
Hall and Babcock, 3630* ; Lundy trail, Mt. Warren, Yosemite, Cong-
don, August 21, 1894 ; Mt. Dana, 12,500 feet, Bolander 5084* ; Dana
Fork meadows, Yosemite, 9,800 feet, Smiley 853 ; Tuolumne meadows,
8,600 feet, R. A. Ware 2693c; Kaiser Crest, Fresno County, 9,600 feet,
Smiley 631*; Hockett's meadows, Dudley 1874; Alpine Zone at Eagle
Lake, near Mineral King, 10,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 5363* ; Fare-
well Gap, Tulare County, 10-11,000 feet, Purpus 5675* ; Bullion Flat
near Mt. Whitney, Dudley 2527 ; mountains above Whitney meadows,
11-12,000 feet, Purpus 1652.*
3. Potentilla dissecta Pursh., Fl. Am. Sept., p. 355. 1814.
Type locality. — "Near Hudson's Bay."
Range. — British Columbia to Saskatchewan to California and
Zone. — Canadian ?
Specimen examined. — Mono train, Yosemite, 8,600 feet, Brewer 275.
3a. Potentilla dissecta Pursh. var. glaucophylla (Lehm.) Wats.,
Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 8, p. 556. 1873.
P. glaucophylla Lehm., Delect. Sem. Hort. Bot. Hamb., 1836, p. 7. 1836.
Type locality. — Not ascertained.
Range. — Widely distributed in western North America from Cali-
fornia and Colorado northward.
Specimens examined. — Tuolumne meadows, rich damp soil by
Tuolumne River, Yosemite, 8,600 feet, R. A. Ware 2684c ; soda springs,
Tuolumne meadows, Miss Eastwood, July 5-19, 1902.
* These collections represent the var. expansa Wats. (Bot. Calif., vol. 1, p. 179,
1876), described from a collection made by Lemmon in Sierra County, and differ-
ing from the species in the decumbent stems and loosely aggregated flowers; both
species and variety grow together (see Miss H. D. Geiss as above; also Dudley
1874 shows both forms together upon Hockett's meadows).
236 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
4. Potentilla pseudosericea Rydb., Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard., vol. 1,
p. 98. 1898.
Type locality. — Not given except as "Nevada," but the collection
upon which the description is based is Shockley 592 from the White
Mountains, 13,000 feet, Inyo County, California.
Range. — Ranges of the Great Basin and in the Sierra Nevada ?
Specimen examined. — Olancha Peak, Tulare County, 12,000 feet,
Purpus 1865.
5. Potentilla etomentosa Rydb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club., vol. 24,
p. 8. 1897.
P. rigida Newberry, Pac. RE. Rep., vol. 6, p. 72. 1857, not of Nutt.
P. gracilis var. rigida Coville, Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 4, p. 96. 1893.
Type locality. — Not given.
Range. — California and Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian ?
Specimens examined. — About Marlette Lake, east of Lake Tahoe,
2,460 m., C. F. Baker 1383 ; near Mineral King, Coville and Funston
1399; giant forest, Tulare County, Mrs. Brandegee, July, 1905; Suzy
Lake, Tahoe, dry ground, 7,800 feet, Smiley 166.
This species is very near P. pulcherrima Lehm. and perhaps sub-
specific to that species.
6. Potentilla concinnaeformis Rydb., Mem. Dept. Bot. Columbia
Univ., vol. 2, p. 54. 1898.
Type locality. — "Arizona: J. G. Lemmon, no. 3294 (Mt. Agassiz,
10,000 ft.)."
Range. — Arizona and California.
Specimen examined. — Near head of Stanislaus River, Alpine
County, 7,800 feet, Hall and Chandler 4778.
7. Potentilla gracilis Dougl. var. rigida Wats., Proc. Am. Acad.,
vol. 8, p. 557. 1873.
P. rigida Nutt., Jour. Acad. Phila., vol. 7, pt. 1, p. 20. 1834.
Type locality. — "Towards the sources of the Missouri, and as far
down as the old Arikaree village."
Range. — Southern Oregon to southern California.
Zone. — Arid Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Near Glen Alpine, Miss Lathrop, July 19,
1909 ; Half-Moon Lake, Tahoe, 7,760 feet, McGregor 80 ; Donner Lake,
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 237
Heller 6927, 6889; Hockett's meadows, Culbertson (B4442); near
Mineral King, Tulare County, 7,800 feet, Hall and Babcock 5383.
8. Potentilla Wheeleri Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 11, p. 148.
Type locality. — "In the southern Sierra Nevada, about the head-
waters of Kern River, at 8,200 feet elevation."
Range. — Southern Sierra Nevada and mountains of southern Cali-
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Whitney meadows, Tulare County, Coville
and Funston 1672; Olancha Mountain, 8,500 feet, Hall and Babcock
5284; trail to Mt. Whitney, 8,000 feet, Culbertson (B 4550) ; southern
Sierra, Rothrock 324 ; Fish Creek, Tulare County, 8,400 feet, Hall and
Babcock 5209 ; Whitney meadows, Purpus 1628.
9. Potentilla flabellifolia Hook., in T. and G., Fl., vol. 1, p. 442.
Type locality. — "Summit of Mount Rainier, Oregon, Douglas."
(According to Piper, the collector was probably Tolmie.)
Range. — Pacific Coast from Alaska to California, east to northern
Zone. — Hudsonian and Arctic-alpine, locally coming down into the
Specimens examined. — Plumas County, Mrs. Austin; Castle Peak,
8,500 feet, Smiley 487 ; near Lake Lucile, Tahoe, Setchell and Dobie,
July 6-21, 1901 ; Mt. Rose, 9,650 feet, Heller 9890 ; Desolation Valley,
Tahoe, 8,500 feet, Smiley 345; near Tinker's Knob, Tahoe, wet grassy
slopes, C. F. Sonne, August 27, 1893 ; Mt. Conness, Yosemite, J. M.
Hutchings, August, 1892 ; Crescent Lake, Mariposa County, Congdon,
August 10, 1890; near Lake Tenaya, meadow above lake, 8,300 feet,
Smiley 698 ; Snow Flat, Yosemite, 8,700 feet, Hall and Babcock 3491 ;
upper end Dana Fork meadows, Yosemite, 10,000 feet, Smiley 859;
Mt. Lyell, 10,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 3571; Cloud's Rest, B. R.
Drew, July 25, 1887; Tuolumne meadows, 8,600 feet, R. A. Ware,
2698c ; north ravine on Mt. Silliman, Tulare County, 10-11,000 feet,
Dudley 1511; Kaweah Peaks, along Black Peak brook, 12,000 feet,
Dudley 2118 ; Eagle Lake, Tulare County, 10,500 feet, Hall and Bab-
cock 5362.
238 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
This is the commonest species in the wet meadows of the high
mountains and one of the most conspicuous plants by reason of its
brilliant yellow flowers.
10. Potentilla Grayi Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 8, p. 560. 1873.
Type locality. — "Yosemite Valley (Bolander; Gray) ; Lake Tenaya
Range. — Central Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — "Westf all's meadows, above Yosemite, 8,000
feet, Bolander 4971; Peregoy's, above Yosemite, A. Gray in 1872;
Lake Tenaya, 8,327 feet, Brewer 1685; Crescent Lake, Mariposa
County, Congdon, August 13, 1895; Elizabeth Lake meadow, above
Tuolumne meadows, 9,800 feet, Smiley 796; meadows near Black
Mountain, Fresno County, 10,000 feet, Hall and Chandler 615 ; peaks
of the Sierra above Owens Lake, 10,000 feet, A. Kellogg in 1873.
11. Potentilla glandulosa Lindl. var. nevadensis Wats., Bot. Calif.,
vol. 1, p. 178. 1876.
* Drymooallis glandulosa mmticola Rydb., Mem. Dept. Bot. Columbia Univ.,
vol. 2, p. 199. 1898. N. Am. Fl., vol. 22, p. 370. 1908, as species.
Type locality. — "In the Sierra Nevada from the South Fork of
Kern River (Rothrock) to Oregon."
Range. — Sierran region extending to the mountains of northern
and southern California. Northern Coast Ranges (Lake County).
Zone. — Transition and above.
Specimens examined. — Gold Lake, Sierra County, 6,400 feet, Hall
and Babcock 4499; Silver Lake, Amador County, 7,200 feet, E. Mulli-
ken 153 ; Heather Lake, Tahoe, 8,100 feet, Smiley 287 ; north side of
Angora Peak, Tahoe, 7,600 feet, Smiley 17a ; Mt. Tallac, Tahoe, 9,600
feet, Hall and Chandler 4623 ; same locality, 9,500 feet, Smiley 236 ;
Mt. Goddard, 11,100 feet, Hall and Chandler 682* ; Mt. Gibbs, 11,000
feet, Smiley 774*; Tuolumne meadows, Yosemite, foot of Lambert's
Dome, 8,500 feet, Smiley 825; Monarch Lake, Tulare County, 11-
12,000 feet, Dudley 1610*; Farewell Gap, rocky places, 10-11,000
feet, Purpus 2073*.
* These forms of the highest mountains constitute Drymocallis monticola, an
alpine reduced state of the variety incapable of precise definition.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 239
lla. Potentilla glandulosa Lindl. f. Hanseni Wolfe, Bibl. Bot.,
vol. 71, p. 136. 1908.
Potentilla Hanseni Greene, Pitt., vol. 3, p. 20. 1896.
Type locality. — No exact locality given.
Range. — Central and southern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian mainly.
Specimens examined. — Head of Tuolumne Eiver, 9,000 feet,
Brewer 1767 ; soda springs of the Tuolumne, 8,700 feet, Brewer 1705,
1714; same locality, 8,600 feet, R. A. Ware 2686c, 2637c; Black Peak
west of Home Camp meadow, Fresno County, 7,800 feet, Smiley 657 ;
Hockett's meadows, Tulare County, Culbertson (B4469).
Stems and leaves less glandular than the preceding variety.
12. Potentilla lactea Greene, Pitt., vol. 3, p. 20. 1896.
P. glandulosa var. lactea Greene, Fl. Fran., p. 65. 1891.
Type locality. — ' ' Higher elevations in Fresno and Kern counties. ' '
Range. — Central and southern Sierra Nevada.
Specimens examined. — Tuolumne meadows, Yosemite, 8,500 feet,
dry ground near Parsons Lodge, Smiley 833 ; Crabtree meadow, Upper
Kern River, 10,350 feet, H. M. and G. R. Hall 8448 ; Sawtooth Peak,
Tulare County, 11,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 5686.
13. Potentilla palustris (L.) Scop., Fl. Cam., ed. 2, vol. 1, p. 359.
Comarum palustre L., Sp. PI., p. 502. 1753.
Type locality. — European.
Range. — Holarctic realm ; in America from subarctic regions south
to New Jersey, Great Lakes, Iowa, Wyoming, and California.
Zone. — Transition mainly, rising into the Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Sierra County, Lemmon 1034; Lake Tahoe,
Although mainly if not in our region exclusively a transition plant,
this species is here included because it without doubt belongs to the
glacial flora.
.240 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Flowers yellow; styles jointed, the distal part deciduous 1. G. macrophyllum
Flowers purple; styles not jointed, persistent and plumose 2. G. triflorum
1. Geum macrophyllum Willd., Enum., p. 557. 1809.
Type locality. — ' ' Camtschatca. ' '
Range. — Alaska to California and east to the Rocky Mountains;
Newfoundland and northern New England.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — About Marlette Lake, Washoe County, 2,460
m., Baker 1387; King's Canon, Ormsby County, 1,700-2,000 m., Baker
1284; Twin Lakes, Alpine County, 8,500 feet, Hansen 1312; Sierra
County, Lemmon 731 ; trail to Castle Peak, 7,500 feet, Smiley 470.
2. Geum triflorum Pursh., Fl. Am. Sept., vol. 1, p. 736. 1814.
Sleversia triflora (Pursh.) E. Br., in Eiehards., Bot. App. Frankl. Journ.,
ed. 2, p. 21. 1823.
Type locality. — "Upper Louisiana" (South Dakota).
Range. — Widely distributed in North America : transcontinental
at the north ; on the Pacific Coast from British Columbia to California
and Arizona; along the Rockies to Colorado.
Zone. — Arid Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Ridge south of Donner Pass, 8,500 feet,
Heller 7157 ; Sierra Nevada, Kellogg, July 12, 1870 ; Mt. Rose, C. L.
Brown, July 25, 1907 ; on a volcanic cone above Ebbett 's pass, 8,500
feet, Brewer in 1863.
The last collection furnished Dr. Greene the basis for Erythrocoma
canescens (Leaflets, vol. 1, p. 178. 1906), for the acceptance of which,
no adequate reasons were advanced at the time of publication or have
since been proposed ; see C. P. Smith.112
Sepals becoming reflexed; stamens about 20 1. H. purpurascens
Sepals not becoming reflexed; stamens about 10.
Leaflets 10-16; hypanthium glandular and purplish 2. H. fusca
Leaflets 4-8; hypanthium silky but scarcely glandular, and green
3. H. tridentata
1. Horkelia purpurascens Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 11, p.
148. 1876.
Potentilla purpurascens Greene, Pitt., vol. 1, p. 105. 1887.
Horkeliella purpurascens Eydb., N. Am. Fl., vol. 22, p. 282. 1908.
Type locality. — "On the headwaters of Kern River, at 9,000 feet
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 241
Range. — Southern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Southern Sierra, 9,000 feet, Rothrock 327
(type) ; Hockett's meadows, Tulare County, Dudley 1871; Funston's
meadows, Tulare County, 8-9,000 feet, Dudley 2157, only slightly
pubescent and hence approaching the following variety.
la. Horkelia purpurascens var. pinetorum (Coville), comb. nov.
Potentilla purpurascens pinetorum Coville, Proc. Biol. Soe. Wash., vol. 7,
p. 77. 1892.
Horkelia pinetorum Bydb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 25, p. 55. 1898.
HorJceliella pinetorum Bydb., N. Am. Fl., vol. 22, p. 282. 1908.
Type locality. — "Trout Meadow, Sierra Nevada, Tulare County,
California. ' '
Range. — Southern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Transition and lower Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Trout meadows, Tulare County, Hall and
Babcock 5048; Kern River Flat, Tulare County, Culbertson (B 4309) ;
Monache meadows, Olanche Mountain, 8,000 feet, Hall and Babcock
The variety differs from the species in lacking pubescence ; it is
common below and in the Pinus Jeffreyi zone, while the species is of
higher altitudes — Pinus Murray ana forests of Hockett's meadows, etc.
2. Horkelia fusca Lindl., Bot. Reg., vol. 23, t. 1997. 1837.
Potentilla Douglasii Greene, Pitt., vol. 1, p. 103. 1887.
Type locality. — ' ' California, ' ' without definite station ; collected
by Douglas.
Range. — Pacific Coast from Washington to California.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined: — Summit, Bolander in 1873; near Peregoy's
above Yosemite, A. Gray in 1872; Westf all's meadows, Yosemite,
Bolander 4966.
2a. Horkelia fusca var. tenella Wats., Bot. Calif., vol. 1, p. 181.
Horkelia parviflora Nutt., in H. and A., Bot. Beech. Voy., p. 338. 1838.
Potentilla Andersoni Greene, Pitt., vol. 1, p. 104. 1887.
Type locality. — "In Sierra County."
Range. — Southern Washington to central Sierra Nevada.
^Zone. — Canadian and Transition, occasionally at high altitudes.
242 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Specimens examined. — Silver Lake, Amador County, 8,000 feet,
Hansen 292; same locality, 7,200 feet, E. Mulliken 127; Lake Tenaya,
8,200 feet, Hall and Babcock 3526; Elizabeth Lake, Tuolumne
meadows. 9,800 feet, Smiley 795 ; meadows near Black Mountain,
Fresno County, 9,500 feet, Hall and Chandler 593; about Marlette
Lake, east of Lake Tahoe, 2,460 m., Baker 1413.
The variety is the smaller form of the higher mountains, with the
small leaves deeply incised.
3. Horkelia tridentata Torr., Pac. R.R. Rep., vol. 4, p. 84. 1857.
Ivesia tridentata Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 7, p. 338. 1868.
Horkelia Tilingi Eegel, Acta Hort. Petrop., vol. 1, p. 143. 1871.
Potentilla Tilingi Greene, Pitt., vol. 1, p. 105. 1887.
Type locality. — ' ' Duffield 's Ranch, ' ' Sierra Nevada.
Range. — Sierra Nevada to southern Oregon.
Zone. — Transition and occasionally in the Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Donner Lake, Heller 6948, 6960; Silver
Lake, Amador County, 8,000 feet, Hansen 985.
1. Sibbaldia procumbens L., Sp. PL, p. 284. 1753.
Type locality. — "Habitat in alpibus Lapponiae, Helvetiae,
Scothiae. ' '
Range. — Holarctic realm ; in North America south from the arctic
regions to eastern Quebec, White Mountains of New Hampshire ; in
the Rocky Mountains to northern New Mexico and along the Pacific
Coast Mountains to the southern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian to Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — High ridge above Donner Pass, 8,500 feet,
Heller 7181 ; Mt. Rose, 10,000 feet, Kennedy 1150 ; Desolation Valley,
Tahoe, McGregor 750; Rubicon Peak, moist flat, 9,000 feet, Smiley
408 ; Tuolumne meadows, sand margins of Tuolumne River, 8,600 feet,
R. A. Ware 2683c; Mt. Dana, 12,500 feet, Bolander 5082; Mt. God-
dard, 11,500 feet, Hall and Chandler 598; Cathedral Peak, above
Tuolumne meadows, 10,000 feet, Smiley 816; Mt. Lyell, 10,000 feet,
Hall and Babcock 3589; Hockett's meadows, Tulare County, Dudley
1,000 ; Black Peak Brook, Kaweah Peaks, Tulare County, 12,000 feet,
Dudley 2il7 ; north ravine of Mt. Silliman, Tulare County, 10-11,000
feet, Dudely 1506; lower slope of Sawtooth Peak, Tulare County,
11-12,000 feet, Dudley 1609 ; Farewell Gap, 10,300 feet, Purpus 5194.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 243
Flowers white; stamens 10-15 1. I. unguiculata
Flowers yellow.
Stamens 15-20 ., 2. I. campestris
Stamens 5 (in /. pygmaea 5-10).
Foliage green.
Leaflets usually unarmed.
Flowers in a corymbiform cyme; stems somewhat viscid ..3. I. Gordon!
Flowers in a capitate cyme; stems glabrous 4. I. lycopodioides
Leaflets usually beset with prickles.
Plants slightly viscid 5. I. pygmaea
Plants very viscid 6. I. Shockleyi
Foliage densely white-silky, the leaves vermiform 7. I. Muirii
1. Ivesia unguiculata Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 7, p. 339. 1868.
Potentilla unguiculata Greene, Pitt., vol. 1, p. 105. 1887.
Potentilla oiliata Greene, Pitt., vol. 1, p. 103. 1887.
HorTcelia unguiculata Kydb., Mem. Dept. Bot. Columbia Univ., vol. 2, p. 146.
Type locality.— 'West? all's meadows, Yosemite Valley, lat. 8,000
feet, in wet places, Bolander."
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — "Westf all's meadows, 8,000 feet, Bolander
4964'; between Peregoy's and Glacier Point, 7-8,000 feet, A. Gray in
1872; Hockett's meadows, Tulare County, Culbertson (B 4405) ;
Kaweah meadows, Tulare County, 9,300 feet, Purpus 5126a.
Dr. Rydberg considers that the specimens collected by Lemmon
in Sierra County and cited by Brewer and Watson in .the Bot. Calif.,
vol. 1, p. 183 to represent a new species which is densely silvery white
rather than "somewhat silky, but not silvery- white, " the phrase with
which he describes the present species (/. unguiculata Gray) ; I have
had no opportunity to examine the Lemmon specimens and wish now
merely to call attention to Ivesia sericoleuca Ryb. (N. Am. FL, vol.
22, p. 284. 1908), a species said to be restricted to the Sierra Nevada.
2. Ivesia campestris (M. E. Jones) Rydb., N. Am. FL, vol. 22,
p. 285. 1908.
Potentilla utalieiisis var. campestris M. E. Jones, Proc. Calif. Acad. II.
vol. 5, p. 679. 1895.
SorTcelia mollis Eastwood, Bot. Gaz., vol. 41, p. 286. 1906.
Type locality. — Whitney meadows, Tulare County.
Range. — Southern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian.
244 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Specimens examined. — Volcano meadows, Tulare County, 8,500
feet, Hall and Babcock 5466 ; Volcano Creek, 7,500 feet, Hall and Bab-
cock 5448; Hockett's meadows, Culbertson (B4405); same locality,
2,700 m., Hall 1486.
3. Ivesia Gordonii (Hook.) T. and G., Pac. R.R. Rep., vol. 6, p. 72.
Horlcelia Gordonii Hook, Journ. Bot. and Kew Gard. Misc., vol. 5, p. 341.
Potentilla Gordonii Greene, Pitt., vol. 1, p. 106. 1887.
Ivesia alpicola Howell, Fl. N.W. Am., vol. 1, p. 182. 1898.
Horlcelia Gordonii alpicola Rydb., Mem. Dept. Bot. Columbia Univ., vol. 2,
p. 152. 1898.
Type locality. — Not precisely given.
Range. — Pacific Coast from Washington to the southern Sierra
Nevada east to Montana and Colorado.
Zone. — Hudsonian mainly, rising to and above timber-line.
Specimens examined. — Sierra County. Lemmon 91 ; summit of
Castle Peak, 9,000 feet, Lemmon, September, 1872 ; Downieville Peak,
Sierra County, Lemmon, September 1877; Ebbett's Pass, 9,000 feet,
Brewer 2071; Sonora Pass, 10,000 feet, Brewer 1896; soda springs,
Tuolumne River, 8,700 feet, Brewer 1698; Lyell Canon, Yosemite,
9,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 3593 ; Kaweah meadows, Tulare County,
9,400 feet, Purpus; Whitney meadows, Hall and Babcock 5467 at
8,500 feet; mountains near Farewell Gap, 11-12,000 feet, Purpus
5178*; Cloud's Rest, Chesnut and Drew, July 13, 1889; Brown's
meadows, Tulare County, 7,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 5127*; Mt.
Dana, common below 12,750 feet, Hall and Babcock 3609* ; Sawtooth
Peak, 11-12,000 feet, Dudley 1603; Funston's meadows, Tulare
County, 8-9,000 feet, Dudley 2158 ; slope of Mt. Kaweah, rocks above
13,000 feet, Dudley 2101 ; near Mt. Whitney, Dudley 2476*. *
4. Ivesia lycopodioides Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 6, p. 530.
/. Gordonii var. lycopodioides Wats., Bot. Calif., vol. 1, p. 183. 1876.
Type locality. — "High alpine region of the Sierra Nevada, on
Mount Dana, alt., 11,000 to 12,000 feet."
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
* These collections shoAV the petals of large size and this larger size of petal
is considered sufficient warrant for /. megalopetala Kydb. (N. Am. Fl., vol. 22,
p. 289. 1908) ; in my opinion, the characters are inadequate to maintain the
segregate even as a form.
1921] Smiley: Fiord of the Sierra Nevada of California, 245
Specimens examined. — Mt. Dana, 11-12,000 feet, Brewer 1746;
same locality, 12,000 feet, Smiley 732 ; same locality, 11,500 feet, R. A.
Ware 2621c ; Bear Mountain, Mariposa County, Miss Errington.
5. Ivesia pygmaea Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 6, p. 531. 1865.
/. Gordonii var. pygmaea Wats., Bot. Calif., vol. 1, p. 183. 1876.
Type locality. — Among rocks in the Sierra Nevada, from 11,000
feet (where it abounds) up to 12,000 feet."
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Gibbs, Yosemite, 11,200 feet, Smiley
775 ; Glacier Lake, Tulare County, Dudley 1698 ; Cirque Peak, Tulare
County, 12,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 5502 ; Mt. Brewer, 12-13,000
feet, Purpus 1408 ; same locality, 12,500 feet, E. B. Copeland, August
7, 1899.
There appears to be not a little confusion with regard to the num-
bers of the collections made in the southern Sierra by C. A. Purpus;
his no. 1409 represents a case of this confusion. This number is assigned
by Rydberg as the type of Horkelia chaetophora Rydb., (Bull. Torr.
Bot. Club, vol. 26, p. 543. 1899; Ivesia chaetophora Rydb., N. Am.
Fl., vol. 22, p. 290. 1908), with locality "Farewell Gap and Little
Kern River," Tulare County, and the type is said to be deposited in
the herbarium of Mr. T. S. Brandegee; the Brandegee Herbarium is
now at the University of California. Search at Berkeley disclosed
two collections bearing the no. 1409, one from "Rocks, Little Kern
River, 10-11,000 ft.," and the other from "Kaweah Peak, 11-12,000
ft."; no collection from Farewell Gap with no. 1409 has been seen.
/. chaetophora is said to be distinguished, in the generic key to the
species in the N. Am. Flora, from /. pygmaea by having 10 stamens,
5 stamens being assigned there to 7. pygmaea, but in the description
of I. pygmaea on p. 289, the number of stamens is said to be " 5-10. ' '
It is possible that neither of the specimens seen by me is the type of
L. chaetophora; certainly the two sheets of Purpus 1409 now at Berke-
ley differ in no perceptible way from typical 7. pygmaea,.
6. Ivesia Shockleyi Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 23, p. 263. 1888.
Type locality. — "Summit of Silver Peak, Alpine County, Califor-
Range. — Sierra Nevada and occurring in the White Mountains of
Inyo County.
— Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
246 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Specimens examined. — Silver Peak, Alpine County, 11,000 feet,
Lemmon in 1873; Tinker's Knob, west of Lake Tahoe, high exposed
ridges, C. F. Sonne ; Mt. Rose, 10,000 feet, Heller 9881.
7. Ivesia Muirii Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 8, p. 627. 1873.
Type locality. — ' ' On Mount Hoffman, at the altitude of 9,500 feet, ' '
Range. — Yosemite region of the Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Hoffman, Yosemite, 9,500 feet, J. Muir
in 1872 (type) ; north side of Mt. Conness, Yosemite, J. B. Lembert,
August, 1893 ; Mt. Goddard, 11,500 feet, Hall and Chandler 700.
The last collection conforms to Muir's type in every respect save
a larger size ; in the type, the petals are as narrow as they could well
be, yet in the N. Am. FL, vol. 22, p. 283, they are said to be "cuneate"
and those of 7. Chandleri Rydb. (I.e., p. 287) "linear."
1. Stellariopsis santolinoides (Gray) Rydb., Mem. Dept. Bot.
Columbia Univ., vol. 2, p. 155. 1898.
Ivesia santolinoides Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 6, p. 531. 1865.
Potentilla santolinoides Greene, Pitt., vol. 1, p. 106. 1887.
Type locality. — "In the Sierra Nevada."
Range. — Sierra Nevada and mountains of southern California.
Zone. — Arid Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Tahoe, Lemmon in 1873 ; Lake Valley,
Tahoe, 6,400 feet, Abrams 4773; Suzy Lake, Tahoe, 7,650 feet, Mc-
Gregor 116; Amador County, 8,000 feet, Hansen 717; Cloud's Rest
trail, 8,200 feet, Smiley 507; between Peregoy's and Glacier Point,
Yosemite, A. Gray in 1872; Merced River at 9,000 feet, Bolander
6007 ; Tuolumne meadows, sandy places, 8,500 feet, Smiley 738 ; Shut-
eye Mountain, Madera County, 6,500 feet, J. Murdoch 2518 ; Crescent
Lake, Mariposa County, Congdon, August 14, 1895; Kettle Mountain
ridge, Fresno County, Dudley, August 23, 1904; Sentinel Dome,
Yosemite, 8,050 feet, Hall 9141 ; trail from Round meadow to Nellie
Lake, open granite slope, 8,000 feet, Smiley 593 ; Hockett 's meadows,
Tulare County, Culbertson (B 4315) ; Kaweah meadows, 9,300 feet,
Purpus 5174; high Sierra about Mt. Brewer, Tulare County, Brewer
2809; Whitney meadows, 2,850 m., Coville and Funston 1623; Mt.
Pinos, 8,500 feet, Rothrock 210.
1921J Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 247
1. Fragaria virginiana var. platypetala (Rydb.) Hall, Univ. Calif.
Publ. Bot., vol. 4, p. 198. 1912.
F. platypetala Bydb., Mem. Dept. Bot. Columbia Univ., vol. 2, p. 177. 1898.
F, virffiniana var. illinoensis Wats., Bot. Calif., vol. 1, p. 177. 1876, not
Type locality. — "Sprout, British Columbia," as given in N. Am.
Fl., vol. 22, p. 361.
Range. — Pacific Coast, east to Montana and "Wyoming.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Base of Angora Peak, Tahoe, 7,200 feet,
Smiley 307; near Fallen Leaf Lake, Tahoe, 6,400 feet, Smiley 288;
Olancha Mountain, Tulare County, 8,500 feet, Hall and Babcock
la. Fragaria virginiana var. platypetala f. sibbaldifolia Hall.,
Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot., vol. 4, p. 199. 1912.
F. sibbaldifolia Eydb., Mem. Dept. Bot. Columbia Univ., vol. 2, p. 176.
Type locality. — ' ' California : near Mt. Whitney along branches of
Kern River. ' '
Range. — Sierra Nevada; probably co-extensive with that of the
above variety.
Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Luther's Pass, Tahoe region, 7,800 feet,
Abrams 4758 ; Tuolumne meadows, Yosemite, Dudley, July 21, 1901 ;
Whitney meadows, Tulare County, Coville and Funston 1712;
Chagoopa Creek, Tulare County, meadows at 10,000 feet, Dudley
2239; Whitney Creek, 11,000 feet, Culbertson (B4348) ; Nellie Lake
meadow, Fresno County, 8,700 feet, Smiley 610.
Purshia tridentata (Pursh) DC. (Trans. Linn. Soc., vol. ,12, p.
158. 1817), a common shrub of the Upper Sonoran and Arid Tran-
sition from Montana to New Mexico westward to the Pacific Coast,
rises in localities on the east flank of the Sierra to our lower limits
and occasionally ascends above them (Mt. Tallac, talus slope at 8,300
feet, Smiley 229 ; Sonora trail, east side of summit, 8,000 feet, Brewer
248 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Leaves digitate.
Leaves trifoliate; flowers in heads; anthers uniform 1. Trifolium
Leaves not trifoliate; flowers in racemes; anthers dimorphic 2. Lupinus
Leaves pinnate.
Flowers in umbels; pods linear, never inflated 3. Hosackia
Flowers in racemes; pods broad and usually more or less inflated. 4. Astragalus
Heads involucrate; flowers white with dark purple centers 1. T. monanthum
Heads naked; flowers reddish or purple.
Plants almost glabrous; flowers at length reflexed.
Ehachis produced as a spur above the head of the nearly sessile, numerous
(7-12) flowers 2. T. Kingii
Ehachis not produced above the few-flowered (3-4) head of pedicelled
flowers 3. T. Bolanderi
Plant pubescent; flowers always erect 4. T. longipes
1. Trifolium monanthum Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 6, p. 523.
Type locality. — "Moist bank by soda springs, Tuolumne River,
alt. 8,700 feet."
Ra/nge. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian to Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined — Slide Mountain, Washoe County, Nevada,
7,600 feet, Heller 10200 ; Snow Valley, Ormsby County, Nevada, 2,460-
2,615 m., Baker 1282; Mt. Rose, 10,000 feet, Kennedy 995; Soda
Springs, Nevada County, M. E. Jones 57 ; Yuba Pass, Sierra County,
6,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 4484; Pyramid Peak, base of east side,
9,300 feet, Smiley 88a ; Twin Lakes, Alpine County, 8,500 feet, Han-
sen 351 ; Tuolumne meadows, Yosemite, 8,600 feet, R. A. Ware 2654c,
2631c; soda springs of the Tuolumne, 8,700 feet, Brewer 1704;
Tuolumne meadows, foot of Lambert's Dome, 8,600 feet, Smiley 757;
base of Mt. Dana, Chesnut and Drew, July 16, 1889 ; Dana-Gibbs
divide^ above Yosemite, 11,800 feet, Hall and Babcock 3624 ; meadows
near Black Mountain, Fresno County, 10,000 feet, Hall and Chandler
613*; Summit Lake, Tulare County, Culbertson (B 4344) ; Hockett's
meadows, Tulare County, Culbertson (B4457); Mineral King, 2750
m., Coville and Funston 1473 ; Independence Lake, Sierra County,
7,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 4543.*
* These collections represent T. monanthum f. spatiosum McDermott (Rev. N.
Am. Trifolium, p. 98. 1910), differing from the type form in lengthened calyx
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 249
la. Trifolium monanthum var. parvum (Kellogg) McDermott,
Rev., p. 105. 1910.
T. pauciflorum var. parvum Kellogg, Proc. Calif. Acad., vol. 5, p. 54. 1873.
T. multicaule Jones, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 9, p. 31. 1882.
T. parvum Heller, Muhl., vol. 1, p. 114. 1905.
Type locality. — "Damp, sandy or springy and somewhat half
shady places: Cisco, altitude 6,000 feet, Sierra Nevada Mountains."
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Yuba River at Cisco, Hall 8759; Fallen
Leaf Lake, 6,800 feet, Smiley 291; Domier Lake, 6,000 feet, Heller
9831 ; Silver Lake, Amador County, 8,000 feet, Hansen 979.
Miss Eastwood89 reports this — T. multicaule Jones — from Summit
meadow, Tulare County, the most southern locality as yet known.
2. Trifolium Kingii Wats., Bot. King's Exped., p. 59. 1871.
T. productum Greene, Erythea, vol. 2, p. 181. 1894.
Type locality. — "Found growing sparingly in a damp canon above
Parley's Park in the Wasatch ; 6,500 feet altitude."
Range. — Utah to California.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Cisco, Dr. Kellogg, June 29, 1870 ; Gold
Lake, Sierra County, 6,400 feet, Hall and Babcock 4494; Mt. Dyer,
Plumas County, Mrs. R. M. Austin in 1880; Summit, Bolander in
1872 ; same locality, meadow above the station, 7,200 feet, Smiley 446 ;
near Fallen Leaf Lake, 6,400 feet, Smiley 289.
3. Trifolium Bolanderi Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 7, p. 335.
Type locality — "Westf all's meadows above the Yosemite Valley,
at the elevation of 8,000 feet, Bolander."
Range. — Central and southern Sierra.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Westf all's meadows, 8,000 feet, Bolander
4967 ; Peregoy 's to Inspiration Point, Yosemite, A. Gray in 1872 ; head
of Alder Creek, Yosemite, 7,100 feet, Kennedy and Behrend 3020;
North Fork of King's River, 7,000 feet, Hall and Chandler 424.
250 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
4. Trifolium longipes Nutt. in T. and G., Fl., vol. 1, p. 314. 1838.
T. caurinum Piper, Erythea, vol. 6, p. 29. 1898.
Type locality. — "Valleys of the central chain of the Rocky Moun-
tains range, and on the moist plains of the Oregon as low as the
Wahlamet. ' '
Range. — British Columbia to Alberta, south to Mexico and Lower
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Webber Valley, Lemmon 1223 ; north side
of Slide Mountain, Washoe County, Nevada, 7,700 feet, Heller 10947 ;
Carson Spur, Alpine County, Hansen 349; Summit, Kellogg, July,
1883; Silver Valley, 7,351 feet, Brewer 1971; Mono Pass, Bolander
6288; Silver Lake, Amador County, 8,000 feet, Hansen 352, 745*;
Bonita meadows, Tulare County, 8,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 5187;
Golden Trout Creek, Tulare County, 8,900 feet, Hall and Babcock
Dwarf caespitose plants.
Stems wholly herbaceous.
Pubescence dense and shaggy; flowers small 1. L. Lobbii
Pubescence sericeous, the hairs more appressed; flowers larger.
The few flowers in short (1.5-2 inches) rather loose spicate racemes.
2. L. Culbertsonii
The many flowers in longer (3-4 inches), densely flowered spicate
racemes 3. L. sellulus
Stems woody at base.
Leaflets obtuse, 7-10; peduncles short 4. L. Brewer!
Leaflets acute, 4-7; peduncles elongated 5. L. danaus
Large herbaceous plants with 1 or few stems, not caespitose.
Calyx symmetrical or nearly so.
Some of the leaflets 2 inches or longer.
Foliage deep green, nearly glabrous; racemes long and loose; plant of
wet places 6. L. longipes
Foliage grayish with long shaggy hairs; leaflets very narrow, acute,
somewhat falcate 7. L. Covillei
All leaflets less than 2 inches long. ^
Leaflets distinctly obtuse and usually broadly lanceolate; pubescence
tawny 8. L. obtusilobus
Leaflets acute; pubescence white.
Pubescence sparse; petioles longer than the leaflets; keel very strongly
falcate and naked ....9. L. albicaulis
Pubescence dense, silvery; petioles mostly shorter than the leaflets;
keel arcuate but not strongly curved, ciliolate ..10. L. meionanthus
Calyx spurred or saccate at base.
Spur of calyx produced, the upper lip white at tip; plants densely silvery-
silky 11. L. calcaratus
Spur of the uniformly colored calyx short and broad; plants green, the
pubescence sparse and appressed 12. L. laxiflorus
* While the usual color for this species is purplish, there appears to be present
in Amador County a local race with livid red flowers, which is represented among
the specimens cited by Hansen 's collections from Silver Lake ; Dr. Greene described
this as T. Hanseni (Erythea, vol. 3, p. 17. 1895), while Miss McDermottus con-
siders it merely a form, f. Hanseni McDermott (Rev., p. 250. 1910).
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra. Nevada of California 251
1. Lupinus Lobbii Gray, in Greene, Fl. Fran., p. 43. 1891.
L. aridus var. Lobbii Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 8, p. 533. 1873.
L. alpinus Heller, Muhl., vol. 6, p. 22. 1910.
Type locality. — "In the high Sierras of California."
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian, rising locally into the Arctic-
Specimens examined. — Mt. Rose, 9,650 feet, Heller 9914a; same
locality, 9,000 feet, Kennedy 1148; trail to Grass Lake, Tahoe, Miss
Lathrop, July 19, 1909 ; Hermit Valley, Alpine County, Hansen 365 ;
Lake of the Woods, Tahoe, 8,200 feet, Smiley 61 ; Snow Valley, Ormsby
County, Nevada, 2,460-2,615 m., Baker 1374; Gilmore Lake, Mt. Tallac,
8,300 feet, Hall and Chandler 4637 ; Mt. Stanford, 9,000 feet, C. F.
Sonne, August, 1891; Silver Lake, Amador County, 7,200 feet, E.
Mulliken 122; above Ebbett's Pass, 8,500 feet, Brewer 2085; Sonora
Pass, up to 12,000 feet, Brewer 1894 ; Tuolumne meadows, 8,600 feet,
R. A. Ware 2616c ; same locality, 8,500 feet, Smiley 743 ; mountains of
Tuolumne County, 10,000 feet, W. H. Turner, July 19, 1888; Mt.
Gibbs, Congdon, August 16, 1894; Mt. Lyell, 11,000 feet, Hall and
Babcock 3585 ; Golden Trout Creek, Tulare County, 8,900 feet, Hall
and Babcock 8417.
In L. alpinus, I am unable to see anything more than the reduced
state of the species consequent upon the increased rigor of life con-
ditions at the elevation where it appears.
2. Lupinus Culbertsonii Greene, Leaflets, vol. 1, p. 73. 1904.
L. "hypolasius Greene, I.e.
L. liypoleucus Greene, I.e.
Type locality.— "Porks of the Kaweah River, at 8,000 feet."
Tulare County.
Range. — Southern Sierra Nevada northward to about the Yosemite
Zone. — Canadian mainly, rising to timber line or above in depau-
perate forms.
Specimens examined. — South Fork of the Kaweah River, 8,000
feet, Culbertson (B4475); Kaweah meadows, 9-10,000 feet, Purpus
5125; Summit Lake, Tulare County, Culbertson (B 4552) ; Farewell
Gap, 10,000 feet, Purpus 5221; Mt. Silliman, Tulare County, Mrs.
Brandegee, August 23, 1905.
Lupinus crassulus Greene (Muhl., vol. 8, p. 118. 1912), described
f ro»i a collection made by J. H. Hatton " at an altitude of 10,500 feet
252 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
in the Stanislaus forest reservation," is unknown to me save from
description, from which it would appear to be very close to the preced-
ing species, if not indeed identical with it.
3. Lupinus sellulus Kellogg, Proc. Calif. Acad., vol. 5, p. 36.
Type locality. — "At Donner Lake, summit of Sierra Nevada Moun-
tains, California."
Range. — Sierra Nevada region northward from Mariposa County
and probably extending to the mountains of northern California.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Plumas County, Mrs. Austin in 1876 ; Sum-
mit, Placer County, 6,800 feet, Heller 10588; same locality, E. L.
Greene 427 ; Cisco, Bolander, Kellogg an dCo. in 1872 ; Lake Tenaya,
Yosemite, Congdon, August 19, 1890; same locality, 8,200 feet, Hall
and Babcock 3516.
This species is very close to L. confertus Kellogg (Proc. Calif. Acad.
vol. 2, p. 192) and may be merely its higher mountain form; L. con-
fertus is also confined to the Sierran region.
4. Lupinus Brewer! Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 7, p. 334. 1867.
Type locality. — "Prostrate, trailing on the ground or on rocks, on
the Yosemite trail, alt. 6,000 feet."
Range. — Oregon to California (Tehachapi Mountains and San
Bernardino Mountains ? ) .
Zone. — Arid Transition to above timber line.
Specimens examined. — Gold Lake, Sierra County, Lemmon;
Prosser Creek, Nevada County, 5,600 feet, Hall and Babcock 4544;
same locality, C. F. Sonne 50; Marlette Lake, east of Lake Tahoe,
2,460 m., Baker 1303 ; Slide Mountain, Washoe County, Nevada*- 8,400
feet, Heller 10964; head of Galena Creek, Washoe County, 8,500 feet,
Heller 10223; El Capitan, Yosemite, 7,500 feet, Hall 9196; sandy
hillocks back of Sentinel Dome, Yosemite, 7-8,000 feet, A. Gray in
1872; Crescent Lake, Mariposa County, Congdon, August 13, 1895;
Snow Flat, Yosemite, on exposed slopes, 8,500 feet, Hall and Babcock
3502 ; Yosemite trail, 6,000 feet, Brewer 1634 ; Tioga Road, Yosemite,
Congdon, August 28, 1895 ; Hermit Valley, Alpine County, 8,500 feet,
Hansen 365; Mt. Dana, McLean, July 3, 1875; Kaiser Crest, Fresno
County, 9,500 feet, Smiley 630; White Chief Peak, Tulare County,
Culbertson (B4401); Soda Creek, Tulare County, 8-8,000 feet, in
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 253
Jeffrey Pine belt, Purpus 1794; near Mineral King, V. Bailey (Death
Valley 1550, 1654) ; rocky slopes on Old Mt. Whitney, 12-13,000 feet,
Purpus 1676 ; North Fork of Kern River, 12,000 feet, Rothrock 391 ;
Kaweah meadows, dry woods, 10-11,000 feet, Purpus 5340; Mt.
Olancha in Pinus Balfouriana belt, 10,500 feet, Hall and Babcock
5247 ; Mt. Pinos, Rothrock 270.
Although all of the collections above cited do not agree in detail
and some of the forms from the highest altitudes present an aspect
quite different from the lower mountain and typical form, yet exam-
ination failed to disclose characters which would appear to justify
taxonomic differentiation.
5. Lupinus danaus Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 7, p. 335. 1867.
L. Lyallii var. Danaus Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 8, p. 534. 1873.
Type locality. — " Mount Dana, alt. about 12,500 feet, Bolander,"
Range. — Central Sierra (Mt. Dana) to the Mt. Whitney region.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Dana, 12,000 feet, Congdon, August
11, 1898; same locality, Bolander 5087 (type); foot of Mt. Dana,
10,000 feet, Congdon, August 10, 1898 ; Mt. Dana, 11,400 feet, Smiley
722; between Mts. Dana and Gibbs, 10,400 feet, Hall and Babcock
3623 ; Mt. Gibbs to Walker Lake, Congdon, August 16-17, 1894 ; Silver
Mountain, Hooker and Gray in 1877 ; Mt. Lyell, 9,500 feet, Hall and
Babcock 3556; Mt. Whitney, flats near Langley's Camp, Hall and
Babcock 5542.
Perhaps the range of this species extends further north than
usually believed; Dr. Merriam reports53 that a plant collected along
timber line on Mt. Shasta has been determined by Leiberg as belong-
ing to L. danaus, but I suspect that the identification should be with
L. Lyallii Gray (I.e., p. 334), an arctic-alpine of the Cascades of Wash-
ington and Oregon, distinguished by peduncles more hairy and the
larger flowers purple, not nearly white as in our species.
6. Lupinus longipes Greene, Fl. Fran., p. 41. 1891.
L. procerus Greene, Muhl., vol. 6, p. 10. 1910.
Type locality. — "Along streams at middle or higher elevations in
the Sierra, northward to Oregon."
Range. — Southern Oregon southward through the Sierra to the
San Bernardino Mountains of southern California.
- Zone.- — Transition and Canadian, rarely higher.
254 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Specimens examined. — Placer County, Mrs. M. M. Hardy in 1893 ;
lower end Donner Lake, Heller 6911; Fallen Leaf Lodge, 6,900 feet,
Abrams 4878 ; Half-Moon Lake, Tahoe, 7,760 feet, McGregor 74 ; South
Fork of American River near Pyramid Peak, 6,900 feet, Hall and
Chandler 4711 ; Snow Valley, Ormsby County, Nevada, 2,460-2,615 m.,
Baker 1376; Mt. Rose, 9,650 feet, Heller 9902a; Velma Lakes, Eldo-
rado County, 8,000 feet, Hall 8808; Hope Valley, Alpine County,
8,500 feet, Hansen 1315 ; near Lake Lucile, Tahoe, Dudley, June 1900 ;
Indian Creek, Yosemite, 7,300 feet, Hall 9174; Monache meadows,
Tulare County, 9,500 feet, Rothrock 328; Farewell Gap, Tulare
County, 10,000 feet, Culbertson (B 4274) ; same locality, Dudley 2567.
L. longipes is allied to L. rivularis Dougl. of the Coast Range and
extending north to Washington, and also to L. Burkei Wats, of the
7. Lupinus Covillei Greene, Proc. Acad. Phila., 1892, p. 365.
L. dasypliyllus Greene, Leaflets, vol. 1, p. 73. 1904.
Type locality. — "Near Farewell Gap, in the Sierra Nevada of Cali-
fornia, at an altitude of 10,000 feet."
Range. — Yosemite region of the Sierra to Tulare County.
Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Hoffman, Yosemite, 8,500 feet, H. M.
Evans, July, 1901 ; Lake Tenaya, Yosemite, 8,327 feet, Brewer 1691 ;
Tuolumne meadows, in forest, 8,600 feet, Smiley 826; Mt. Surprise,
Mariposa County, Congdon, August 11, 1890; Mt. Silliman, Tulare
County, 10,000 feet, Mrs. Brandegee, August 23, 1905; near Mineral
King, Dudley 2568; Farewell Gap, R. Hopping 87; same locality,
10-10,600 feet, Purpus 2051; same locality, 10,000 feet, Covitte and
Funston 1746 (co-type in U. C.).
8. Lupinus obtusilobus Heller, Muhl., vol. 8, p. 115. 1912.
Type locality. — ' ' On Mt. Shasta, at an altitude of 8,000 feet. ' '
Range. — Mountains of northern California and extending to the
northern limits of the Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Summits back of Jameson Lake, on line
between Plumas and Sierra Counties, Hall 9351.
19211 Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 255
9. Lupinus albicaulis Dougl. in Hook., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 1, p. 165.
L. apertus Heller, Muhl., vol. 8, p. 103. 1912.
Type locality. — ''About Fort Vancouver on the Columbia."
Range. — Pacific Coast from Washington to southern Sierra
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Summit, Placer County, 7,000 feet, Heller
6978 ; Gold Lake, Sierra County, 6,400 feet, Hall and Babcock 4508 ;
Silver Lake, Amador County, 8,000 feet, Hansen 744; Crescent Lake,
Mariposa County, Congdon, August 10, 1890; stony slopes along
Soda Creek, Tulare County, 8-9,000 feet, Purpus 5156 ; Mineral King,
Tulare County, 7,800 feet, Coville and Funston 1478.
Our Sierran form of this species, becoming somewhat dwarfed
in the higher mountains (= L. apertu-s}, appears to connect with the
typical north coast form in Oregon and Washington by a series of
intergrades, one of which was described by Drew as L. sylvestris (Bull.
Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 16, p. 150. 1889).
10. Lupinus meionanthus Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 6, p. 522.
L. montigenus Heller, Muhl., vol. 6, p. 109. 1910.
Type locality. — "Nevada, near Carson City."
Range. — Central Sierra from Lake Tahoe to the Yosemite region.
Zone. — Canadian, rising into the Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Summit, Placer County, Kellogg; cafion
of Red Clover Creek, Plumas County, 5,000 feet, Hall and Babcock
4449; Castle Peak near the highest point, 9,000 feet, Heller 7084;
mountain ridges from Mt. Stanford to Truckee Knob, 8,500 feet, C. F.
Sonne 6; near Donner Lake, on sunny slopes, E. L. Greene 400; Mt.
Rose, 10,000 feet, Heller 9880; ridge between Desolation Valley and
Heather Lake, Tahoe, 8,700 feet, Smiley 183 ; gravelly slopes north
of Suzy Lake, Tahoe, Smiley 173 ; Pyramid Peak, 9,400 feet, Hall and
Chandler 4737; mountains above Coldstream, Sierra County, 7,500
feet, Sonne, August 7, 1887 ; head of Fall Creek, Ormsby County,
Nevada, 2,460 m., Baker 1325; Carson Spur, Alpine County, 8,500
feet, Hansen 743 ; Rubicon Peak, Eldorado County, 8,200 feet. Smiley
402 ; summits and slopes east of the Minarets, Mariposa County, Cong-
don, August 18, 1899.
256 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
11. Lupinus calcaratus Kellogg, Proc. Calif. Aead., vol. 2, p. 195.
Type locality. — None given.
Range. — Northern and central Sierra Nevada and east on the
mountains of Nevada. Inner slope of the North Coast Range (Tehama
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Rose, 9-10,000 feet, Kennedy 1187;
Carson Spur, Alpine County, 8,500 feet, Hansen 364; trail to Castle
Peak, 8,400 feet, Smiley 488 ; hills around Marlette Lake, east of Lake
Tahoe, 8,200 feet, Hall and Chandler 4589 ; above Glen Alpine, Tahoe,
7,200 feet, Smiley 205 ; ridges bordering Lake Lucile, Tahoe, Dudley,
June 26, 1900 ; Glen Alpine trail to Mt. Tallac, 9,000 feet, Abrams
4845; Long Lake, Plumas County, 6,700 feet, Hall 9328; Little
Truckee River, 6,300 feet, Hall and Babcock 4532; near Frog Lake
on Mt. Stanford (Castle Peak), C. F. Sonne, July 31, 1897; Indepen-
dence Lake, Nevada County, 7,200 feet, Hall and Babcock 4532.
The four collections last cited present a form with smaller flowers
grouped in an inflorescence less dense than usual in this species and
this variant has been proposed as specifically distinct — L. silvicola
Heller (Muhl., vol. 6, p. 81. 1910) — a conclusion which to me appears
unwarranted both by the vagueness of the characters assigned and
the inconstancy with which they appear.
12. Lupinus laxiflorus Dougl. Bot. Reg., vol. 14, pi. 1140. 1828.
Type locality. — "In dry, open gravelly plains, about the great
rapids of the River Columbia. ' '
Range. — Washington to northern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Transition mainly, rarely above.
Specimens examined. — Long Lake, Plumas County, 6,700 f eet? Hall
9328 (referred on floral and vegetative characters only, the pods im-
mature) ; Summit, in dry meadow, 7,000 feet, Smiley 442a.
Both of these collections differ from good L. laxiflorus of the
Northwest and approach L. calcaratus of the Sierra: the short spur
of the calyx and the blue flowers in a loose elongated raceme ally
them with L. laxiflorus; the pointed leaflets and fine silky appressed
pubescence are characters of L. calcaratus.
Other lupines may reach our lower borders or locally ascend above
them, i.e., L. Andersoni Wats. (Ebbett's Pass, Bolander 2012) ; L.
Grayi Wats. (Tenaya Canon, 7,000 feet, Smiley 667), but are not to
be considered as components of the boreal flora of the Sierra.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 257
1. Hosackia cuprea (Greene), comb. nov.
Lotus cupreus Greene, Leaflets, vol. 1, p. 74. 1904.
Type locality. — Hockett's meadows, E. Tulare Co., Calif., at 8,600
Range. — Southern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian ?
Specimens examined. — Meadows at head of Belknap Creek, Tulare
County, 8,500 feet, H. M. and G. R. Hall 8367; Hockett's meadows,
Tulare County, 8,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 5588.
Leaflets prickly pointed, rigid and persistent; pods minute (^4 inch long)
1. A. tegetarius
Leaflets not prickly pointed; pods more than ^4 inch long (except in A.
Pods bladdery-inflated, thin and membranous.
Pods 2-celled, ovate, more or less puberulent, sessile in the calyx.
Stems 5-12 inches high; plants sparsely or densely hirsute
2. A. lentiginosus
Nearly acaulescent and densely canescent 3. A. platytropis
Pods 1-celled, very obtuse and glabrous, stipitate 4. A. Whitney!
Pods scarcely inflated, firm-walled.
Pods plainly stipitate and %-l inch long 5. A. Bolanderi
Pods sessile in and shorter than the calyx 6. A. Austinae
1. Astragalus tegetarius Wats., Bot. King's Exped., p. 76. 1871.
Type locality. — "Peaks of the East Humboldt and Clover Moun-
tains, Nevada."
Range. — Southwest Montana and "Wyoming to Oregon, south to
Colorado, Nevada, and California.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Dana, 13,000 feet, Brewer 1736; same
locality, near the summit, Chesnut and Drew, July 17, 1889 ; summit
of Mt. Warren, Tuolumne County, Congdon, August 21, 1894.
2. Astragalus lentiginosus Dougl., in Hook., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 1,
p. 151. 1830.
Phaoa lentiginosa (Dougl.) Piper, Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 11, p. 368. 1906.
Type locality. — "Subalpine ranges of the Blue Mountains."
Range. — Washington to California and Nevada, on the inner side
of the Cascade-Sierra axis.
Zone. — Canadian as to the Californian specimens.
258 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Specimens examined. — Mono Pass, Congdon, August 26, 1895 ;
mountains near Sonora Pass, 9,000 feet, Brewer 1878.
Piper (I.e.} reports this species as Upper Sonoran in zonal position
in Washington.
3. Astragalus platytropis jGray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 6, p. 526.
Type locality. — "Dry rocky mountain near Sonora Pass — in loose
gravel and sand near the summit (alt. 10,000 feet)."
Range. — Southwestern Montana across the northern half of the
Great Basin to the Sierra Nevada.
Specimen examined. — Mountain summit near Sonora Pass, 10,000
feet, Brewer 1889.
4. Astragalus Whitney! Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 6, p. 526.
Type locality — "Dry rocky mountain near Sonora Pass — in loose
soil, near the summit, alt. 10,000 feet."
Range. — Sierra Nevada in the northern and central part.
Zone. — Hudsonian and Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Castle Peak, near the highest point, 9,000
feet, Heller 7101 ; Mt. Rose, 10,300 feet, Heller 10650 ; same locality,
10,800 feet, Heller 9937; mountain near Sonora Pass, 10,000 feet,
Brewer 1886; Ebbett's Pass, growing on Silver Mountain, Hooker
and Gray in 1877 ; Mt. Warren, Tuolumne County, summit, Congdon,
August 21, 1894 ; Rubicon Peak, Tahoe, 9,100 feet, Smiley 410.
4a. Astragalus Whitney! var. pinosus Elmer, Bot. Gaz., vol. 39,
p. 54. 1905.
Type locality. — "Summit of Mt. Pinos, Ventura County, Califor-
Range. — Tehachapi Mountains; southern Sierra Nevada?
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimen examined. — Summit of Mt. Pinos, 8,800 feet, Dudley
and Lamb 4588.
Astragalus Whitneyi is very close to A. Hookerianus Gray (I.e.,
p. 215), a species of eastern Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, and
perhaps reaching the northern Sierra Nevada in Plumas County (top
of Diamond Mountain, near Susanville, 7,300 feet, M. E. Jones, June
28, 1897, perhaps A. Hookerianus) ; the chief difference between the
species is the difference in the size of the pods, which in A. Whitneyi
is an inch or less long, in the other species usually nearly twice as
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 259
5. Astragalus Bolanderi Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 7, p. 337.
Type locality. — "Dry ground, at Ostrander's Ranch, Yosemite
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian mainly.
Specimens examined. — Nevada County, 8,000 feet, A. M. Carpen-
ter, August-September, 1893; Pyramid Peak, 9,500 feet, Hall and
Chandler 4731; near Meadow Lakes, Nevada County, C. F. Sonne,
August 2, 1892 ; Eagle Peak meadows, Yosemite, 7,250 feet, Hall 9191 ;
Ostranders, above Yosemite, Bolander 5021 ; Crescent Lake, Mariposa
County, Congdon, August 13-14, 1895; mountains near Soda Creek,
10-11,000 feet, Purpus 5122; Mt. Silliman, Tulare County, Mrs.
Brandegee, August 24, 1905 ; Alta Mountains, Tulare County, R. Hop-
ping 64.
6. Astragalus Austinae Gray, Bot. Calif., vol. 1, p. 156. 1880.
Type locality. — "Summit of Mount Stanford (Castle Peak),
Nevada Co., at 9,000 feet."
Range. — Mountains of Nevada County.
Zone. — Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Stanford, high ridges, C. F. Sonne,
July, 1892 ; Castle Peak, gravelly slide rock, 8,800 feet, Smiley 480.
Though the genus Oxytropis is not represented in the Sierra, one
species, 0. oreophila Gray (Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 20, p. 3. 1884), is
a component of the alpine floras of the mountains of Utah and re-
appears upon the summits of the San Bernardino Mountains in south-
ern California; it is not improbable that it will yet be found in the
alpine region of the southern Sierra Nevada.
1. Geranium Richardsonii F. and M., Ind. Sem. Hort. Petrop.,
vol. 4, p. 37. 1838.
a. albiflorum Hook., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 1, p. 116. 1831, nor of Ledeb. 1831.
G. Hookerianum Walp., Rep., vol. 1, p. 450. 1842.
G. pentagynum Engelm., in Wisliz., Tour. N. Mex., p. 90. 1848.
G. gracilentum Greene, in Rydb., Fl. Colo., p. 218. 1906.
Type locality. — "Valleys in the Rocky Mountains."
260 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Range, — Saskatchewan to New Mexico, west through Wyoming
and southern Idaho to California; Sierra Nevada and mountains of
southern California.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — North side of Donner Lake, Heller 6997 ;
Tioga Road, vicinity of White Wolf, 8,000 feet, Smiley 885 ; Indian
Creek, Yosemite, 7,200 feet, Hall 9178; above Dark Hole, Yosemite,
7,750 feet, H. M. Evans, July, 1901; Hockett's meadows, Tulare
County, Culbertson (B4382) ; Hillside above Round meadow, Fresno
County, 7,500 feet, Smiley 590.
1. Linum Lewisii Pursh., Fl. Am. Sept., p. 210. 1814.
L. Sibiricum var. Lewisii Lindl., Bot. Reg., vol. 14, pi. 1163. 1828.
L. perenne var. Lewisii Eat. and Wright, N. Am. Bot., p. 302. 1840.
L. decurrens Kellogg, Proc. Calif. Acad., voL 3, p. 44. 1863.
L. Lyallanum Alefeld, Bot. Zeit., voL 25, p. 251. 1867.
Type locality. — ' ' In the valleys of the Rocky Mountains and on the
banks of the Missouri. ' '
Range. — Alaska to Hudson Bay south to California, Arizona, New
Mexico aud west Texas.
Zone. — Arid Transition and rising in the mountains to above tim-
ber line.
Specimens examined. — Head of Fall Freek, Ormsby County, 2460
m., Baker 1329 ; near Truckee, Dudley, June 11, 1893 ; Mt. Lola, west
of Tahoe, Kennedy and Doten 187 ; Tioga Pass, Yosemite, 9,900 ^eet,
Smiley 823 ; South Fork of San Joaquin, 9,000 feet, Hall and Chandler
718 ; Mt. Whitney, alpine zone, 11,600 feet, H. M. and G. R. Hall 8432 ;
between Farewell Gap and Mineral King, Tulare County, Dudley
1140; Farewell Gap, Tulare County, Culbertson (B 4561, 4589);
mountains near Little Kern River, gravelly slopes, 9-10,000 feet, Pur-
pus 2022 ; White Chief Mine, timber line near Mineral King, Hall and
Babcock 5657.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 261
1. Callitriche stenocarpa Hegelm., Bot. Verein Brandenb., vol. 10,
p. 114. 1868.
Type locality. — ' ' Searsville, [California]."
Range. — Oregon and California?
Zone. — Canadian ?
Specimens examined. — Silver Lake, Amador County, 8,000 feet,
Hansen 729 ; Forks of Kern River, Tulare County, 10,000 feet, Dudley
2367 ; Upper Volcano meadow, south of Mt. Whitney, Dudley 2492.
1. Acer, glabrum Torr. var. Torreyi (Greene), comb. nov.
A. torreyi Greene, Pitt., vol. 5, p. 2. 1902.
Type locality. — "Californian Sierra at middle altitudes."
Range. — California north to Oregon.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Above Donner Lake toward Donner Pass,
Heller 7043 ; Fallen Leaf trail to Mt. Tallac, 8,000 feet, Abrams 4828 ;
Glen Alpine, Tahoe, 6,800 feet, McGregor 176; below Lake Lucile,
Tahoe, Dudley, June 26, 1900; Yosemite, J. M. Hutchings in 1890;
Pyramid Peak, Tahoe, 8,900 feet, Smiley 111 ; Sequoia National Park,
near Wolverton Creek, Tulare County, A. Davidson 1694.
la. Acer glabrum var. diffusum (Greene), comb. nov.
A. diffusum Greene, Pitt., vol. 5, p. 2. 1902.
A. bcrnardinum Abrams, Torreya, vol. 7, p. 219. 1907.
Type locality. — "Near the summit of the West Humboldt Moun-
tains, Nevada."
Range. — Mountains of Nevada and the Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Whitney Creek, Tulare County, Culbert-
son (B4554); Kern Canon tributary, Culbertson (B4678).
This is the maple of widest range in the west and several attempts
have been made to define specifically its many forms, as yet with
unsatisfactory results. Pax, in working up his revision (Pflanzenr.,
"Bd. 4, no. 163 — Aceraceae), saw reason to change his earlier opinion
262 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
that it was possible to keep A. glabrum Torr. and A. Douglasii Hook,
separate; ultimately he reduced to the synonymy of A. glabrum all
of the segregates which have been proposed since the publication of
that species and also considered A. tripartitum Nutt. (in T. and G.,
Fl., vol. 1, p. 246. 1838) as impossible of definition as a species. He
proposes to recognize two varieties : var. monophyllum Graf von
Schwerin (in Gartenfl., vol. 42, p. 650. 1893), with the leaves lobed but
not divided, and var. tripartitum (Nutt.) Pax (Engler's Jahrb., vol. 7,
p. 218. 1886). This scheme recognizes the distinctness of the Rocky
Mountain shrub, which has its foliage normally 3-foliate, a geo-
graphical variety which Professor M. E. Jones perceived and expressed
in the same combination some seven years before Pax's revision of
the family appeared (see Jones, Proc. Calif. Acad. II, vol. 5, p. 627.
1895). But this twofold division among the forms of A. glabrum places
our Sierran shrub with the variant common in the Northwest; this
form of Washington, Idaho, and adjacent Oregon has the leaves
shallowly lobed, the angles between the median terminal lobe and the
lateral lobes approximating right angles. This appears to be a good
geographical race with a fairly well delimited area and to express its
relationship to the larger specific unit, Professor C. V. Piper114 pro-
posed the combination A. glabrum douglasii (Hook.), but this shrub
most nearly conforms to the plant described by Dr. Torrey as the
species A. glabrum. If this species is to be retained, and it must be
since the priority of the name is unquestioned, the variant of the
Northwest should be so known. Our Sierran form differs from this
type species in having the leaf far more deeply lobed, the angles being
reentrant, the sinuses sometimes so produced as to give the leaf an
appearance not unlike that of the var. tripartitum in extreme cases.
This Sierran variant Dr. Greene described as A. torreyi, but both its
characters and geographical position indicate that it should be
regarded as a var. Torreyi, coordinate with the other two varieties.
In addition to these three varieties, which express the horizontal
distribution of A. glabrum Torr., there is also a well-marked high
mountain variety, distinguished by greatly reduced leaves, short spin-
escent branches and very white bark, and which of all the segregates
proposed, would have, in my opinion, the best claim to be regarded as
a species, but which is united to the lower altitude varieties by
numerous intergrades. This nearly alpine shrub — A. diffusum Greene
— was described from collections made ' ' near the summit of the West
Humboldt Mountains," but is now known to grow in the Sierra
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 263
Leaves 1-3 inches long, %-2.5 inches broad, deep green and shining-glutinous ,
above, pale and minutely pubescent below; large shrub with ascending
green branches 1. C. velutinus
Leaves %-1.5 inches long, J/4-l inch broad, more or less cordate at base;
depressed shrub forming broad mats; branches light gray -2. C. cordulatus
1. Ceanothus velutinus Dougl. in Hook., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 1, p.
125. 1830.
Type locality. — ' ' Subalpine hills near the source of the Columbia ;
and at the Kettle Falls."
Range. — Washington to California, east to Colorado and Black
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Donner, Placer County, Brandegee, July,
1889 ; upper end of Donner Lake, Heller 6968 ; lateral moraine south
of Fallen Leaf Lake, 6,800 feet, Abrams 4792 ; Angora Peak, Tahoe,
7,000 feet, Smiley 24a ; Mt. Tallac, east side in slide rock, 8,000 feet,
Smiley 242; Sonora Pass, 8-9,000 feet, Brewer 1877; Kern Canon,
Tulare County, 9,000 feet, H. M. and G. R. Hall 3455.
2. Ceanothus cordulatus Kellogg, Proc. Calif. Acad., vol. 2, p.
124. 1861.
Type locality. — ' ' Brought by -Dr. J. A. Veatch from Washoe. ' '
Range. — Mountains of northern California, and southern Oregon,
south through the Sierra Nevada to southern California.
Zone. — Upper Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Plumas County, Mrs. Austin; Fallen Leaf
Lake, Tahoe, growing almost flat upon the ground, Miss Lathrop,
July 12, 1909 ; Mt. Tallac, 8,100 feet, Smiley 241 ; Angora Peak, 7,800
feet, Smiley 43; Grass Lake, Tahoe, McGregor 87; Mt, Tallac, near
top of talus slope on east side, forming part of a large mat 9 feet
across, Smiley 243 ; Tuolumne meadows, prostrate and spreading on
exposed ledges, 8,700 feet, R. A. "Ware 2644c ; near Sonora Pass, com-
mon and spreading on the ground, Brewer 1926 ; between Lake Tenaya
and Tuolumne meadows, 8,300 feet, Smiley 704; Cloud's Rest trail,
7,200 feet, Smiley 519; ridge above Round meadow, Fresno County,
7,800 feet, Smiley 591; Mt. Olancha, Tulare County, 8-10,000 feet,
Rothrock 354.
264 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Flowers loosely disposed in elongated racemes; achenes reticulated but not
Stems creeping and rooting at the nodes; stems and petioles with long hispid
hairs 1. S. reptans
Stems erect.
Plant glaucous and nearly smooth 2. S. glaucescens
Plant greenish and scabrid with short stiff forked hairs 3. S. asprella
Flowers small and densely spicate in usually short inflorescences; the lower
petioles with long spreading hairs; achenes pubescent, not reticulated
4. S. spicata
1. Sidalcea reptans Greene, Pitt., vol. 3, p. 159. 1897.
S. favosa Congdon, Erythea, vol. 7, p. 183. 1900.
Type locality. — "In marshy ground, Panther Creek, Amador
County, California."
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Upper Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Near Jackass meadows, Upper San Joaquin
River, Congdon, August 16, 1895 ; Shuteye Mountain, Madera County,
6,500 feet, J. Murdoch Jr. 2512.
2. Sidalcea glaucescens Greene, Bull. Calif. Acad., vol. 1, p. 77.
Type locality. — "Summit Station, in the neighborhood of Donner
Range. — Mountains of California from Mt. Shasta to the southern
Sierra Nevada. See note below.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Summit, Heller 7047 ; same locality, E. L.
Greene, August, 1884 ; near Donner Lake, Torrey 54 ; Sierra County,
Lemmon in 1874 ; Summit, dry border of meadow, 7,100 feet, Smiley
452 ; Hermit Valley, Alpine County, Hooker and Gray in 1877 ; same
locality, 8,000 feet, Hall and Chandler 4772 ; near Dark Hole, Yosemite,
7,700 feet, Smiley 884; wet places on Middle Tule River, Tulare
County, 8-9,000 feet, Purpus 5184.
The range of this species should be considerably extended according
to Gray (Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 22, p. 287) : "It abounds in the higher
Sierra Nevada, extends east to Utah, and northward apparently even
to British Columbia." This species is not included in Professor
Piper's Flora of Washington (Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 11) though the
Synoptical Flora (vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 306) reaffirms Dr. Gray's statement
1921] Smiley: Flora, of the Sierra Nevada of California 265
as to the range and cites a collection made by Fletcher from near
Victoria, British Columbia. No specimens certainly referable to this
species have been seen by me beyond the limits assigned above.
3. Sidalcea asprella Greene, Bull. Calif. Acad., vol. 1, p. 78. 1885.
S. montana Congdon, Erythea, vol. 7, p. 183. 1900.
Type locality. — "El Dorado County" and "near Camptonville, in
Yuba County."
No specimens referable to this species have been seen by me from
the boreal region and it is here included only because Dr. H. M. Hall
(Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot., vol. 4, p. 200. 1912), after examination of
type material of 8. montana, determined the synonymy as above given.
I have had no opportunity for making the comparison myself. If the
identity of these species, as determined by Dr. Hall, shall be confirmed
when more abundant material is available, 8. asprella will be found
to have a somewhat remarkable altitudinal range. Dr. Greene says
of his species, it grows "on bushy hillsides of the lower Sierra, just
below the habitat of Chamaebatia (C. foliolosa Benth.)," that is, in
the Upper Sonoran life-zone ; on the other hand, the type locality for
8. montana is given ' ' In granite sand, in the high Sierras east of the
Minarets, at 11,000 ft."
4. Sidalcea spicata (Regel) Greene, Bull. Calif. Acad., vol. 1, p.
76. 1885.
Callirhoe spicata Regel, Gartenfl. vol. 21, p. 291. 1872.
S. ranunculacea Greene, Leaflets, vol. 1, p. 75. 1904.
S. interrupta Greene, l.o.
Type locality. — Regel's description was made from plants grown
in Europe from seed collected "in der Sierra Nevada Calif orniens. "
Range. — Sierra Nevada northward to central Oregon.
Zone. — Upper Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Summit Camp, Kellogg, July 14, 1870 ;
lower end of Donner Lake, Heller 6898; near Glen Alpine, Tahoe,
Miss Lathrop, July 19, 1909 ; marshy woods near Lilly Lake, Tahoe,
6,600 feet, Smiley 325 ; near Suzy Lake trail from Glen Alpine, 7,500
feet, Smiley 188; Hope Valley, Alpine County, Hansen 505; Snow
Creek trail to Lake Tenaya, Yosemite, 7,700 feet, Smiley 672 ; Mineral
King, Brandegee in 1892; Hockett's meadows, Tulare County, Cul-
bertson (B 4318) ; north side of Toowa Range, Tulare County, 9,000
feet, H. M. and G. R. Hall 8404.
266 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
1. Hypericum anagalloides C. and S., Linnaea, vol. 3, p. 127.
H. anagalloides var. pumilum E. Keller, Bull. Herb. Boissier II, vol. 8,
p. 187. 1908.
Type locality. — "Ad portum St. Francisci Californiae. "
Range. — Pacific Coast from British Columbia to California and
east to Montana.
Zone. — Transition to Hudsonian, in wet meadows.
Specimens examined. — Glen Alpine, Tahoe, McGregor 19 ; Suzy
Lake, Tahoe, 7,600 feet, Smiley 202 ; near Snow Flat, Yosemite, 8,700
feet, H. M. Evans, July, 1901; Elizabeth Lake meadow, above
Tuolumne meadows, 9,800 feet, Smiley 801 ; Tuolumne meadows, moist
ground by the river, 8,600 feet, R. A. Ware 2629c.
Plants stemless, the leaves and scapes arising from horizontal rootstocks; nearly
glabrous dwarf of wet meadows with small white flowers, the petals very
thin and translucent 1. V. Macloskeyl
Plants with erect leafy stems.
Puberulent or nearly glabrous; peduncles usually exceeding the leaves;
flowers violet-purple or white 2. V. adunca
Leaves and stems conspicuously pubescent; peduncles little, if at all, exceed-
ing the leaves.
Leaves coarsely toothed or some entire, usually some with purple veins;
flowers light yellow or sometimes ochre-colored tinged with purple;
capsule pubescent 3. V. purpurea
Leaves entire or merely repandly undulate, densely canescent below, green
veined; flowers bright yellow; capsule glabrous or sparingly pubescent
4. V. praepiorsa
1. Viola Macloskeyi Lloyd, Erythea, vol. 3, p. 74. 1895.
Type locality. — "Mossy, springy places in the Cascades, Oregon."
Range. — British Columbia to California and Colorado.
Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian in wet meadows.
Specimens examined. — Glen Alpine, Tahoe, Chesnut and Drew,
August 16, 1890 ; Half-Moon Lake, Tahoe, 7,760 feet, McGregor 161 ;
Heather Lake, wet meadow below the lake, 8,000 feet, Smiley 158;
Pyramid Peak, 7,000 feet, W. S. Atkinson in 1900; Corral Springs,
Amador County, 7,000 feet, Hansen 545; about Marlette Lake, east
of Tahoe, 2460 m., Baker 1289; White Wolf, Yosemite, 8,000 feet,
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada, of California 267
H. M. Evans, July, 1901 ; Dana Fork meadows, Yosemite, 9,000 feet,
Smiley 846; meadows near Mt. Dana, McLean, July 4, 1875; Pere-
goy's, above Yosemite, 7,000 feet, A. Gray in 1872; head of South
Fork of the San Joaquin, 10-10,800 feet, Hall and Chandler 710;
Shuteye Mountain, Billy Brown meadows, 6,500 feet, J. Murdoch Jr.
2506; Nellie Lake meadow, Fresno County, 8,700 feet, Smiley 603;
Farewell Gap, Tulare County, 10,400 feet, Purpus 5666; Hockett's
meadows, Tulare County, Dudley 1890.
2. Viola adunca Smith, in Rees' Cycl., vol. 37, no. 63. 1817.
V. longipes Nutt., in T. and G., Fl., vol. 1, p. 140. 1838.
V. canina var. adunca A. Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., voL 8, p. 377. 1872.
V. canina var. oxyceras Wats., Bot. Calif., vol. 1, p. 56. 1876.
Type locality. — ' ' From the west coast of North America. ' '
Range. — Pacific Coast from Alaska to southern California.
Zone. — Transition to Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Pyramid Peak, W. S. Atkinson in 1900;
Plumas County, Mrs. Austin, May, 1877; White "Wolf, Yosemite,
8,000 feet, H. M. Evans, July, 1901 ; Porcupine Flat, Mariposa County,
8,100 feet, R. A. Ware 2602c ; Tuolumne meadows, 8,600 feet, R. A.
Ware 2601c; stream bank below Elizabeth Lake, above Tuolumne
meadows, 8,700 feet, Smiley 813 ; Yosemite trail, Bolander 1632 ; near
Peregoy's above Yosemite, A. Gray in 1872; Bear Creek, Fresno
County, 7,300 feet, Hall and Chandler 399; High Sierra about Mt.
Brewer, Tulare County, Brewer 2807; valley of King's River, Coville
and Funston 1859.
3. Viola purpurea Kellogg, Proc. Calif. Acad., vol. 1, p. 56. 1855.
V. aurea Kellogg, Proc. Calif. Acad., vol. 2, p. 185. 1863.
V. aurea venosa Wats., Bot. Calif., vol. 1, p. 56. 1876.
V. Nuttallii var. venosa Wats., Bot. King's Exped., p. 35. 1871.
Type locality. — Not given.
Range. — Pacific Coast from British Columbia to southern Sierra
Nevada, east to Utah, perhaps to Colorado.
Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Castle Peak near the highest point, Heller
7089; Sierra, moraines at 7-9,000 feet, J. Muir; above Cisco, Watson
in 1867 ; peak above Mono Lake, 10,500 feet, Brewe'r 1797 ; Summit, in
dry sandy meadow, 7,000 feet, Smiley 435 ; near Lake Tenaya, Yosem-
ite, dry bank, at 8,200 feet, Smiley 867 ; slope of Alta Peak, Tulare
County, Dudley 1546.
268 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
3a. Viola purpurea var. pinetorum Greene, Fl. Fran., p. 243.
V. pinetorum Greene, Pitt., vol. 2, p. 14. 1889.
Type locality. — "Pine woods of the higher mountains south of
Tehachapi, Kern Co., California."
Range. — Mountains of central and southern California; extending
north into Oregon? Wooton and Standley (Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 19,
p. 430) identify a violet collected in northern New Mexico with this
Zone. — Arid Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined,. — Summit, 7,000 feet, Heller 9836; above
Independence Lake, 7,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 4540; Lily Lake,
Tahoe, in forest of Pinus Jeffreyi, 6,700 feet, Smiley 318 ; near White
Wolf, Yosemite, 8,000 feet, H. M. Evans, July, 1901 ; Mt. Lola, Tahoe,
Kennedy and Doten 178; near Mt. Dana, dry slopes, 9-10,000 feet,
Brewer ; Tuolumne meadows, open pine forest, 8,600 feet, R. A. Ware
2600c ; hillside above Soda Springs, Yosemite, 7,400 feet, Smiley 455 ;
Bonita meadow, dry open pine forests, 8,500 feet, Hall and Babcock
5189; Kaweah Peaks region, Tulare County, Dudley 2411; Mt.
Olancha, Tulare County, 11,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 5235.
This variety is feebly distinguished from the species by having
leaves usually more deeply toothed and an increase in the amount of
4. Viola praemorsa Doug., in Lindl., Bot. Reg., vol. 15, pi. 1254.
Type locality. — "In dry upland soils, under the shade of solitary
pine trees on the banks of the Columbia, and the plains of the river
Aquilar, in California."
Range. — California to Washington and Idaho.
Zone. — Arid Transition and above in a dwarf state in the Can-
Specimens examined. — Summit, Placer County, 7,000 feet, Heller
9859; Crescent Lake, Mariposa County, Congdon, August, 1890.
1921] Smiley: Flora, of the Sierra Nevada of California 269
1. Hippuris vulgaris L., Sp. PI., p. 4. 1753.
Type locality. — "Habitat in Europae fontibus."
Range. — Holarctic realm; in America south to New England, New
York, Indiana, Nebraska, New Mexico, and California.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Lily Lake, Tahoe, 6,600 feet, Smiley 329 ;
Tuolumne meadows, Yosemite, in pools behind Parsons Lodge, 8,600
feet, Smiley 748.
Fruit indehiscent, 1-2 seeded, and bristly with hooked hairs; flowers 2-merous
1. Circaea
Fruit a many seeded capsule opening by valves; flowers 4-merous. Seeds with-
out a coma 2. Oenothera
Seeds coinose (i.e. with a tuft of hairs at one end).
Calyx green, herbaceous 3. Epilobium
Calyx deep red or purple 4. Zauschneria
1. Circaea alpina L., Sp. PL, p. 9. 1753.
Type locality. — "Habitat ad radices montium in frigidis Euro-
Range. — Holarctic realm ; in America south in the Appalachians to
Georgia ; in the Rocky Mountains to New Mexico ; and in the Cascade-
Sierra axis to California?
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimen examined. — Pyramid Peak, Brewer 2133 ; this specimen
has been referred to C. pacifica A. and M. (Bot. Zeit., vol. 29, p. 392.
1871), a common species in the Transition Zone in the Sierra, but
examination shows the racemes bracted and leaves toothed as in the
more northern and eastern form ; more material is necessary before
fully accepting C. alpina as a species of our boreal flora.
270 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
1. Oenothera xylocarpa Coville, Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 4, p. 105.
Type locality. — "On the west side of Whitney meadows, Sierra
Nevada, Tulare County, California."
Range. — Southern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Volcano meadows (formerly called Whitney
meadows), Hall and Babcock 5489; Fish Creek, Tulare County, 8,500
feet, Hall and Babcock 5214; north side of Toowa Range, Tulare
County, 9,800 feet, H. M. and G. R. Hall 8402; sandy plains about
Whitney meadows, 9-10,000 feet, Purpus 1386.
Leaves pale and glaucous or covered with whitish bloom.
Leaves broadly ovate, repand denticulate; flowers large, petals % inch or
longer, deeply lobed .-1. E. obcordatum
Leaves oblong-lanceolate, repand denticulate or nearly entire; flowers small,
petals about % inch long, merely notched 2. E. glaberrimum
Leaves green, not glaucous nor covered with bloom.
Leaves small (few more than % inch long).
Plants crisp-hairy throughout 3. E. ursinum var. falcatum
Plants glabrous or at most minutely glandular-puberulent above.
Stems decumbent with nodding tip and leafy to the top; leaves, at least
the lowest, wing-petioled 4. E. anagallidifolium
Stems erect to the summit with the leaves remote above, crowded below;
leaves somewhat tapering at base, but not petioled
5. E. oregonense
Leaves larger (mostly over % inch long).
Leaves all sessile 6. E. brevistylum
Leaves petioled.
Leaves ovate, acute, dark green, the upper longer than the internodes;
flowers pink or violet 7. E. Hornemanni
Leaves ovate-spatulate, obtuse, thin and light green, shorter than the
internodes; flowers white or pale pink 8. E. alpinum
1. Epilobium obcordatum Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 6, p. 532.
Type locality. — In the Sierra Nevada, at Squaw Valley and
Ebbett's Passes, alt. 8,000-8,500 feet."
Range. — Sierra Nevada north and east to Mt. Shasta, and moun-
tains of central Oregon (Idaho?) ; on the East Humboldt Mountains,
Zone. — Arctic-alpine and Hudsonian.
1921] Smiley: Fiord of the Sierra Nevada of California 271
Specimens examined. — Butte Mountain, northern Butte County,
6,800 feet, Hall 9793; Mt. Stanford (Castle Peak), Bolander in 1873;
same locality, Hooker and Gray in 1877 ; high mountain near Donner
Pass, Torrey 114; Carson Spur, Alpine County, 8,500 feet, Hansen
298 ; rocky flat in Placer County, 6,900 feet, A. M. Carpenter, August-
October, 1892; summit back of Jonesville, Butte County, 7,000 feet,
Heller 11659 ; Ebbett's Pass, Brewer 1997 ; Squaw Valley Pass, Brewer
2163; near summit of Devil's Cliff, Summit Soda Springs, Kennedy
and Doten 276 ; south base of Mt. Hoffman, Yosemite, 8,200 feet, Hall
and Babcock 3482; Rubicon Peak, Tahoe, rocky ledges, 8,700 feet,
Smiley 404 ; on Truckee River near Knoxville, 8,800 feet, Brewer 2163
(no doubt a duplicate of no. 2163 above, but included since the locality
is different as given on the label in U. C.) ; Red Mountain, 11,000 feet,
J. Muir in 1872 ; Farewell Gap, Tulare County, 10,000 feet, R. Hop-
ping 159 ; Mt. Whitney, 12-13,000 feet, Purpus 1700 ; North Fork of
Kern River, Tulare County, 12,000 feet, Rothrock 400; trail to Mt.
Whitney and Siberian Peak, Culbertson (B4328) ; summit of Fare-
well Gap, 10,400 feet, Hall and Babcock 5662; Arroyo-Kern Divide,
Tulare County, Dudley, August 2, 1897.
This species of Epilobium is the distinctive Sierran member of the
genus and interesting, as Dr. Gray pointed out when describing it, as
connecting the Chamaenerion section with the rest of the genus.
2. Epilobium glaberrimum Barbey, in Brewer and Wats., Bot.
Calif., vol. 1, p. 220. 1876.
E. fastigiatum var. glaberrimum (Barbey) Piper, Contr. Nat. Herb., vol.
11, p. 404. 1906.
Type locality.—'' ' In the Sierra Nevada : Yosemite Valley. ' '
Range. — Pacific Coast from Washington to California (King's
River region), east to the Great Basin ranges in Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian, rising into the Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — North side of Donner Lake in a hillside
swamp, Heller 6998; Mt. Dyer, Plumas County, Mrs. R. M. Austin,
July, 1879; Mt. Stanford (Castle Peak), Hooker and Gray in 1877
(possibly better referred to the var. latifolium Barbey, I.e.) ; Half-
Moon Lake, Tahoe, 7,760 feet, McGregor 65; Farewell Gap, Tulare
County, 10,400 feet, Purpus 5152a; Little Kern River, along brooks
at 9-10,000 feet, Purpus 5152.
272 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
3. Epilobium ursinum Parish var. subfalcatum Trelease, Rep. Mo.
Bot. Gard., vol. 2, p. 101. 1891.
Type locality. — Not given.
Range. — Sierra Nevada northward to "Washington?
Specimens examined. — Silver Lake, Amador County, 8,000 feet,
Hansen 306 ; slope above Gilmore Lake, west side of Mt. Tallac, Tahoe,
8,500 feet, Smiley 373.
The type species, E. ursinum Parish in Trelease (I.e.), was
described from the mountains of southern California, but is present
in the Sierra, growing in the Transition zone and rising locally to the
edge of the Canadian (Snow Creek, Yosemite, 6,500 feet, Smiley 659;
Round meadow, Fresno County, 7,300 feet, Smiley 587).
4. Epilobium anagallidifolium Lam. Encyc., vol. 2, p. 376. 1786.
Type locality.— "Mont-d'Or."
Range. — Holarctic realm; in America south to Quebec, northern
New England (?), Colorado and California.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Wet meadows, Farewell Gap, Tulare
County, 10,400 feet, Purpus 5668 ; Mt. Silliman, Tulare County, Mrs.
Brandegee, August 22, 1905; Ebbett's Pass, Brewer 1891, the speci-
men in poor condition and not certainly determined as of this species,
perhaps of no. 8.
5. Epilobium oregonense Hausskn., Monogr., p. 276. 1884.
Type locality — "Oregon in alpinis."
Range. — Pacific Coast from Washington to California ; at the north-
east to Idaho.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Little Valley, Ormsby County, Nevada,
2,000-2,155 m., Baker 1357 ; Sierra Valley, Lemmon in 1873.
5a. Epilobium oregonense var. gracillimum Trelease, I.e., p. 109.
E. Pringleanum Hausskn., Mitt, geogr. Gesellsch. Jena, vol. 7, p. 5. 1888.
Type locality. — "Bogs, Strawberry Valley, California."
Range. Same as the species.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Near Summit Station, Heller 7030 ; head of
Tuolumne River, 9,000 feet, Brewer 1766; Westf all's meadows,
Yosemite, Bolander 4965 ; shores of Marlette Lake, east of Lake Tahoe,
Hall and Chandler 4516.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 273
6. Epilobium brevistylum Barbey, in Brewer and Wats., Bot.
Calif., vol. 1, p. 220. 1876.
Type locality. — "Sierra County," California.
Range. — California to Washington.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Silver Lake, Amador County, 7,200 feet,
E. Mulliken 118; Soquel, Madera County, Congdon, August 11, 1899.
Miss Eastwood89 reports this species from East Lake, Tulare
7. Epilobium Hornemanni Reichenb., Icon. Grit., vol. 2, p. 73.
Type locality. — "In turfosis alpinis Norvegiae."
Range. — Holarctic realm ; in America south to New England, Colo-
rado, and California.
Zone. — Hudsonian mainly.
Specimens examined. — Castle Peak, 8,800 feet, Smiley 479 ; Washoe
County, Nevada, south side of Slide Mountain, 7,300 feet, Heller
10,935; Suzy Lake, Tahoe, 7,650 feet, McGregor 105; Lake of the
Woods meadow, Tahoe, 8,200 feet, Smiley 54; Velma Lakes, Tahoe,
8,000 feet, Hall 8809; Dana Fork meadows, Yosemite, 9,800 feet,
Smiley 856; Mt. Silliman, Tulare County, Mrs. Brandegee, August,
8. Epilobium alpimim L., Sp. PL, p. 348. 1753.
Type locality. — "Habitat in Alpibus Helveticis, Lapponicis."
Range. — Holarctic realm ; in America south to New England, New
Mexico, and California.
Zone. — Canadian and above.
Specimens examined. — Above Donner Lake toward Donner Pass,
Heller 7044 ; Long Lake, Plumas County, 6,700 feet, Hall 9323 ; head
of Fall Creek, Ormsby County, Nevada, 2,460 m., Baker 1321; Mt.
Dana, 10,300 feet, Smiley 715 ; Lake Tenaya, Yosemite, meadow south
of lake, 8,200 feet, Smiley 682 ; foot of Mt. Dana, Congdon, August 10,
1898 ; Kaiser Peak, Fresno County, moist ledge on east side of summit,
10,100 feet, Smiley 639; Soda Creek, Tulare County, 8-9,000 feet,
Purpus 2018 ; Alta meadows, Tulare County, Mrs. Brandegee, August,
Epilobium adenocaulon Hausskn. (Oestr. Bot. Zeitschr., vol. 29,
p. 119. 1879), a species of wide range in temperate North America
274 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
and present in California, occurs in the Sierran region in the Tran-
sition and not infrequently rises to our lower boundary (between Lily
Lake and Glen Alpine, Tahoe, 6,900 feet, Smiley 394; Tioga Road,
Yosemite, between Aspen Valley and White Wolf, 7,000 feet, Smiley
Epilobium saximontanum Hausskn. (I.e.), a species of Colorado
and Utah, is not certainly known from the Sierra Nevada, though a
plant collected upon Castle Peak, in the Hudsonian life-zone, at 8,800
feet, presents characters suggesting that species (Smiley 478).
1. Zauschneria latifolia Greene, Pitt., vol. 1, p. 26. 1887.
Z. oalifornioa var. latifolia Hook., Bot. Mag., t. 4493. 1850.
Type locality. — Not given. The original description drawn in part
from plants grown in England from seed collected in California.
Range. — Southern Sierra Nevada and South Coast Ranges.
Zone. — Arid Transition and rising rarely to timber-line.
Specimens examined. — Mountain slopes along Little Kern River,
9,300 feet, low shrub 10-12 inches high, Purpus 5226 ; Sardine Canon,
Tulare County, 11,000 feet, Austin 353 ; Mt. Silliman, Mrs. Brandegee,
August 24, 1905.
This species is of interest because it represents a factor in the high
mountain flora, whose constituent species have undoubtedly been
derived from the endemic genera of the Californian-Mexican region.
Several small annuals, with minute red flowers and seeds without
a coma, belonging to the genus Gayophytum, are sometimes seen within
our borders (i.e., G. caesium, Suzy Lake, Tahoe, 7,600 feet, Smiley
195; G. ramosissimum, Tioga Road, Yosemite, 6,500 feet, Smiley 903),
but they are essentially Upper Sonoran and Transition species and in
no sense an integral part of the boreal Sierran flora. When found,
they are always on dry, south or west facing slopes, where the life
conditions, at their season of growth, are those of lower zones.
1. Cornus stolonifera Michx., FL, vol. 1, p. 92. 1803.
C. alba L., subsp. stolonifera (Michx.) Wangerin, Pflanzenr., Bd. 4, Heft
229, s. 53. 1910.
Type locality. — "Hab. ad ripas amniumque rivorumque Canadae
et Novae Angliae. ' '
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 275
Range. — Subarctic America from the Mackenzie to Gulf of St.
Lawrence and south to the Middle Atlantic States, Great Lakes, Iowa,
Nebraska, New Mexico, Utah, and California.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens ex-amined. — Above Donner Lake toward Donner Pass,
Heller 7045; Summit Valley, 7,500 feet, Pringle 306; road to Glen
Alpine, Tahoe, Miss Lathrop, July 19, 1909 ; near Summit, 7,300 feet,
Smiley 458 ; Suzy Lake, Tahoe, 8,000 feet, Smiley 179.
Cornus canadensis L. extends down the northwest coast as far as
Mendocino County and is present in the subalpine floras of the moun-
tains of Washington and in the Rockies to Colorado but absent from
the southern Cascades and the Sierra.
Fruit long-linear, cylindrical, more than twelve times longer than broad
1. Osmorrhiza
Fruit not long-linear, but short-conical or flattened.
Fruit with hooked bristles 2. Sanicula
Fruit not bristly.
Fruit flattened dorsally.
Umbellets of free pedicelled flowers.
Plants large; leaf bases broadly sheathing.
Leaves ternate with leaflets large and angularly lobed ..3. Heracleum
Leaves quinnate with leaflets long-linear and entire 4. Angelica
Plants small and caespitose; leaflets small 5. Peucedanum
Umbellets capitate of sessile flowers 6. Selinum
Fruit not flattened dorsally but more or less laterally flattened.
Stylopodium conical.
Stems from a smooth tuber or cluster of tubers 7. Eulophus
Stems from a fibrous coated rootstock 8. Ligusticum
Stylopodium flat or wanting.
Rays 1-4 inches long; plants large 9. Pteryxia
Bays very short or nearly obsolete; plants small.
Flowers yellow.
Fruit densely hispidulous 10. Drudeophytum
Fruit glabrous 11. Podistera
Flowers purplish 12. Aulospermum
Fruit bristly on the lower part of the ribs 1. O. brevipes
Fruit glabrous 2. O. occidentalis
1. Osmorrhiza brevipes (C. and R.) Suksdorf, Allg. Bot. Zeitschr.,
Bd. 12, s. 5. 1906.
Washingtonia 'brevipes Coult. and Rose., Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 7, p. 66.
Type locality. — "Mount Shasta and vicinity, Siskiyou County,
276 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Range. — Pacific Coast from northern Washington to southern Cali-
fornia; Idaho.
Zone. — Transition and lower Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Lateral moraine, Fallen Leaf Lake, 6,500
feet, Abrams 4793 ; Suzy Lake trail, Tahoe, 7,600 feet, McGregor 123 ;
Little Valley, Ormsby County, Nevada, Baker 1363 ; Farewell Gap
trail, Tulare County, 8,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 5667; Hockett's
meadows, Tulare County, Culbertson (B4387).
2. Osmorrhiza occidentalis Torr., Bot. Mex. Bound., p. 71. 1859.
Glycosma occidentalis Nutt., in T. and G. Fl., vol. 1, p. 639. 1840.
Type locality. — ' ' Western side of the Blue Mountains of Oregon. ' '
Range. — British Columbia to Alberta and south to California and
Zone. — Canadian mainly, occasionally Transition.
Specimens examined. — Webber Lake, S. B. Doten 63 ; Summit and
Cisco, Bolander in 1873 ; ridge south of Donner Pass, 8,500 feet, Heller
7183 ; Mono Pass, Bolander 6342 ; trail from Suzy Lake to Glen Alpine,
7,400 feet, Smiley 181; Bloody Canon, Mono County, Chesnut and
Drew, July 21, 1889; San Joaquin Pass, Madera County, Congdon,
August 20, 1895; Mt. Eaymond, Madera County, 7,600 feet, Smiley
1. Sanicula septentrionalis Greene, Erythea, vol. 1, p. 6. 1893.
S. divaricata Greene, Erythea, vol. 3, p. 64. 1895.
Type locality. — "Vancouver Island."
Range. — Central Sierra Nevada to British Columbia and east to
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimen examined. — Divide, south of Slide Mountain, Washoe
County, Nevada, 8,400 feet, Heller 10966.
The type locality for S. divaricata is "Near Castle Peak, above
Donner Lake ; ' ' the description based upon a collection of Dr. Greene 's
made in 1893.
According to Wolff (revision of Sanicula in Pflanzenr., Bd. 4, Heft
228, s. 75), the range should be extended to southeastern Alaska
(Lynn Canal, A. and E. Krause).
Smiley: Flora, of the Sierra Nevada of California 277
1. Heracleum lanatum Michx., Fl., vol. 1, p. 166. 1803.
Type locality. — ' ' Canada. ' '
Range. — Newfoundland to southeastern Alaska and south to North
Carolina, Central States, New Mexico, and California.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Half-Moon Lake, Tahoe, 7,760 feet, Mc-
Gregor 70; Carson Spur, Alpine County, 8,500 feet, Hansen 757;
Cascade Lake, Tahoe, C. J. Fox Jr., July, 1895 ; Snow Valley, Ormsby
County, 2,460-2,615 m., Baker 1439.
1. Angelica lineariloba Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 7, p. 347.
Type locality. — ' ' Ostrander 's Meadows, Yosemite Valley, alt. 8,000
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Mono Pass, 10,000 feet, Bolander 6344;
Mineral King, Tulare County, 2,750 m., Coville and Funston 1479;
Kern Canon, 6,500 feet, Tulare County, Hall and Babcock 5564 ; rocky
slopes near Little Kern River, 9-10,000 feet, Purpus 2039 ; Little Kern
River, 8,500 feet, Culbertson (B 4276) ; southern Sierras, 9,500 feet,
Rothrock 355.
1. Peucedanum Torreyi Coult. and Rose, Bot. Gaz., vol. 14, p. 276.
Type locality. — "Yosemite Valley, California."
Range. — Central and southern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Moses, Tulare County, 9-10,000 feet,
moist rocks, Purpus 1531 ; Alta Meadows, Tulare County, 10,000 feet,
G. B. Grant 704 ; same locality, Mrs. Brandegee, August 5, 1905.
278 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Leaves glabrous 1. S. capitellatum
Leaves scabrid 2. S. eryngiifolium
1. Selinum capitellatum Wats., Bot. of Kings Exped., p. 126.
Sphenosciadium capitellatum Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 6, p. 537. 1866.
Type locality. — "In the Sierra Nevada, near Ebbett's Pass., alt.
7-8,000 feet."
Range. — Sierra Nevada north to southern Oregon and Idaho, and
in Nevada.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Plumas County, Mrs. R. M. Austin ; Donner
Lake, Heller 7148 ; Cascade Lake, Tahoe, C. J. Fox Jr., July, 1895 ;
near Lily Lake, Tahoe, 6,800 feet, Smiley 316; Ebbett's Pass, Alpine
County, 7-8,000 feet, Brewer 2026 ; Yosemite, C. S. Sargent in 1878 ;
Coyote Creek, Tulare County, Culbertson (B4364).
Selinum validum Congdon (Erythea, vol. 7, p. 185. 1900) is
unknown to me save from description, according to which it is very
close to the above species, and may be, as Coulter and Hose suspect,
merely a low altitude form ; this conjecture is all the more probable
since Congdon states that it is abundant about Wawona, Mariposa
County, and descends along the streams to the foothills of the west
2. Selinum eryngiifolium Greene, Pitt., vol. 2, p. 102. 1890.
Type locality. — "Near the Yosemite Valley, California."
Range. — Central Sierra Nevada and mountains of southern Cali-
fornia. ^
Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Hermit Valley, Alpine County, Hansen
324, in part ; east descent of Mono Pass, Mono County, Bolander 5089 ;
Crescent Lake, Mariposa County, Congdon, August 13, 1895; Cloud's
Rest, near the summit, Chesnut and Drew, July 12, 1889.
Coville and Funston 1475, collected on the headwaters of the
Kaweah River, Tulare County, at 2,750 m., is referred here by Coulter
and Rose (I.e., p. 128).
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra, Nevada of California 279
Petiole broad and inflated 1. E. simplex
Petiole not enlarged 2. E. Parish!!
1. Eulophus simplex Coult. and Rose, Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 7,
p. 112. 1900.
fCarum Gairdneri var. latifolium Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 7, p. 344. 1867.
Eulophus Pringlei var. simplex Coult. and Rose, Rev. N. Am. Umbell., p. 113.
Type locality. — "Sierra County, Cal."
Range. — Central Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian mainly, occurring also in the Arid Transition.
Specimens examined. — Near Carson City, Nevada, C. L. Anderson
100; Glen Alpine Tahoe, McGregor 24; same locality, Miss Lathrop,
July 19, 1909; Ebbett's Pass, Alpine County, 7-8,000 feet (no col-
lector given) ; Ostrander's meadows above Yosemite, Bolander 5017;
Kern River Caiion, Tulare County, Culbertson (B4503).
2. Eulophus Parishii Coult. and Rose, Rev. N. Am. Umbell., p.
112. 1888.
Pimpinella Parishii Coult. and Rose, Bot. Gaz., vol. 12, p. 157. 1887.
Type locality. — "Damp meadows, Bear Valley, San Bernardino
Mts., California."
Range. — Sierra Nevada and mountains of southern California.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Silver Lake, Amador County, 7,200 feet,
E. Mulliken 152; Glen Alpine, Tahoe, Setchell and Dobie, July 6-21,
1901; Hockett's meadows, Tulare Countj^, Culbertson (B4450).
1. Ligusticum apiifolium (Nutt.) Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 7,
p. 347. 1867.
L. apiifolium var. minus Gray, in Brewer and Wats., Bot. Calif., vol. 1,
p. 264. 1876.
L. Grayi Coult. and Rose, Rev. N. Am. Umbell, p. 88. 1888.
Cynapium apiifolium Nutt., in T. and G., FL, vol. 1, p. 641. 1840.
Type locality. — "Plains of Oregon, near the confluence of the
Range. — British Columbia to California.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian, rising into the Hudsonian.
280 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Specimens examined. — Mt. Rose, 10,000 feet, Kennedy 1151 ; about
Marlette Lake, east of Lake Tahoe, 2,460 m., Baker 1490 ; Mt. Stanford
(Castle Peak), Hooker and Gray in 1877; Silver Lake, Amador
County, 8,000 feet, Hansen 901; same locality, 7,200 feet, E. Mulli-
ken 149; Ebbett's Pass, Alpine County, 8,500 feet, Brewer 2082;
Ostrander's, above Yosemite, 8,000 feet, Bolander 6341; Tioga Eoad,
Yosemite, Congdon, August 29, 1895; Farewell Gap, Tulare County,
R. Hopping 79; Alta meadows, Tulare County, Mrs. Brandegee,
August 8, 1905.
1. Pteryxia californica Coult. and Rose, Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 7,
p. 172. 1900.
Type locality. — "Sisson, Siskiyou County, Cal."
Range. — Mountains of northern California (southern Oregon?)
south in the Sierra Nevada to Tulare County.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Sierra County, Lemmon 985; Cisco, Bolan-
der in 1872 ; near Castle Peak, Heller 7070 ; Summit, Kellogg ; Heather
Lake, Tahoe, 7,800 feet, McGregor 183; Desolation Valley, Tahoe,
8,600 feet, dry sandy places, Smiley 97 ; Ebbett's Pass, Alpine County,
dry hills, 9,000 feet, Brewer 1988 ; Tuolumne meadows, Yosemite, dry
gravel, 8,600 feet, R. A. Ware 2681c ; same locality, dry rocky ground,
8,500 feet, Smiley 706; Cloud's Rest, A. Gray in 1872; Crescent Lake,
Mariposa County, Congdon, August 14 (without year) ; Collins'
meadows, Fresno County, 7,500 feet, Hall and Chandler 541 ; Mineral
King, Coville and Funston 1392 ; Alta meadows, Tulare County, Mrs.
Brandegee, August 5, 1905; Farewell Gap, 10,600 feet, Purpus 5255;
same locality, 10,400 feet, Hall and Babcock 5664.
The two specimens last cited present a form differing from the
normal by broader leaf segments, which are abruptly acuminate and
mucronate, and by reduced size of the whole plant, the two stations
are both arctic-alpine and these slight changes of character probably
represent the reaction of the species to the alpine habitat.
Sterile rays of the umbel short (about % inch long) and stout; fruit small
„ 1. D. dementis
Sterile rays of the umbel long (about % inch long) and slender; fruit larger
„ 2. D. vestitum
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 281
1. Drudeophytum dementis Jones, Contr. W. Coast Bot., vol. 14,
p. 33. 1912.
Type locality. — ' ' On Mt. Whitney, Cal., alpine, also on Kearsarge
Range. — Southern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian and above.
Specimens examined. — Gravelly plains near Mt. Whitney, 11—
13,000 feet, Purpus 1479; mountains between Soda Creek and Little
Kern River, 7-9,000 feet, Purpus 1769; Volcano meadows, Hall and
Babcoek 5469; Mt. Whitney, Culbertson (B4353); near Whitney
meadows (now called Volcano meadows), Tulare County, 2850 m.,
Coville and Funston 1628.
2. Drudeophytum vestitum (Wats.) Coult. and Rose, Contr. Nat.
Herb., vol. 7, p. 83. 1900.
Deweya vestita Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 17, p. 374. 188E.
Arracaoia vestita Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 22, p. 415. 1887.
Velaea vestita (Wats.) Coult. and Kose, Eev. N. Am. Umbell., p. 122.
Type locality. — "Summit of Mount Baldy, near San Bernardino,
Range. — Mountains of southern California and extending north
into the southern Sierra Nevada.
Specimens examined. — Summit of Mt. Baldy, San Bernardino
Mountains, Parish brothers 598 ; Mt. San Antonio, 9,000 feet, Abrams
1934; Long meadow, Tulare County, 2,400-2,700 m., Palmer 193.
Palmer's collection is not typical and perhaps future collections
'will show that true D. vestitum is restricted to the mountains south
of our limits, and that D. dementis is our single representative of the
1. Podistera nevadensis (Gray) Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 22,
p. 475. 1887.
Cymopterus (?) nevadensis Gray, Proe. Am. Aead., vol. 6, p. 536. 1865.
Type locality. — "At and near the summit of Mount Dana," Cali-
Range. — Mt. Dana and vicinity.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Summit of Mt. Dana, Brewer 1739, 2717;
same locality, H. M. Evans, July, 1901 ; foot of Mt. Dana, Congdon,
282 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
August 27, 1895; Mt. Dana, T. Labouchere, July, 1915; Mt. Dana,
alpine zone, 11,750-13,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 3607; summit of
Mt. Warren, Tuolumne County, Congdon, August 21, 1894.
1. Aulospermum cinerarium (Gray) Coult. and Rose, Contr. Nat.
Herb., vol. 7, p. 196. 1900.
Cymopterus cinerarius Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 6, p. 535. 1866.
Type locality. — "In volcanic ashes, on dry hills in the high Sierra
Nevada, at Sonora Pass, and above Lake Mono, alt. 9-10,000 feet. ' '
Range. — East slope of the Sierra Nevada in the Yosemite region.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Dry hill at Sonora Pass, 10,100 feet, Brewer
1899; top of volcanic hill, south of Mono Lake, 9,000 feet (Mono
Craters), Brewer 1825.
Corolla none 1. Allotropa
Corolla present.
Corolla polypetalous or nearly so.
Inflorescence corymbose.
Leaves toothed, green on both sides; stems trailing, scarcely woody
2. Chimaphila
Leaves entire, glaucous beneath; stems erect, woody 3. Ledum
Inflorescence racemose.
Ovary 1-celled; colorless saprophyte 4. Pleuricospora
Ovary 5-celled; green or greenish plants 5. Pyrola
Corolla gamopetalous.
Plants with green leaves, autotrophic.
Ovary inferior 6. Vaccinium
Ovary superior.
Fruit a drupe-like berry 7. Arctostaphylos
Fruit a capsule.
Dehiscence of capsule septicidal.
Stamens exserted from the corolla; leaves with persistent decur-
rent woody bases 8. Phyllodoce
Stamens included; leaves without persistent woody bases 9. Kalmia
Dehiscence of capsule loculicidal.
Leaves flat, larger (1.3-2.6 inches long), petioled 10. Leucothoe
Leaves carinate, smaller (% inch or less long), sessile ..11. Cassiope
Plants without green leaves, reddish saprophytes 12. Sarcodes
1. Allotropa virgata T. and G., Pac. R.R. Rep., vol. 6, pt. 5, pp.
80, 81. 1857.
Type locality. — "Cascade Mountains of northern Oregon."
Range. — Sierra Nevada and Cascade Mountains. Coast Range of
northern California and Oregon. Olympic Mountains.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 283
Specimens examined. — Sierra Valley, Lemmon in 1873 ; near Web-
ber Lake, Kennedy and Doten 145; Lake Tahoe region, 9,000 feet,
W. D. Bliss 1789; King's River region, 8-9,000 feet, R. W. Gibbs,
August 20, 1898.
Leaves numerous and sharply toothed 1. C. umbellata
Leaves fewer and merely serrulate 2. C. Menziesii
1. Chimaphila umbellata (L.) Barton, Veg. Mat. Med. U. S., vol. 1,
p. 17, t. 1. 1817.
Pyrola umbellata L., Sp. PL, p. 396. 1753.
Chimaphila corymbosa Pursh, Fl., vol. 1, 300. 1814.
Chimaphila ocoidentalis Eydb., N. Am. Fl., vol. 29, pt. 1, p. 30. 1914.
Type locality. — "Habitat in Europae, Asiae et Americae septen-
trionalis sylvis. "
Range. — Holarctic realm; in America south to Georgia along the
Appalachians ; in the west reaching into Mexico.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian, the latter rarely.
Specimens examined,. — Trail over moraine south of Fallen Leaf
Lake to Angora Lake, Tahoe, Miss Lathrop, July 23, 1909; Glen
Alpine, Tahoe, 7,000 feet, McGregor 35.
According to Wooton and Standley110 this species in New Mexico
grows in "Deep woods, in the Canadian and Hudsonian zones."
2. Chimaphila Menziesii (R. Br.) Spreng., Syst., vol. 2, p. 317.
Pyrola Menziesii E. Br., in D. Don, Mem. Wern. Soc., vol. 5, p. 245. 1824.
Type locailty. — "Habitat in Americae ora boreali-occidentali. "
Range. — British Columbia to California.
Zone. — Transition mainly, rising occasionally into the Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Moraine south of Fallen Leaf Lake, Tahoe,
7,200 feet, Smiley 21; Dougherty Meadow, Tulare County, in forest,
Dudley 1444 ; Grant Park, Tulare County, Dudley 1211.
1. Ledum glandulosum Nutt., Trans. Am. Phil. Soc., vol. 8, p. 270.
Type locality. — "In the central chain of the Rocky Mountains on
the sides of mountains which close up Thornburg's ravine."
Range. — British Columbia to California and Wyoming. Idaho and
east Nevada.
284 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Zone. — Canadian, rarely coming down along streams into the
Specimens examined. — Butterfly Valley, Plumas County, 3,800 feet,
(Transition?), Hall 9274; Gold Lake, Sierra County, 6,400 feet, Hall
and Babcock 4503 ; Hunter Creek, "Washoe County, Nevada, 6,000 feet,
Kennedy 1898; ridge below Lake Lucile, Tahoe, Dudley, June 26,
1900; Gilmore Lake, Tahoe, 8,300 feet, Abrams 4855; at water's edge,
Lower Angora Lake, Tahoe, Miss Lathrop, July 21, 1909 ; same
locality, 7,700 feet, Smiley 31 ; Castle Peak, by a small lake, 8,300 feet,
Smiley 474; Carson Spur, Amador County, Hansen 794; Mt. Tallac,
Dudley, June 9, 1893; Shuteye Pass, Sierra National Forest, 7,000
feet, Abrams 4940; above Donner Lake toward Donner Pass, Heller
7046; Mono Pass, Bolander; head of Tuolumne River, 9,000 feet,
Brewer 1763 ; trail from Snow Creek to Lake Tenaya, Yosemite, by a
small lake, 8,500 feet, Smiley 676; meadows near Black Mountain,
Fresno County, 9,500 feet, Hall and Chandler 597 ; Nellie Lake, Fresno
County, 8,700 feet, Smiley 599; South Lake, Bishop Creek, Inyo
County, 10,000 feet, A. Davidson 2650; Southern Sierras, Brewer
2831; Mineral King, Tulare County, Coville and Funston 1556;
Hockett's meadows, Tulare County, Culbertson (B4426); Needles
Ridge, Lloyd Mountain, Tulare County, 8,000 feet, Dudley 856 ; Alta
Peak trail, Tulare County, Dudley 1253.
This is the most characteristic shrub growing about lake borders
in the Canadian zone and frequently the smaller lakes will be found
nearly surrounded by a growth of Ledum.
1. Pleuricospora fimbriolata Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 7, p. 369.
Type locality. — ' ' In or near the Mariposa Sequoia gigant&a Grove, ' '
Range. — California to Washington.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined.^— Plumas County, Mrs. Austin in 1877 ; Big
Trees, Mariposa County, Bolander 4997; near Tar Gap, Tulare
County, 2,770 m., in an Alies magnifica forest, Hall, 5587.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 285
Style straight; stigmas with deflexed papillae.
Style longer than the petals 1. P. secunda
Style shorter than the petals 2. P. minor
Style curving upward; stigmas with erect or united papillae.
Leaves elliptic to suborbicular, dark green above 3. P. asarifolia
Leaves ovate to acute, white veined 4. P. picta
Leaves spatulate, upper surface pale P. picta var. Integra
1. Pyrola secunda L., Sp. PI., p. 396. 1753.
Bamischia secunda (L.) Garcke, Fl. Deutsch., ed. 4, p. 222. 1858.
Type locality. — "Habitat in Europae borealis sylvis."
Range. — Holarctic realm; in America from the subarctic regions
south to Maryland, Michigan, South Dakota, New Mexico, and Cali-
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Plumas County, Lemmon in 1875; high
mountain near Donner Pass, Torrey 283 ; Carson Spur, Alpine County,
8,500 feet, Hansen 711; slope above Gilmore Lake, Tahoe, 8,400 feet,
Smiley 374; between Lake Tahoe and Lake Lucile, 7-8,000 feet, Miss
K. A. Chandler, September, 1901; Snow Valley, Ormsby County,
Nevada, 2,460-2,615 m., Baker 1485; Half -Moon Lake, Tahoe, 8,200
feet, Smiley 423 ; Glen Alpine, Tahoe, McGregor 22 ; Tuolumne Canon,
Yosemite, Chesnut and Drew, July 25, 1889; Panther Gap, Tulare
County, Dudley 1250.
2. Pyrola minor L., Sp. PL, p. 396. 1753.
Erxlebenia minor (L.) Eydb., N. Am. Fl., vol. 29, pt. 1, p. 28. 1914.
Type locality. — "Habitat in Europa frigidiore."
Range. — Holarctic realm; in America from the subarctic regions
south to Maritime Provinces of Canada, northern New England, Mich-
igan, Minnesota, Colorado, and California (?).
Zone. — Canadian.
No collections from the Sierra referable to this species have been
seen by me and it is here included only because it is reported89 to have
been collected in the high mountains of Tulare County (near East
Lake, Miss K. E. Wilson) and is also said101 to be growing in Little
Yosemite Valley.
286 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
3. Pyrola asarifolia var. incarnata Fernald, Rhodora, vol. 6, p.
178. 1904.
P. rotundifolia var. bracteata Gray, in Brewer and Wats., Bot. Calif., vol.
1, p. 460. 1876.
P. rotundifolia var. incarnata DC., Prodr., vol. 7, p. 773. 1839.
P. incarnata Fiseh., in DC., Prodr., I.e., as synonym,
P. uliginosa T. and G., in Torr., Fl. N. Y., vol. 1, p. 453. 1843.
Type locality. — "In Daliuria. "
Range. — Gulf of St. Lawrence to Alaska, south to northern New
England and New York, Great Lakes, northern Rocky Mountains, and
Zone. — Transition and lower Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Near Fallen Leaf Lake, Tahoe, Miss
Lathrop, July 12, 1909; near Glen Alpine, Tahoe, 6,700 feet, Smiley
275; Glen Alpine Creek, 6,400 feet, Hall 8800; Lucile trail, Tahoe,
Miss K. A. Chandler, September 8, 1901 ; near Whitney Creek, Tulare
County, 8-9,000 feet, Purpus 1895.
4. Pyrola picta Smith, in Rees, Cycl., vol. 29, no. 8. 1814.
Type locality. — ' ' Found on the west coast of North America. ' '
Range. — British Columbia to Montana, south to California and
New Mexico.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Carson Spur, Alpine County, 8,500 feet,
Hansen 712 ; Glen Alpine, Tahoe, 7,000 feet, McGregor 36 ; trail over
moraine to Angora Lakes, Tahoe, 7,100 feet, Smiley 30 ; near Lake of
the Woods, Tahoe, Dudley, September 1, 1894; Nevada County, 7,000
feet, A. M. Carpenter, August-September 1893 ; about Marlette Lake,
east of Lake Tahoe, 2,460 m., Baker 1481 ; east slope of Rubicon Peak,
Tahoe, 7,300 feet, Smiley 400.
4a. Pyrola picta var. Integra (Gray) Piper, Contr. Nat. Herb.,
vol. 11, p. 434. 1906.
P. dentata var. Integra Gray, in Cooper, Pac. E.B. Kep. vol. 12, pt. 2, p. 54.
P. pallida Greene, Pitt., voL 4, p. 39. 1899.
Type locality. — ' ' On high wooded hills, east of Mount Adams. ' '
Range. — Pacific Coast from British Columbia to King's River
region, California, and east to Montana.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Angora Lake trail, Tahoe, Miss Lathrop,
July 21, 1909; Glen Alpine, Tahoe, 6,800 feet, McGregor 130; near
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 287
Angora Lake, Tahoe, 7,300 feet, Hall and Chandler 4654; Cascade
Lake, Tahoe, C. J. Fox Jr., July, 1895; Cascade Mountains, Tahoe,
Setchell and Dobie, July 6-21, 1901 ; Redwood meadow, Mineral King,
Tulare County, Hall and Babcock 5380.
Pyrola aphylla Smith (in Rees, Cycl., vol. 29, no. 7. 1814), a
common Transition species, rarely is found along our lower borders
(Aspen Valley, Yosemite, 6,400 feet, Smiley 909.
Moneses uniflora (L.) Gray, a typical member of the glacial flora,
and in North America ranging from the subarctic region south to the
Middle Atlantic States, Minnesota, New Mexico, and on the west coast
in typical form to Oregon, is present on Mt. Shasta in the var.
reticulata (Nutt.) S. F. Blake (Rhodora, vol. 17, p. 29. 1915), but is
not known from the* Sierra Nevada.
Corolla usually 4-lobed; leaves lanceolate 1. V. occidentals
Corolla usually 5-lobed; leaves obovate, cuneate 2. V. caespitosum
1. Vaccinium occidentale Gray, in Brewer and Wats., Bot. Calif.
vol. 1, p. 451. 1876.
Type locality. — "Sierra Nevada at 6,000 or 7,000 feet, from Mari-
posa to Sierra Co. ' '
Range. — Washington to Wyoming and southward to California and
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Plumas County, Mrs. Austin ; Sierra Valley,
Lemmon; Mt. Rose, 9,650 feet, Heller 9919; near Fallen Leaf Lake,
Tahoe, 7,000 feet, Abrams 4805; Glen Alpine, Tahoe, 6,600 feet, Mc-
Gregor 213 ; Mono trail, Yosemite, Bolander 6299 ; Tuolumne meadows,
Yosemite, Miss K. D. Jones 539 ; Long Lake, Plumas County, 6,700
feet, Hall 9326 ; Shuteye Pass, Sierra National Forest, Abrams 4944 ;
Upper Green Meadow, Tulare County, Dudley 2253 ; Moraine Lake,
Tulare County, 9,000 feet, Dudley 2180; Tuolumne meadows, pros-
trate on exposed ledges by the river, 8,600 feet, R. A. Ware 2663c.
2. Vaccinium caespitosum Michx., Fl., vol. 1, p. 234. 1803.
V. caespitosum var. cuneifolium Nutt., in Gray, Syn. Fl., vol. 2, pt. 1,
p. 24. 1878.
V. caespitosum var. arbuscula Gray, Syn. Fl., vol. 2, pt. 1, p. 24. 1878.
Type locality. — "In borealibus Americae, praesertim circa sinum
Jiudsonis. ' '
288 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Range. — Subarctic America from Alaska to Labrador, south to New
England, Great Lakes, Colorado, and California.
Zone. — Canadian to above timber line.
Specimens examined. — Plumas County, Mrs. Austin in 1876 ; Long
Lake, Plumas County, 6,700 feet, Hall 9327 ; Pyramid Peak, 9,500 feet,
W. S. Atkinson in 1900 ; Heather Lake, Tahoe, 7,800 feet, McGregor
142 ; Desolation Valley, Tahoe, forming mats, 8,700 feet, Smiley 79 ;
Castle Peak, 8,900 feet, Smiley 485 ; Suzy Lake, Tahoe, Abrams 4860 ;
Mt. Dana, 12,000 feet, E. A. Ware 2617c ; same locality, H. M. Evans,
July, 1901; Crescent Lake, Mariposa County, Congdon, August 9,
1890 ; near Mineral King, Tulare County, above timber line, Coville
and Funston 1552; Eagle Lake, alpine zone, Tulare County, 10,500
feet, Hall and Babcock 9327 ; Arroyo-Kern Divide, Tulare County,
Dudley 2432.
This is the common blueberry of the high mountains, often forming
extensive dwarf thickets in the wet meadows. The abundant collec-
tions now available for comparison show that the varieties distin-
guished in the Synoptical Flora are impossible of maintenance, ovate
and obovate leaves occurring upon the same plants.
1. Arctostaphylos nevadensis Gray, Syn. Fl., vol. 2, pt. 1, p. 27.
Type locality. — "Sierra Nevada, California, common at 8-10,000
Range. — Pacific Coast in the Cascades and Sierra Nevada from
Washington to the King's River region. Also in the North Coast
Ranges (Lake County).
Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Dormer Lake, Dudley, June, 1900; above
Donner Lake toward Donner Pass, Heller 7041; Pedlar, Amador
County, 6,500 feet, Hansen 1924; slope above Heather Lake, Tahoe,
8,600 feet, Smiley 280; Mt. Tallac, Tahoe, 9,000 feet, Abrams 4837;
Glen Alpine, Tahoe, W. W. Price, July 12, 1898; Bald Mountain,
Dinkey Creek, Fresno County, 9,000 feet, Hall and Chandler 414.
Arctostaphylos patula Greene (Pitt., vol. 2, p. 171. 1891), dis-
tinguished from the above species by the larger leaves being very
obtuse or almost orbicular as contrasted with the sharply pointed
leaves of A. nevadensis, is primarily of the Transition zone, but not
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada, of California 289
rarely met with along our lower borders (Shuteye Mountain, Madera
County, 7,500 feet, Smiley 556).
1. Phyllodoce Breweri (Gray) Heller, Muhl., vol. 1, p. 1. 1900.
Brycmthus Breweri Gray, Proe. Am. Aead., vol. 7, p. 367. 1867.
Type locality. — "High Sierras of California, alt. 10,000 feet; on
Wood's Peak Eldorado Co., Prof. Brewer; near Dormer's Pass, Prof.
Range. — Mountains of northern California through the Sierra
Nevada to Mt. San Gorgonio, San Bernardino Mountains, southern
Zone. — Hudsonian, less often in the Canadian ; rarely as an alpine
Specimens examined. — About Summit Station, Heller 6979 ; high
mountain near Donner Pass, Torrey 287; Half -Moon Lake, Tahoe,
McGregor 86 ; Grass Lake, Tahoe, Miss Lathrop, July 19, 1909 ; shores
of Heather Lake, Tahoe, 8,100 feet, Smiley 175 ; Carson Spur, Amador
County, 8,000 feet, Hansen 796 ; near Lake Lucile, Tahoe, Setchell and
Dobie, July 6-21, 1901; Fallen Leaf trail to Mt. Tallac, 8,000 feet,
Abrams 48*20; Wood's Peak, Eldorado County, Brewer 2123 at 10,000
feet; Mt. Hoffman, Yosemite, 10,000 feet, Brewer 1676; high Sierras
along streamlets, 10,000 feet, Bolander 6300; Dog Lake, Tuolumne
meadows, 9,300 feet, Smiley 840; Cloud's Rest, 9,900 feet, Smiley 518;
Mt. Goddard, 11,100 feet, Hall and Chandler 699; Lambert's Dome,
Yosemite, 9,400 feet, R. A. Ware 2648c; Cloud's Rest, 10,000 feet,
A. Gray in 1872; Hockett's meadow, Tulare County, Culbertson
(B 4499) ; rocky slopes near Little Kern River, 9,500-11,000 feet,
Purpus 5162; Mt. Whitney, Culbertson (B 4354) ; base of Mt. Whit-
ney, 12,000 feet, Rothrock 401 ; Lake meadows, Kaweah Peaks, Tulare
County, 12,000 feet, Dudley 2125; near Alta Peak, Tulare County,
Dudley 1525.
1. Kalmia polifolia Wang. var. microphylla Rehder, in Bailey,
Cycl. Hort, vol. 2, p. 854. 1900.
K. glauca var. micropJiylla Hook., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 2, p. 41. 1834.
K. microphylla Heller, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 25, p. 581. 1898.
Type locality. — ' ' Swamps in the Rocky Mountains. ' '
Range. — Alaska and Yukon south to California and Colorado.
- Zone. — Hudsonian.
290 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Specimens examined. — Long Lake, Plumas County, 6,700 feet, Hall
9325 ; Webber Peak, Lemmon ; Pyramid Peak, 9,000 feet, W. S. Atkin-
son in 1900 ; Suzy Lake, Tahoe, 7,800 feet, Abrams 4865 ; Suzy Lake
Basin, 7,800 feet, Smiley 156 ; Lake of the Woods, Tahoe, 8,200 feet,
Smiley 72 ; Half -Moon Lake, Tahoe, 7,760 feet, McGregor 83 ; Lucile
Crest, Tahoe, 8,200 feet, Hall and Chandler 4661 ; Tuolumne meadows,
Yosemite, 8,600 feet, H. M. Evans, July, 1901 ; Mt. Dana, 11-12,000
feet, Brewer 1747 ; Cathedral Peak, Yosemite, west side, 9,000 feet,
Smiley 873 ; Elizabeth Lake meadow, Yosemite, 9,800 feet, Smiley 802 ;
Kaiser Crest, Fresno County, 9,000 feet, Smiley 620; Upper Green
meadows, Tulare County, 10,000 feet, Dudley 2252; woods west of
Hockett's meadows, Tulare County, 9,000 feet, Dudley 1916; Mountain
Lake shores, Tulare County, 10,000 feet, Dudley 946; slope of Black
Peak, Kaweah Peaks, Tulare County, 12,000 feet, Dudley 2124 ; White
Chief Mine, near Mineral King, alpine zone, Hall and Babcock 5651.
1. Leucothoe Davisiae Torr., in Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 7,
p. 400. 1867.
Leucothoe Cusickii M. E. Jones, Contr. W. Coast Bot., vol. 11, p. 1. 1903.
Oreocallis Davisiae (Torr.) Small, N. Am. Fl., vol. 29, pt. 1, p. 58. 1914.
Type locality. — " Nevada Co., near Eureka, California."
Range. — Siskiyou Mountains and North Coast Ranges, and in the
Sierra Nevada south to Fresno County.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Plumas County, Mrs. Austin in 1876 ; Frog
Lake on Mt. Stanford (Castle Peak), C. F. Sonne, July, 1887; Castle
Peak, 8,300 feet, Smiley 475; vicinity of Sequoia and Hazel Green,
6,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 3404; Signal Peak, Mariposa County,
Congdon, September 16, 1883 ; Shuteye Mountain, Madera County,
7,600 feet, Smiley 558; Shuteye Pass, Sierra National Forest, 7,000
feet, Abrams 4939; between Northfork and Forest Headquarters,
Madera County, Mrs. Brandegee, July, 1914.
1921] Smiley: Fiord of the Sierra Nevada of California 291
1. Cassiope Mertensiana (Bong.) G. Don, Hist. Dichl. PL, vol. 3,
p. 829. 1834.
Andromeda Mertensiana Bong., Mem. Acad. St. Peter sb., VI, vol. 2, p. 152.
Andromeda cupressina Hook., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 2, p. 38. 1834.
Cassiope Mertensiana gracilis Piper, Smithson. Mise. Coll., vol. 50, p. 195.
Cassiope Mertensiana ciliolata Piper, I.e., p. 196.
Cassiope Mertensiana californica Piper, I.e., p. 196.
Type locality. — Sitka.
Range. — Alaska to the southern Sierra Nevada along the coast
mountains, and in the Selkirks and northern Rockies to Montana.
Zone. — Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Ridge above Donner Pass, Heller 7131;
Castle Peak, 8,400 feet, Smiley 477; Heather Lake and Desolation
Valley, Tahoe, Dudley, June, 1900; Suzy Lake, Tahoe, 7,800 feet,
Abrams 4863 ; Desolation Valley, Tahoe, 8,600 feet, Smiley 82 ; rocky
slope above Coldstream, Placer County, 8,000 feet, C. F. Sonne,
August, 1896 ; Silver Lake, Amador County, 8,500 feet, G. Schrader,
July, 1910; Mt. Lyell, 11,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 3578; near
Tuolumne meadows, 8,600 feet, H. M. Evans, July, 1901 ; Dana Creek,
Yosemite, 9,600 feet, Smiley 847 ; Dog Lake, Tuolumne meadows,
9,240 feet, Smiley 841 ; Mt. Dana, Bolander 6019 ; foot of Mt. Dana,
Congdon, August 10, 1898; east base of Mt. Brewer, 10,000 feet,
Brewer 2805.
The range as given, extending to the southern Sierra, is based upon
the last station cited ; this may be incorrect since this species is other-
wise unknown south of the Yosemite district. It is not improbable
that there has been an error made in writing the name of the station.
1. Sarcodes sanguinea Torr., PI. Frem., p. 18. 1853.
Type locality. — "Valley of the Sacramento; the precise locality
not recorded, but probably on the Yuba River. ' '
Range. — California and southern Oregon.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Silver Lake, Amador County, 7,200 feet,
E. Mulliken 117 ; Carson Spur, Alpine County, 8,500 feet, Hansen
245; Grass Lake, Tahoe, Miss Lathrop, July 19, 1909; Cloud's Rest
trail, Yosemite, 7,900 feet, Smiley 506.
292 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Corolla lobes erect or spreading; stamens included.
Corolla small and white, contracted at the throat; dwarf annual ..1. Androsace
Corolla larger (}&-% inch long), red-purple, funnel form; perennial 2. Primula
Corolla lobes reflexed; stamens exserted 3. Dodecatheon
1. Androsace septentrionalis var. subulifera Gray, Syn. Fl., vol.
2, pt. 1, p. 60. 1878.
Type locality. — "Rocky Mountains near Boulder City, Colorado,
H. G. French. San Bernardino County, California, Parry and Leni-
Range. — Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Coast.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Dana, in saddle, 11,600 feet, W. L.
Jepson 3306.
Through the kindness of Dr. Jepson, I was able to examine this
interesting collection, the first of the species (and also of the genus)
so far made within our limits. It had before been collected in Califor-
nia in the San Bernardino Mountains, and in the White Mountains of
Inyo County (Shockley 452 at 13,000 feet).
1. Primula suffrutescens Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 7, p. 37.
Type locality. — "Sierra Nevada, on Silver Mountain, alt. 10,500
feet, near the snow. Brewer."
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Plumas County, Mrs. Austin in 1878 ^ Castle
Peak near the highest point, Heller 7096 ; same locality, Pringle, Sep-
tember 23, 1882 ; Cloud's Rest, 10,000 feet, A. Gray in 1872 ; Mt. Dana,
H. M. Evans, July, 1901; Mt. Gibbs, Yosemite, 12,200 feet, Smiley
781; Denel's Peak, Upper Kern River, 10,500-12,800 feet, Hall and
Babcock 5509; Mt. Whitney, Culbertson (B 4524) ; Kaiser Peak,
Fresno County, 10,200 feet, Smiley 645 ; Whitney meadows, above
timber line on mountains north of meadows, Coville and Funston 1663 ;
Sawtooth Peak, Tulare County, 12,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 5677 ;
Black Peak, Kaweah Peaks, Tulare County, 12,000 feet, Dudley 2128 ;
near top of Alta Peak, Tulare County, 11,000 feet, Dudley 1538 ; Fish-
erman's Peak (Old Mt. Whitney), 13,000 feet, Cowles 419; rocks on
slope of Mt. Kaweah, Tulare County, 12,000 feet, Dudley 2106.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 293
Inflorescence and base of the style glandular-pubescent; usually 10-24 inches
high, with leaves oblanceolate, 2-15 inches long, %-2.5 inches broad, entire
(rarely dentate) ; capsule included or equalling the sepals 1. D. Jeffrey!
Infloresence and base of the style not glandular-pubescent; capsules exserted.
Leaves narrowly lanceolate, acute, 2-6 inches long, %-% inch broad and very
smooth 2. D. alpinum
Leaves oblong, obtuse, somewhat broader than in No. 2, but about as long
....3. D. tetrandrum
1. Dodecatheon Jeffrey! Van Houte, Fl. des serres, vol. 16, p. 90.
D. crenatum Greene, Erythea, vol. 2, p. 74. 1890.
D. viviparum Greene, Erythea, vol. 3, p. 38. 1895.
Type locality. — "Montagnes-Rocheuses," but the description
drawn from a cultivated strain.
Range. — British Columbia through Idaho and Washington to
southern Sierra Nevada. Mountains of southern California. White
Mountains, Inyo County.
Zone. — Transition and sporadically above.
Specimens examined. — Yosemite, J. M. Hutchings; Peregoy's,
above Yosemite, A. Gray in 1872; Camp Whiskers on Shuteye Pass,
6,000 feet, Abrams 4933; Mt. Raymond, Madera County, meadow at
7,800 feet, Smiley 531; Bonita meadow, Tulare County, 8,000 feet,
Hall and Babcock 5172 ; south side of Farewell Gap, Tulare County,
9,300 feet, Hall and Babcock 5398.
la. Dodecatheon Jeffrey! var. redolens Hall, Bot. Gaz., vol. 31,
p. 392. 1901.
Type locality. — "Along the lakes at the base of Mt. Goddard,
3,400 m."
Range. — Central and southern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Foot of Mt. Goddard, alpine zone, Hall and
Chandler 676; Mt. Whitney, Culbertson (B4531); mountains along
Little Kern River, wet places, 11-12,000 feet, Purpus 5246 ; Mt. Whit-
ney, above Langley's Camp, 12,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 5543.
This variety is technically distinguished by the corolla lobes not
being closely reflexed and hence concealing the bases of the anthers,
which in the typical form are exposed.
294 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Ib. Dodecatheon Jeffrey! f. pygmaeum Hall, Univ. Calif. Publ.
Bot., vol. 4, p. 203. 1912.
Type locality. — "Wet soil on Pyramid Peak, Eldorado County,
California, at an altitude of 2,740 m."
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Pyramid Peak, 9,000 feet, Hall and Chand-
ler 4739 ; same locality, east side at 9,800 feet, Smiley 86 ; above
Heather Lake, Tahoe, Setchell and Dobie, July 6-21, 1901 ; Suzy Lake,
Tahoe, 7,950 feet, McGregor 47 in part; Mt. Gibbs, Yosemite, at tim-
ber line, 10,400 feet, Smiley 768; Elizabeth Lake meadow, Yosemite,
9,800 feet, Smiley 793; Snow Flat, Yosemite, 8,700 feet, Hall and
Babcock 3486; mountains near Little Kern River, Tulare County,
11-12,000, Purpus 5239 in part.
This is simply the dwarfed alpine state of the species usually seen
near or above timber line but the same nanism may be developed at
much lower altitudes when the plant is subjected to difficult life con-
2. Dodecatheon alpinum Greene, Erythea, vol. 3, p. 39. 1895.
Type locality. — ' ' Common along boggy margins of sub-alpine lakes
in the Sierra Nevada of California, more especially from Donner Lake
southward. ' '
Range. — Northeast Oregon (Wallowa Mountains) southward
through the mountains of northern California, through the Sierra to
the mountains of southern California.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Independence Lake, Sierra County, C. F.
Sonne, June 26, 1893 ; Carson Spur, 8,500 feet, Hansen 722 ; bogs near
Donner Lake, Brandegee, July, 1889; Mt. Tallac, W. C. Blasdale,
July, 1897; Dog Lake marsh, Tuolumne meadows, 9,240 feet, Smiley
842; meadows near Black Mountain, Fresno County, 10,500 feet, Hall
and Chandler 620; Tuolumne meadows, Yosemite, 8,600 feet, R. A.
Ware 2671c; Kaweah meadows, Tulare County, 9,300 feet, Purpus
2a. Dodecatheon alpinum f. nanum Hall, Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot.,
vol. 4, p. 205. 1912.
Type locality. — "Mount Dana, Mariposa County, California, at
3350 m. alt."
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada, of California 295
Range. — Not known from beyond the Sierra Nevada, but probably
co-extensive with the range of the species, of which this is the alpine
dwarfed form.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine, but occasionally in the Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Castle Peak, 8,800 feet, Smiley 483 ; Lake
of the Woods, on meadow, 8,200 feet, Smiley 69 ; Mono Pass, wet places
at 10,765 feet, Brewer 1717 ; Mt. Dana, 11-12,000 feet, Brewer 1742 ;
same locality, 11,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 3618 (type) ; Mt. Silli-
man, Tulare County, Mrs. Brandegee.
3. Dodecatheon tetrandrum Suksdorf, in Greene, Erythea, vol. 3,
p. 40. 1895.
Type locality. — Not definitely given.
Range. — Washington through the mountains of Oregon to the
Siskiyous and southward in the Sierra to Lake Tahoe. Warner Moun-
tains of Modoc County.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimen examined. — About Marlette Lake, east of Lake Tahoe,
Nevada, Hall and Chandler 4591.
Leaves trifoliate; plant aquatic 1. Menyanthes
Leaves simple, entire; plants terrestrial.
Corolla not glanduliferous at base, funnel-form or campanulate; leaves oppo-
site 2. Geutiana
Corolla with a large fringed pit or gland at base of each lobe or a pair of
glands; corolla rotate.
Style very short or none; flowers 5-merous 3. Sweertia
Style evident (% inch or longer); flowers 4-merous 4. Frasera
1. Menyanthes trifoliata L., Sp. PL, p. 145. 1753.
Type locality. — "Habitat in Europae paludibus."
Range. — Holarctic realm; in America south from the subarctic
region (Labrador- Alaska) to the Middle Atlantic States, Great Lakes,
Iowa, Colorado, and California.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Stanford (Castle Peak), meadow along
the trail, C. F. Sonne, July 19, 1885; Lily Lake, Tahoe, 6,600 feet,
Smiley 332 ; meadows near Black Mountain, Fresno County, in ponds,
9,500 feet, Hall and Chandler 732.
296 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Perennials with calyx surrounded by an involucre of leaf-like bracts.
Flowers solitary and terminal on the short (1-5 inch) stem; corolla lobes
acute 1. G. Newberryi
Flowers 1-several at the summit of the longer (4-18 inch) stem;' corolla lobes
rounded 2. G. calycosa
Annuals of slender habit, with the calyx naked.
Plant very leafy to the top and many flowered; flowers % inch long
: 3. G. amarella
Plants with but few leaves (2 or 3 pairs) ; flowers terminal, solitary, 1 inch
Stems branching at base and leafy below, with the upper and longer part
scapose; corolla lobes entire or rarely erose-denticulate about the
summit; seeds scabrid with minute scales 4. G. holopetala
Stems always simple and leafy to the middle or above; corolla lobes dentate
at summit; seeds smooth 5. G. simplex
1. Gentiana Newberryi Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 11, p. 84.
Type locality.— ' Oregon and California, in the Sierra Nevada,
from Crater Pass (NewTyerry] to Mariposa County, Bolander."
Range. — Mt. Whitney region of the Sierra Nevada northward to
the mountains of Siskiyou County and. southern Oregon. White
Mountains of Inyo County.
Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Plumas County, Mrs. Austin in 1876;
Webber Lake, Lemmon; Silver Lake, Amador County, 8,000 feet,
Hansen 707 ; Ralston Peak, Tahoe, 8,100 feet, Smiley 414; near Glacier
Point, Yosemite, Congdon, August 4, 1898; Yosemite trail between
Clark's and Westf all's meadows, Bolander 6360; Lyell Fork, Tuol-
umne River, 9,000 feet, E. B. Babcock, August, 1915; near Glacier
Point, Miss Jane White, September, 1902; Eagle Peak meadows,
Yosemite, 8,000 feet, Smiley 493 ; Dana Fork meadows, Yosemite,
10,100 feet, Smiley 860; Hockett's meadows, Tulare County, Dudley
1011 ; Crabtree meadows, Tulare County, 10,330 feet, H. M. and G. R.
Hall 8442; Kaweah meadows, Tulare County, 9-10,000 feet, Purpus
2. Gentiana calycosa Griseb., in Hook., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 2, p. 58,
t. 146. 1838.
G. oalycosa var. stricta Griseb., I.e.
G. Gormani Howell, Fl. N.W. Am., vol. 1, p. 446. 1901.
Pneumonanthe calycosa Greene, Leaflets, vol. 1, p. 71. 1904.
Type locality. — ' ' At Mount Rainier, on the northwest coast. ' '
Range. — British Columbia to California and Wyoming. Colorado ?
Zone. — Hudsonian and Arctic-alpine.
Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 297
Specimens examined. — Plumas County, 6,500 feet, Mrs. R. M.
Austin in 1878; Sierra Nevada above Summit Valley, 8,000 feet,
Pringle, September 21, 1882; Mt. Tallac, Tahoe, 9,500 feet, Smiley
366; Glen Alpine, Tahoe, 7,000 feet, McGregor 168; Carson Spur,
Alpine County, 8,500 feet, Hansen 709 ; mountains west of Lake Tahoe,
Brandegee, September, 1883; Mineral King, Tulare County, Dudley
2613; top of Monarch Creek trail, Tulare County, 11-12,000 feet,
Dudley 1594; meadows near Farewell Gap, Tulare County, 10-11,000
feet, Purpus 5228; Little Kern River, 8,500 feet, Culbertson (B 4398) ;
Squaw Valley, Forest Hill Pass, 8,800 feet, Brewer 2664.
3. Gentiana amarella L. var. acuta (Michx.), Herder, Acta Hort.
Petrop., vol. 1, p. 428. 1872.
G. acuta Michx., Fl., vol. 1, p. 177. 1803.
G. plebeja Cham., in Bunge, Conspect. Gen. Gent., p. 54. 1824.*
Type locality. — "In altis montibus Carolinae et in Canada, prope
Tadoussack. ' '
Range. — Subarctic America south to northern New England, Min-
nesota, North Dakota, New Mexico, and California.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Plumas County, 6,500 feet, Mrs. Austin in
1878; Sierra County, Lemmon 746; Tuolumne River, Bolander in
1866 ; vicinity of Mineral King, 7,800 feet, Hall and Babcock 5646 ;
Soda Springs, southern Sierras, Brewer 2848 ; Whitney meadows,
Tulare County, Purpus 1632.
Wettsteinf proposes to maintain G. acuta Michx. separate from
the Old World species and to consider G. pleleja Cham, as a subspecies
with a range confined to the Cordilleran section of North America
and westward; as an example of this subspecies he cites Bolander
5045 from the Tuolumne River. I have not seen a sheet with this
number upon it, but assume that the collection by Bolander from
the Tuolumne River cited above is of the same collection and exam-
ination fails to show any convincing reason for contrasting it with the
other specimens of var. acuta from the Sierra or of the north and east.
* Dr. Greene, in Leaflets vol. 1, characterizes the f ollowing synonyms : aniso-
sepala (p. 53); Macounii (p. 54); scopulorum (p. 55); Californica (p. 54), all
in 1904.
t Die nordamerikanischen Arten d. Gattung Gentiana, sect. Endotr. ; Oestr.
Bot. Zeitschrift, vol. 50, p. 195. 1900.
298 University of California Publications in Botany LV°L- 9
4. Gentiana holopetala (Gray.) Holm, Ottawa Nat., vol. 15, p. 110.
G. serrata Gunner, var. holopetala, Gray, in Brewer and Wats., Bot. Calif.,
vol. 1, p. 481. 1876.
Type locality. — "Wet ground, in the higher regions of the Sierra
Nevada: Soda Springs of the Tuolumne, at 8,600 feet (a pygmy form,
only 2 to 5 inches high, with leaves merely 4 or 5 lines long and crowded
towards the base), to Mariposa Co. above the Yosemite (much larger,
a span high or more, Bolander."
Range. — Sierra Nevada from the Yosemite region southward to
Tulare County.
Zone. — Canadian mainly.
Specimens examined. — Soda springs of the Tuolumne, 8,600 feet,
Bolander 2847; Ostrander's, above Yosemite, 7-8,000 feet, Bolander
6359 ; trail to Cloud's Rest, 8,000 feet, Smiley 505 ; Tuolumne meadows
near the river (tip of petals erose), 8,500 feet, Smiley 832 ; South Fork
of the San Joaquin, 7,650 feet, Hall and Chandler 630; Nellie Lake,
Fresno County, 8,800 feet, Smiley 612 ; meadow on Shuteye Mountain,
Madera County, 7,800 feet, Smiley 555; Natural Bridge meadow,
Tulare County, 8,000 feet, Culbertson (B4260) ; Funston's meadows,
Tulare County, 9,000 feet, Dudley 2181 ; near Farewell Gap, Dudley
2599, 1141 ; South Fork of Kern River, 9,800 feet, Rothrock 381, 313
at 10,000 feet.
The petals of this species are not always truly entire, but they
are never deeply incised as in G. elegans A. Nels. of the Rockies of
Wyoming and Colorado.
5. Gentiana simplex Gray, Pac. R.R. Rep., vol. 6, p. 87, 1. 16. 1857.
Type locdltiy. — "Upper Klamath Lake/' California.
Range. — Mountains of eastern Oregon south through the Mt/ Shasta
region and the Sierra Nevada to the mountains of southern California.
Southern Idaho.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Summit of Mt. Dyer, Plumas County, Mrs.
Austin in 1880 ; Sierra County, Lemmon 727 ; Summit Valley, Sierra
County, 7,000 feet, E. L. Greene 385; Carson Spur, Alpine County,
8,500 feet, Hanseii 708; Angora Lakes, Tahoe, 7,000 feet, McGregor
210; Squaw Valley trail, Placer County, 8,000 feet, Brewer 2153;
Converse Basin, Fresno County, Dudley, August 18, 1904; Mt. Ray-
mond, Madera County, 7,800 feet, Smiley 530; Nellie Lake meadow,
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada, of California 299
Fresno County, 8,500 feet, Smiley 597; Halsted meadow, region of
Mt. Silliman, Dudley 1461 ; basin of Upper Kern River, Tulare
County, 8,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 5633 ; wet meadows near Soda
Creek, Tulare County, 10-11,000 feet, Purpus 5214.
1. Sweertia perennis L. var. obtusa (Ledeb.) Griseb., in Hook.,
Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 2, p. 66. 1838.
S. obtusa Ledeb., Mem. Acad. St. Petersb., vol. 5, p. 526. 1812.
S. Covillei Greene, Leaflets, vol. 1, p. 77. 1904.
S. palustris A. Nels., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 28, p. 227. 1901.
S. congesta A. Nels. I.e.
Type locality.— "N.W. Coast."
Range. — Alaska southward through the mountains of British
Columbia and Idaho to Oregon and California ; in the Rockies to New
Mexico. Washington ?
Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Whitney meadows, Tulare County, 8,500
feet, Hall and Babcock 5492 ; Crabtree meadows, Tulare County, Cul-
bertson (B4553); same locality, 10,350 feet, H. M. and G. R, Hall
8449; Hockett's meadows, Tulare County, 8,500 feet, H. M. and
G. R, Hall 8473.
Our Sierran material, and also the collections from the Rocky
Mountains seen by me, agree excellently with European specimens
and also with the plate in Fl. Danica (t. 2047) save in the broader,
more obtuse petals and the radical leaves more obtuse, differences
which seem to be distinctly of varietal rank.
Glands in pairs on each petal 1. F. speciosa
Glands single on each petal 2. F. tubulosa
1. Frasera speciosa Dougl., Griseb., in Hook., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 2,
p. 66. 1838.
Type locality. — "On the low hills near Spokane and Salmon Rivers
and subalpine parts of the Blue Mountains, near the Kooskooka
Range. — Eastern Washington to Wyoming and south to California
and New Mexico.
Zone. — Arid Transition and Canadian.
300 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Specimens examined. — Faith Valley, Alpine County, 8,000 feet,
Hansen 595 ; Charity Valley, Alpine County, G. Hansen in 1892 ; soda
springs of the Tuolumne River, Yosemite, Brewer 1703, 6361 ; South
Fork of the San Joaquin, 9,000 feet, Hall and Chandler 716.
2. Frasera tubulosa Coville, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., vol. 7, p. 71.
Type locality. — ' ' In dry soil under Pinus Jeffreyi in the northeast
corner of the enclosure at Soda Springs, on the north fork of Kern
River, Sierra Nevada, Tulare County, California.
Range. — Southern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Transition and lower Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Soda Springs, type locality, 6,300 feet, Hall
and Babcock 5412 ; Mt. Olancha, open forest of P. J&ffreyi, 8,500 feet,
Hall and Babcock 5271; Kern River, Culbertson (B 4329).
Corolla funnel form, %-% inch long, rose-purple; style long filiform; leaves
long petioled 1. Cycladenia
Corolla campanulate, ^-^ inch long; pink or nearly white; style wanting;
leaves short petioled 2. Apocynum
1. Cycladenia hmnilis Benth., PL Hartw., p. 323. 1850.
Type locality. — ' ' In montibus Sacramento. ' '
Range. — Inner side of the North Coast Ranges, about Mt. Shasta,
and in the northern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian ?
Specimen examined. — Mt. Dyer, Mrs. R. M. Austin, July, 1879.
The var. tomentosa Gray (Syn. FL, vol. 2, pt. 1, suppl., £. 400,
1886), present in the Upper Sonoran and Transition life-zones, has
a range extending across the Great Basin into southern Utah.
1. Apocynum androsaemifolium L. var. pumilum Gray, Syn. Fl.,
vol. 2, pt. 1, p. 83. 1878.
A. cardiophyllum Greene, Leaflets, vol. 1, p. 79. 1904.
A. Mcolor McGregor, Bull. Torr., Bot. Club, vol. 37, p. 261. 1910.
Type locality. — Not precisely given.
Range. — British Columbia to southern California.
Zone. — Transition mainly, just entering the Canadian.
1921 ] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 301
Specimens examined. — Above Donner Lake toward Donner Pass,
Heller 7050; Mt. Tallac, 8,600 feet, Smiley 247; hillside at Soda
Springs, Nevada County, 7,000 feet, Smiley 454 ; Silver Lake, Amador
County, Hansen 969; Snow Creek, Yosemite, Congdon; Hockett's
Meadows, Tulare County, Culbertson (B4472).
Leaves simple, not pinnate, though often finely cut or lobed; calyx at length
ruptured by the maturing capsule.
Stamens very unequally inserted; corolla strictly salverform with narrow
throat; leaves entire and opposite 1. Phlox
Stamens nearly equally inserted; corolla funnel-form with limb inclined
2. Gilia
Leaves pinnately divided into many leaflets; calyx distended but not ruptured
by the maturing capsule 3. Polemonium
Calyx glandular; leaves less than % inch long 1. P. caespitosa
Calyx not glandular; leaves ^-^ inch long 2. P. Douglasii var. diffusa
1. Phlox caespitosa var. muscoides (Nutt.) Brand, Helios, vol. 22,
p. 78. 1905.
P. muscoides Nutt., Jour. Acad. Phila., vol. 7, p. 42. 1834.
P. dejecta A. Nels. and Kennedy, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., vol. 19, p. 37.
Type locality. — "In alpine situations at the sources of the Mis-
Range. — Rocky Mountains of Montana and northwestern Wyoming
across the Great Basin to the Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Rose, 10,800 feet, Heller 9869; Silver
Mountain, forms dense tufts on dry summit of the mountain at 11,000
feet, Brewer 2699; Mt. Dana, Hall and Babcock 3612; near Mt.
Whitney, above timber line, V. Bailey (Death Valley 2072) ; Olancha
Mountain, Tulare County, 11-12,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 5228.
2. Phlox Douglasii var. diffusa Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 8,
p. 254. 1870.
P. diffusa Benth., PI. Hartw., p. 325. 1849.
Type locality. — "In locis siccis saxosis prope Bear Valley in
montibus Sacramento."
Range. — British Columbia south through Idaho, Washington, and
Oregon to the mountains of northern California and the Sierra
Zone. — Canadian to Arctic-alpine.
302 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Specimens examined. — Black Butte, Sierra Buttes, Kattan 37 ;
Gold Lake, Sierra County, 6,400 feet, Hall and Babcock 4510 ; high
mountain near Donner Pass, Torrey in 1865; Mt. Rose, 9,650 feet,
Heller 9910a; Pyramid Peak, 8-10,000 feet, W. S. Atkinson in 1900;
Angora Peak, Tahoe, 7,700 feet, sandy slopes, Smiley 47 ; Lake of the
Woods, -Tahoe, 7,850 feet, McGregor 41 ; trail to Mt. Tallac, 9,000 feet,
Abrams 4839 ; Silver Lake, Amador County, 8,000 feet, Hansen 499 ;
Mono Pass, at 7,000 feet and upwards, Brewer 1719; summits near
Carson Pass, 10,000 feet, Brewer 2117; Sentinel Dome, Yosemite,
Dudley, June 11, 1894 ; Tioga Road, Yosemite, dry gravel, 9,000 feet,
R, A. Ware 2611c; Mt. Dana, 10,400 feet, Smiley 716; Mt. Gibbs,
10,200 feet, Smiley 766 ; Mt. Goddard, 11,500 feet, Hall and Chand-
ler 703; Mt. Lyell, 10,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 3566; region of
Dinkey Creek, Fresno County, 8,900 feet, Hall and Chandler 376;
Mt. Raymond, Madera County, 8,700 feet, Smiley 549.
Our form appears to be all of the variety ; the species occurs in the
Arid Transition and Upper Sonoran to the north and east of the
Sierra and perhaps in the foothills of the range (compare Miss C. E.
Cummings, May 5, 1896, collected at Raymond (Madera County?),
900 feet).
No collections of var. diffusa have been seen by me from the moun-
tains south of Fresno County, but Miss Eastwood reports P. Douglasii
from Bullfrog Lake, in the high mountains of Tulare County; it is
probable that it is similar to the forms here referred to the variety.
Upper leaves alternate.
Small annuals.
Leaves mostly entire, the upper cauline reduced or bractlike.
Flowers large (%-% inch long), on slender naked pedicels, the corolla
dark purple 1. G. leptalea
Flowers small (%-% inch long), on short pedicels; corolla white or^rarely
colored 2. G. capillaris
Woody biennials or perennials.
Plants tall (1-4 feet), biennial: leaves deeply pinnatifid: inflorescence
thyrsoid-paniculate, the flowers red or yellow 3. G. aggregata
Plants very depressed and mat-like.
Perennial with leaves palmately deeply parted, the divisions acerose;
flowers solitary, white or pinkish 4. G. pungens
Biennial with leaves palmately parted, the divisions short ovate and
mucronate; flowers in dense glomerate cymes 5. G. congesta
Leaves all opposite or apparently whorled.
Annuals with stems simple above; flowers purple.
Cells of ovary several-many ovuled; stems becoming 10-15 inches high;
leaves divided into 5-7 acerose rigid divisions; bracts similar and
hispid 6. G. ciliata
Cell of ovary 1-ovuled; stems much shorter, rarely attaining 5 inches; outer
bracts oblanceolate 7. G. tularensis
Perennial plants with many stems rising from the base; flowers white
....8. G. Nuttallii
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 303
1. Gilia leptalea (Gray) Greene, Erythea, vol. 4, p. 58. 1896.
Collomia leptalea Gray, Proc. Am. Aead., vol. 8, p. 261. 1870.
Type locality. — "California, in the Sierra and foothills, from
Plumas to Mariposa County. ' '
Range. — California and Oregon.
Zone. — Transition and, as a depauperate, in the Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Hills above Red Clover Valley, Plumas
County, Heller and Kennedy 8710 ; lower end of Donner Lake, Heller
6868; Tallac, Tahoe, 6,300 feet, Smiley 135; Glen Alpine, W. A.
Setchell, July 14, 1901; Camp Agassiz, near Glen Alpine, Dudley,
June 28, 1900 ; near White Wolf, Yosemite, H. M. Evans, July, 1901 ;
between Lake Tenaya and Tuolumne meadows, Yosemite, 8,300 feet,
Smiley 703; Tuolumne meadows, foot of Lambert's Dome, 8,500 feet,
Smiley 756 ; Tuolumne meadows, 8,600 feet, F. M. Reed 3561 ; Eagle
Peak trail, Yosemite, E. B. Babcock, June 26, 1912; Pedlar, Amador
County, 7,000 feet, Hansen 704.
2. Gilia capillaris Kellogg, Proc. Calif. Aead., vol. 5, p. 46. 1873.
Type locality. — "Cisco, C. P. R.R., Sierra Nevada Mountains."
Range. — Washington to California ; Idaho.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Gold Lake, Sierra County, 6,400 feet, Hall
and Babcock 4498; Mt. Stanford (Castle Peak), Hooker and Gray
in 1877 ; Cisco, 1850 m., Mrs. C. C. Hall 8710 ; dry hillside above Soda
Springs, 7,200 feet, Smiley 457; Half-Moon Lake, Tahoe, McGregor
76; Tuolumne meadows, Yosemite, 8,500 feet, Smiley 742; Hockett's
Meadows, Tulare County, 8,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 5628.
Gilia siibalpina Greene (in Brand, Pflanzenr., Bd. 4, Heft 27,
s. 98. 1907) though compared to G. leptalewin the description ("Fast
stets in Begleitung der vorigen Art (leptalea}, aber in hoheren Lagen,
von 2000-3000 m. Calif ornien : Nevada Co.: Uber dem Donner-See"),
is more like our No. 2. The validity of the species cannot now be
determined : certainly the critical character assigned to distinguish it
from G. leptalea — less number of ovules — cannot be depended upon.
3. Gilia aggregata (Pursh.) Spreng., Syst., vol. 1, p. 626. 1825.
Cantua aggregata Pursh, Fl., vol. 1, p. 147. 1814.*
Type locality. — Said in description to be from "the banks of the
Mississippi," but the type actually collected in Idaho.
„"* For inclusive synonymy see Brand, A., Pflanzenreich, Bd. 4, Heft 250. 1907.
304 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Range. — Widely distributed in western North America and
appearing in a number of different forms or races, which however
are impossible of delimitation. Washington to Montana, south to
California, Arizona, New Mexico, and western Texas.
Zone. — Arid Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Between Taylorville and Little Grizzly
Creek, Plumas County, Heller and Kennedy 8831; Mt. Stanford
(Castle Peak), Hooker and Gray in 1877; Tallac, Tahoe, 8,500 feet,
Smiley 129 ; Shuteye Mountain, Madera County, 6,500 feet, J. Mur-
doch Jr. 2573; above Yosemite, Lemmon 53; Round meadow, Fresno
County, 7,400 feet, Smiley 589 ; Sky Valley, Tulare County, Culbert-
son (B 4574) ; sandy places near Little Kern River, 8-9,000 feet,
Purpus 5189; Mt. Olancha, Tulare County, 9,500 feet, Hall and
Babcock 5265.
3a. Gilia aggregate var. Bridgesii Gray, Syn. Fl., vol. 2, pt. 1,
p. 145. 1878.
G. Bridgesii Greene, Leaflets, vol. 1, p. 160. 1905.
Type locality. — "California, through the Sierra Nevada."
Range. — Sierra Nevada to Oregon.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Peregoy's, above Yosemite, A. Gray in
1872 ; Mt. Olancha, Rothrock 358.
This variety differs from the type in deeper color of the corolla,
the lobes of which are ovate, and the leaf segments thicker and more
obtuse. Var. attenuate Gray (I.e.) is not certainly known from Cali-
fornia, but may be present on the eastern slope; Davidson 2750 from
Bishop Creek, Inyo County, at 8,100 feet, is very similar to collections
referred to this variety from Utah.
4. Gilia pungens (Torr.) Benth, in DC., Prodr., vol. 9, p. 316.
Cantua pungens Torr., Ann. Lye. N. Y., vol. 2, p. 220. 1826.
Type locality. — Not ascertained.
Range. — Rocky Mountains westward to the Pacific Coast.
Zone. — Canadian to above timber line.
Specimens examined. — Soda Springs, Sierra County, M. E. Jones
2474 ; near Summit Station, Heller 7031 ; near Marlette Peak, Nevada,
gravelly ridges, 7,800 feet, Hall and Chandler 4561 ; Mt. Tallac, 9,600
feet, Hall and Chandler 4620; Cathedral Peak, Yosemite, dry rocks
forming mats, 10,000 feet, Smiley 817 ; Mt. Goddard, 11,300 feet, Hall
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 305
and Chandler 7031/2 ; Mt. Silliman, Tulare County, Mrs. Brandegee,
August 23, 1905 ; region of Mineral King, Tulare County, 10,000 feet,
Dudley 2579; Mt. Brewer, Tulare County, dry gravel soil, 10,000
feet, Brewer 2806.
4a. Gilia pungens var. Hookeri Gray, Syn. FL, vol. 2, pt. 1, p.
141. 1878.
Phlox Hookeri Dougl., in Hook., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 2, p. 73. 1838.
Type locality. — ' ' Common on arid, sandy, and rocky soils near the
narrows of the Oakanagan and Priest's Rapids of the Columbia
Range. — British Columbia to California.
Zone. — Arid Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Near Squaw Peak, Placer County, C. J.
Fox Jr. in 1895 ; Angora Peak, Tahoe, 8,000 feet, Smiley 5 ; Mt. Tallac,
on the east side, 9,500 feet, Smiley 238; Glen Alpine, Tahoe, W. A.
Setchell, July 14, 1901 ; Tuolumne meadows, Yosemite, 8,600 feet,
R. A. Ware 2659c ; Lambert 's Dome, Yosemite, 8,700 feet, Smiley 759 ;
Kaiser Crest, Fresno County, 9,000 feet, Smiley 619; Fish Creek,
Tulare County, 7,500 feet, Hall and Babeock 5207 feet.
4b. Gilia pungens var. temiiloba Milliken, Univ. Calif. Pub. Bot.,
vol. 2, p. 43. 1904.
Not certainly known from the Sierra, but probably present in the
mountains of Tulare County (slope of Alta Peak, Dudley 1541).
Var. Hookeri is distinguished from the species by a looser habit
of growth and by the divisions of the leaves being of very unequal
length, the middle lobe twice as long as the lateral lobes. Var. tenuiloba
is unlike both the species and the above variety in having the flowers
terminal and solitary; lobes of the leaves approximately equal but
much less rigid than in the type species or in var. Hookeri. The basis
for var. tenuiloba came from Mt. San Jacinto, Riverside County, and
was collected by S. B. Parish, who first described it as Gilia tenuiloba.
5. Gilia congesta Hook, subsp. palmifrons Brand, Pflanzenr., Bd.
4, Heft 250, s. 121. 1907.
G. montaiia A. Nels. and Kennedy, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., vol. 19, p. 37.
Type locality. — "Oregon: Camp Harney. "
Range. — East Oregon, mountains of northern California, and the
Sierra Nevada, east through Nevada to Utah.
306 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Zone. — In the Sierra Nevada, this subspecies is restricted to the
Arctic-alpine, but the type (Cusick 869) came from the Arid Tran-
sition (if the type collection was actually made at Camp Harney).
Specimens examined. — Castle Peak, near the highest point, 9,000
feet, Heller 7100 ; highest point of Sierra Nevada above Donner Lake
on barren stony summit, 10,000 feet, E. L. Greene 478 ; near Squaw
Peak, Placer County, C. J. Fox Jr., July, 1895 ; Silver Mountain, dry
soil at summit, 11,000 feet, Brewer 2055; summit between Tinker's
Knob and Devil's Cliff, Tahoe, Kennedy and Doten 279; Rubicon
Peak, Tahoe, in summit rocks, 9,100 feet, Smiley 409; loose dry soil
at Sonora Pass, 10,000 feet, Brewer 1883; Webber Peak, Lemmon,
July, 1875.
The subspecies palmifrons has the leaves palmately divided; the
coordinate subspecies iberidifolia Brand, (I.e., p. 121 — G. iberidifolia
Benth., in Hook., Jour. Bot., vol. 3, p. 290. 1851) with range in the
Rocky Mountains from British Columbia to Colorado, has its leaves
pinnatifid; these two subspecies are said by Brand to be "geo-
graphisch streng — geschieden," a statement needing modification in
view of the collections made in northern California and adjacent
Oregon ; in this area certain collections have been made that show both
subspecies to be present in the northwest (compare Chandler 1666
from Marble Mountain, Siskiyou County, 8,000 feet, in which the
leaves show such an extension of the central segment that the other
segments become lateral to it, i.e., the leaf becomes pinnatifid).
6. Gilia ciliata Benth. var. neglecta Brand, Pflanzenr., Bd. 4, Heft
250, p. 137. 1907.
Linanthus neglectus Greene, Erythea, vol. 3, p. 24. 1895.
Type, locality. — ' ' Common at subalpine elevations of the California
Range. — Sierra Nevada from Sierra County to the Kings River
Zone,. — Upper Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined — Donner Lake, Heller 6939, 6869; Caple's
Lakes, Alpine County, 8,500 feet, Hansen 512; Suzy Lake, Tahoe,
Setchell and Dobie, July 16, 1901 ; Tallac, Tahoe, 6,600 feet, Smiley
136; Snow Creek, Mariposa County, Congdon, June (without year) ;
Tioga Road, Yosemite, near White Wolf, 8,100 feet, Smiley 886 ; Snow
Creek, 6,500 feet, Smiley 66.0 (with characters intermediate between
the species and variety) ; summit above Peckinpah's Mill, trail to
Shuteye Mountain, Madera County, 7,100 feet, Smiley 554; summit
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 307
between Atwell's Mill and Redwood meadows, Tulare County, 9,000
feet, Hall and Babcock 5378.
7. Gilia tularensis Brand, Pflanzenr., Bd. 4, Heft 250, s. 136. 1907.
Type locality. — "Siidliche Sierra Nevada: bei Smith meadow, Fish
Creek, Tulare County, 2,800 m."
Range. — Known only from the type locality.
Specimens examined. — Near Smith meadow, 8,400 feet, Hall and
Babcock 5211.
8. Gilia Nuttallii Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol 8, p. 267. 1870.
Linanthus Nuttallii Greene, in Milliken, Univ. Calif. Pub. Bot., vol. 2,
p. 54. 1904.
Type locality. — Not precisely given.
Range. — Pacific Coast from Washington to southern California,
east to Colorado.
Zone. — Arid Transition to Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Silver Mountain, Alpine County, Brewer
2042; King's Canon, Ormsby County, Nevada, 1,700-2,000 m., Baker
1053 ; near Lake Tahoe, Lemmon 20 ; mountains west of Kaweah
meadows, Tulare County, 8-9,000 feet, Purpus 5259; vicinity of
mineral King, Tulare County, 8,200 feet, Hall and Babcock 5351;
Farewell Gap, Tulare County, Culbertson (B4536).
Other species of Gilia are frequently seen even in the high moun-
tains, but are summer annuals of warm slopes or dry meadows (G.
Harknessii Curran: Tuolumne meadows, gravelly soil near the Lodge
8,500 feet, Smiley 861 ; G. bicolor Brand : region of Dinkey Creek,
Fresno County, 8,500 feet, Hall and Chandler 379 ; Tioga Road near
Dark Hole, Yosemite, 7,700 feet, Smiley 860).
Corolla lobes subequal to the corolla tube; leaflets entire, opposite or nearly so.
Stems tall, solitary; style long protruding 1. P. occidentale
Stems short, clustered; style slightly exserted 2. P. pulcherrimum
Corolla lobes distinctly shorter than the tube; leaflets divided, subverticillate
3. P. exlmium
1. Polemonmm occidentale Greene, Pitt., vol. 2, p. 75. 1890.
P. coeruleum L., var. pterosperma Benth., in DC. Prodr., vol. 9, p. 317.
P. coeruleum of authors, as of Gray, Syn. PL, vol. 2, pt. 1, p. 151. 1878.
P. pterospermum Brand, Helios, vol. 22, p. 77. 1905, not Nelson and
P. Helleri Brand, Pflanzenr., Bd. 4, Heft 250, s. 32. 1907.
~ Type locality. — Not given.
308 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Range. — British Columbia to the King's River region of the Sierra
Nevada; in the Rockies to Colorado.
Zone. — Transition to Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — King's Canon, Ormsby County, Nevada,
1,700-2,000 m., Baker; springy places near Marlette Peak, Nevada,
7,500 feet, Hall and Chandler 4586 ; Lake Tahoe region, W. C. Bias-
dale, July, 1897 ; Rubicon Park, Tahoe, W. A. Setchell, July 10, 1901 ;
Mono Pass, borders of a spring at 11,000 feet, Bolander 6905 ; Truckee,
Heller 7190; meadows on the Upper San Joaquin, Madera County,
Congdon, August 20, 1895 ; Natural Bridge, Tulare County, 8,000 feet,
Culbertson (B4256).
P. Helleri is said to differ from all other species by the subsessile
anthers ; the type collected is Heller 7190, two sheets of which are in
the herbarium at the University of California. Examination of these
co-types disclosed stamens with normal length of filaments.
2. Polemonium pulcherrimum Hook., Bot. Mag., vol. 57, t. 2979.
P. californicum Eastwood, Bot. Gaz., vol. 37, p. 437. 1904.*
Type locality. — "On the highest of the Rocky Mountains."
Range. — Alaska to California and Colorado.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Webber Lake, Lemmon; high mountain
near Donner Pass, Torrey 298; near Summit Station, Donner Pass,
Heller 6971; Silver Lake, Amador County, 8,000 feet, Hansen 693;
mountain sides at Lake Tenaya, Yosemite, 8,300 feet, Brewer 1687;
Tenaya Creek, 8,700 feet, Smiley 871 ; Eagle Peak meadows, Yosemite,
7,250 feet, Hall 9193 ; White Wolf, Yosemite, 8,000 feet, H. M. Evans,
July, 1901 ; meadows near Black Mountain, Fresno County, 9,500 feet,
Hall and Chandler 592.
2a. Polemonium pulcherrimum subsp. parvifolium Brand, Pflanz-
enr., Bd. 4, Heft 250, s. 35. 1907.
P. parvifolium Nutt., in Rydb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 24, p. 253. 1897.
P. visoosum Gray, Syn. PI., vol. 2, pt. 1, p. 150. 1878, not of Nutt.
P. Tevisii Eastwood, Bot. Gaz., vol. 37, p. 440. 1904.
P. Berryi Eastwood, I.e.
P. montrosense A. Nels., Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., vol. 18, p. 174. 1905.
Type locality. — Rocky Mountains.
* This species has acquired an abundant synonymy expressive of the many
forma it assumes, but it is doubtful if these variations are capable of definition,
except the following subspecies (at least as regards our plants).
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 309
Range. — Northern Rocky Mountains of Montana and Wyoming,
southern Cascades, and Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Rose, 10,800 feet, Heller 9863 ; summit
of Mt. Tallac, Miss H. Geiss, August, 1909; Mt. Tallac, 9,500 feet,
Abrams 4833 ; summit of ridge between Lake LeConte and Heather
Lake, 8,900 feet, Smiley 350a; summit near Ebbetts Pass, 9,000 feet,
Brewer 2070.
This subspecies differs from the species in the smaller leaves, which
are somewhat viscid and imbricated along the short stems. It is quite
similar to P. elegans Greene, a doubtfully distinct species of the Cas-
cades of Washington.
3. Polemonium eximium Greene, Pitt., vol. 3, p. 305. 1898.
Type locality. — "Mt. Conness."
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Stanford (Castle Peak), Lemmon (this
station very doubtful, since no other collections known from north
of the Yosemite region) ; Mt. Dana, 13,050 feet, Hall and Babcock
3603 ; Chesnut and Drew, July 17, 1889 ; at 13,000 feet, Smiley 733 ;
Mt. Lyell, 13,000 feet, R. E. Gibbs 1746 ; near Mt. Goddard, 12,000
feet, Brewer 1737; Mt. Goddard, "at the very summit," 13,550 feet,
Hall and Chandler 666; summit of Farewell Gap, Tulare County,
Dudley 1119; Mt. Whitney, 13,800 feet, Culbertson (B4542).
This species is the P. canfertum of the Bot. Calif, (vol. 1, p. 500),
but seems quite distinct from that Rocky Mountain alpine species.
Navarretia Breweri (Gray) Greene (Pitt., vol. 1, p. 137. 1887).
described from "Sierra Nevada, at Ebbett's and Amador Pass, alt.
8,000 feet," should be mentioned as likely to be seen anywhere in the
Canadian zone on dry sand slopes or rocky places in spite of being
essentially an Upper Sonoran or Transition species.
Leaves all radical; peduncles 1 -flowered 1. HesperocMron
Leaves both cauline and radical; flowers clustered (except in No. 4).
Styles 2, distinct to the base 2. Nama
Style 2-cleft (united at least for over half its length).
Leaves (in ours) all opposite, delicate annuals 3. Nemophila
Leaves not all opposite, nearly all alternate.
Flowers in pedunculate heads or umbels; ovary and capsule strictly
1-celled; stamens and style long exserted 4. Hydrophyllum
Flowers in scorpoid cymes (in high mountain dwarfs sometimes so dense
as to appear capitate); stamens and style shorter 5. Phacelia
310 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Branches of the style erect.
Corolla campanulate, with a distinct tube 1. H. californicus
Corolla rotate, nearly divided to the base 2. H. pumilus
Branches of the style spreading 3. H. campanulatus
1. Hesperochiron californicus var. latifolius Brand., Univ. Calif.
Publ. Bot., vol. 4, p. 226. 1912.
H. latifolius Kellogg, Proc. Calif. Acad., vol. 5, p. 44. 1875.
Type locality. — "On the alluvial banks of the Yuba River, subject
to annual overflow, damp, sandy, and grassy plots at Cisco, C. P. R.R.,
Sierra Nevada Mountains, at an altitude of 6,000 feet. ' '
Range. — Central Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Upper Transition and lower Canadian.
Specimens examined. — South Fork of Yuba Canon, Placer County,
Mrs. C. C. Hall 8747 ; Cisco, Dr. A. Kellogg, June 19, 1870.
The typical form of this species, described by Bentham from a
collection made by Hartweg "In uliginosis in montibus Sacramento"
(Ourisia California! Benth., PI. Hartw., p. 327. 1849), has leaves
slightly narrower and the peduncles glabrous. This variety is doubt-
fully distinct with somewhat broader leaves and peduncles pubescent.
2. Hesperochiron pumilus Porter, in Hayden, Geol. Rep., p. 768.
Villarsia pumila Dougl., in Hook., FL Bor. Am., vol. 2, p. 70. 1838.
Type locality. — Not definitely given.
Range. — Washington to Wyoming, south to California and Nevada.
.Zone. — Arid Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Trail from. Snow Creek to the Tioga Road,
in damp swales, 7,800 feet, Smiley 674; Cloud's Rest Trail, Yx)semite,
7,400 feet, Smiley 501; Glacier Point, Yosemite, 7,300 feet, Hall
Dr. Greene considered our Sierran plant to be distinct from the
common form of the north end of the Great Basin and described it
as Capnorea ciliata (Pitt., vol. 5, p. 44. 1902). Brand (Univ. Calif.
Publ. Bot., vol. 4, p. 227. 1912) has reduced this proposed species
to varietal rank, the critical difference being the somewhat smaller
size of the flower. If future study should justify this segregation,
* It is of some interest to note that this specimen was determined by Dr. Brand
as belonging to the typical form sometime before his paper appeared (Brand,
1.0. ) containing the statement ' ' Die typische Form f ehlt auf der Sierra. ' '
1921 ] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 311
our Sierran form will afford another illustration of what seems to be
a general rule, that genera, ranging widely in the mountains of the
west, commonly show in the Sierra one or more peculiar forms.
3. Hesperochiron campanulatus Brand, Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot.,
vol. 4, p. 227. 1912.
Capnorea campanulata Greene, Pitt., vol. 5, p. 52. 1902.
Type locality. — "At 7,500 feet (therefore subalpine) on the North
Fork of King's River, California." Hall and Chandler 550.
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian ?
Specimen examined. — North Fork of King 's River, Tulare County,
7,400 feet, Hall and Chandler 550.
This collection shows a plant with some characters unlike those of
H. pumilus as described or presented in the specimens of that species
seen by me, but that it will be possible to maintain it as specifically
distinct appears questionable inasmuch as a plant found by G. D.
Butler (No. 1210) in the Siskiyou Mountains is clearly only a form
of H. pumilus, yet its divergent style-branches exhibit the chief dis-
tinguishing character of H. campanulatus.
1. Nama Lobbii Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 6, p. 37. 1862.
Type locality. — Not given except as "California, Lobb, No. 108."
Range. — Sierra Nevada to the mountains of northern California
(Mt. Shasta).
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Sardine Lake, Sierra County, Hall and
Babcock 4490 ; Webber Lake, Lemmon ; Soda Springs, 2,300 m., Jones
2496 ; Cisco, rocks above snowsheds, Miss H. Walker 1490.
Greene referred this species to Eriodictyon,115 but its real affinities
appear to be with No^ma.116 The entire, revolute, white-woolly leaves
of this depressed half-shrub distinguish it from another species of
Nama (N. Rothrockii Gray, Bot. Calif., vol. 1, p. 621. 1876), found
in the southern Sierra and mountains of southern California, with
deeply-lobed or pinnatifid, viscid leaves and wholly herbaceous stems,
which in places rises to our borders or even above them in exception-
ally favorable situations.
312 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Style scarcely bifid, very small 1. N. spathulata
Style divided to the middle at least, as long as the ovary 2. N. humilis
1. Nemophila spathulata Coville, Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 4, p. 156.
N. inconspimui Eastw., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 28, p. 144. 1901.
N. pratensis Eastw., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 29, p. 474. 1902.
Type locality. — ' ' In Whitney meadows, Sierra Nevada. ' '
Range. — Sierra Nevada, perhaps only in the southern half.
Tehachapi Mountains, ace. to Davidson (Muhl., vol. 4, p. 66. 1908).
San Jacinto Mountains.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — North side of Toowa Range, Tulare County,
9,000 feet, H. M. and G. R. Hall 8405; Volcano meadows (formerly
called Whitney meadows), Tulare County, Hall and Babcock 5487.
This species is very close to AT. pedunculata Dougl., a species rang-
ing from Washington to the Coast Ranges of California.117
2. Nemophila humilis Eastw., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 28, p.
150. 1900.
Type locality. — "On the trail between Summit and Summit Soda
Springs, in Placer County." Eastwood.
Range. — Central Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Transition, rising into the Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Emigrant Gap, Jones 2816; near White
Wolf, Yosemite, 8,000 feet, H. M. Evans, July, 1901; Snow Flat,
Yosemite, Eastwood, July 12, 1902 ; Yosemite Falls, 6,750 feet, Chand-
ler and Babcock 1086.
1. Hydrophyllum occidentale var. Watsoni Gray, Proc. Am. Acad.,
vol. 10, p. 314. 1875.
H. macrophyllum var. occidentale Wats., Bot. King's Exped., p. 248. 1871.
Type locality. — "Hillsides, Duffield's Ranch, Sierra Nevada."
Range. — California to Utah.
Zone. — Transition, rising into the Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Haskell's Peak, Lemmon 1130; Summit,
7,000 feet, Heller 9838; Independence Lake, 7,000 feet, Hall and
Babcock 4533a; Summit Camp, Kellogg, July 10, 1870; between
Fallen Leaf Lake and Glen Alpine, Tahoe, 6,800 feet, Smiley 273.
Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 313
Annuals; styles deeply divided almost to the base; leaves entire.
Leaves opposite.
Sepals ciliate and equal in length; plants 3-10 inches high ....1. P. racemosa
Sepals densely pilose and unequal; plants 1.5-3 inches high ..2. P. orogenes
Leaves all, or at least the upper, alternate.
Styles longer than the calyx, united for % their length; plant 4-10 inches
high 3. P. humilis
Styles about as long as the calyx and separate to the capsule; plant 3-5
inches high 4. P. Eisenii
Leaves pinnate, green, the leaflets deeply lobed
5. P. ramosissima var. decumbens
Leaves not pinnate, gray hirsute or pilose.
Leaves (in ours) entire, hirsute, or with a pair of small lateral basal
leaflets, the terminal lobe then always far larger 6. P. magellanica
Leaves pilose, saliently toothed but never divided or truly pinnatifid
7. P. hydrophylloid.es
1. Phacelia racemosa T. S. Brandegee, Zoe, vol. 2, p. 252. 1891.
Nama racemosa Kellogg, Proc. Calif. Acad., vol. 5, p. 51. 1873.
Phacelia namatoides Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 10, p. 317. 1873.
Type locality. — "At Cisco." Kellogg and Brannan, July 6, 1870.
Range. — Sierra Nevada and North Coast Ranges.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Summit Sierra Nevada, Kellogg, July 6,
1870; Cisco, Mrs. Brandegee, July 15, 1908; about Summit Station,
7,000 feet, Heller 6981 ; Jameson Creek, 6,300 feet, Hall 9354 ; Dinkey
Creek, 7,500 feet, Hall and Chandler 435; Glacier Point, 7,500 feet,
Hall 9146.
2. Phacelia orogenes Brand, Beitrage z. Jahresb. d. Konigl. Gym-
nasium zu Sorau, p. 7. 1911.
Type locality. — ' ' Calif ornien : Auf der sudlichen Sierra Nevada in
2750 m. Hohe. — Tulare County: Vicinity of Mineral King. Moist
hillside on Eagle Lake trail."
Range. — Known only from the type locality.
Zone. — Canadian ( ?).
Specimen examined. — Vicinity Mineral King, moist hillside on
Eagle Lake trail, 8,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 5354.
3. Phacelia humilis T. and G., Pac. R.R. Rep., vol. 2, p. 122. 1855.
Type locality. — "Near the summit of the Sierra Nevada, Califor-
nia." J. A. Snyder.
Range. — Sierra Nevada throughout its length; in the Tehachapi
Mountains, ace. Davidson.118
'Zone. — Mainly Transition but rising into the Canadian.
314 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Specimens examined. — East side Mt. Rose, 8,430 feet, Heller 10946 ;
Pyramid Peak, west side, W. L. Atkinson in 1900 ; Cisco Butte, 6,500
feet, Hall 8756 ; White Wolf, 8,000 feet, H. M. Evans ; Mineral King,
T. S. Brandegee, July 27, 1892.
4. Phacelia Eisenii T. S. Brandegee, Zoe, vol. 2, p. 252. 1891.
Type locality. — ' ' Collected by Dr. Gustav Eisen in Fresno County,
1880, also collected near Yosemite, and by the writer in moss on wet
rocks at Frazier's Mill, in the mountains above Porterville. "
Range. — Southern Sierra.
Zone. — Transition and rising into the Canadian locally.
Specimens examined. — Bald Mountain, Dinkey Creek region, 8,500
feet, Hall and Chandler 378; Mineral King, T. S. Brandegee; Alta
meadows, Mrs. K. Brandegee.
5. Phacelia ramosissima Dougl., in Benth., Trans. Linn. Soe., vol.
17, p. 280. 1834.
Phacelia decumbens Greene, Pitt., vol. 5, p. 17. 1902.
Phacelia fastigiata Greene, Pitt., vol. 5, p. 18. 1902.
Type locality. — Dry rocky plains of the Columbia near Priest's
Rapids and at the Stony Island." Douglas.
Range. — Pacific Coast from British Columbia to Arizona and
southern California.
Zone. — Arid Transition to Canadian, perhaps in the Upper
Specimens examined. — Donner Pass, Heller 7032; Grass Lake,
7,200 feet, McGregor 101; Marlette Peak, Hall and Chandler 4570;
Mt. Silliman, on Clover Creek, Dudley 1472 ; Mineral King, 7,800 feet,
Hall and Babcock 5666.
Dr. Brand119 proposes to distinguish our Sierran £orm of this
widely ranging plant by accepting Greene's P. decumbens as a form
distinct by its reclining habit, a character which, in my opinion, is
not sufficiently marked to call for nomenclatural notice.
6. Phacelia magellanica (Lam.) Coville, Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 4,
p. 159. 1893.
Hydrophyllum magellanica Lam., Jour. Hist. Nat., vol. 1, p. 373. 1787.
Type locality. — South America, Patagonia.
Range. — Western North America from British Columbia to Sas-
katchewan, south to Colorado and California. South America (Pata-
Zone. — Arid Transition to Arctic-alpine.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada- of California 315
Specimens examined. — Glen Alpine trail to Mt. Tallac, 9,300 feet,
Abrams 4841; Dick's Peak, Tahoe, 9,900 feet, Smiley 428; Mt. Tallac,
above highest timber, 9,700 feet, Hall and Chandler 4632 ; Mt. Rose,
10,000 feet, Kennedy 1141 ; ridge above Suzy Lake, 8,900 feet, Smiley
152 ; Silver Mountain, 11,000 feet, Brewer 2051 ; Tuolumne meadows,
dry gravelly slope of open pine forest, 8,800 feet, R. A. Ware 2660c ;
Ragged Peak, Yosemite, 9,700 feet, Smiley 834; Lambert's Dome,
9,000 feet, Smiley 760; Lake Tenaya, dry ground, 8,300 feet, Smiley
868; Kaiser Crest, Fresno County, 9,400 feet, Smiley 627; Alta
meadows, Mrs. Brandegee, August 6, 1905; Mt. Whitney, Culbertson
This is one of the most variable of western plants. Many attempts
have been made to bring order into its numberless changes of form;
one of the most recent is that of Dr. A. Brand.119 He proposes to
recognize but a single species but tries to differentiate between some
ten forms while cognizant of the fact that they are "nur zum Teil
geographisch geschieden und gehen oft so weit in einander iiber dass
man sie mit Sicherheit nicht unterscheiden kann. " Dr. Brand main-
tains that all the North American forms belong to one section of the
species, having the filaments bearded, while the other section, in South
America, has the filaments naked or with a few scattered hairs ("Fila-
menta nuda raro pilis paucissimis adspersa"). I have had no oppor-
tunity to examine the South American material but if this contrast
(bearded vs. essentially naked filaments) indeed marks the natural
division among the forms, it is not necessary to go to the other end
of the hemisphere for examples since the specimen of Culbertson 's,
cited above, has the filaments nearly free from any hairs. In fact,
the variation in the amount of hairiness of the filaments seen in many
of the specimens examined, suggests that the variability of this plant,
disclosed in its protean changes of foliage characters, habit, and
duration of growth, and recognized by Dr. Brand in his skillful
arrangement of these permutations, affects also the basis for his
specific sections.
7. Phacelia hydrophylloides Torr., in Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol.
7, p. 400. 1868.
Type locality.— "Ebbett's Pass, and near Lake Tenaya, 8-9,000
feet, Brewer. Open woods along the trail of the Yosemite, from
8,000 down to 5,000 feet, Bolander."
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian.
316 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Specimens examined. — Summit Station, Kellogg; near Frog Lake
at foot of Castle Peak, Heller 7071; divide on south side of Slide
Mountain, in granite, 7,600 feet, Heller 10931; Deer Park, meadows,
6,500 feet, Miss H. Walker 2081; Ebbett's Pass and Lake Tenaya,
Brewer 1683 ; Sentinel Dome, Gray in 1872 ; Glacier Point, 7,200 feet,
Hall 9152; between Lake Tenaya and Tuolumne meadows, 8,100 feet,
Smiley 702 ; south slope of Kaiser Crest, 9,400 feet, Smiley 627 ; Alta
meadows, 10,000 feet, G. B. Grant 2091; Hockett's meadows, Culbert-
son (B 4456) ; open woods along Soda Creek, 8-9,000 feet, Purpus
5154; trail to Panther Peak, Dudley 1268.
The genus Romanzoffia Cham, sends one species (R. sitch&nsis
Bong.) down the coast from Alaska as far as San Mateo County,
California, where it is found in moist sea-facing canons in the Coast
Redwood forests. In Washington, this species is Hudsonian and Can-
adian, according to Piper. It is not known from the Sierra, but there
exists in the Herbarium of the University of California part of a
plant, too fragmentary for certain reference but probably belonging
to this species, said to have been found with a collection of Phacelia
humilis taken at Glen Alpine by Chesnut and Drew, August 8, 1890.
It seems altogether probable that this association was subsequent to
the reception of the specimens at the herbarium.
Draperia systyla Torr. (in Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 7, p. 401.
1868), a monotypic genus peculiar to California, is widely distributed
in the Transition zone throughout the Sierra, rising to our lower
border. (Trail to Pitman Creek, Fresno County, 6,500 feet, Smiley
Annual plants of small size and with inconspicuous flowers.
Calyx persisting entire about the nutlets l.XIryptanthe
Calyx circumscissile, the upper 5-lobed part early deciduous and falling away,
leaving a ring about the nutlets 2. Greeneocharis
Perennials of larger size and conspicuous flowers.
Nutlets armed with (usually glochidiate) prickles; fruit bur -like -3. Lappula
Nutlets unarmed, smooth or merely muriculate or rugose, never bur-like.
Flowers blue 4. Mertensia
Flowers white or yellow 5. Oreocarya
1. Cryptanthe affinis Greene, Pitt., vol. 1, p. 119. 1887.
ErynitzJcia affinis Gray, Proe. Am. Acad., vol. 20, p. 270. 1885.
Cryptanthe geminata Greene, I.e.
Type locality. — "E. side of the Cascades near lat. 49°."
Range. — Pacific Coast from Washington and Idaho to California.
Zone. — Transition rising into the Canadian.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 317
Specimens examined. — Camp Agassiz, near Glen Alpine, Tahoe,
Dudley, June 28, 1900; Pedlar, Amador County, 7,000 feet, Hansen
516 ; Cathedral trail to Mt. Tallac, Tahoe, 7,000 feet, Smiley 219.
This species is common in the Sierra in the Yellow Pine belt; its
inclusion here is of doubtful propriety, the only reason being that it
is likely to be found in the Pinus ponderosa var. Jeffreyi division of
the Canadian zone.
1. Greeneocharis circmnscissa Rydb. (Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol.
35, p. 677. 1909), a small annual widely dispersed in the Great Basin
region from British Columbia to Lower California and growing
typically in the Upper Sonoran life-zone, appears to have a variant
in the boreal region of the Sierra, which was collected by Culbertson
(B 4243) on the trail to Mt. Whitney and has been described as the
var. Tiispida by Macbride.120 The specimen has not been seen by me.
Flowers white; corolla tube not exceeding the calyx 1. L. californica
Flowers blue.
Corolla tube shorter than the calyx lobes; nutlets prickly only on the mar-
gins; corolla rotate; plants gray 2. L. floribunda
Corolla tube longer than the calyx lobes; nutlets prickly all over the backs
and margins; corolla open funnelform.
Plants green, the leaves harsh with scabrid pubescence; stems smooth and
nearly glabrous 3. L. nervosa
Plants grayish, the leaves and stems densely soft pubescent ....4. L. velutina
1. Lappula californica Piper, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 29, p.
546. 1902.
Type locality.—" California : Mt. Shasta, 6,000 ft. alt., 23 August,
1881, Pringle."
Range. — Mountains of northern California and through the Sierra
Zone. — Transition, rising into the Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Vicinity of Glen Alpine, Tahoe, Reed and
Pendleton 276 ; near Snow Flat, Yosemite, H. M. Evans, July, 1901 ;
Hockett's meadows, Tulare County, Culbertson (B4471), the fruit
too immature for certain reference.
318 University of California Publications in Botany tv°L- 9
2. Lappula floribunda (Lehm.) Greene, Pitt., vol. 2, p. 182. 1891.
Echinospermum floribundum Lehm., Pugillus, vol. 2, p. 24. 1830.
Type locality. — "Lake Pentanguishene to the Rocky Mountains."
Range. — British Columbia to Saskatchewan, south to California
and New Mexico.
Zone. — Transition mainly, rising into the Canadian.
Specimens examined. — About Marlette Lake, east of Lake Tahoe,
2,460 m., Baker 1293 ; Hunter Creek, Washoe County, Nevada, 6,000
feet, Kennedy 1904; summit above Lake Tahoe, Mrs. Brandegee,
July 12, 1908 ; Suzy Lake trail, Tahoe, 7,800 feet, Smiley 149 ; Rock
Creek, Upper Kern River, Hall and Babcock 5524; Alta meadows,
Tulare County, Mrs. Brandegee, August 7, 1905.
3. Lappula nervosa Greene, Pitt., vol. 2, p. 182. 1891.
Echinospermum nervosum Kellogg, Proc. Calif. Acad., vol. 2, p. 146. 1862.
Lappula Jessicae McGregor, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 37, p. 262. 1910.
Type locality. — "From the headwaters of Carson River."
Range. — Mountains of California from Mt. Shasta south through
the Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian mainly.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Stanford (Castle Peak) at Frog Lake,
Sonne, July 17, 1892 ; Summit, 6,800 feet, Heller 10591 ; Silver Lake,
Amador County, 8,000 feet, Hansen 427 ; Carson Spur, Alpine County,
8,500 feet, Hansen 726 ; Glacier Point, Yosemite, Miss Eastwood, July
5-19, 1902; Yosemite Creek and Indian Canon, 7,300 feet, Hall and
Babcock 3459; Tioga Road, Yosemite, below White Wolf, 7,800 feet,
Smiley 895 ; Big Oak Flat Road, Tuolumne County, Congdon 54.
4. Lappula velutina Piper, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 25, p. 546.
Type locality. — "General Grant Grove (Tulare County)."
Range. — Mountains of California.
Zone. — Transition mainly, rarely above.
Specimens examined. — Luther's Pass, Tahoe region, 7,800 feet,
Abrams 4762 ; slope above Tallac, Tahoe, 6,500 feet, Smiley 130.
Though this Lappula is a common species in the Transition, it
rarely occurs within our borders and perhaps should not be considered
as a component of the boreal flora.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 319
1. Mertensia stomatechioides Kellogg, Proc. Calif. Acad., vol. 2,
p. 148. 1861.
Type locality. — "Near the head-waters of the Carson River."
Range. — Sierra Nevada and mountains of southern California.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — About Marlette Lake, Washoe County,
2,460 m., Baker 1302 ; Snow Valley, Ormsby County, 2,460-2,615. m.,
Baker 1154; Pyramid Peak, Tahoe, 9,500 feet, Smiley 121; canon
near Sardine Valley, Nevada County, Sonne, June, 1887 ; "White Wolf,
Yosemite, 8,000 feet, H. M. Evans, July, 1901; Collins meadow,
Fresno County, 7,500 feet, Hall and Chandler 456 ; Hockett's meadows,
Tulare County, Culbertson (B4375); Mt. Silliman, Tulare County,
Mrs. Brandegee; near Farewell Gap, Tulare County, 10,200 feet,
Purpus 5233 ; southern Sierras, Bolander 2487 ; Soda Springs, Kern
River, Tulare County, 8,500 feet, Rothrock 421.
This plant, the only Mertensia of the Sierran region, is very close
to and perhaps ought to be considered as only a variety of M. cilmta
(James) G. Don (Gen. Syst., vol. 4, p. 372. 1838), a species ranging
from Washington to Colorado.
Nutlets ovate, smooth or barely rugose on the backs; inflorescence contracted
into 1-several dense clusters 1. O. nubigena
Nutlets oblong-ovate; tuberculate on the back, the tubercules in parallel rows:
inflorescence spiciform 2. O. echlnoides
1. Oreocarya nubigena Greene, Pitt., vol. 3, p. 112. 1896.
Type locality. — "On Cloud's Rest, Mariposa Co., California."
Range. — Sierra Nevada, and in northern Nevada, according to
Macbride (Contr. Gray Herb., n.s., vol. 48, p. 31. 1916).
Zone. — Hudsonian and Arctic-alpine.
Specimens exammed. — Summit of Cloud's Rest, Chesnut and
Drew, July 13, 1889; Mt. Dana, Congdon, August 10, 1898; below
Cloud's Rest, A. Gray in 1872; summit of Mt. Silliman, 11,188 feet,
Dudley 1498; mountains near Mt. Whitney, 11-12,000 feet, Purpus
320 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
2. Oreocarya echinoides (Jones) Macbride, Contr. Gray Herb.,
n.s., vol. 48, p. 31. 1916.
Krynitzlcia echinoides Jones, Proc. Calif. Acad., II, vol. 5, p. 709. 1895.
Type locality. — "Pahria Canon, Utah."
Range. — California, from the east slope of the Sierra Nevada, to
Zone. — Arid Transition to Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Castle Peak, near the highest point, Heller,
August 3, 1903; same locality, Sonne, July, 1892; rocky peak on
Truckee River, Placer County, Sonne in 1886-87; Silver Mountain,
Alpine County, 8,000 feet (no collector named, but probably collected
on the State Survey).
Calyx 1/4-% inch long; bracts herbaceous or only faintly colored; stems slender,
wiry , 1. M. Sheltoni
Calyx shorter (little more than % inch long); bracts rose-colored; stems stout
2. M. odoratissima
1. Monardella Sheltoni Torr., Jour. Acad. Phila., n.s., vol 3, p. 99.
M. villosa var. glabella Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 7, p. 386. 1867. Bot.
Calif., vol. 1, p. 593. 1876.
Type locality. — Not given; collected by Pratten in California "in
the vicinity of Nevada."
Range. — Sierran region.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Pine woods near Donner Lake, E. L. Greene
459; near Marlette Peak, Washoe County, Nevada, gravelly ridges,
8,000 feet, Hall and Chandler 4567 ; Angora Peak, Tahoe, 7,600 feet,
Smiley 7 ; south hillside above Hermit Valley, Alpine County, 8-8,500
feet, Hall and Chandler 4770; slope above Round meadow, Fresno
County, 7,300 feet, Smiley 588; near Mineral King, Tulare County,
2,750 m., Coville and Funston 1386; Tar Gap region, Tulare County,
Culbertson (B4448).
!921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada, of California 321
2. Monardella odoratissima Benth., Lab., p. 332. 1834.
M. pallida Heller, Muhl., vol. 1, p. 36. 1904.
Madronella odoratissima Greene, Leaflets, vol. 1, p. 168. 1906.
Madronella pallida Heller, Muhl., vol. 1, p. 138. 1906.
Type locality. — ' ' In America boreali-occidentali : in petrosis ad
flumen Columbia et in rupibus alpestribus in montibus White Moun-
tains dictis."
Range. — Washington to southern California, east to Idaho and
Zone. — Transition to Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Ridge near lower end of Donner Lake,
Heller 6959; Deer Park, Tahoe, E. J. Newcomer in 1909; Grass Lake,
Tahoe, McGregor 3; Luther's Pass, Tahoe, 7,800 feet, Abrams 4760;
Gilmore Lake, west side of Mt. Tallac, C. J. Fox Jr., July, 1895;
Silver Lake, Amador County, 7,200 feet, E. Mulliken 133 ; Mt. Rose,
9,300 feet, Heller 10345; dry mountain top on Ebbett's Pass, 8,500-
9,000 feet, Brewer 2006; Half -Moon Lake, Tahoe, 8,100 feet, Hall
8821; near Tuolumne meadows, Yosemite, 8,500-9,500 feet, Hall and
Babcock 3626; Cloud's Rest, A. Gray in 1872; vicinity of Lundy,
Mono County, 8-9,000 feet, Miss M. Minthorn 90 ; South Fork of the
San Joaquin, slopes up to 9,500 feet, Hall and Chandler, July, 1900 ;
Kaiser Crest, Fresno County, 8,600 feet, Smiley 616; same locality,
9,700 feet, Smiley 646; rocky mountain slopes, Little Kern River,
Tulare County, 9-10,000 feet, Purpus 2032; near Whitney meadows,
Tulare County, 3,000 m., Coville and Funston 1646; Farewell Gap,
Tulare County, 10,200 feet, Purpus 1493.
This species forms no small part of the talus vegetation in the
Canadian and Hudsonian zones, in places covering the slopes so
thickly as to form a kind of dwarf chaparral.
Agastacke urticifolia (Benth.) Rydb. (Mem. Dept. Bot. Columbia
Univ., vol. 2, p. 359. 1900), a common Transition species of rich moist
ravines and meadows, occasionally rises above' our lower limits (Char-
ity Valley, Alpine County, 8,000 feet, Hansen 437 ; Snow Creek trail
to Lake Tenaya, Yosemite, 7,100 feet, Smiley 664).
Ckamesaracka nama Gray (Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 10, p. 62), a
nearly acculescent tufted perennial species peculiar to California and
the Tahoe region of Nevada and belonging to a genus confined to the
arid southwest from Texas to California, occurs in the Transition
and rarely above in the Sierra north to Mt. Shasta (Mt. Ros.e, 9,000
feet, Kennedy 1720).
322 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Stamens 5, one being sterile.
Sterile stamen elongated 1. Pentstemon
Sterile stamen rudimentary and gland-like 2. Collinsia
Stamens less than 5.
Stamens 2 3. Veronica
Stamens 4.
Corolla closed in the throat by a palate; capsule opening by pores ....
4. Antirrhinum
Corolla not closed in the throat by a palate; capsule valvate.
Stamens not included in the upper lip of the corolla; leaves mostly
opposite 5. Mimulus
Stamens included in the upper lip of the corolla; leaves mostly alternate.
Anther cells equal, parallel, and alike in all 4 stamens ....6. Pedicularis
Anther cells unequal or dissimilar, the outer affixed by its middle, the
inner pendulous by its upper end and usually smaller.
Corolla lips very unequal, the lower not saccate 7. Castilleja
Corolla lips subequal, the lower saccate 8. Orthocarpus
Anther cells dehiscent their whole length or nearly so (section Eupentstenwn) .
Anthers comose with long hairs (P. Mensiesii)
Leaves nearly or quite entire; flowers purple 1. P. Menziesii var. Davidsonii
Leaves serrate; flowers reddish 2. P. Newberryi
Anthers not comose but glabrous (except occasionally a few hairs in P.
Flowers white or yellowish 3. P. deustus
Flowers purplish.
Flowers verticillate; sterile filament hairy 4. P. procerus
Flowers paniculate; sterile filament naked.
Inflorescences and calyces glandular 5. P. heterodoxus
Inflorescences and calyces glabrous 6. P. glaber
Anther cells confluent at apex and dehiscing only to the middle, the anther
in anthesis horseshoe-shaped (section Saccanthera) .
Sterile filament slightly hairy 7. P. gracilentus
Sterile filament glabrous.
Inflorescence and calyx glandular or viscid 8. P. Boezli
Inflorescence and calyx not glandular or viscid 9. P. azureus
1. Pentstemon Menziesii var. Davidsonii (Greene) Piper, Contr.
Nat. Herb., vol. 11, p. 499. 1906.
P. Davidsonii Greene, Pitt., vol. 2, p. 241. 1892.
Type locality. — ' ' On Mt. Conness, at an altitude of 12,300 feet. ' ' —
Yosemite region.
Range. — Southern Sierra Nevada northward through the Sierra
and Cascades to Washington.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine, rarely in the Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Rose, 10-10,800 feet, Kennedy 1273;
same locality, 10,800 feet, Kennedy 1182; same locality, 9,650 feet,
Heller 9898; Mt. Tallac, Tahoe, 9,500 feet, Smiley 231; Mono Pass,
rocks at summit, 9-12,000 feet, Brewer 1721; same locality, exposed
rocky summit of pass, 10,700 feet, R. A. Ware 2609c; Mt. Gibbs,
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada, of California 323
Yosemite, 11,600 feet, Smiley 777 ; rocks above Elizabeth Lake,
Yosemite, 10,000 feet, Smiley 806 ; Mt. Goddard, 11,500 feet, Hall and
Chandler 705; Kaiser Peak, Fresno County, 9,800 feet, Smiley 636;
summit of Farewell Gap, Tulare County, Dudley 1120 ; same locality,
10,800 feet, Purpus 2061; Denel's Peak, Tulare County, 13,000 feet,
Hall and Babcock 5506 ; above timber line on mountain north of
Whitney meadows, Coville and Funston 1665; divide between Mt.
Dana and Mt. Gibbs, 11,000 feet, H. M. Evans, July, 1901 ; Mt. Dana,
E. R. Drew, July 30, 1887; Mt. Lyell, on Cassiope Crest, 11,000 feet,
Hall and Babcock 3574; Sawtooth Peak, Tulare County, 12,000 feet,
Hall and Babcock 5674; slope of Black Peak, Kaweah Peaks, Tulare
County, 12,000 feet, Dudley 2127; Monarch Lake, Tulare County,
11-12,000 feet, Dudley 1613.
2. Pentstemon Newberryi Gray, Pac. R. R. Rep., vol. 6, p. 82, 1. 14.
Type locality. — "On rocks, forming broad tufts near Mount St.
Joseph's, N. California."
Range. — Mt. Shasta and southward in the Sierra Nevada to Tulare
Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian, rarely in the Transition.
Specimens examined. — Hunter Creek Canon, Washoe County,
Nevada, 6,500 feet, Heller 10467; about Marlette Lake, Washoe
County, 2,460 m., Baker 1256 ; Glen Alpine, Tahoe, 7,000 feet, W. W.
Price, July 12, 1898; Suzy Lake, Tahoe, 7,650 feet, McGregor 114;
near Heather Lake, Tahoe, 8,100 feet, Smiley 165; Silver Lake,
Amador County, 8,000 feet, Hansen 451; Shuteye Pass, Sierra
National Forest, 7,000 feet, Abrams 4453; Dark Hole, Yosemite,
H. M. Evans, July, 1901; Cloud's Rest, 8,400 feet, Smiley 511; Lake
Tenaya, Yosemite, 8,200 feet, Smiley 679; Tuolumne Meadows, dry
cliffs, 8,600 feet, R. A. Ware 2664c ; slopes of Mt. Lyell, Chesnut and
Drew, July 26, 1889 ; Shuteye Mountain, Madera County, 8,100 feet,
Smiley 570; above Mineral King, 2,750 m., Coville and Funston 1494;
forks of Little Kern River, Tulare County, 9-10,000 feet, Purpus
5207 ; Mt. Goddard, 9,800 feet, Hall and Chandler, July 24-26, 1900 ;
Mt. Olancha, Tulare County, 10,400 feet, Rothrock 50, 332; rocks on
Middle Tule River, Tulare County, 9-10,000 feet, Purpus 5267.
Though Dr. Gray subsequently (Syn. Fl., vol. 2, pt. 1, p. 259)
reduced this to a variety of P. Menziesii Hook., its distinctly separate
range^?.nd consistent exhibition of a quite differently colored corolla
324 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
seem sufficient warrant for maintaining it as a species. P. Menziesii
Hook. (Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 2, p. 98), in its typical form, ranges from
British Columbia through Washington to Oregon and is also found
on the mountains of Idaho; the color of the corolla is always violet-
3. Pentstemon deustus Dougl., in Lindl., Bot. Reg., vol. 16, pi.
1318. 1830.
Type locality. — "Native of northwest America, where it was found
by Mr. Douglas on scorched, rocky plains, in the interior. ' '
Range. — East side of the Sierra from Lake Tahoe northward to
Washington and east to western Wyoming and Montana.
Zone. — Arid Transition, rising into the Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Independence Lake, Sierra County, Dud-
ley, June 19, 1900 ; upper end of Donner Lake, Heller 6967 ; among
rocks near Fallen Leaf Lake, Tahoe, Miss Lathrop, July 12, 1909;
Angora Peak, Tahoe, 7,200 feet, Smiley 29 ; Fallen Leaf trail to Mt.
Tallac, 8,000 feet, Abrams 4824 ; Summit, Dr. Eisen, July, 1891.
4. Pentstemon procerus Graham, Edinb. New Phil. Jour., vol. 7,
p. 348. 1829.
P. confertus var. caeruleo-purpureus Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 6, p. 72.
P. confertus procerus Coville, Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 4, p. 169. 1893.
P. pulcliellus Greene, Pitt., vol. 3, p. 310. 1898.
P. glastifolius Greene, Leaflets, vol. 1, p. 162. 1906.
P. lassenianus Greene, I.e., p. 164.
Type locality. — Not precisely given, but in what is now southern
Range. — Widely distributed in the Cordilleran section and west-
ward, from Alaska and British Columbia southward.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Silver Lake, Amador County, 8,000 feet,
Hansen 453*; same locality, 7,200 feet, E. Mulliken 126 (with
* This number has been seen on two sheets, all according to the label from
Silver Lake, yet one of the sheets is distinctly of the tall low-mountain form with
flowers in several verticils,, the other is of the high-mountain form with flowers
aggregated into a single terminal cluster; the next specimen (Mulliken 126)
shows an intermediate condition between those states of this species presented by
Hansen 's collection. It is quite possible to arrange any large series of sheets of
this plant in such a way as to show in convincing manner by what minute differ-
ences the intermediate forms pass from the tall lowland type to the depressed
alpine state, and how impossible it is to define specific limits within the limits
of the variations. In this connection, it is interesting to note the change of view
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 325
characters approaching the following variety) ; Angora Peak, Tahoe,
7,800 feet, Smiley 24; Suzy Lake trail, Tahoe, 7,300 feet, Smiley 170;
ridge south of Donner Pass, 7,500 feet, Heller 7144 ; Yosemite Valley,
Congdon, July 2, 1885 ; Nellie Lake, Fresno County, 8,700 feet, Smiley
609; Hockett's meadows, Tulare County, 8,500 feet, Hall and Bab-
cock 5611.
4a. Pentstemon procerus f. geniculatus (Greene), comb. nov.
P. geniculatus Greene, Pitt., vol. 3, p. 310. 1898.
P. cephalophorus Greene, Leaflets, vol. 1, p. 79. 1904.
P. chionophilus Greene, I.e., p. 161. 1906.
P. interruptus Greene, I.e., p. 163. 1906.
Type locality. — "Common on alpine slopes, below retreating snow-
banks, in wet clayey or gravelly soil in the Sierra Nevada of Califor-
Range. — Sierra Nevada and mountains of Oregon, perhaps coexten-
sive with the species.
Zone. — Hudsonian and Arctic-alpine, but appearing in the Cana-
Specimens examined. — Mountains west of Summit, E. L. Greene
in 1874 ; Castle Peak near the highest point, 9,000 feet, Heller 7095 ;
Pyramid Peak, Tahoe, 9,600 feet, Hall and Chandler 4725 ; Desolation
Valley, Tahoe, 8,500 feet, Smiley 338 ; Mt. Gibbs, Yosemite, Congdon,
August 16, 1894; Mt. Dana, 11,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 3617;
Mt. Brewer, Tulare County, grassy slopes, 10-13,000 feet, Purpus
1403; Summit Lake, Tulare County, Culbertson (B4551).
This form connects with the species by numberless intermediates ;
in its typical form, the short slender stems bear terminal clusters of
small deep blue flowers.
as to the possibility of specific definition within this assemblage. In 1898, Dr.
Aven Nelson defined P. Eydbergii (Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 25, p. 281) as a
species amply distinct; in 1902 he similarly described P. Owenii (Bot. Gaz., vol.
34, p. 32) ; in 1909, the Coulter-Nelson New Manual was issued and these species
are considered valid; but three years later (Bot. Gaz., vol. 54, pp. 145-146), the
author of these propositions freely acknowledges the impossibility of maintaining
them, consigning them to synonymy along with "a score (more or less) of Dr.
Greene's species," which Professor Nelson appears to think so trivial as not to
be worth mentioning by name. This wholesale rejection of previously accepted
species is justified by the reflection that "Perhaps in no group of Pentstemon does
a tendency to vary with every change in the ecological conditions mani'fest itself
so fully as in P. confertus and its allies. " It is quite probable that students
of the western flora will very generally approve of Dr. Nelson's disposition of
his species but they may regret that this recognition of the effect of the life-
conditions upon a plant came too late to prevent unnecessary additions to the
already redundant synonymy of this group of Pentstemon.
326 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
5. Pentstemon heterodoxus Gray, Syn. Fl., vol. 2, pt. 1, p. 269.
P. Fremontii Gray, Bot. Calif., vol. 1, p. 622. 1880.
Type locality. — "High mountain near Donner Pass, in the Sierra
Nevada, California."
Range. — Tahoe region of the Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian ?
Specimens examined. — Mt. Rose, 9,650 feet, Heller 9895; about
Summit Station (Dormer Pass), Heller 7007.
6. Pentstemon glaber Pursh., FL, p. 738. 1814.
P. speoiosus Dougl., in Lindl., Bot. Keg., vol. 15, pi. 1270. 1829.
Type locality. — "In Upper Louisiana."
Range. — South Dakota and Nebraska west to the Pacific Coast.
Zone. — Upper Sonoran to lower Canadian.
Specimens examined.— Fallen Leaf Lake, Tahoe, Miss Lathrop,
July 23, 1909 ; lower end of Donner Lake, Heller 6920 ; Bonita meadow,
Tulare County, 8,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 5202 ; Gold Lake, Plumas
County, 6,400 feet, Hall and Babcock 4513; Angora Peak, Tahoe,
7,400 feet, Smiley 3; near Soda Springs, Nevada County, 7,200 feet,
Smiley 459 ; Contact Pass, Mt. Rose, 8,500 feet, Kennedy 1268, with
characters approaching var. alpinus Gray of the central Rocky Moun-
6a. Pentstemon glaber var. Wardii Krautter, Contr. Bot. Lab.
Univ. Pa., vol. 3, p. 120. 1908.
P. Wardii Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 12, p. 82. 1877.
P. Kingii var. glauca Kellogg, Proc. Calif. Acad., vol. 5, p. 39. 1873.
Type locality. — "Utah, near Glenwood, at 5,300 feet."
Range. — Great Basin ranges and eastern flank of the Sierra
Zone. — Upper Sonoran, rising on dry rocky slopes to at least the
Specimens examined. — Mt. Stanford (Castle Peak), Hooker and
Gray in 1877 ; same locality, 8,600 feet, Smiley 482 ; Sierra Nevada,
A. Kellogg, July 10, 1870.
The type locality for P. Kingii var. glauca is "Found near the
summit of the Sierra Nevada Mts.," but the summit here referred to
is the low crest near Summit Station, Nevada County.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 327
7. Pentstemon gracilentus Gray, Pac. R.R. Rep., vol. 6, p. 82.
Type locality. — "At the base of Lassen's Butte, N. California."
Range. — Mountains of southern Oregon through the Mt. Shasta
region and the northern Sierra Nevada to the Tahoe district.
Zone. — Transition and lower Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Summit back of Jonesville, Butte County,
7,000 feet, Heller 11664; Independence Lake, Sierra County, 7,000
feet, Hall and Babcock 4528; Castle Peak, 8,000 feet, Smiley 465;
Mt. Tallac, Tahoe, small meadow above Cathedral Park, 7,800 feet,
Smiley 237 ; head of Fall Creek, Ormsby County, Nevada, 2,460 m.,
Baker 1326; summit of ridge near Marlette Peak, Washoe County,
Nevada, 8,000 feet, Hall and Chandler 4566; Mt. Rose, in Contact
Pass, 8,500 feet, Kennedy 1266.
This species is rather common in open glades in Abies magnifica
8. Pentstemon Roezli Regel, Acta Hort. Petrop., vol. 2, p. 326.
Type locality. — "In Sierra Nevada in California." Eoezl.
Range. — Mountains of southern Oregon to the Coast Range of
California and through the Sierra Nevada to southeastern California.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Cisco, on rocks, Miss H. A. Walker 1436,
at 6,400 feet ; above Hermit Valley, Alpine County, 8-8,500 feet, Hall
and Chandler 4771; Silver Lake, Amador County, 7,200 feet, E.
Mulliken 120.
9. Pentstemon azureus var. parvulus Gray, Syn. Fl., vol. 2, pt. 1,
p. 272. 1878.
P. parvulus Krautter, Contr. Bot. Lab. Univ. Pa., vol. 3, p. 193. 1908.
Type locality. — "Northern part of California, in mountains above
Jackson Lake, at 8,000 feet, Greene."
Range. — Mountains of northern California to the southern Sierra
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Soda Springs, Nevada County, M. E. Jones
2439 ; Summit, 7,000 feet, Smiley 441 ;* White Wolf, Yosemite, 7-8,000
* Perhaps rather of the var. angustissimus, distinguished by leaves narrowly
328 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
feet, H. M. Evans, July, 1901; Alta meadows, Tulare County, Mrs.
Brandegee, August 1-8, 1905 ; Alta Peak, Tulare County, 10,000 feet,
G. B. Grant 1584.
Calyx lobes acute, nearly as long as the short corolla 1. C. parviflora
Calyx lobes obtuse or obtusish, only % or ya as long as the corolla.
Corolla deep blue and uniformly colored 2. C. Torreyi
Corolla with the upper lip yellowish 3. C. Wrightii
1. Collinsia parviflora Dougl., in Lindl., Bot. Reg., vol. 13, pi. 1082.
C. pawiflora Lindl., Hook., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 2, p. 94. 1838.
" Collinsonia" (sic!) tenella (Pursh) Piper, Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 11,
p. 496. 1906.
Type locality. — "In the vicinity of the river Columbia."
Range. — British Columbia to the Great Lakes and south to New
Mexico and California.
Zone. — Transition mainly, rising into the Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Lower end of Donner Lake, Heller 6867 ;
Glen Alpine, Tahoe, Chesnut and Drew, August 10, 1890 ; Tioga Road
near Aspen Valley, Yosemite, 6,400 feet, Smiley 911 ; Bonita meadow,
Tulare County, 8,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 5186.
Collinsia brachysiphon Eastwood (Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 32,
p. 214. 1905), described from plants "Collected by the author at
Summit, Placer County, California," is said to differ from C. parvi-
flora Dougl. "in leaves and inflorescence, and in color and shape of
corolla. " It is known to me only by description, from which it appears
very doubtfully distinct from C. parviflora.
2. Collinsia Torreyi Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 7, p. 378. 1867.
C. inconspicua Congdon, Erythea, vol. 7, p. 186. 1900.
Type locality. — "Mariposa Big-tree Grove, and near Donner
Range. — Southern Oregon to southern California.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Soda Springs, Nevada County, M. E. Jones
2394; Cisco, S. Watson in 1867; above Donner Lake, Davy 3194;
Half-Moon Lake, Tahoe, McGregor 72; Cloud's Rest trail, Yosemite,
7,800 feet, Smiley 504; Peregoy's, above Yosemite, A. Gray in 1872;
near Hockett's meadows, Tulare County, Dudley 1899; Mt. Silliman
region of Tulare County, along Clover Creek, Dudley 1467.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 329
3. Collinsia Wrightii Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 24, p. 84. 1889.
Type locality. — '"On the Greenhorn Mountains, Kern. County,
California, at 6,000 to 7,000 feet altitude."
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Transition mainly, rising into the Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Head of Fordyce Creek, Placer County,
6,910 feet, Hall 8724; Suzy Lake Basin, Tahoe, 7,600 feet, Smiley
144a; Tuolumne meadows, Yosemite, dry open pine forest, 8,600 feet,
R. A. Ware 2615c, 2630c; same locality, in forest of P. Murrayana,
8,600 feet, Smiley 827; near Round meadow, Fresno County, 7,200
feet, dry gravelly soil, Smiley 582 ; trail to Farewell Gap from Mineral
King, Tulare County, Coville and Funston 1566.
Inflorescence viscid pubescent; leaves obtuse; style % inch long ....1. V. humifusa
Inflorescence not viscid pubescent, but hairy; leaves acute; style much shorter,
only about % as long as in No. 1 2. V. alpina var. unalaschensis
1. Veronica humifusa Dickson, Trans. Linn. Soc., vol. 2, p. 288.
V. serpyllifolia var. humifusa Hook., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 2, p. 101. 1838.
Type locality. — "Upon very high mountains, and under wet shady
rocks" in Scotland.
Range. — In North America from the subarctic regions south to
northern New England, New York; in the west, in the Rocky Moun-
tains as far south as Colorado, and in the Cascade-Sierra axis, to
Zone. — Canadian mainly.
Specimens examined. — Suzy Lake, Tahoe, 7,600 feet, McGregor
121 ; Caple 's Lakes, Alpine County, 8,500 feet, Hansen 547 ; Glen
Alpine, Tahoe, 6,900 feet, Smiley 333; near Lily Lake, Tahoe, 6,600
feet, Smiley 297 ; Snow Valley, Ormsby County, Nevada, 2,460-2,615
m., Baker 1160; near Cloud's Rest, Yosemite, E. R. Drew, July 25,
1887; Tuolumne meadows, Yosemite, open grassy ground, 8,600 feet,
R. A. Ware 2687c ; Round meadow, Fresno County, 7,000 feet, Smiley
575; Volcano meadows (formerly called Whitney meadows), Tulare
County, Hall and Babcock 5485.
330 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
2. Veronica alpina L. var. unalaschensis C. and S., Linnaea, vol. 2,
p. 556. 1827.
V. Wormslcjoldii E. and S., Syst., vol. 1, p. 101. 1817.
Type locality. — "Legimus in montosis insulae Unalaschka Aleu-
tomm. ' '
Range. — In North America, from Alaska to eastern Quebec, south
to northern New England ; in the west, along the Rocky Mountains to
New Mexico, Arizona, and California.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Ebbett's Pass, 8,500 feet, Brewer 2022,
2074; Tuolumne meadows, along the river, 8,500 feet, Smiley 751;
same locality, open grassy ground, 8,600 feet, R. A. "Ware 2635c ; Red
Mountain, Fresno County, 9,500 feet, Hall and Chandler, 455a;
Crescent Lake, Mariposa County, Congdon, August 10, 1890; Mt.
Silliman, Tulare County, Mrs. Brandegee, August, 1905; meadows
near Farewell Gap, Tulare County, 10,400 feet, Purpus 5236; base
of Mt. Whitney, Dudley 2480 ; head of the Tuolumne River, 9,000 feet,
Brewer 1764.
1. Antirrhinum Kelloggii Greene, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 10,
p. 126. 1883.
Type locality. — "Summit of the Sierra Nevada." Dr. Kellogg,
July 20, 1870.
Range. — Central Sierra Nevada?
Zone. — Canadian or Transition.
Specimen examined. — Summit of the Sierra Nevada, Dr. A. Kel-
logg, July 20, 1870.
This species is referred to the synonymy of A. Kingii "Wats, in the
Syn. Fl., vol. 2, pt. 1, suppl., p. 439 (1886) ; this disposition I believe
erroneous; its nearest ally is A. strictum Gray (Proc. Am. Acad.,
vol. 7, p. 375), from which it is not clearly distinguished. A. strictum
is a Coast Range species of California. The chief points of difference
from this latter species shown by A. Kelloggii are the larger leaves,
which are flat, not revolute as common in the Coast Range species.
Dr. Kellogg noted that it grew in patches by itself near snow banks ;
only additional material will determine if this is a valid species or
merely an aberrent form.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 331
Flowers pure yellow.
Calyx teeth unequal, the upper large and beak -like 1. M. nasutus
Calyx teeth equal and equally divergent.
Flowers very long peduncled, solitary or few (not more than 3); leaves
small (% inch long) and entire 2. M. primuloides
Flowers short or long peduncled in racemes, numerous- leaves larger
%-2.5 inches long), usually dentate or deeply lobed.
Plants glabrous or essentially so.
Leaves pinnately parted 3. M. laciniatus
Leaves dentate or serrate.
Eootstocks present 4. M. implexus
Eootstocks wanting 5. M. -Langsdorfii
Plants pubescent.
Perennial plants; rootstocks with small moniliform tubers.
6. M. moniliformis
Annual plants without rootstocks and with nearly sessile flowers
7. M. mephiticus
Flowers purple or pink (in M. deflexus, yellow flowers also occur).
Some of the pedicels at least twice as long as the calyx.
Plants tall (2-3 feet); flowers pink; perennial 8. M. Lewisii
Plants small (2-8 inches high); annuals.
Corolla large, its tube at least twice as long as the calyx ....9. M. filicaulis
Corolla small, its tube no longer than the calyx 10. M. Breweri
All of the pedicels very short or nearly obsolete.
Calyx teeth equally spreading.
Corolla with the purple throat blotched in stripes 11. M. Whitney!
Corolla with the throat uniformly colored 12. M. nanus
Calyx teeth oblique •. 13. M. leptaleus
1. Mimulus nasutus Greene, Bull. Calif. Acad., vol. 1, p. 112. 1885.
M. Langsdorfii var. nasutus (Greene) Jepson, Fl. N.W. Calif., ed. 1, p.
407. 1901.
Type locality. — "In Sonoma County, Calif., at Knight's Valley
and Skaggs Springs."
Range. — Pacific Coast in the Cascade-Sierra Mountains and in
the Coast Ranges. Also northern and western Idaho.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Near Glen Alpine, Tahoe, 6,800 feet, Smiley
191; Cisco, Dr. Kellogg; Snow Creek, Yosemite, 7,200 feet, Smiley
670 ; marshy meadow near Aspen Valley, Yosemite, 6,400 feet, Smiley
2. Mimulus primuloides Benth., Scroph. Ind., p. 29. 1835.
Type locality. — "Amer. boreali-occid. " Douglas.
Range. — Pacific Coast from British Columbia to southern Califor-
Zone. — Upper Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Prattville, Plumas County, Heller and
Kennedy 8783 ; Cisco, Miss H. A. Walker 1463 ; about Summit Station,
332 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Heller 6972; Snow Valley, Ormsby County, Nevada, 2,460-2,615 m.,
Baker 1277; Tuolumne meadows, open pine forest, 8,600 feet, K. A.
Ware 2632c; Lake of the Woods meadow, Tahoe, 8,200 feet, Smiley
68; Cloud's Rest trail, Yosemite, 7,900 feet, Smiley 503; Tuolumne
meadows, 8,500 feet, Smiley 744; Billy Brown's meadow, Shuteye
Mountain, Madera County, 6,500 feet, J. Murdoch Jr. 2580; Peckin-
pah's Mill, above Northfork, Madera County, 6,300 feet, Smiley 551;
Hockett's meadows, Tulare County, very abundant on the meadows,
Dudley 1887; Mineral King, Tulare County, Coville and Funston
2a. Minmlus primuloides var. pilosellus (Greene), comb. nov.
M. pilosellus Greene, Erythea, vol. 4, p. 22. 1896.
Type locality. — Not given.
Range. — Same as the species.
Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Meadow near Angora Lake, Tahoe, 7,300
feet, Hall and Chandler 4645 ; Silver Lake, Amador County, Hansen
462; Glen Alpine, Tahoe, McGregor 18; Mt. Rose, 10,000 feet, Ken-
nedy 1178 ; Upper Tuolumne River, 9,000 feet, Brewer 1755 ; Eliza-
beth Lake meadow, Yosemite, 9,800 feet, Smiley 804; Funston 's
meadows, Tulare County, Dudley 2194 in part, the other part being
of the type form.
This form of M. primuloides is distinguished from the species by
smaller flowers, and smaller leaves, which are covered with white
villous hairs. Dr. ' Greene indicated its relation to the species some
ten years before he proposed it as distinct : in Bull. Calif. Acad., vol.
1, p. 120, the statement is made : ' ' The white-villous form is rare in
collections, and when growing with the other, looks li^e another
species, but in floral character, there is no difference between them."
The species and variety frequently grow together.
-3. Mimulus laciniatus Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 11, p. 98. 1876.
Type locality. — "California, on the South Fork of the Merced at
Clark's Ranch."
Range. — Central and southern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Near Snow Flat, Yosemite, H. M. Evans,
July, 1901; Alta Mountains, Tulare County, R. Hopping 208.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 333
4. Mimulus implexus Greene, Lond. Jour. Bot., vol. 33, p. 8. 1895.
M. Tilingi Greene, Bull. Calif. Acad., vol. 1, p. 110. 1885.
M. corallin-us Greene, Erythea, vol. 4, p. 21. 1896, not of Begel.
Type locality. — "Along streams in the higher Sierras, from Las-
sen's Peak northward and southward."
Range. — Washington to California; also in. the East Humboldt
Mountains, Nevada, ace. Kennedy, Muhl., vol. 8, pp. 18-19. 1912.
Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Summit Station, E. L. Greene, August,
1883; near Mt. Stanford (Castle Peak), wet places under bushes,
Sonne, July, 1895 ; below Suzy Lake, Tahoe, moist stream bank, 7,500
feet, Smiley 157 ; Silver Mountain, Alpine County, Hooker and Gray
in 1877 ; branch of White 's Creek, Washoe County, Nevada, 8,500 feet,
Kennedy 1886 ; divide south of Slide Mountain, Washoe County, 7,600
feet, Heller 10922; along Coldstream, 3 miles above Truckee, Heller
7004 ; ridge above Donner Pass, 7,500 feet, Heller 7137 ; Independence
Lake, Nevada County, 7,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 4530; base of
Mt. Dana, Chesnut and Drew, July 17, 1889; Mt. Goddard, 11,100
feet, Hall and Chandler 692; moist shady ravine near White Wolf,
Yosemite, 8,000 feet, Smiley 887 ; by brooks near Farewell Gap, Tulare
County, 10,300 feet, Purpus 5243; Mt. Whitney, Culbertson (B 4544) ;
same locality, 12,000 feet, Hall and Babcock 5541; Alta Mountains,
Tulare County, R. Hopping 214 ; cold streams on Mt. Silliman, 10,000
feet, Mrs. Brandegee, August 22, 1905; slopes of Sawtooth Peak,
Tulare County, 11-12,000 feet, Dudley 1607.
The characters relied upon in considerable part to separate M . im-
plexus from M. corallinus are leaf characters, but the descriptions
of the leaves of M . implexus, as given by Dr. Greene, leave one in some
perplexity. In the publication of M. implexus, its characters are
briefly indicated from the original description (as M. Tilingi}, and
it is further noted that "No other member of the group makes any
approach to it, either in this character or in that of the exceedingly
thin membranaceous texture of the leaves." A year later, in a note
subjoined to the description of M. corallinus, the leaves of M. implexus
are asserted to be "of unusual thickness and fleshiness of texture."
5. Mimulus Langsdorffi Donn, in Sims, Bot. Mag., pi. 1501. 1812.
M. guttatus DC., Cat. Monsp., p. 127. 1813.
M. minor A. Nels., Proe. Biol. Soc. Wash., vol. 17, p. 178. 1904.
M. puberulus Greene, in Eydb., Fl. Col., p. 311. 1906; Leaflets, vol. 2,
p. 4. 1909.
If. minusculus Greene, I.e., p. 5.
334 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Type locality. — "From Unashka, one of the Fox Islands." (=
Unalaska. )
Range. — Aleutian Islands to California, Colorado and New Mex-
Zone. — Transition to Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Donner Lake, Brandegee, September, 1888 ;
Half -Moon Lake, Tahoe, 7,780 feet, McGregor 68; Upper Tuolumne
Eiver, 9,000 feet, Brewer 1754; above Kokopo Creek, Kaweah Peaks,
Tulare County, Dudley 2438 ; South Fork of Kern Eiver, 8,200 feet,
Rothrock 312 ; near Farewell Gap, Tulare County, 10,000 feet, Dudley
At the highest altitudes, this species becomes dwarfed and the
leaves crowded, but it seems impracticable to maintain, at least with
respect to the Sierran material, this high mountain form as a variety
with assignable characters.
6. Mimulus moniliformis Greene, Bull. Cal. Acad., vol. 1, p. 10.
Type locality. — Not precisely given, only as "In the higher Sier-
Range. — Northern California (Mt. Shasta) southward through the
Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Donner Lake, E. L. Greene 469 ; Soda
Springs, Nevada County, Jones 2608 ; Summit, Mrs. Brandegee, July,
1908 ; Snow Creek, Yosemite, 6,800 feet, Hall 9186 ; new Tenaya trail,
Yosemite, Miss H. Geiss 9072 ; Glacier Point, Miss Camp, July, 1902.
7. Mimulus mephiticus Greene, Bull. Calif. Acad., vol. 1, p. 9.
Eunanus mephiticus Greene, I.e., p. 102. 1885.
Type locality. — "Collected on Cloud's Rest, Yosemite."
Range. — Central and southern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian and rarely in the Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Cloud's Rest, eastern ridge, 9,500 feet,
Smiley 516; summit of Cloud's Rest, 9,925 feet, Hall 9052; Hockett's
meadows, Tulare County, 8,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 5622.
Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 335
8. Mimulus Lewisii Pursh., Fl., vol. 2, p. 427, pi. 20. 1814.
M. roseus Dougl., in Lindl., Bot. Beg., vol. 19, pi. 1591. 1833.
Type locality. — ' ' On the head springs of the Missouri at the foot
of Portage hill. "
Range. — British Columbia to California and along the Rocky
Mountains to Colorado.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Summit Soda Springs, Nevada County,
Kennedy 269 ; ridge above Donner Pass, 7,500 feet, Heller 7141 ; Lake
of the Woods, Tahoe, 7,850 feet, McGregor 40 ; Pyramid Peak, Tahoe,
east side at 8,900 feet, Smiley 119; ridge south of Heather Lake,
Tahoe, 8,300 feet, Smiley 355; Hope Valley, Alpine County, 8,500
feet, Hansen 471; Bloody Canon, Mono County, 9,000 feet, R. A.
Ware 2610c; Mono Pass, Bolander 6315; Ebbett's Pass, Alpine
County, 8,000 feet, Brewer 1980; near Snow Flat, Yosemite, 8,700
feet, H. M. Evans, July, 1901 ; Mariposa County, Congdon, August 12,
1895; Mt. Raymond, Madera County, 8,300 feet, Smiley 542; Alta
meadows, Tulare County, 9,000 feet, Mrs. Brandegee, August 4, 1905.
9. Mimulus filicaulis Wats., Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 26, p. 125. 1891.
Type locality. — "Collected by J. W. Congdon on Snow Creek,
Mariposa County, California, in June, 1890."
Range. — Central Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian ?
Specimen examined. — Snow Creek, Mariposa County, Congdon,
June 1, 1890.
Doubtfully distinct from M. Palmeri Gray (Proc. Am. Acad., vol.
12, p. 82), a common species of the Yellow Pine belt on the west flank
of the Sierra.
10. Mimulus Breweri (Greene) Coville, Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 4,
p. 171. 1893.
Eunanus Breweri Greene, Bull. Calif. Acad., vol. 1, p. 101. 1885.
Type locality. — "Common about Donner Lake, growing with E.
leptaleus, to which it is most related."
Range. — Pacific Coast from British Columbia to southern Cali-
fornia ; at the north, east to Montana.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Lower end of Donner Lake, Heller 6893;
Silver^Lake, Amador County, 8,000 feet, Hansen 441; Suzy Lake
336 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
basin, Tahoe, dry ground on south slope, 7,500 feet, Smiley 172;
Lake Valley, Tahoe region, 6,400 feet, Abrams 4780; Tuolume
meadows, Yosemite, dry rocky ground about Parsons Lodge, 8,500 feet,
Smiley 746; Home Camp meadow, Fresno County, 6,900 feet, Smiley
654 ; Alta meadows, Tulare County, Mrs. Brandegee, August 6, 1905 ;
Kern-Kaweah Falls, Tulare County, 10,000 feet, Dudley 2364.
11. Mimulus Whitney! Gray, Syn. Fl., vol. 2, pt. 1, p. 445. 1886.
Eunanus Tricolor Gray, Proe. Am. Acad., vol. 7, p. 381. 1867.
Mimulus nanus var. bicolor Gray, Syn. Fl., vol. 2, pt. 1, 275. 1878.
Type locality. — "In the Sierras between King's and Kawiah
Eivers, Prof. Brewer/'
Range. — Southern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian and Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — High Sierras, Fresno County, Brewer 2785 ;
Alta meadows, Tulare County, 9,000 feet, K. Brandegee, August,
1905; Mt. Silliman, 10,000 feet, K. Brandegee, August 22, 1905;
Horse Corral meadows, Fresno County, Eastwood, July 1-13, 1889 ;
open woods near Old Mt. Whitney, 10-11,000 feet, Purpus 1988 and
1989; sandy places, Whitney meadows, 9-11,000 feet, Purpus 1372.
12. Mimulus nanus H. and A., Bot. Beechy, p. 378. 1840.
M. coecineus Congdon, Erythea, vol. 7, p. 187. 1900.
M. Tolmei Benth., in DC,, Prodr., vol. 10, p. 374. 1846.
Type locality. — Not given, but the plant described collected in
Range. — Pacific Coast from Washington to California, east to
Montana and Wyoming.
Zone. — Upper Sonoran to Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Hose, 9,500 feet, Heller 103,43 ; north
side of Slide Mountain, Washoe County, 7,700 feet, Heller 10950;
Snow Valley, Ormsby County, Nevada, 2,460-2,615 m., Baker 1375;
volcanic hills south of Mono Lake, in very dry sand from the plains
to the summit, 9,000 feet, Brewer 1821 ; Mt. Dana, H. M. Evans, July,
1901 ; Crescent Lake, Mariposa County, Congdon, August 9, 1890 ;
mountain sides east of the Minarets, Mariposa County, Congdon,
August 19, 1899; slope above Nellie Lake, Fresno County, 9,000 feet,
Smiley 614; Kaweah meadows, Tulare County, 9,400 feet, Purpus
5650; north side of Toowa Range, Tulare County, 9,000 feet, H. M.
and G. R. Hall 8414 ; gravelly soil on Shotgun Creek, Tulare County,
10-11,000 feet, Purpus 5245; Kern River, 9,850 feet, Rothrock 378.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 337
13. Mimulus leptaleus Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 11, p. 96. 1875.
Type locality. — "Gravelly soil, in the Sierra Nevada, California,
at 5,000 feet and upwards, south of the Yosemite, Miss Dix, A. Gray,
and in Sierra County, Lemmon."
Range. — Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Transition and lower Canadian (Pinus Jeffreyi belt).
Specimens examined. — Mt. Tallac, Tahoe, 9,500 feet, McGregor
191 ; Soda Springs, Nevada County, Jones 2459 ; east side of Angora
Peak, Tahoe, 7,800 feet, Smiley 28 ; hillside above Summit, 7,100 feet,
Smiley 451 ; near Castle Peak, Heller 7067 ; between Donner and
Cisco, Mrs. Brandegee, July, 1908 ; North Fork of King's River, 7,000
feet, Hall and Chandler 429 ; Whitney meadows (now called Volcano
meadows), Tulare County, 2,850 m., Coville and Funston 1625.
Though this is as a rule pungently scented, it may be practically
Mimulus montioidc-s Gray (Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 7, p. 380. 1867),
described from "High Sierras of Fresno Co., Prof. Brewer," is only
known from the Upper Sonoran and Arid Transition life-zones; it
is probable that the type described really came from the low country
east of the Sierra; this conjecture is based partly upon the fact that
the type preserved in the Gray Herbarium bears the legend "2785,
with," suggesting accidental association of the plant described with
this number of the State Survey. In the field book of the Survey,
the numbers from 2781-2844 are from the mountains of Tulare County,
in the vicinity of Mt. Brewer.
Plants aeaulescent; spikes shorter than the leaves; flowers yellowish and
purplish 1. P. semibarbata
Plants caulescent; spikes exceeding the leaves.
Flowers white; galea circinnate-incurving 2. P. racemosa
Flowers red or purple; galea sigmoid-curving.
Spike glabrous 3. P. groenlandica
Spike lanate-pubescent 4. P. attolens
1. Pedicularis semibarbata Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 7, p. 385.
Type locality.— "On Mount Dana, alt. 10,000 feet, and Ebbett's
Pass, 7-8,000 feet, Prof. Brewer. In or near the Yosemite Valley,
Bolander, and Mariposa Grove, at and above 5,000 feet."
Range. — Southern Oregon and mountains of northern California,
south in the Coast Range, and in the Sierra Nevada to the mountains
of southern California.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
338 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Specimens examined. — Above Donner Lake, Davy 3180; about
Summit Station, Heller, July 20, 1903 ; Snow Valley, Ormsby County,
Nevada, 2,460-2,615 m., Baker 1158; divide on south side of Slide
Mountain, Washoe County, Nevada, 7,600 feet, Heller 10924 ; shoulder
of Ralston Peak, Tahoe, Setchell and Dobie, July 6-21, 1901 ; Silver
Lake, Amador County, 8,000 feet, Hansen 436; Glen Alpine, Tahoe,
6,800 feet, McGregor 200; Ebbett's Pass, open forests at 7-8,000 feet,
Brewer 2707; Mt. Dana, 10,000 feet, Brewer 1741; Mt. Raymond,
Madera County, 7,500 feet, Smiley 529 ; Hockett meadows, Tulare
County, Culbertson (B 4430) ; Sequoia Mills, Fresno County, Miss
Eastwood, May, 1894.
2. Pedicularis racemosa Dougl., in Hook., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 2,
p. 108. 1838.
Type locality. — "Abundant on the summit of the high mountains
of the Grand Rapids of the Columbia." Douglas.
Range. — British Columbia to California (northern Sierra Nevada)
and in the Cordilleran section to New Mexico.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Spanish Peak, Plumas County, Mrs. R. M.
Austin in 1879; Sierra County, Lemmon in 1874; Placer County,
A. M. Carpenter, September, 1892; trail to Mud Lake, Cisco, 6,000
feet, Miss H. A. Walker 1502.
3. Pedicularis groenlandica Retz., Fl. Scand. Prodr., ed. 2, p. 145.
Elephantella groenlandica (Eetz.) Eydb., Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard., vol. 1,
p. 360. 1900.
Pedicularis groenlandica surrecta (Benth.) Piper, Mazama, vol. 2, p. 100.
Type locality. — Greenland.
Range. — Labrador to Alaska; south along the Rocky Mountains
to New Mexico ; in the Cascades — Sierra Nevada to California. Green-
Zone. — Canadian mainly, but occurring in the Hudsonian.
Specimens examined.— About Summit Station, Heller 7009 ; Deer
Park, Tahoe, A. Eastwood 433; summit of Mono Pass, 10,800 feet,
Brewer 1718; Lake Tanaya, 8,100 feet, Smiley 681; Rowell meadow,
Fresno County, Dudley, August 23, 1904; Wet meadows near Fare-
well Gap, Tulare County, 10,400 feet, Purpus 5181; Olancha Moun-
tain, Tulare County, 8,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 5281; meadows
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 339
near Mineral King, Tulare County, Dudley 2612 • Dana Creek, 10,300
feet, Hall and Babcock 3621.
4. Pedicularis attolens Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 7, p. 384. 1867.
Elephantella attolen-s (Gray) Heller, Muhl., vol. 1, p. 4. 1900.
Type locality. — " Swamps in the Sierra Nevada, alt. 6-11,000
Range. — Sierra Nevada. Mountains of northern California?
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Prattville, Plumas County, Mrs. A. L.
Coombs, July 7, 1902; lower end of Donner Lake, Heller 6938; Mt.
Eose, 9,650 feet, Heller 9897; same locality, 10,000 feet, Kennedy
992; Silver Lake, Amador County, 7,200 feet, E. Mulliken 123; Half-
Moon Lake, Tahoe, 7,780 feet, McGregor 81; Pyramid Peak, 9,500
feet, Smiley 124; Suzy Lake basin, Tahoe, 7,600 feet, Smiley 146;
Lake of the Woods meadow, Tahoe, 8,100 feet, Smiley 73 ; Silver
Mountain Pass, Alpine County, Brewer 2708; Mt. Dana, 13,000 feet,
Lemmon, August 22, 1878; Crescent Lake, Mariposa County, Cong-
don, August 14, 1895 ; Mono trail, 10,000 feet, Bolander 5097 ; West-
f all's meadows, above Yosemite, Bolander 4963; Bloody Canon, Mono
County, 8,500 feet, R. A. Ware 2645c; San Joaquin River, Fresno
County, Coville and Funston 1835; meadows on Black Mountain,
Fresno County, 10,000 feet, Hall and Chandler 594; Alta Mountain,
Tulare County, R. Hopping 70; wet meadows near Farewell Gap,
Tulare County, 10,400-11,000 feet, Purpus 5656; Funston 's meadows,
Tulare County, 8-9,000 feet, Dudley 2190; Hockett's meadows, Tulare
County, 8,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 5620.
Flowers red (C. miniata sometimes is found with yellowish flowers but is known
from C. nana by the undivided leaves).
Plants low (less than 1 foot high) ; galea shorter than the tube.
Galea % inch long; the lower lip somewhat saccate 1. C. Lemmoni
Galea 1/4-% inch long; the lower lip not saccate.
. Leaves mostly entire, linear-lanceolate; flowers crimson 2. C. Culbertsonii
Leaves entire below, 3-lobed above; broader than in No. 2; flowers dull
red 3. C. Breweri
Plants taller (1-4 feet) ; galea as long or longer than the tube.
Plants green and nearly glabrous; galea exceeding the tube.
Floral cluster of distinctly uneven outline due to the divaricate galeas;
flowers red 4. C. montana
Floral cluster globose or bunched, due to the bracts and galeas remain-
ing subequal and approximate; flowers red or yellow ....5. C. miniata
Plants pilose, often white-lanate; galea and tube subequal.
Leaves lobed 6. C. angustifolia
Leaves entire or nearly so 7. C. pinetorum
Flowers yellow or ochroleucous 8. C. nana
340 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
1. Castilleja Lemmoni Gray, Syn. Fl., vol. 2, pt. 1, p. 297. 1878.
Type locality. — "Sierra Co., California, probably in the alpine
region. ' '
Range. — Sierra Nevada from Sierra County to the Mt. Whitney
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Sierra County, Lemmon 736; wet grassy
flat on Mt. Stanford, 8,000 feet, C. F. Sonne 9; Hockett's meadows,
Tulare County, 8,600 feet, Hall and Babcock 5637 ; same locality,
Culbertson (B4424).
This appears to be a rare species in the Sierra and some forms
of the following species closely approach it, though the characters
assigned in the key usually serve for specific reference.
2. Castilleja Culbertsonii Greene, Leaflets., vol. 1, p. 78. 1904.
Type locality. — "Crabtree meadow, at 11,000 feet, near Mt. Whit-
ney. ' '
Range. — Southern Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Hudsonian mainly, rarely in the Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Cathedral trail, Mariposa County, Cong-
don, August 7, 1898 ; Mt. Dana, Congdon, August 27, 1895 ; Mt. Buena
Vista, Yosemite, 9,000 feet, Congdon, August 23, 1889; Tuolumne
meadows, Yosemite, 8,500 feet, Smiley 831 ; Sierras, 10,000 feet,
Bolander 6309 ; meadows near Black Mountain, Fresno County, 10,000
feet, Hall and Chandler 588 ; Crabtree meadows, Tulare County,
11,000 feet, Culbertson (B4339) ; Kaweah meadows, Tulare County,
9,400 feet, Purpus 5134; Mt. Whitney, Edw. Hyatt; Whitney Creek
near timber line, 10,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 5551.
3. Castilleja Breweri Fernald, Erythea, vol. 6, p. 49. 1898.
Type locality.— "On Mt. Dana, California, at 3,060 to 3,360 m."
Range. — Central Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Hudsonian and Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Dana, 10-11,000 feet, Brewer 1744;
same locality, in rocks above the saddle, Chesnut and Drew, July 17,
1889 ; Hopkins meadow near Cloud 's Rest, Chesnut and Drew, July
13, 1889 ; slopes east of the Minarets, Mariposa County, Congdon,
August 18, 1899.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 341
4. Castilleja montana Congdon, Erythea, vol. 7, p. 188. 1900.
Type locality. — Not definitely given.
Range. — Sierra Nevada, east in the mountains of Nevada (West
Humboldt Mountains).
Zone. — Canadian and Transition.
Specimens examined. — Summit back of Jonesville, Butte County,
7,000 feet, Heller 11658; lower end of Donner Lake, Heller 6881;
Grass .Lake, Tahoe, McGregor 9 ; Suzy Lake basin, Tahoe, 7,800 feet,
Smiley 171; Caple's Lakes, Alpine County, 8,500 feet, Hansen 892;
Fallen Leaf Lodge, Tahoe, 6,900 feet, Abrams 4869 ; Mt. Rose, 9,650
feet, Heller 9900 ; Lake Tenaya trail, foot of Mt. Dana, Congdon,
August 14-16, 1894; Crescent Lake, Congdon, August 14-15, 1895;
Tuolumne meadows, 8,500 feet, Smiley 708 ; Little Kern River, Tulare
County, along brooks, 9-10,000 feet, Purpus 5223 ; Olancha Mountain,
Tulare County, 10,000 feet, Rothrock 333.
This species about Lake Tahoe and northward shows forms closely
approaching the next and perhaps, when more material is available
for comparison collected in the northern Sierra, it will be best con-
sidered as a variety of C. miniata. Hall 2582, from Tahquitz Valley,
San Jacinto Mountains, is probably to be assigned to C. mantana, a
reference which would extend the range to the mountains of southern
5. Castilleja miniata Dougl., in Hook., Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 2, p. 106.
C. BrooTcsii Eastwood, Proe. Calif. Acacl. Ill, vol. 2, p. 288. 1902.
Type locality. — "Blue Mountains, N.W. America."
Range. — Alaska to California and Colorado.
Zone.— Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Summit, 6,800 feet, Heller 10590 ; Webber
Lake, Kennedy and Doten 93 ; trail to Suzy Lake basin, Tahoe, in
marshy meadow, 7,600 feet, Smiley 277* ; Pyramid Peak, Tahoe, 9,500
feet, Smiley 106; Snow Valley, Ormsby County, Nevada, 2,460-2,615
m., Baker 1484.
As noted under the preceding species, in the Tahoe region plants
occur which are very difficult of satisfactory assignment, the char-
acters they present allying them on the one hand to the present species,
and yet showing obvious resemblances to C. montana. At the present
* C. miniata occasionally shows yellow bracts and flowers; it is not known
whether this color form persists as a race or not; in every other respect these
yellow .flowered plants are precisely like the usual red flowered kind.
342 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
time, about all one is justified in asserting, is that in C. miniata we
have a plant of definitely northern and eastern distribution, which
in the Sierra shows at least one well-marked variant, here provision-
ally accepted as a species.
6. Castilleja angnstifolia G. Don var. hispida (Benth.) Fernald,
Erythea, vol. 6, p. 47. 1898.
C. hispida Benth., in Hook, Fl. Bor. Am., vol. 2, p. 105. 1838.
Type locality. — ' ' Common on dry soils of the N.W. Coast, especially
about Port Vancouver."
Range. — Washington to California and in the mountains through
Idaho and Wyoming to Colorado.
Zone. — Transition and above.
Specimens examined. — Lake Valley, Tahoe region, 6,400 feet,
Abrams 4768; Mt. Rose, 9,300 feet, Heller 10348; Cisco, Placer
County, 5,900 feet, Hall 8707; Silver Lake, Amador County, 7,200
feet, E. Muliken 146 ; vicinity of Lake Tenaya, Yosemite, 8,200 feet,
Hall and Babcock 3525; Mt. Guyot, 11,000 feet, H. M. and G. R.
Hall 8427.
7. Castilleja pinetorum Fernald, Erythea, vol. 6, p. 50. 1898.
C. trisecta Greene, Leaflets, vol. 1, p. 78. 1904.
Type locality. — "In pine woods, Swan Lake Valley, Klamath Co.,
Oregon. ' '
Range. — Oregon and southwestern Idaho to California and Nevada.
Zone. — Arid Transition to Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Mt. Dana, Congdon, August 11, 1898;
Hockett's meadows, Tulare County, 8,600 feet, rather dry soil, Hall
and Babcock 5608; same locality, Culbertson (B4431); Sguth Fork
of the Kaweah, Tulare County, 9,000 feet, H. M. and G. R. Hall 8476 ;
Lake Tenaya, Yosemite, 8,200 feet, Smiley 678.
This species is quite common in the dry Murray Pine forests. The
leaf variant (C. trisecta) is incapable of definition, merging into the
species in all characters.
8. Castilleja nana Eastwood, Proc. Calif. Acad. Ill, vol. 2, p. 289.
C. inconspicua A. Nels. and Kennedy, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., vol. 19, p. 38.
C. ambigua Jones, Contr. W. Coast Bot., vol. 12, p. 68. 1908.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 343
Type locality. — "On Harrison's Pass, above East Lake," Fresno
Range. — Sierra Nevada from King's River region northward to
Mt. Shasta.
Zone. — Arctic-alpine, and on rockslides in the Hudsonian.
Specimens ex-amined. — Cisco, Bolander in 1871-72; near Donner
Lake, Torrey 363; near Frog Lake, Castle Peak, Heller 7064; Gold
Lake, Sierra County, 6,400 feet, Hall and Babcock 4512 ; above Sum-
mit, Placer County, C. F. Sonne, June, 1897; Mt. Rose, 10,800 feet,
Kennedy 1169; Mount Hoffman, Yosemite, A. Eastwood, July 5-19,
1902; Mt. Dana, Congdon, August 10, 1898; high southern Sierra,
Brewer 2838 ; Mt. Goddard, 11,100 feet, Hall and Chandler 689 ; Deso-
lation Valley, base of Pyramid Peak, Tahoe, 8,400 feet, Smiley 89;
rocky places in Farewell Gap, Tulare County, 10,300 feet, Purpus
5256, 3004; Mineral King, T. S. Brandegee, July 29, 1892.
1. Orthocarpus imbricatus Torr., in Watson, Bot. King's Exped.,
p. 458. 1871.
0. cuspidatus Greene, Pitt., vol. 4, p. 101. 1899.
0. Copelandii Eastwood, Bot. Gaz., vol. 41, p. 288. 1906.
0. cryptanthus Piper, Smithson. Misc. Coll., vol. 50, p. 200. 1907.
Type locality. — "In the Cascade Mts., Oregon."
Range. — Pacific Coast from "Washington to California.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Hills above Red Clover Valley, Plumas
* •
County, Heller and Kennedy 8700 ; lower end of Donner Lake, Heller
6884 ; Summit, T. S. Brandegee, August, 1883 ; Caples Lakes, Alpine
County, 8,500 feet, Hansen 455 ; near Lundy, Mono County, 8-9,000
feet, Miss M. Minthorn, July 15, 1908 ; Piute Creek, Yosemite, 8,200
feet, F. M. Reed 3462; Mariposa County, Congdon, August 20, 1894.
Orthocarpus pilosus Wats. (Bot. King's Exped., p. 231. 1871),
described from "Washoe Valley, Nevada," and a widely distributed
Upper Sonoran and Arid Transition species, just reaches our lower
borders (Sonora trail, east side of summit at 8,000 feet, Brewer 1866;
above Grass Lake, Tahoe, 7,000 feet, Miss Lathrop, July 19, 1909).
344 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Fruit smooth 1. G. Brandegei
Fruit hispidulous or bristly.
Small delicate annual (2-6 inches high); hairs of the fruit minute
2. G. bifolium
Perennial with suffrutescent base; hairs of the bristly fruit longer than the
body 3. G. multiflorum
1. Galium Brandegei Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 12, p. 58. 1877.
Type locality. — "Valley of the Rio Grande, New Mexico, on Los
Pinos trail, at 9,000 feet, September, 1875, T. 8. Brandcgee." (On a
sheet of the original collection, now in the herbarium at Berkeley,
California, it is stated that the locality of the collection was in Colo-
rado, not in New Mexico, as given by Dr. Gray.)
Range. — California to Colorado and northward in the Rockies to
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Webber Lake, Lemmon 1217 ; Suzy Lake,
Tahoe, forming small mats near the water, 7,800 feet, Smiley 151;
about Marlette Lake, Washoe County, Nevada, Baker 1412; Ostran-
der's, above Yosemite, Bolander 5025.
2. Galium bifolium Wats., Bot. King's Exped., p. 134. 1871.
Type locality. — "In the Trinity, Battle and East Humboldt Moun-
tains, Nevada, and in the Wahsatch ; 5-7,000 feet altitude. ' ' Watson
Range. — California to British Columbia, east to Colorado and
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Sierra County, Lemmon 548 ; above Donner
Lake toward Donner Pass, Heller, July 29, 1903 ; Glen Alpine, Tahoe,
7,000 feet, McGregor 151 ; Lake Lucile, Tahoe, Dudley, June 26, 1900 ;
Mt. Tallac, west slope above Gilmore Lake, 8,400 feet, Smiley 372;
near Stewart Edward White meadow, Sierra National Forest, Abrams
4988 ; Lake Tenaya, meadow south of the lake, 8,200 feet, Smiley 863a ;
North Fork of King's River, 7,300 feet, Hall and Chandler 452.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 345
3. Galium multiflorum Kellogg, Proc. Calif. Acad., vol. 2, p. 97.
G. hypotriohum Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., vol. 6, p. 538. 1866.
G. ambiguum Wight, Zoe, vol. 5, p. 55. 1900.
Type locality. — "Washoe, " Nevada. Dr. J. A. Veatch.
Range. — California to Washington and east to Utah.
Zone. — Canadian mainly.
Specimens examined. — Castle Peak, near the highest point, Heller
7080; high mountain near Donner Pass, Torrey 187; Tinker's Knob,
Placer County, C. F. Sonne, August 27, 1893; Summit, 8,000 feet,
Bolander and Kellogg; Sonora Pass, 8-9,000 feet, Brewer 1880.
Wherein G. multiflorum puberulum, a subspecies briefly defined
by Piper (Contr. Nat. Herb., vol. 11, 527. 1906), differs from typical
G. multiflorum is not clear.
Miss Eastwood reports89 G. multiflorum from East Lake, in the
high Sierra of Tulare County. It was also collected by Hall in the
San Jacinto Mountains79 in the upper Transition life-zone.
1. Utricularia vulgaris L., Sp. PL, p. 18. 1753.
Type locality. — "Habitat in Europae fossis palidibus profundiori-
Range. — Eurasia. In North America from Alaska to California
and New Mexico.
Zone. — Transition and Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Head of Lake Tahoe, 6,400 feet, Brewer
2147 ; Plumas County, Lemmon in 1874 ; in pool near soda springs,
Tuolumne Meadows, 9,700 feet, Bolander 6382; ponds in Kaweah
meadows, Tulare County, 9,300 feet, Purpus 5680.
Our plants perhaps better referred to the var. americana Gray,
distinguished from the Old World species by the spur acutish and
more slender.
346 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Leaves pinnately compound; inflorescence a many-flowered cyme ....1. Sambucus
Leaves simple; inflorescence few-flowered.
Corolla regular; fruit 2-seeded 2. Symphoricarpus
Corolla irregular; fruit few to several seeded 3. Lonicera
Berries red 1. S. racemosa
Berries black or very dark red 2. S. melanocarpa
1. Sambucus racemosa L., Sp. PL, p. 270. 1753.
S. pubens Michx., Fl., vol. 1, p. 181. 1803.
S. mici-obotrys Eydb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 28, p. 503. 1901.
Type locality. — "Habitat in Europae australis montosis."
Range. — Newfoundland to British Columbia, south to Georgia,
Colorado, and California. Europe.
Zone. — Canadian to Arctic-alpine.
Specimens examined. — Ridge south of Donner Pass, 7,500 feet,
Heller 7133; near Lake Lucile, Tahoe, 8,000 feet, Dudley, June 26,
1900 ; between Tahoe and Lake Lucile, 7-8,000 feet, Miss K. A. Chand-
ler, September, 1901 ; Tragedy Springs, 7,500 feet, Hansen 796 ; Lake
of the Woods meadow, Tahoe, 8,200 feet, Smiley 66; Lake Tenaya,
Yosemite, 8,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 3507; Mt. Guyot, in shelter
of rocks, 11,800 feet, H. M. and G. R. Hall 8426 ; Mt. Olancha, Tulare
County, 9,500 feet, Hall and Babcock 5267.
Various attempts have been made to distinguish our western red-
berried elder from the common shrub of the east, but with a large
suite of specimens from the various sections for comparison, it appears
impossible to maintain specific lines. Greene believed the shrub of
the Coast Range to be distinct, relying upon an indeterminate flatness
of the cyme as the distinguishing character; his 8. callicarp<i (FL
Fran., p. 342. 1892) has its typical range in the coast* mountains,
but Greene suspected that it might also be found in the Sierra. Jep-
son (Fl. N.W. Calif., p. 395. 1910) considered this a variety of
8. racemosa. When publishing 8. callicarpa, Greene called attention to
the red-berried elder of the northwest, ranging from Oregon to Alaska,
and questioned whether it would prove to be identical with his new
species. This shrub of the northwest coast Leiberg subsequently pub-
lished as S. leiosperma (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., vol. 11, p. 40. 1897).
Graf von Schwerin, in his monograph (Mitt. d. d. Dendrog. Gesellsch.,
vol. 18, pp. 1-56. 1909), considers these two forms to be "vollig
identisch," an opinion shared by Piper. From an examination of
many sheets in the Herbarium of the University of California and in
the Dudley Herbarium, I am convinced that the contour of the cyme
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 347
is a most untrustworthy character; Jepson calls it "ovate"; Piper
"pyramidal," while Greene, when making determinations for Baker's
Sierran collections, referred to S. callicarpa, forms with obviously
dome-shaped cymes.
8. micro botrys Kydb. is described as being completely glabrous.
I have not seen Bessey's type from Pike's Peak, but have examined
a fairly representative series of the red-berried elder from the Colo-
rado-Montana region and believe that such an examination will lead
inevitably to the conclusion that in the Cordilleran section, 8. race-
mose shows every gradation from being conspicuously pubescent to
glabrate or even nearly glabrous.
2. Sambucus melanocarpa Gray, Proe. Am. Acad., vol. 19, p. 76.
Type locality. — Not given, "first collected in New Mexico by
Fendler" (the only Samibucus collected by Fendler is his No. 286 from
"Margins of Santa Fe Creek.")
Range. — Washington and Montana to California (east slope of
the Sierra) and New Mexico.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimen examined. — Snow Valley, Ormsby County, Nevada,
2,460-2,615 m., Baker 1155.
This collection is the only one of the black-berried elder seen by
me from the Sierra. Bolander 5052, from the Tuolumne region,
10,000 feet, lacks the fruit but was referred here by Dr. Gray because
of foliage character. R. A. Ware 2689c, from Lambert's Dome,
Yosemite, 9,100 feet, is perhaps to be referred here.
Corolla pubescent within; nutlets of the drupe oval, the ends about equally
rounded; leaves pubescent and thick 1. S. rotundifolius
Corolla glabrous within; nutlets of the drupe obovate, cuneate, or conical at
base; leaves glabrate and thinner 2. S. oreophilus
1. Symphoricarpos rotundifolius Gray, PI. "Wright, vol. 2, p. 66.
S. Parishii Eydb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 26, p. 545. 1899.
S. Austinae Eastw., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 30, p.. 499. 1903.
Type locality. — "Sides of mountains around the copper mines,
New Mexico. ' '
Range. — "Widely distributed in the Cordilleran region of North
America and west to the Pacific Coast.
Zone. — Arid Transition to Canadian.
348 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Specimens examined. — Half-Moon Lake, Tahoe, 7,760 feet, Mc-
Gregor 53 ; Summit, Placer County, 7,000 feet, Heller 9846 ; head of
Fall Creek, Ormsby County, Nevada, Baker 1496; Highland Lake,
Alpine County, 8,500 feet, Abrams 4749 ; Summit Soda Springs, Dud-
ley, September, 1896; Ralston Peak, Tahoe, 8,300 feet, Smiley 415;
Mt. Tallac, talus slope on the east side, 9,000 feet, Smiley 246.
la. Symphoricarpos rotundifolius var. acutus Frye and Rigg,
Northwest FL, p. 366. 1912.
S. mollis var. acutus Gray, Syn. FL, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 14. 1878.
S. vaccinoides Eydb., Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard, vol. 1, p. 371. 1900.
S. acutus Howell, FL N.W. Am., vol. 1, p. 281. '1903.
S. glaucus Eastw., Bull. Tori-. Bot. Club, vol. 30, p. 497. 1903.
S. parvifolius Eastw., l.o., 498.
Type locality. — "Washington Terr, east of the Cascade Moun-
tains. ' '
Range. — Coincident with the species.
Zone. — Canadian, rising into the Hudsonian.
Specimens examined. — Glen Alpine trail, Tahoe, Dudley, June 28,
1900; Angora Peak, Tahoe, 7,900 feet, Smiley 1; Bullion Flat, Mt.
Whitney trail, 8,700 feet, Dudley 2541; between Little Kern Eiver
and Farewell Gap, Tulare County, 9,000-10,500 feet, Dudley 1096.
The relationship of this perplexing form, whose inconstancy of
character is indicated by the above synonymy, has become clearer since
Dr. Gray first distinguished it as a variety of S. mollis Nutt. The
collections made in the period subsequent to the publication of the
variety in the Synoptical Flora indicate that its true relation is with
the long-flowered section of the genus. Certain other characters
(amount of the pubescence in the tube and the irregular leaf outline)
suggest that it may well be regarded as the form from which the two
localized and western species (Nos. 1-2) have diverged* from the
widely-ranging and northern S. racemosus — S. mollis group of species.
It is of interest to note that in this latter group of species definite
specific characters are difficult to formulate, especially in material
from the Northwest;121 see also the note under 8. oreophilus.
2. Symphoricarpos oreophilus Gray, Jour. Linn. Soc., vol. 14, p.
12. ' 1873.
S. montanus Gray, in Enum. PL, Parry, Am. Jour. Sci. II, vol. 34, p. 249.
Type locality. — "Hab. : Rocky Mountains, Colorado Territory and
New Mexico to the eastern side of the Sierra Nevada, California."
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 349
Range. — Cordilleran section of the United States and westward.
Zone. — Canadian and above.
Specimens examined. — Shores of Donner Lake, Dudley, June 14,
1900; Heather Lake, Tahoe, Setchell and Dobie, July 6-21, 1901;
Glen Alpine, Tahoe, Dudley, June 27, 1900; Mono Pass, Bolander
6339; Dana Creek, Tuolumne County, Chesnut and Drew, July 17,
1889; Tioga Pass, 9,300 feet, Smiley 821 (lacking in flowers).
Plants referable to S. utahensis Eydb. (Bull. Torr. Bot. Club,
vol. 26, p. 544. 1899), which, to judge from the only specimen seen
by me (Colorado: Van Boxle's Ranch, above Cimarron, 8,000 feet,
Baker 384), is a well marked form and at least deserving varietal
rank, as is accorded it by Dr. Nelson in the Coulter-Nelson Manual,
have not come to my notice from the Sierra.
Jones has asserted (Proc. Calif. Acad. II, vol. 5, p. 690. 1895)
that in the Great Basin intermediate forms between 8. rotundifolius
and 8. oreophilm are so abundant that it is impossible to maintain
the species separate and accordingly he proposes to regard S. oreo-
philus as a variety of the first species, a conclusion for which my own
numbers, 1 and 246, might be presented as evidence.
Corolla yellow, its lobes only slightly unequal; bracts persistent.
Bracts at summit of peduncle ovate-cordate, foliaceous and conspicuous;
berry black 1. L. involucrata
Bracts at summit of peduncle linear-subulate, small and inconspicuous; berry
with a blue bloom 2. L. coerulea
Corolla dull red or purplish, strongly bilabiate; bracts subulate and caducous;
berry red 3. L. conjugialis
1. Lonicera involucrata var. flavescens Rehder, 14th Rep. Mo. Bot.
Gard., p. 100. 1903.
L. flavescens Dippel, Gartenfl., vol. 37, p. 7. 1888.
L. intermedia Kellogg, Proe. Calif. Acad. I, vol. 2, p. 154. 1863.
Type locality. — "Am Fraserflusse, " British Columbia.
Range. — Cascades and Sierra Nevada.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Gold Lake, Sierra County, 6,400 feet, Hall
and Babcock 4501 ; about Marlette Lake, "Washoe County, Nevada,
2,460 m., Baker 1300; north side Slide Mountain, Washoe County,
in granite, 7,850 feet, Heller 10954; Pohono trail, Yosemite, 7,500 feet,
Hall 9155 ; Tuolumne meadows, Yosemite, 8,600 feet, R. A. Ware
2726c^ Redwood Cabin, Tulare County, Culbertson (B4330).
350 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
2. Lonicera coerulea L., Sp. PL, p. 174. 1753.
Type locality. — "In Helvetia."
Range. — In America only certainly known from the Sierra Nevada
(see below).
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Crescent Lake, Yosemite, Congdon, August
10, 1890; Tuolumne meadows, 8,600 feet, R. A. Ware 2625c; West-
fall's meadows, Yosemite, Bolander 6338.
Dr. Gray recognized our Sierran form as distinct from the var.
villosa T. and G. (Fl., vol. 2, p. 9), noting that in its villous corolla
and hirsute calyx lobes it approaches the Eurasian type form and is
separable from the variety found in the northern part of the continent
and ranging south to New England, the Middle States, and Colorado,
and on the Pacific Coast coming as far as Oregon (Proc. Am. Acad.,
vol. 8, p. 628. 1873). I have seen no representatives of the species
from beyond the limits of California ; Piper in the Flora of Washing-
ton, credits the species to that state and cites Suksdorf 559, a collection
not seen by me, but he assigns as the range the territory over which
the var. villosa is the predominant, if not the exclusive form. Dr. A.
Nelson, in the Coulter-Nelson New Manual, follows the same course.
3. Lonicera conjugialis Kellogg, Proc. Calif. Acad. I. vol. 2, p.
67. 1863.
L. Breweri Gray, Proe. Am. Acad., vol. 6, p. 537. 1865.
CaprifoUum conjugiale Kuntze, Eev. Gen. PI., vol. 1, p. 274. 1891.
Xylosteum conjugiale Howell, Fl. N.W. Am., vol. 1, p. 282. 1900.
Lonicera sororia Piper, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 29, p. 644. 1902.
Type locality. — "Washoe," Nevada. J. A. Veatch.
Range. — Cascades and Sierra Nevada. Blue Mountains of Oregon
and Washington. %
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Glen Alpine, Tahoe, 7,000 feet, W. W.
Price, July 12, 1898 ; Suzy Lake trail, borders of a marsh, 7,700 feet,
Smiley 186; high mountain near Donner Pass, Torrey 192, 196; Mt.
Dyer, Plumas County, Mrs. R. N. Austin, July 1879; Gold Lake,
Sierra County, 6,400 feet, Hall and Babcock 4500 ; Grass Lake, Tahoe,
Miss Lathrop, July 19, 1909; ravine near Mt. Dana, 10,000 feet,
Brewer 1802; Dog Lake, near Tuolumne meadows, Yosemite, 9,240
feet, Smiley 836; Glacier Point, Miss Camp, July, 1902; Mineral
King, Tulare County, 8,000 feet, Culbertson (B4313) ; Hockett trail,
Tulare County, Dudley 1046; Soda Creek, Tulare County, 9-10,000
feet, Purpus 5234.
1921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California 351
C. K. Schneider (Handb. d. Laubh.. vol. 2, p. 74. 1911) gives as
the place of first publication of this species "in Hesperian (San Fran-
cisco), V, p. 522. 1861. ' ' I have not been able to verify this reference.
1. Valeriana occidentalis Heller, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 28,
p. 24. 1901.
V. calif ornica Heller, Muhl., vol. 1, p. 60. 1904.
Type locality. — "Near the western end of the Craig Mountain
Plateau, above Lake Waha, Nez Perces County, Idaho, altitude 3,500
Range. — Idaho to California.
Zone. — Canadian.
Specimens examined. — Ridge south of Donner Pass, 8,500 feet,
Heller 7156; Luther's Pass, Tahoe, 7,800 feet, Abrams 4765; Pyramid
Peak, 7,000 feet, W. S. Atkinson in 1900; Carson Spur, Alpine
County, 8,500 feet, Hansen 725 ; Lake of the Woods, Tahoe, 8,200 feet,
Smiley 47a; Mt. Goddard, 11,000 feet, Hall and Chandler 678;
between Lake Tenaya and Tuolumiie meadows, Yosemite, 9,500 feet,
R. A. Ware 2680c ; region of Dinkey Creek, Fresno County, 7,500 feet,
Hall and Chandler 413; Mineral King, near Bullion Flat, 10,589
feet, Dudley 2575 ; Farewell Gap, Tulare County, 10,400 feet, Purpus
5274; Hockett's meadows, Tulare County, 8,500 feet, Culbertson
Differs from V. acutiloba Rydb. (Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 28,
p. 24. 1901) of the Rocky Mountains in the cyme with the lower
peduncles remote at anthesis and some of the basal leaves lobed or
pinnately parted. The "V. sylvatica Banks" of the Syn. Fl., vol. 1,
pt. 2, p. 43, and of the Bot. Calif., vol. 1, p. 287 (as V. sylvatica Rich-
ardson) includes a number of forms growing in the western mountains
that may be divided into two groups with characters centering about
the two species here contrasted.
Of the several species of Campanula present in the boreal floras
of the Rocky Mountains and Cascades, none reach the Sierra, though
C. scabrella Engelm. (Bot. Gaz., vol. 6, p. 237. 1881) was described
from "bleak rocky ridges of Scott Mountain, west of Mount Shasta"
and ranges north to Washington.
352 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
Corollas all tubular and regular, or only the marginal ones ligulate.
Anthers not caudate at base; style branches either truncate or tipped with
an appendage.
Heads discoid; flowers purplish, never yellow 1. Eupatoreae
Heads radiate (exceptional forms rayless) ; flowers commonly yellow.
Style branches of perfect flowers flat, or tipped with a distinct appen-
dage; leaves mostly alternate 2. Astereae
Style branches not flattened, but truncate or appendaged; leaves often
Involucre not scarious, little imbricated.
Pappus never capillary.
Eeceptacle chaffy 3. Heliantheae
Eeceptacle not chaffy 4. Helenieae
Pappus capillary 5. Senecioneae
Involucre scarious^ well imbricated; pappus, if present, never capillary
but reduced to a low ring 6. Anthemicleae
Anthers caudate at base; style branches neither truncate nor appendaged;
heads discoid; leaves alternate.
Anthers short caudate at base, unappendaged at tip; involucral bracts
scarious or white, never bristly (in ours) 7. Inuleae
Anthers long caudate and bearing elongated appendages at the tip; thistle-
like 8. Cynareae
Corollas all ligulate and flowers all perfect; plants with milky juice; leaves
alternate 9. Cichoreae
1. Eupatorium
Pappus of two sorts, the inner of fine and long capillary hairs; the outer of
very short, setulose hairs and inconspicuous; our species rayless
2. Chrysopsis
Pappus of similar, though often unequal, hairs.
Kays, if present, always yellow.
Heads small and clustered.
Involucral bracts more or less in vertical rows; our species rayless
(except C. Bloomeri has 2-4 rays) 3. Chrysothamnus
Involucral bracts not in vertical rows; heads always rayed ....4. Solidago
Heads larger, distinct or loosely aggregated.
Involucral bracts few, subequal, and erect; pappus whitish or ferru-
gineous 5. Haplopappus
Involucral bracts numerous, of different lengths, and with divergent
tips; pappus deep reddish brown 56. Hazardia
Rays, if present, never yellow, but white, blue, or reddish.
Involucral bracts broad, numerous, imbricated in several series; rays broad
and comparatively few 7. Aster
Involucral bracts very narrow, fewer, arranged in two rows; rays very
narrow and numerous 8. Erigeron
Bracts of the involucre in several series, and none of them enclosing or wrapped
about the outer achenes; ours large coarse perennial herbs.
Bay flowers fertile (our only species whitened with floccose wool) 9. Wyethia
Ray flower sterile (our only species nearly glabrous and green)
10. Helianthella
Bracts of the involucre in a single series, and each enclosing one of the outer
achenes; ours small, delicate annuals.
Ray achenes laterally compressed, each entirely enclosed by the adjacent
involucral bract, which is strongly keeled outwardly 11. Madia
I921] Smiley: Flora of the Sierra Nevada, of California 353
Bay achenes obcompressed or somewhat quadrangular; they and their adjacent
enclosing bracts rounded on the external face.
Bracts of the receptacle united to form a cup about the few (often single)
disk achenes; dwarf plants (not over 6 inches high) with mainly
opposite leaves 12. Hemizonella
Bracts of the receptacle distinct; plants 6-15 inches high with mainly
alternate leaves 13. Hemizonia
Heads radiate.
Plants nearly glabrous or early glabrate; paleae of pappus (5-10) acutely
awned; plants of wet places 14. Helenium
Plants lanate (at least at first); paleae obtuse or erose; plants of dry or
rocky places.
Bays less than 15; involucral bracts in 1 series, firm, erect, and usually
concave forming a cup about the aehenes 15. Eriophyllum
Bays 20-numerous (in H. vestita sometimes fewer or even wanting) ; invo-
lucral bracts in 2-3 series, soft, spreading, not enclosing the achenes
16. Hulsea
Heads rayless.
Leaves entire, linear; slender annual 17. Orochaenactis
Leaves lobed or pinnatifid; perennials 18. Chaenactis
Pappus of 15-25 short, soft, plumose bristles; our species rarely with a few
rays 19. Raillardella
Pappus of numerous slender bristles which are never truly plumose.
Bristles of the pappus rigidulous, barbellate, inserted in a single row upon
the slender angled achene; leaves opposite; our species all radiate
20. Arnica
Bristles of the pappus very numerous, white, and soft; achene terete; leaves
alternate; our species both rayless and radiate 21. Senecio
Bay flowers present, heads radiate; receptacle chaffy 22. Achillea
Bay flowers none, heads discoid; receptacle naked.
Heads corymbose; anthers broad and obtuse at the tip 23. Tanacetum
Heads racemose or panicled; anthers slender and acute at the tip
24. Artemisia
Pappus hairs not clavate nor united into a ring at base; plant 1-2.5 feet high
25. Anaphalis
Pappus of the staminate flowers clavate or barbellate; of the pistillate flowers
capillary, united at base and falling together; plants usually less than
1 foot high 26. Antennaria
27. Cirsium
Pappus none or short coroniform, paleaceous 28. Phalacroseris
Pappus always present; not paleaceous.
Pappus of white and soft plumose bristles with paleaceous bases 29. Microseris
Pappus of simple capillary hairs or bristles.
Heads solitary on long scapose peduncles; achenes distinctly beaked
30. Agoseris
Heads several to numerous on branching stems.
Leaves, or some of them, deeply lobed or pinnatifid; pappus copius, white
and soft; achenes narrowed upward 31. Crepis
Leaves entire or merely toothed; pappus of sordid bristles, scanty;
achenes broad at the summit 32. Hieracium
354 University of California Publications in Botany [VOL. 9
1. Eupatorium occidentale Hook., Fl. Bor Am., vol. 1, p. 305.
Kyrstenia occidentalis Greene, Leaflets, vol. 1, p. 9. 1903.
Type locality. — "On the low hills between the north and south
branch of Lewis and Clark's River in stony places." Douglas.
Range. — Washington and Idaho to California.
Zone. — Transition and lower Canadian, rarely higher.
Specimens examined. — Mineral King, Tulare County, 8,500 feet,
Hall and Babcock 5695 ; Mt. Olancha, Tulare County, 9,500 feet, Roth-
rock 360 ; Mt. Hoffman, Yosemite, 8,500 feet, H. M. Evans, July, 1901 ;
Ebbett's Pass, 7-8,000 feet, Brewer 2035; Suzy Lake, Tahoe, Mc-
Gregor 126 ; Glen Alpine, W. W. Price, August 18, 1898 ; above Don-
ner Lake toward Donner Pass, Heller 7124.
The form of this species growing in the higher mountains has the
stems conspicuously reddened and leaves